10470328? ago

As this been ruled out as a suicide yet?

8Ball ago

Their money buys the ways they can kill them. Journalists are bought through their valuation of their lives, and if not, then they have the conviction to die for the truth.

nolocus2 ago

And yet the Hillary "pity party" book tour is about to hit daytime TV. Pathetic.

Cantilever ago

This is fake news. The last article he wrote was criticizing republicans for not repealing Obamacare. He was more likely killed by them or the health insurance industry than HRC.

I spent a good half hour and could find not a single bit of proof that he was investigating HRC

Link to his last article, published the day before his death. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-obamacare-republicans-1500419426

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

She's only 'nuts' from our perspective. When you can kill your enemies for decades while collecting hundreds of millions of dollars, that kind of resembles winning. I mean, she still has to be Hillary Clinton... But she's certainly making the best of a bad deal.

XSS1337 ago

  • 1. Take out life insurance.
  • 2. Threaten Hillary Clinton ( choose from any crimes she has committed )
  • 3. ????
  • 4. Profit

Sharipie ago

These murders are the early events of a second American Revolution. At some point we are all going to stand up and say "we've taken enough of this! Were coming after you now! Your reign of terror is DONE!"

Camera_Eye ago

Yea well only half the country is productive the other half is the free shit army , out of work disabled ect; of the productive were fractionalized and mostly live month to month except for top percenters; wake me up when DC and the criminals on hill are run out...a bottom up revolution is the only solution

JimboBillyBobJustice ago

Another "suicide" that shot themselves in the back of the head 2x

odb281 ago

And like that, the death count rises. That's two more this month. It's going to be a busy Fall for the Clinton handlers

Dismal_Swamp ago

Who can make planes explode without getting caught. One of their victims was found with a gunshot wound to the head after the plane crashed. Explain that one!?!?!?! The coroners even look the other way and say suicide almost every time.

newoldwave ago

World's most dangerous job: investigating Hillary

Spectral ago

Can journalists whom investigate this cunt at least take some basic precautions, its obvious she murders anyone who gets in her way. At the very least have a deadman switch.

10445649? ago

Hillary Body Count Song.

Must Listen!

It is under one minute.

She said she had to stop because it made her sad.


Mr_Wolf ago


animaniacs that's awesome, song seems rather short though

10447523? ago

Yes it is short. About 56 seconds.

She said she had to stop with the song because it made her too sad. Thank you for your comment.

I wanted to share this video very much.

thatguyiam ago

This is too fucking ridiculous these cunts are are making a mockery of the usa. The whole world is watching now you cant sweep it under the rug anymore cunts

jervybingly ago

How many would vote for Killary at this point?

Probably about the same number, since they were idiots then, and most likely are idiots now.

Gravspeed ago

I'm starting to think she may actually be able to kill everyone who has dirt on her...

Spectral ago

I wonder who her hitman is though. I've seen legitimate hitmen advertising on the darkweb and most of them dont do political murders, so its got to be someone who is close to the Clintons doing it imo. Maybe its possible to find out who it is?

Dismal_Swamp ago

The Clinton's had ties to organized crime back when they were in Little Rock. That's when these killings started. Pregnant women and people that knew too much about Bill's sex life. People stick to routine. I doubt they are using CIA hit men or shit like that. Probably just Mafia goons that they've always done business with. Walking up behind someone in the dark and shooting them, with a silencer so no one hears it, you don't need a college degree or training by Mossad for that. Supposedly Bill and his brother were helping bring drugs into Arkansas back in the day?

10445275? ago

Have You Ever Seen This?

                        🔅 These Are Well Worth A Glance Or Two By You I Believe! 🔆
                                 Please Take Some Of Your Time To View 

Infographic (On Topic)


You HAVE TO Watch This Video! It is as short as it can be..a 'must see' for many people.


This video is very good..longer but worth it.


Video-Under One Minute.

Hillary Body Count Song:


Copy to:

@commoner @srayzie @icuntstopswearing @TheTrigger @bagano1

carlip ago

In July, 2017. A bit dated.

thatguyiam ago

Disregard fellas it's dated 3 months old

ButChoo ago

This took me a decade to realize. I had seen intelligence reports, I had seen claims, 2nd hand accounts mostly. I had seen traffic that supported the claims. But it was so unbelievable - and the Bushes were so much more obviously disgusting and corrupt that they were under the spotlight. So the Clintons just... somehow got away with it. Rothschild money goes a long way in terms of assassination buying power. That is about the level they are operating on - they can't create anything, they can only steal and destroy. They can't make any moves without lies and deception and death. That is what they have chosen to surround themselves with - and that is what is coming to them.

So for years - it was just too ghastly and unreasonable to be true. But now, after literally dozens of dead bodies, only a moron wouldn't see the Clintons for what they are. Monsters. Subhuman. Beasts. Animals. Simpletons. Liars.

jervybingly ago

The first rule of journalism today is: Try not to die.

jervybingly ago

Good morning Sunshine. The Rothschilds don't have to be elected, and I am beginning to believe that she has a pathological need for death to anyone who farts in her general direction. But word has it that even your worst fart would not cover her stank. Welcome to Stankonia.

sunshine702 ago

One look at Abbott labs website and it definately looks like (((Abbott Labs))).

8Ball ago

Is this why the media colluded? Because she killed all the ethical investigative journalists already?

jervybingly ago

If you were a journalist assigned to this story, what would you do? That's a personal question, but I'm guessing around 80% or more would collude.

8Ball ago

Because Jew media made it a life-or-death decision.

ButChoo ago

Most of them were fired first. The truly oblivious ones were murdered after not taking hints.

The clever ones have been documenting everything and making the Deep State's world smaller and smaller and smaller by preventing them from going to ground.

theoldones ago

a journalist winding up dead kind of proves the story to the world

TheTrigger ago

It's so weird... Hillary being corrupt-as-fuck, and having people killed as if it were nothing, has been a meme since way before the election. It's as if Kek has rode the train, head-first, in to a massive road-block. What kind of sinister, horrifyingly-evil, depraved, insane, and downright scary magic must she employ, that: not even the Egyptian gods can make swift work of her? What a nasty woman, she must be.

sunshine702 ago

Seth Rich and Monica Peterson.

Solstiare ago

There were photos on the web of the one that whacked Monica.

BentAxel ago

Need more facts. Was that story translated from Russian? Its kinda herky jerky and repetitive of nothing.

ButChoo ago

Let me approach this another way - stop being a fucking lazy misleading waste and earn your fucking keep. You've been here long enough to know that begging for 'more facts' when there is DuckDuckGo makes you a fucking Cuck.


BentAxel ago

HIllary? Is that you? Paid Per Post I see.

ButChoo ago

Seems like you're commenting on the wrong article, because your comment is a complete mis characterization of the subject post.

BentAxel ago

Two posts, same user. Been here three days. How much exactly, are you getting paid per post?

ButChoo ago

U just deflecting bc you got called out for being a shitty user with a dishonest M.O.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

How much exactly, are you getting paid per post?

Are you insane or young? Really, if anyone here is getting paid to post their opinions, I wouldn't mind going for that if the money is good. But you're the one who appears to be shilling. How much are you getting paid to post?

BentAxel ago

Aww, look it's the original username. I see you were logged on your alt, but had to come back and comment on a buried comment and thread that has left the first pages. You might want to rethink that one, but thank you. I will make sure both usernames are on the Shill list. Thanks for outing yourself.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

lol, okay insane person. I'll bet people who enjoy trolling get a kick out of you.

Onlio ago

Serial murderer. You would think that may e the WSJ would do done investigating for this crime

Spectral ago

Would you risk death to investigate it ? If so, then you should do it.

eatmorealmonds ago

So much evil being allowed. Trump has to know all of this. Perhaps waiting until round 2 to finally end the game.

I'm not naive, just hopeful.

Camera_Eye ago

I'm sure he does. Maybe when during the debates when he said hildabeast "should be in jail" he meant it with solid Intel.

Mr_Wolf ago

have to arm wrestle for a decent position before going in for the kill. all we can really do is sit back pop our corn watch, speculate and criticize.

Broc_Lia ago

I'm glad he beat Clinton, but I think you'd have to be seriously naive not to at least suspect Trump is involved in this kind of stuff.

ChanceofRain ago

The Presidency is still a compromised position. I hope he's doing what he can. but being a politician you have make your moves when you can.

Dismal_Swamp ago

According to Trump she's suffered enough. "Lock her up!" before he won and right after that "Oh, she's suffered enough.". I hope he's just acting like he's playing ball while the justice dept. builds a case on the Clintons. I'm sure that's wishful thinking and not the reality of the situation. The Presidency is absolutely compromised. If any President said no to pointless wars and mass surveillance they would have got the magic bullet by the second month in office.

con77 ago

its simple when satan kills your opponents isnt it killary?

FuckYouReddit- ago

Well Satan DOES have a lot invested in Hillary. Can't cash in if she's in prison.