formatist ago

Fucking unbelievable - it's not just the deaths - what's so scary is how did they know? There are people all over the place ratting people out? To who? And NY Police? They in on it? Crazy. Just crazy.

TippyHome ago

I figure the law of averages will catch up to them eventually. Somebody will get the right leak out, somehow, someway. If everyone in Arkansas knows what they are capable of, somebody in this whole, wide country will expose it. But, on Nov. 8, people rejected her because they know something just isn't right about the Clintons. (except for the paid Soros puppets-they just want the $ to keep coming however they can.)

Narcissism ago

Investigating the Clintons - Risky ?? It's positively suicidal...

icuntstopswearing ago

On his investigation:

Tribute on Fox News:

Votescam ago

Thanks for the link to the starting place ... :)

icuntstopswearing ago

Sorry Votescam. Posted in a hurry on my phone. Hence the typos etc. Brought this up a couple of weeks ago if you didn't catch it...