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keepthefaith ago

Someone REALLY needs to check out/expose the American Air Forces bases in Europe, in particular, the infamous Lakenheath and Mildenhall, in Cambridgeshire, UK

I know someone who used to work there and it is a hotbed of extremely frighteningly manic and improper behavior. The Airforce men and women are given $$$$$ in AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS to piss away on drink, drugs, porn and hookers, underage sex, sex parties with each other (banned but happen every day, all the time) and general erratic and compromising behavior. The worst offenders are the immature female so called 'psychotherapists' (usually idiots from 'for profits' graduate schools who are paid upwards of $200k a year, again, from American Tax Dollars) to supposedly listen to air force grievances/are privvy to highly confidential secrets, but just piss away money and expenses on themselves and happily sleep with all their clients. Someone needs to rat em out to their employer, BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON and GET EM FIRED.

Again, yes I know someone on the inside and the stories I've heard would make your blood boil (again, YOU, the tax payer, are paying for it all.)

Votescam ago

Elites need to control the press and labor in order to hold power -

but there's a secondary effort to corrupt youth with sexual perversions and drugs - violence.

Violence plays a very important role, as well. Everything is degraded by violence. Our TV's are filled with it -- See: "Every Day" with Helen Hunt and Live Schrieber who plays a writer constantly under pressure to produce ever more ugly, degrading, violent, perverted sexual scenes -- the more grotesque, the better.