kazza64 ago

sweet jesus why didnt i make this connection before

millennial_vulcan ago

don't worry. Now we know. Spread the news far and wide.

millennial_vulcan ago

shocking isn't it. But not so shocking when you think about it :(

HennyPenny ago

The two girls (Holly and Jessica) bodies were found near "RAF" Lakenheath yet the American AF personnel located there were not investigated. The day before the police arrested two people (prior to finding any bodies) and in "closed court" (remember Tommy Robinson?) decided to send the two away to a mental hospital and a woman's prison for holding till trial. http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2012/10/who-killed-holly-and-jessica.html

There is a lot that goes on on military bases that doesn't receive full public attention. It's government land. That's why there's so many Superfunds located on military bases. The government doesn't have to obey it's own laws.

For example, in 1982 the naval commander in charge of the Coos Bay, OR station was one of many outed by a Chicago informer who had been taken in on a national pedophile ring prosecution conducted by the FBI. The commander confessed. "the FBI and NIS confided that the perpetrator had likely been “turned” by the Soviet KGB during a previous and unauthorized trip to the Soviet Union after knowledge of his pederasty became known to Soviet agents during a clandestine hotel check of his room and luggage."During the FBI/NIS sting operation, Frawley admitted that his network of pedophiles included senior naval officers, clerics, lawyers, politicians, and judges. Later, the two NIS agents revealed that the Coos Bay scandal “went to the very top” of the Reagan administration. A number of forced retirements of senior naval personnel, including one rear admiral, were announced after Frawley’s arrest. There was also a significant foreign intelligence aspect to the case that involved the Soviet Union."The naval employee used by the FBI to assist in the arrest was years later, Wayne Madsen of WMReports. http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/20321

Where is the accused now? Allegedly in North Carolina running a tutoring program, previously had run a day school. Is he on the sex offender list? No. Apparently after 10 years you can petition to get off it, or get pardoned or show that you're no longer a threat to the public.This for someone who was arrested for "accused of promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child and using a child in an obscene sexual performance. Both are felony charges." "All records bearing the NIS criminal investigation case number, 08–18–82N12PD 718XNA, were purged from Navy computer systems on the orders of the CNO and secretary of the Navy." FYI, this guy's father before him was a Marine general.

If the government isn't going to protect the public by allowing loopholes that mask where the pedophile is years later, what can the public do?

millennial_vulcan ago

Incredible. thanks FF2! Hiding in plain sight, clues were there all along. All connected to Moors and satanic pedo activity. Yorkshire Ripper worked as a grave digger in the 1960s. Wonder if he helped bury Moors Murders victims? @carmencita https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Sutcliffe

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

These connections are mind-boggling. I'd read about Myra and Ian - sick stuff - but had no idea the time and place could be tied to Saville. Bravo. Still need to read your links.

millennial_vulcan ago

read some of the excellent comments here, EVB. Also linked to Yorkshire Ripper. We are now trying to find links to David Matthews, father in law of Pippa Middleton whose pedo scandal was hastily covered up just prior to Harry's wedding. Mysterious oddities have hit the Matthews family: son died abruptly in Mount Everest in 1999, body never recovered (how convenient @carmencita ), David himself almost died in motor racing accident, they now randomly find themselves directed connected to A List royalty. Somehow David worked his way up from nothing to $$$ with no clear evidence on how he did it. Think he may be the Brit J Epstein.

millennial_vulcan ago

Guys we discussed David Matthews (dad of James/Spencer; owner of shady Eden Roc on an obvious pedo island), on Voat 3 months ago https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2475394

David is originally from Rotherham, YORKSHIRE and was busted for major pedoism just prior to Harry and Sparkles wedding but story died a quick death, probably in part due to bulldog attorneys (Did Prince Andy lend David - his nephews wife's sister's husband's dad - his counsel?)

PLEASE help if you can find ties between David and Jimmy Saville/Moors Murderers, BBC Pedo elites. David's third son died mysterious on Mount Everest aged 22, in 1999.

If you read elsewhere in this submission,* David Matthews* we believe, may be heir apparent to Jimmy Saville and had an agenda/lifestyle trajectory similar to JEFFREY EPSTEIN

If anyone can directly tie him to Saville and/or Moors Murderers, then bingo. We have opened the floodgates.

@carmencita @UnicornAndSparkles @TrishaUK @DerivaUK @think-

new4now ago

the red pill I took is a gut punch that will last till I die

my heart breaks for these children and those that truly cared for them

If you think this has stopped because Saville is dead, try again

who replaced him? This is still going on , and not just in England

This makes me so ill, anyone who does this to a child deserves death, the cycle must be broken

Thank You for this post, It has to stop now

millennial_vulcan ago

we have a working theory it was Spencer and James (Princess Pippa's hubby) dad, DAVID MATTHEWS

if you read other comments on here: we are on the case! @carmencita

carmencita ago

There is no way Matthews and Savile never met. Birds of a Feather, Peas in a Pod, whatever. Matthews was born in Rochdale in Yorkshire. The cops covered for both of them I am sure. @new4now Those children defiled by those buggers Deserve Justice.

Immelda ago

Keith Bennetts mother and his family and friends searched as far and wide as they could over them moors. Nothing was ever mentioned that they had found anything there.

pixiesbitch ago

God do I feel sorry for his mother. She died not knowing where her son was buried on the moors, not being able to give him a funeral. Heartbreaking.

Immelda ago

It is unthinkable what Ian Brady did. It makes my soul hurt knowing she searched for Keith every second she could.

Devious1 ago

How many more bodies were not recovered They get Get their cremations at last.

millennial_vulcan ago

so sad and so true. Thank you for commenting, Devious1

Devious1 ago

Your welcome, allways browsing - but attention on other things at the moment and have been for a while. Like Qanon etc.

It gets hard to voice your opinions on here sometimes. The funny thing is...... In the uk news saddleworth was mentioned, but nothing else. It's (you) that raised my attention to this and oh yes, I've been spreading the word.

Keep up the fight..... Peace and respect to you.

Vindicator ago

@millennial_vulcan, I am not seeing the information about the Moors Murderers in either of the links you included. Could you please add support links for those bullets? Thanks. Reply to this comment to remove the flair when you've done so.

millennial_vulcan ago

@Podge512 provided it in the comments. Ill add to the submission. This has been discussed on Voat in past, so thought folk would remember.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for doing that, MV. Appreciate it. Flair removed. Don't forget that we regularly get new folks in here who don't know how to access our hoard of evidence, so crosslinking threads is a real plus. Also, the shills will claim I am modding unfairly if I nail them for not linking support and then don't do the same to everyone.

millennial_vulcan ago

thanks Vindi! my fault for not including. Was in haste to get it posted, lol! Awesome more folk are coming over here and reading/helping with our work :) :)

carmencita ago

If this service wasn’t available, half the evidence that led to mass convictions would never have come to light. The girls didn’t trust police or social services to help them and I quickly found out why they felt this way, as no one wanted to listen to them.

They did not want to listen because they were joining in or protecting the perverted rapists. I hope this opens the way to more discussions within families and waking up to the fact that children are not little adults. They need guidance and love from their parents. I doubt anyone could finish this story with dry eyes. It is a Heart Tugger.

The covering up continues. Pipa's father-in-law Dave Matthews was arrested for raping the same girl twice. I said girl, yes a minor. At his St. Bart's Resort once and once in France. When reading this story before, it mentioned she was his niece. After reading 5 different articles, I no longer can find that information. Another cover up? Matthews age 74, awas born in Rotherham in Yorkshire County, the stomping grounds of Savile. He was the son of a Yorkshire miner.

Factfinder2 ago

Pippa Middleton’s father-in-law David Matthews ‘raped minor on Caribbean island’: https://archive.fo/ZcTH9

carmencita ago

I found this article Finally! Have been searching to find that the minor he raped was his niece! Hopefully he will see it.


According to Europe 1 radio, which first reported the charges, Matthews, now 74, was accused by a niece shortly before she legally became an adult.

This was hard to find, though I found it when reported. Thanks for the archive.

millennial_vulcan ago

SO TRUE. I don't believe he made his billions from a shitty hotel. Whats the bet he's another Epstein, with his Eden Roc Island? Let tug a bit more on the head of this snake and see what comes unraveling quick...I noticed not a peep about Matthews in recent weeks. Now he's connected to Royals so wonder if same viper attorneys are protecting both him and Prince Andy.....?? @Podge512 @pixiesbitch @think- @Blacksmith21 @lopus

carmencita ago

Totally agree and yes how did he make all that money to buy Eden Roc? He was the son of a miner and started out racing cars and BOOM all of a sudden he is hobnobbing with the Royals. Nope, he was and is caught up in some really nasty business.

millennial_vulcan ago

damn (lol, I know you hate cursing Carm) this is unbelievable what's unfolding. HELLO! talk about mirroring Epstein. Eps goes from a humble ass teacher making zip to owning a $$$$$ townhouse on the Upper West Side in Manhattan and hobnobbing with LW + co.... I'm researching the Matthews. They ALSO had a son die age 21 in suspicious circumstances....did you know that? Another son is on a upper class reality show, but is totally dumb yet manages a hedge fund? The brother married to Princess Pippa ALSO is loaded and manages several $$$$ portfolios. Something is sh*tty + stinky and going to get to bottom of it!

@Podge512 @pixiesbitch @think- if you or other Brits know anything about this son that died mysteriously, please post!

carmencita ago

Yes, I know about the son that died. I have always felt he was sacrificed. Wonder what he will have to give up to get off? Perhaps what he provides for them is his payment. Yes this REEKS.

Blacksmith21 ago

Inbred kid fuckers. I'm not going to pretend to know anything about UK politics other than the basics.

Royals breed close. Pedo royals breed even closer. Birds of a feather stick together.

That's my deep thought for the day.

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh, and blackmail is considered the worlds second oldest profession. I'm sure Epstein wasn't the first one to think of such a scheme.

millennial_vulcan ago

damn, now THATS great insight, BS21. There is some shady stuff being hastily covered up as I type...@carmencita and I are on the case. After all, James Matthews is ALSO from Yorkshire....

You couldn't even make it up. British people, WTF is in the water in Yorkshire? @Podge512 @pixiesbitch

Podge512 ago

Here's one of Lolfieldandlove's videos about the (alleged) Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe and a possible Savile connection. While there was evidence linking Sutcliffe to some of the murders, he could not have committed all of them since he was pulled in for questioning no fewer than 11 times by police and each time they had to let him go because his blood type and teeth pattern did not match those of the Ripper. That means either Sutcliffe had an accomplice or he was a copycat and the real Ripper was never caught.


And concerning blackmail, it seems that control of politicians through blackmail is so ubiquitous that it has become something of a joke. Take a look at this clip from the early 80s BBC satirical comedy series Yes Minister. Two senior civil servants are discussing over lunch who they think should become the next Prime Minister of the UK. Pay attention specifically to 1.40 - 1.55:


millennial_vulcan ago

Hiding in plain sight. Jokes crackd, champagnes glasses clinked, wink wink, nudge. I'm buggering a few kiddies tonight; only qualifications needed on MI5 file for candidacy of prime minister. Sheeple laugh away because, well, typical British humor. Did you know Peter Sutcliff worked as a grave digger in early 60s? Think he helped Moors Murderers/Saville bury a few bodies? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Sutcliffe

Podge512 ago

I remember watching a video by an Irish guy called Thomas Sheridan talking about Savile probably being the real Yorkshire Ripper. He recalled watching Louis Theroux's documentary where he hung out with Savile for a while. Sheridan said that when he saw the part where Savile showed how he kept his mother's clothes and had them regularly cleaned, he remarked to a friend who was watching the show with him, half jokingly, "He's a sex killer." Knowing what we know now about Savile, I think it's fair to say Sheridan was probably spot on! I also recall reading that the warder who was present during Savile's first visit to Sutcliffe in Broadmoor said that from the way the spoke to each other, it was apparent that they already knew each other.

millennial_vulcan ago

wow. Podge how can I watch this louis t documentary??

Podge512 ago

millennial_vulcan ago

you are awesome. always wanted to watch this but only found short clips on yt.

Podge512 ago

No problemo! I couldn't find it on Youtube either and it has no doubt been scrubbed from the BBC's OD service! Here's an interesting video showing how well known Savile's disgusting proclivities were in the ranks of the BBC:


Blacksmith21 ago

Pudding and waste from Leeds.

millennial_vulcan ago

sounds intriguing. What does this mean please!

truthdemon ago

The moors r rising ..88F...infinity times infinity ..the pheonix rises ... ... But like a thief in the night ...


The Christ re-turns ..all of US return to the source...instead of being a resource to debt and death.. Till death do us part Till.debt do US part.

Rise of the moors ..the dark knights...hide the thief


Get ready..

lopus ago

Interesting, that there now seems to be a connection between Savile and the Moors Muderers. I read a few years ago, that Savile was "fond" of them. And that they maybe knew each other. And there was even the suspicion, that he might have tried to look like Myra with his blonde haircut. But mostly these stories just were rumours. I don't know if we can trust the Dailystar, but I think these connections have to be examined! Now even with satanic background!


Furthermore, there is an interesting connection of Myra Hindley to Lord Longford, who is also known as "Lord Porn" because of his "Longford porn commitee", which also needs to be examined (allegedly Jimmy Savile and Cliff Richard were part of it - but that's just a rumour- no proof till now). Longford also wrote a book "Pornography - the Longford Report"...



millennial_vulcan ago

Daily Star I think like National Enquirer. You CAN trust the National Enquirer that has accurately broken many true political scandals.

carmencita ago

When will the repercussions of Jimmy Saville stop? Never? It seems there is no end to his and his cohorts crimes. They keep unearthing more heinous stories. These you expect to be made up and written for gory mystery stories, but no, they are real. Now as usual, they have burned all to the ground. But their ghosts will reek havoc. I believe in Victim Revenge. Whether they are Dead or Alive.

millennial_vulcan ago

Carm, insane. All the famous patsies from over the years. Fred and Rosemary West too. I wonder if there is a Saville connection to Wests. Will research.

carmencita ago

carmencita ago

What a find that would be. Maybe I can help.

millennial_vulcan ago

seriously. Now I can't stop thinking about Pippas pops in law, JAMES MATTHEWS ....I know he's the Brit J Epstein. SO suspicious quick was that little scandal covered up. To prevent all the sordid truth from coming tumbling out, no doubt. What lucky timing for Matthews that Harry n Sparkles wedding proved the perfect sheeple distraction, SMDH

carmencita ago

I think there is a huge can of worms just waiting to be opened. Written on the can is MATTHEWS. It was his niece is what it originally said. Now it is no where to be found. Was she sold off to him by her parents and she hated it and reported it or did he just decide for himself. He looks a lot like Epstein too. I tried to connect him to Savile since they are both from Yorkshire. No luck yet. He must have been terribly abused if he turned pedo. Just like the rest.

Podge512 ago

I was unaware of the connection between Savile and Hindley/Brady til I read this. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.


millennial_vulcan ago

Guys, forget what was spun in the past. Read read read what you can and remember the key pizzagate phrase is always "knowing what we NOW know"...

None of us knew the truth about these scandals in the past. How could we? We just believed everything spoonfed to us.

Aren't you now looking at every past scandal with renewed eyes? It becomes so obvious when you investigate: the photoshopped pics, the clear lies, cover ups...the 'suspiciously quick finding of patsies + closing of cases'....

All missing kids from over the years are either victims of monster (regular or elite) pedo satanists or were snatched to order for their organs. I think you'll all eventually arrive at that conclusion too @carmencita @pixiesbitch @lopus @new4now

carmencita ago

As usual you make so much sense. We are looking at everything with New Vision. It seemed so clear before or it was befuddled but we never learned the truth really until now things are opening up. We also can connect other crimes to new findings. Yes, What a revelation.

pixiesbitch ago

Wow, well this puts a whole new spin on the moors murders. This whole time I just thought they were deranged, sick monsters and had no clue witchcraft was involved. I’m betting most of the British public don’t know that either.

Blacksmith21 ago

Horrible shit happens all the time everywhere. People only care if it's in their backyard. The UK has to wake itself up UK style.

millennial_vulcan ago

PB, please try to redpill folk, even if pilloried :(

So frustrating that we good woke folk here can see with clarity, yet the sheeple masses are zombies, still. As years go by, younger kids will have no clue who these notorious criminals were and soon, all these past heinous scandals will fade into nothing with no culpability or convictions. That's what the likes of the Moors arsonists are hoping, at least.

I gotta see at least ONE huge name pedo elite sh*tstain get the nutz kicked out of him in prison before I die :( :( Obviously preferably more than one, but expectations are low :( :(

@carmencita @blacksmith21 @new4now

carmencita ago

I can't pick. There are so many. SS. I am going to get greedy. Bill C. Can you all name one?

millennial_vulcan ago

So hard to pick just one Carm. Either Skippy or JE first. Followed by all the HWood pedos, first on list, which ever one killed Heather, cry sob :( :(

carmencita ago

Oh, yes Skippy is a good one. The boy in the world corp shower is reason enough besides others.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's coming MV. Today was a turning point. SCOTUS upheld travel ban (yesterday); the Justice who let Obamacare through is retiring with another one very close behind; and public unions just had their balls chopped off. All in all a good day.

Go check the latest Q. That should give you hope. America is waking up. It's all about to come to light. OG/PG was in the IG report. Q confirmed the "club".

Patience and prayers. About to be a lot of carnage happening.

millennial_vulcan ago

you speak the truth BS21. A great day. Checking latest Q now. I do believe we are heading towards an awakening at lightning speed. I have to believe it.

Blacksmith21 ago

I have a feeling in a few months from now we are going to be overrun with people looking for answers.

millennial_vulcan ago

the daily mail comments section is always a great indicator. Just reading the comments on this Moors fire, 3/4s of folk asking if it was started deliberately to hide Keith Bennets grave! @carmencita WOW. Progress.

carmencita ago

They are finally feeling nervy enough to come out with what they know. I think some have been holding it in, waiting for a really HOT article. This is it. It will set the pace I hope.

millennial_vulcan ago

wonder if in early 60s in that part of UK whether medical experiments or such-like were going full throttle. Maybe testing new vaccines, experiments on kids or similar. Maybe that's why Saddleworth ablaze because didn't want Keith Bennet's grave found and subsequent autopsy performed.

You know how my mind thinks, Carm.

carmencita ago

https://tentenths.com/forum/showthread.php?t=92037 LOOK at the picture of the crash. Shocking and Amazing. It's a miracle Matthews survived they all said.

Blacksmith21 ago

One last thought and I've shot my wad...all of "this" (SCOTUS, unions, winning, etc.) HAS to happen before the gory stuff comes out. The masses will realize as the darker and darker details emerge, that their worst fears are true. Pizzagate is real.

millennial_vulcan ago

yes agreed. Was said before on Voat that sheeple need to be drip fed slowly otherwise shock of pedo Satanists and such-like would cause mass hysteria and panic. Of course WE won't go into hysterics, having dealt with this now for years. :( :(

madhatter67 ago

Certainly made me wonder seeing this news....

Saddleworth moor is a dark place...strange vibes if you go there

millennial_vulcan ago

Please research more and share/spread. You will see how obvious it all is. Looking at picture of Moor, it looks terrifying. So many ghosts must roam there. A thing of true nightmares.

madhatter67 ago

I'll see what I can dig up....the Moors murders have stayed in the news and public imagination in the UK up to this day....

I think part of the reason is it was always clear there were still secrets to be discovered

millennial_vulcan ago

thank you thank you MH67. I think those Moors hold many dark secrets. I saw pics of them online and my blood froze :(

pixiesbitch ago

Myra hindley and Ian Brady are connected to jimmy saville? I’ve literally never heard this. Where did you get that from?

millennial_vulcan ago

Much written about over the years. How could you NOT think they were connected? They all knew each other from England North in the early 60s. Saville also friends with Yorkshire Ripper. Saville connected to probably every infamous Brit pedo in last 50years.

Been discussed on Voat in past, if you google South Yorkshire police cover ups +Voat.

Now you have a chance to spread and share online. You really think its no coincidence the Moors went up in flames?

pixiesbitch ago

but yes you're absolutely correct. so many are involved.


millennial_vulcan ago

pb, you see it now, right? How have folk gone 50+ years without putting dots together. Well of course no Voat and uh, no internet did not help!

pixiesbitch ago

I’m kind of shocked to be honest. I knew my country was bad but I didn’t know it could possibly be this bad, that all the serial child rapists and killers are protected by the royal family, by Scotland Yard, the media. I am disgusted and I don’t want to live in this world anymore!!!

But THANK YOU for bringing this all to light. I saw on the news about the moors and figured there would be something on pizzagate. I just don’t know anymore. I will try to do some research this weekend.

millennial_vulcan ago

PB the cover ups are as bad as the crimes. Everyone is culpable. It is happening everywhere. Look at the politicians here. Epstein's crowd, so forth.

Just cant wait to see some major take downs in next few years :)

pixiesbitch ago

No....I didn’t say there was nothing to it. I just did not know that Savile was connected to the moors murderers. I’m not surprised though with the connections Savile had.

madhatter67 ago

I'd not heard a savile connection to them either....though the Moors murders always seemed to have more to them than we were ever told

Savile of course was friendly with Peter Sutcliffe after his conviction for the Yorkshire ripper murders...and it's been suggested he might have had a connection to the murders himself

Kind of funny that morrissey ...who wrote a song about the Moors murders is now being pilloried as far right for asking questions about muslim child rape gzngs

millennial_vulcan ago

I don't know much about Morissey but my friends love him. He is outspoken singer from Yorkshire?

madhatter67 ago

He's an interesting character....from Manchester to be exact....he always was popular with leftists (because of his hard core animal rights stance) but throughout his career he has also taken criticism for certain statements that were considered racist or bigoted...but with hindsight maybe were just honest and patriotic

pixiesbitch ago

You’ve never heard The Smiths? Morrissey is a Mancunian, grew up in Manchester and yes he’s very outspoken.

millennial_vulcan ago

lol yes have heard of Smiths but I don't know much about him or them. He seems kinda depressed. Not surprising I guess given his Manchester Yorkshire pedo knowledge :(

pixiesbitch ago

Yeah there was that Lord Longford who got involved with Hindley during the later years of her prison sentence and tried to help her, just imagine, so I’m guessing Lord Longford is a pedo just like the rest of them.

Yes the Yorkshire ripper.... didn’t Jimmy saville used to visit him at Broadmoor? Probably the worst mental hospital to date. Plus there was that red riding series about the West Yorkshire police covering up a pedo ring for decades....there is probably more than meets the eye for sure.

Pablolove ago

Wit? It's a moor, massive area and is in flames. Think ur barking up the wrong tree here mate

millennial_vulcan ago

then what the fuck are you doing on this website, you stupid fucking illiterate HICK.

thelma ago


derram ago

https://archive.fo/ZLXTm :

Saddleworth Moor is still ablaze after three days of wildfires | Daily Mail Online

https://archive.fo/7ClSm :

I exposed the Rochdale scandal – Three Girls should be a catalyst for progress | Sara Rowbotham | Opinion | The Guardian

This has been an automated message.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

abovetopsecret - https://archive.li/rBM9M

aangirfan - https://archive.li/TLEsv