Pissedoffwhitewoman ago

Kate Middletons dearest friend Emma Sayle ... Killing Kittens ... sex club. Yep! Remembered this from long ago from Aangirfan website.

think- ago

about the hotel he owns/owned:

Today, Eden Rock is one of the most exclusive hotels in the world, where everyone from Beyonce to Elton John, Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio has stayed.


(((Elton John))) - (((Leonardo DiCaprio))). Great. Not.

think- ago

Here is some more info:

The 'attack' is alleged to have happened on the exclusive French island of St Barts — where he owns a £5,000-a-night hotel.

The authorities now have six months to decide if he will be brought to trial.

Mr Matthews was released on bail, with a number of conditions which were not disclosed by French authorities. A Paris judicial official said: “I confirm that David M was placed in police custody on March 27 at the Brigade for the Protection of Minors.

“The Paris public prosecutor’s office opened a judicial investigation, overlooked by an examining magistrate, who charged him with the rape of a minor.

“He was placed under judicial supervision. The investigation alleges that the crimes were committed in 1998 and 1999.

“The investigations will now continue as a judicial investigation and will be led by an investigating judge.” The swoop came as Mr Matthews arrived in Paris on his way to the South of France.


carmencita ago

Six months to decide if he will be brought to trial. Or six months to come up with a story that will get him off? Possible actually. This is really regular fare for the Royals. Ho Hum.

millennial_vulcan ago

oh he'll be silenced Carm. Christ knows what secrets that Eden Rock place are hiding. If those walls could talk.....

Blacksmith21 ago

People this is huge. What would be our equivalent? Kushner's dad being accused? He is a (white collar) criminal, I think. This may redpill the shit out of royal watchers.

think- ago

This may redpill the shit out of royal watchers.

Or they will defend him, saying that these are mere allegations.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Some will, yes, or not. This will be a good gauge of who's blue pilled.

think- ago

....and the father-in-law of Pippa's sister, Prince Charles, was best buddies with one of the countries most nefarious perverts, Jimmy Savile. Nice family, really.

exposethecriminals ago

The complaint was filed by his niece:

David Matthews was the subject of a complaint filed in 2017 by a niece, for reported facts dating back to the late 1990s.

The father-in-law of Pippa Middleton was detained in Paris this week before being indicted by an examining magistrate for "rape on a minor by authoritative person", according to information collected by Europe 1.

By Police-Justice Service



think- ago

Hmm....Daily Mail says a witness went to the police in 2017.....that's what I immediately thought - that there must be at least one witness who can confirm what happened.

Matthews described the hotel, whose priciest suites cost £25,000 and which was visited in the 50s and 60s by guests including the Rothschild and Rockefeller families, as not just a hotel 'but a way of life'.

I guess he will not show up at Harry's wedding. /s


carmencita ago

Thinking about all of this, I am wondering if anything sordid or just as horrid and sleazy will happen with Meagan's father. He is suppose to walk her down the aisle. Those Royals!

think- ago

Yes, her father who 'won' a large amount of cash 'in the lottery' and lives in Mexico.... cough cough

carmencita ago

I can't wait. They must be feverishly planning some real cockamamy story. Popcorn is recommended.

think- ago

Popcorn is recommended.

LOL. I will make sure to stash enough...

carmencita ago

I cannot wait for their made up madcap fairy tale on this one. Stocking up on my kernels.

millennial_vulcan ago

haven't I written about this before ? ;-)

will post on how the middletons REALLY made their money....

good reading in the meantime-get the kernels ready...:



carmencita ago


think- ago

Thanks, @millennial_vulcan! Looking forward to your post, grin.

carmencita ago

Matthews, from Rotherham, England, owns a 10,000-acre hunting lodge in the Scottish Highlands and a luxury resort on the Caribbean island of St Barths. The resort, Eden Rock, was devastated by hurricane Irma in September and left in ruins. HUNTING LODGE. If the child he is charged with raping is a boy, his son could also be a pedophile. What a way to continue the generational pedophilia within the Royal Family.

Blacksmith21 ago

Eden Rock is only about 140 NM from Little Saint James Island. Straight shot, open water. 3 hours in a go fast, 6 by yacht, and hour by plane/jet. Times D2D adjusted.

millennial_vulcan ago


This is fking HUGE, directly related to Pizzagate, and needs a separate post. Anybody?! @carmencita @think- @migratorypatterns Guys, pass on to anyone who has time to put these links together. Can this Matthews guy be tied to anything else in UK? Saville, grooming gangs. Carm, you say 'Rotherham'? Isn't that where all the pedo grooming gangs are? Like it was front page Daily Mail for weeks. "Rotherham Grooming Gangs"....I'm sure I read this. I googled Rotherham and this is what came up.


IS Rotherham where Jimmy Saville is from? PLEASE UK Voaters help. (Carm, can you copy the UK Voaters on this?)

PLEASE someone. This is unbelievable. They have thrown this Matthews dude under a bus to cover for higher uppers, and are arresting him/silencing him before bigger shit comes out!!

@letsdothis1 @ASolo

carmencita ago

https://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2014/08/rotherham-child-abuse-bigger-picture.html I would recommend reading all the way up to #3 but if you scroll down to #3 you will see that Savile's area was Yorkshire and Rotherham is IN Yorkshire. This proves that Savile is tied to Rotherham and there is so much info here on Rotherham and his involvement too. So yes, I cannot imagine that Matthews and Savile did not meet up. IMPOSSIBLE. " Reportedly, Sir Jimmy Savile, whose main base was Yorkshire, worked for the intelligence services." " There has been massive child abuse in the town of Rotherham, in South Yorkshire."

millennial_vulcan ago

oh my GOD! So this Rotherham place is just like, GROUND ZERO for pedos! What the F!!!!!!!

TOO MUCH of a coincidence. Jimmy Savile, the Pippa-father-in-law Matthews guy, whole grooming gangs. The local cops being involved? AND ALL THIS HAS BEEN OUT THERE FOR YEARS?

Guys, that Eden Rock Island needs to be investigated NOW before a "Tsunami" (lol) coincidentally destroys it! @think-

Apologies for all the pings, guys but this is major major stuff.

carmencita ago

I agree. This is Major Major Stuff. No way these two's paths did not cross. And notice the pic with Cliff Richard. Did Richard and Matthews meet? Where they members of that house that was raided that Elton John belonged to?

think- ago

Well....the Hurricane recently almost destroyed it, lol.

What was the Jimmy Savile connectoin to Rotherham again?

carmencita ago

Listen Up People! Get on this please if you can. I am hosting Easter today and will do what I can. @UnicornAndSparkles @TrishaUK @DerivaUK

millennial_vulcan ago

ME too, which is why can only post a little now, but have to run soon. Will return later though. PLLLEEASSSEEEE help with this guys. This is beyond YUGE!

Narcissism ago

And also near Richard Branson's island...

Blacksmith21 ago

forgot about that one...

carmencita ago

Hopefully there will be an investigation and we can get more detailed info. Yes, I am sure they all hang out together. Just a hop skip and a jump away.

Blacksmith21 ago

I was thinking more smuggling routes rather than socializing.

think- ago

I was thinking more smuggling routes rather than socializing.

I think this goes together in these circles.

millennial_vulcan ago

This story is insane. How did this Pippa's father in law dude - Matthews? - go from being a low class used car dealer to suddenly owning an island and super expensive hotel resort, hanging out with Roths childs and all? Huh? Once again, 'glossed over' details, thinking the sheeple will just eat up any old story and not put two and two together or bother to do any research....

LOL. Matthews story is about as believable as the Middleton Family (Pippa and Kate's parents; Prince William's in laws) making their multi millions from a 'childrens online party store'...Uh Huh. In 1999, no less, when there were like literally NO online stores or concept of shopping online....

The elite think we are all idiots. Post + share the sh*t out of this, everyone. And then we'll let the Daily Mail take over LOL. Hey Daily Mail. You might also want to read through every single comment on this website: http://royalgossip.forumprofi.de/index.php/topic,200.660.html

Enjoy! @carmencita @Blacksmith21 @triciauk @Narcissism

carmencita ago

I just know this is going to be a really good read. Thanks mv.

think- ago

And then we'll let the Daily Mail take over LOL.


Also interesting: How James, Pippa's hubbie, made his money......

Hedgefonds manager.....offshore money.....?!

millennial_vulcan ago

Wasn't that guy in some upper class reality show? Super rich trust fund kid who was dating a bunch of rich blonds? The balls on these people to flaunt their crap right under everyones noses and clueless sheeple reality fans eat it up.

https://www.ok.co.uk/celebrity-feature/1341007/spencer-matthews-family-life-dad-mum-brother-sister-fiancee LOL. Why did they not just film their own family instead of a group of rich spoiled assholes! Nothing interesting about those douches.

Urgggghhhhhhhhh @carmencita

think- ago

That is Spencer, Pippa's brother-in-law. Nice guy: into drugs, alcohol, and claimed to have slept with 1,000 women at age 27.

carmencita ago

Look what I found in that other link you sent from Royal Gossip http://royalgossip.forumprofi.de/index.php/topic,200.msg2885.html#msg2885 Notice the pic of PanCate! Remember Pancakes and Chelsea hawking her Pancakes? This is a new pedo symbol and they are featuring her in it. Big Message here folks. Under their noses? These people cannot even Smell the Coffee when they Wake Up! DUH.

millennial_vulcan ago

Carm, I'm telling you, I spent a while going through every page on those boards, last year (yeh, I was bored one day - LOL!). The shit that was posted - unbelievable! TALK ABOUT WOKE!

The Middleton stuff is really a smack in the face. Behind that gloss and exterior, they are a bunch of criminals! The famous Uncle Gary was running a drugs and sex ring (a YUGE one!) and that's where all their millions came from! Laundered through this laughable "Party Pieces" online store that Carol Middleton (Kate and Pippas mom) was running. There is NO WAY they made huge money from a shitty 'Party City' online store - who the F are they kidding.

Gary Goldsmith (Carol's brother....Uncle to Pippa + Queen Kate lol) is the one financing everything. They are no worse that Megan Sparkle and her trailer trash dad who "won the lottery" (LMAO!!!)

William and Harry sure picked WINNERS!

UK-ers, PLEASE comment.

think- ago

Wasn't Meghan, Harry's bride, running a porn website at some point?

millennial_vulcan ago

OMG link??

I know she was an escort/yacht girl but she was doing play for pay too?

LMAO! Cant wait for her johns to start selling their story! @carmencita

carmencita ago

I don't know if she ran one, but there has been a lot of talk and articles about Pornhub getting a lot of action looking for pics of her. They must know something. This one is sleazy but then most of the links are https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/porn-searches-meghan-markle-go-11606318 Looks like Prince Harry likes Sleaze.

carmencita ago

Great researching and I bet the UKers will really be able to expand on this. Am waiting. Hardy Har! This is Hilarious.

carmencita ago

Socializing with the little folks and smuggling them as well, yes. And drugs as well. Epstein has Dyncorp planes at his fingertips.

Blacksmith21 ago

@Carmencita - Anything more on Epstein + Dyncorp aviation?

carmencita ago

Didn't Epstein's plane have a Dyncorp logo? The Lolita Express?

Blacksmith21 ago

Good question. No idea. I wonder if they did the flight maintenance on the plane?

carmencita ago

Not only with aircraft but if they were moving people or drugs shipping containers would be needed. Did you know that Mitch McTurtle's father in law died and she inherited the shipping company? The co. was charged with shipping drugs I believe or something like that. Large co. Chinese like his wife. I believe they are still doing it and may even be dealing in human trafficking now as well. There are so many nefarious operations these pols are caught up in, I believe. If all this comes out, I don't know who would be left to run this country. The CIA Dyncorp and Epstein are all tied up in a neat little package, imo.

exposethecriminals ago

Hunting lodge? That gave me chills.

carmencita ago

Yes and I didn't comment on it but his island resort was destroyed just recently. Hmm. Eradication of Evidence? Possibly.

TrishaUK ago

I thought that immediately. Who else recently was selling off their hunting island? Was it a Rothschild? I read it somewhere.

think- ago

It was an estate in Austria, sold by a Rothschild.


carmencita ago

Yes, Black Forest, I believe.

think- ago

Is there a Black Forest in Austria as well? I tried to find 'Black Forest' in Austria via DDG, but wasn't successful. I think Q was wrong here. There doesn't seem to be an area called Black Forest in Austria.

carmencita ago

Nope. I was born in Austria. Black Forest is in Germany.

millennial_vulcan ago

WHAT! WOW! I would love to go there one day. Sound of Music!!

carmencita ago

TrishaUK ago

This is the one I was thinking about. :) - send in the Cadaver dogs!.....I keep saying this, as this would be the easiest and less expensive way of finding the truth about dead HUMAN bodies. - Really want this to happen at the Anderson Coopers mom Vanderbilts pool!

carmencita ago

Was it a really big place in Germany? In the Black Forest? I seem to remember something too.

think- ago

No, Q confused this - the Rothschild had an estate in the Black Forest in Germany, but the one he was talking about - the one that got sold, with the large hunting grounds - was in Austria.

Sometimes the students who work for Q make mistakes.... :-P


carmencita ago

Yep. They have a lot of money, but to move the Black Forest into Austria would be a huge undertaking! :))))))

think- ago


carmencita ago

I make my popcorn from scratch in a pan with lots of butter. Lots of butter! Pop Pop Pop!

think- ago

:-) :-) :-)

millennial_vulcan ago

POP POP is right guys! That's the sound of hearts exploding as folk are killed off and sheeple getting WOKE! @carmencita

carmencita ago

POP POP BANG BANG! The killing and the waking all at once.

TrishaUK ago

Yes it was the Black Forest :) Thx

carmencita ago

OMG. Somehow I knew it would come to this. No. He will not walk her down the aisle.

millennial_vulcan ago

I'm literally dying to know about that 'lottery win' and the fact he's hiding in Mexico and that Harry still hasn't met him.

I'm amazed that folk seem to just be accepting all this as normal! Unbelievable!

carmencita ago

Ha! Many are not even reading beyond the Fluff Stuff! The others are in La La Land.