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argosciv ago


[36. wiki: Leo Ryan]

Politics, Election Fraud & Assassinations

Leo Ryan(D, CA)


Events in Jonestown before Ryan visit


Stoen custody dispute

Main article: Timothy Stoen

In September 1977, former Temple members Tim and Grace Stoen battled in a Georgetown court to produce an order for the Temple to show cause why a final order should not be issued returning their five-year-old son, John.[77] A few days later, a second order was issued for John to be taken into protective custody by authorities.[78] The fear of being held in contempt of the orders caused Jones to set up a false sniper attack upon himself and begin his first series of White Nights, called the "Six Day Siege". During the Siege, Jones spoke to Temple members about attacks from outsiders and had them surround Jonestown with guns and machetes.[79] The rallies took an almost surreal tone as black activists Angela Davis and Huey Newton communicated via radio-telephone to the Jonestown crowd, urging them to hold strong against the "conspiracy."[80] Jones made radio broadcasts stating "we will die unless we are granted freedom from harassment and asylum."[81] Deputy Minister Reid finally assured Marceline Jones that the Guyana Defence Force would not invade Jonestown.[82]


Concerned Relatives

Main article: Timothy Stoen

Meanwhile, in late 1977 and early 1978, Tim and Grace Stoen participated in meetings with other relatives of Jonestown residents at the home of Jeannie Mills, another Temple defector. Together, they called themselves the "Concerned Relatives."[88] Tim Stoen engaged in letter writing campaigns to the U.S. Secretary of State and the Guyanese government, and traveled to Washington, D.C. to attempt to begin an investigation.[89] In January 1978, Stoen wrote a white paper to Congress detailing his grievances and requesting that congressmen write to Prime Minister Burnham; 91 congressmen wrote such letters, including Congressman Leo Ryan.[90][91]


Initial investigation

Leo Ryan, who represented California's 11th congressional district, announced that he would visit Jonestown.[102] Ryan was friends with the father of Bob Houston, a Temple member in California whose mutilated body was found near train tracks on October 5, 1976, three days after a taped telephone conversation with Houston's ex-wife in which leaving the Temple was discussed.[103] Over the following months, Ryan's interest was further aroused by the allegations put forth by Stoen, Layton, and the Concerned Relatives.[103]

On November 14, Ryan flew to Jonestown along with a delegation of eighteen people.[104] The group included Ryan; Jackie Speier, then Ryan's legal adviser; Neville Annibourne, representing Guyana's Ministry of Information; Richard Dwyer, Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. embassy to Guyana; San Francisco Examiner reporter Tim Reiterman; Examiner photographer Greg Robinson; NBC reporter Don Harris; NBC camera operator Bob Brown; NBC audio technician Steve Sung; NBC producer Bob Flick; Washington Post reporter Charles Krause; San Francisco Chronicle reporter Ron Javers; and Concerned Relatives representatives, including Tim and Grace Stoen, Steve and Anthony Katsaris, Beverly Oliver, Jim Cobb, Sherwin Harris, and Carolyn Houston Boyd.[105]

[37. wiki: Timothy Stoen]

[38. wiki: Jeannie Mills]

[39. wiki: Don Harris]


Events in Jonestown before Ryan visit


Visits to Jonestown

~Only Ryan and three others were initially accepted into Jonestown, while the rest of Ryan's group was allowed in after sunset.[110] That night, they attended a musical reception in the pavilion.[111] While the party was received warmly, Jones said he felt like a dying man and ranted about government conspiracies and martyrdom as he decried attacks by the press and his enemies.[62] It was later reported – and verified by audio tapes recovered by investigators – that Jones had run rehearsals on how to convince Ryan's delegation that everyone was happy and in good spirits.[112]

Two Temple members, Vernon Gosney and Monica Bagby, made the first move for defection that night. In the pavilion, Gosney mistook Harris for Ryan and passed him a note, reading, "Dear Congressman, Vernon Gosney and Monica Bagby. Please help us get out of Jonestown."[113]~

~In the early morning of November 18, eleven Temple members sensed danger enough to walk out of Jonestown and all the way to the town of Matthew's Ridge, in the opposite direction from the Port Kaituma airstrip.[115][116] Those defectors included members of the family of Jonestown's head of security, Joe Wilson.[115][117][118][119] When journalists and members of the Concerned Relatives arrived in Jonestown later that day, Marceline Jones gave them a tour of the settlement.[120]

That afternoon, the Parks and the Bogue families, along with in-laws Christopher O'Neal and Harold Cordell, stepped forward and asked to be escorted out of Jonestown by the Ryan delegation.[115][121][122] When Jones' adopted son Johnny attempted to talk Jerry Parks out of leaving, Parks told him, "No way, it's nothing but a communist prison camp."[123] Jones gave the two families, along with Gosney and Bagby, permission to leave.[124] When Harris handed Gosney's note to Jones during an interview in the pavilion, Jones stated that the defectors were lying and wanted to destroy Jonestown.[125]

After a sudden violent rainstorm started, emotional scenes developed between family members.[126] Al Simon, a Native American Temple member, attempted to take two of his children to Ryan to process the requisite paperwork for transfer back to the U.S.[126] Al's wife, Bonnie, summoned on the loudspeakers by Temple staff, loudly denounced her husband.[126] Al pleaded with Bonnie to return to the U.S., but Bonnie rejected his suggestions.[126]

Noteworthy: Don Harris compromised defectors by showing Jim Jones the note he was handed(intended for Leo Ryan), I am unsure if Don had any malicious intent in doing so.


Events in Jonestown before Ryan visit


Port Kaituma airstrip shootings

While most of the Ryan delegation began to depart on a large dump truck to the Port Kaituma airstrip, Ryan and Dwyer stayed behind in Jonestown to process any additional defectors. Shortly before the dump truck left, Temple loyalist Larry Layton, the brother of Deborah Layton, demanded to join the group. Several defectors voiced their suspicions about Larry Layton's motives.[128]~

~The entourage had originally scheduled a 19-passenger Twin Otter from Guyana Airways to fly them back to Georgetown. Because of the defectors departing Jonestown, the group grew in number and now an additional aircraft was required. Accordingly, the U.S. embassy arranged for a second plane, a six-passenger Cessna.[131][133] When the entourage reached the airstrip between 4:30 p.m. and 4:45 p.m., the planes had not appeared as scheduled. The group had to wait until the aircraft landed at approximately 5:10 p.m.[131] Then the boarding process began.

Layton was a passenger on the Cessna, the first aircraft to set up for takeoff.[134] After the Cessna had taxied to the far end of the airstrip, he produced a handgun and started shooting at the passengers. He wounded Bagby and Gosney, and tried to kill Dale Parks, who disarmed him.[135]

Meanwhile, some passengers had boarded the larger Twin Otter. A tractor with a trailer attached, driven by members of the Temple's Red Brigade security squad, arrived at the airstrip and approached the Otter.[136] When the tractor neared within approximately 30 feet (9 m) of the aircraft, at a time roughly concurrent with the shootings on the Cessna, the Red Brigade opened fire with shotguns, handguns and rifles while at least two shooters circled the plane on foot.[131] There were perhaps nine shooters whose identities are not all certainly known, but most sources agree that Joe Wilson, Thomas Kice Sr., and Ronnie Dennis were among them.[137]

The first few seconds of the shooting were captured on ENG videotape by NBC cameraman Bob Brown. Brown was killed along with Robinson, Harris, and Temple defector Patricia Parks in the few minutes of shooting. Ryan was killed after being shot more than twenty times. Speier, Sung, Dwyer, Reiterman, and Anthony Katsaris were among the nine injured in and around the Otter. After the shootings, the Cessna's pilot, along with the pilot and co-pilot of the Otter, fled in the Cessna to Georgetown. The damaged Otter and the injured Ryan delegation members were left behind on the airstrip.[138]

We don't need to go into the details of the mass-suicide for this, suffice to say that it is possible that Jim Jones was executed, though also equally possible that he committed suicide. The reason I think execution is plausible, is because ultimately, he had failed to keep the lid on a much darker secret...

What we should explore, is the possibility of a pre-existing motive behind the assissnation of Leo Ryan, aside from Jim Jones wanting to 'protect' Jonestown...

There's not enough room left in this comment;

Continued ahead in comment 10...