argosciv ago

@AviciiKnewTooMuch @darkknight111 @cantsleepawink @think- @Blacksmith21

Root of Corruption Chapter 2 begins...

Part 16 included, regards to Libya/Gaddafi/Clinton/NXIVM.

argosciv ago

@LightlyToasted @dundundunnnnn @EricKaliberhall @Gothamgirl @migratorypatterns

Root Of Corruption Chapter 2 begins...

Part 16 included, regards to Libya/Gaddafi/Clinton/NXIVM.

LightlyToasted ago

Wow, thank you for tagging!

Gothamgirl ago

Great post.

argosciv ago

@kevdude @Crensch @Vindicator @srayzie @The_Savant

Root Of Corruption Chapter 2 begins...

Part 16 included, regards to Libya/Gaddafi/Clinton/NXIVM.