new4now ago

there has to be a connection to Sara's husband and the rebels that attacked Bengazi

who replaced Gaddafi after he was murdered?

and what was going on between the death of Gaddafi, Oct 2011 and Sept 11, 2012 ?

it has been said Gaddafi wanted a different money system

I believe what happened in Iraq and Libya, is the same thing they trying to do in Syria, A takeover

I also believe Putin said hell no

so many countries the US went into to change the guard so to speak, people that could be paid off while NGO's went in a raped their countries

talk about interfearing with elections

and The Hildebeast has been there with the takeover of so many countries


if I come across more, I'll send it your way

poor Basit, he thought he would be King and they pulled the rug from under him

He did what they wanted and they dismissed him

Dude should watch his back

argosciv ago

I should really have gone into at least 1 extra comment, to bring up Benghazi...

I believe what happened in Iraq and Libya, is the same thing they trying to do in Syria, A takeover


~~Libya ~~ Syria~~

new4now ago

you still can, I'm only one who has commented, will up vote it so it will continue from post

argosciv ago

Already /micdropped lol.

Better to do an addendum entry anyway, as this is gonna pull in a lot of other RoC references... I thought I wouldn't have much for the Benghazi subject... I appear to have surprised myself lol - of course, with major thanks to yourself and others contributing to the subject(s) in question.

Already working on said addendum anyway, main post done, 1st of unknown amount of comments underway too.

RoC: Index / ToC / Overview: Chapter 2:

Upcoming entries:

Expected Title Current Status
Root of Corruption - Addendum RE: Part 16; Libya | Clinton | Obama | Soros | NXIVM | Benghazi | Syria Construction in progress

argosciv ago

I'll put a pin in that one for now lol, another 'case' has come back to my desk, proverbially speaking lol.

Fucking NXIVM, I swear...

new4now ago

its like the gift that keeps giving

some people are getting sick of it, lol

sooner or later, the smoking cannon of NXIVM will be out

new4now ago

sounds good, haven't looked up Bengazi in a bit, so much info coming out

might be just what I need to clear my head, Pizzagate gets real heavy, not that Bengazi wasn't, but a break is needed a long with humor to get through

argosciv ago

Well, there won't be much relief from the heaviness of pizzagate, all being connected and such.

As I've been saying since it was first broken and mentioned here, this NXIVM shit is huge and alongside Scientology and now Libya, it just never ends...

As much flak as I cop for pointing this out, Satanism(et al) was never the problem; it's Scientology and the persons/entities/organizations/cults/businesses associated with and spawned by them.