- Dec 15th 2016 - Sheriff Joe Arpaio renews birther claims about Obama's birth certificate (Archived)
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Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says a new video analysis shows that parts of Obama's birth certificate were copied from another certificate. After arguing his point for five years, Arpaio says he will turn this new evidence over to the fed. USA TODAY
PHOENIX — It was a presentation hyped by a tauntingly brief media notification more than 24 hours earlier: On Thursday afternoon, it said, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio would present the newest revelations on an investigation into President Obama’s birth certificate.
At 4 p.m. sharp, Arpaio and a member of his Sheriff's Office's Cold Case Posse had a big message for the 40-odd journalists in attendance: You were wrong.
Arpaio and his aides announced that a five-year investigation had "proved" that Obama’s birth certificate from Hawaii in 1961 was a fake. An accompanying presentation highlighted what they called “9 points of forgery” on the document, which focused on the angles of date stamps, typed letters and words.
According to the theory, the birth certificate presented to the public was created after copying and pasting information from the legitimate birth certificate of a woman born in Hawaii.
This was December last year... almost to the date, even.
I've watched the above and their work is amazing, seriously, check it out.
A pardon by President Donald Trump last month has breathed new life into former AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his racist crusade to “prove” the hoax and conspiracy theory that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.
Arpaio, 85, promised during a Republican fundraiser in Fresno, CA, on Friday night that he would continue “investigating” birtherism claims. It was an event that many Republican politicians in California steered clear of, probably not because they’re ashamed of their own party, but rather out of concern over their own political futures.
Is it possible that Donald Trump actually pardoned Joe Arpaio, on account of his work(and the work of others) investigating the legitimacy of Barack Obama's birth certificate?
Omerta101 ago
Barry's whole Presidency is illegitimate. Definitely believe, 9 fonts on birth certificate? All the Scandals? Traitor, Sedition, Logan Act. Against American values. Had that creepy, vile groping pedo evil Biden as VP. Hillary as Sec of State. How much more. Sickening. Capital Punishment deserved.
pizza-party-pooper-2 ago
Gotta love how they chuck in that word racist. Man, the shills are working hard on this article. I know a lot of black people that think Obama is a fraud. And if we can wake people up to that fact sooner rather than later, we can just nullify his crappy executive orders that solidified a lot of this mess that was made in the administrations before him. It's a significant thing to try to red pill people about.
argosciv ago
Fuck yeah! Couldn't agree more.
Vindicator ago
Why is this "Trump Pardond Pedos" Shareblue talking point coming up again right now? Ya gotta wonder. ShareBlueAnon said this was Neera's latest meme to flog.
argosciv ago
Gotta wonder indeed...
I came across the press conference video about a month ago, didn't particularly take note of the date though. Then noticed someone tried to bring up the old talking point which tripped me up last year, went back to the press conference video and looked up an accompanying article, noticed that it's just over a year later... curiosities abound...
dragonkiller ago
Another not PG dumb thread by argosciv
DeathToMasonsASAP ago
Notice this is not PG and the pedo mods leave it?
Vindicator ago
Really? Arpaio being accused of pedo enabling while taking down the Kenyan pedo pawn president isn't directly related to child sex abuse by the global elite?
argosciv ago
LOL! Suddenly reminded of Powerthirst... xD
argosciv ago
It's a little pg related, what with Obama being an often dicussed person and the accusations that Joe supports pedophiles and etc. Just figure it's worth putting this out there, given that some may have missed it - I know I sure did lol.
DeathToMasonsASAP ago
Joe was an authoritarian and abused his power. The sheeple got caught up in th ephony left vs right paradigm and some chose to support him because he is "tough" and fighting the "left". Sheeple will be sheeple.
GeorgeHodelDidit ago
Your a jew......spend your last shekels now. Because death is
Hortance ago
No, the problem is that OBAMA is an authoritarian. He wanted to jail Arpaio in the worst way, but he was squeeky-clean...SO, he had an authoritarian whore of a judge declare from the bench, "Joe, no race-based stops of any kind....", then, out of 10s of thousands of stops by county police of all kinds, she seized on ONE and said, "Joe, you violated my order, 1 year of jail for you for contempt of court."
Contempt of Court: The only way to stick a jail sentence on someone WITHOUT A JURY TRIAL. It was the only way they could think of to punish Joe Arpaio for simply enforcing the law.
If authoritarianism is a problem for you, the systemic abuse of Arpaio is what you should be bitching about. Trump's message was VERY SMART: "If you enforce the law, I got your back."
Vindicator ago
Great comment
Hortance ago
Thanks. Pizzagate related or not, attacks on anti-Globalist actors have to be defended when they are in the right. The pedos CAN'T fight the Trumps/etal by defending Satanic pederasty. They do it with "muh Russia" and "you're a racist". So we have to fight those battles, too....We can assist the anti-pedos by helping them survive politically.
Lunger ago
Because he didn't do anything wrong....
pby1000 ago
He did target people based on skin color. They were harrassing American citiens because they looked Mexican.
I don't like Arpaio, but he sees throught the NWO agenda.
Lunger ago
pby1000 ago
Most illegals are from Central America, I believe. If we removed the CIA from Central America, then those people would be able to build the lives they want. Instead, the CIA steals their natural resources, so the people naturally want to come to America.
Asking for ID without probable cause is a complicated issue. There is a lot of case law about it...
I hope you agree that the U.S. Constitution is where our loyalty should lie. It is what protects all of us. This is why certain groups want to do away with the U.S. Constitution. They are slowly chipping away at it, but the tide is turning because Trump won. We would have really been screwed otherwise.
Lunger ago
The CIA isn't in the business of stealing and (selling???) natural resources. People come here illegally because its easy to do.
pby1000 ago
The purpose of the CIA it to acquire natural resources for the Cabal. It is what they do. Are you not familiar with the history of Central and South America?
The CIA is the biggest drug and human trafficker in the world.
argosciv ago
I see what you did there ;)
pby1000 ago
You might wake up to a Gypsy caravan parked on your front lawn.
argosciv ago
lol! wasn't thinking along those lines there, but, that made me laugh xD
Markb63 ago
His work on the fake nigger is great. Joe is awesome.
argosciv ago
Must say, I giggled at both your comments xD
Markb63 ago
Oh really. How gay.
Markb63 ago
To make the libs cry?
Adminstrater ago
Would you look at that... Obama has a forged birth certificate which justifies arguments that he is not an American citizen.
argosciv ago
I'm definitely interested to see how that one develops xD
anotherdream ago
Great post. I hope they nail that fucker to the wall along with all his sick accomplices.
argosciv ago
@LightlyToasted @alphabravo @SecondAmmendment @The_Savant @carmencita
Shpongle - How the Jellyfish Jumped Up the Mountain (Music Video)YouTube
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