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argosciv ago

Corey Feldman | Stand By Me(1986 film) | Rob Reiner | West Memphis 3 NSFW warning!

The West Memphis Three are three men who – while teenagers – were tried and convicted, in 1994, of the 1993 murders of three boys in West Memphis, Arkansas. Damien Echols was sentenced to death, Jessie Misskelley, Jr. was sentenced to life imprisonment plus two 20-year sentences, and Jason Baldwin was sentenced to life imprisonment. During the trial, the prosecution asserted that the children were killed as part of a Satanic ritual.[1][2][3]

A number of documentaries have explored the case. Celebrities and musicians have held fundraisers in the belief that the three young men convicted of the crime are innocent.[4]

In July 2007, new forensic evidence was presented in the case. A status report jointly issued by the state and the defense team stated: "Although most of the genetic material recovered from the scene was attributable to the victims of the offenses, some of it cannot be attributed to either the victims or the defendants." On October 29, 2007, the defense filed a Second Amended Writ of Habeas Corpus, outlining the new evidence.[5]

Following a 2010 decision by the Arkansas Supreme Court regarding newly produced DNA evidence and potential juror misconduct,[6] the West Memphis Three negotiated a plea bargain with prosecutors. On August 19, 2011, they entered Alford pleas, which allowed them to assert their innocence while acknowledging that prosecutors have enough evidence to convict them. Judge David Laser accepted the pleas and sentenced the three to time served. They were released with 10-year suspended sentences, having served 18 years and 78 days in prison.[7]

Please keep in mind:

  • The iconic train-bridge scene in Stand By Me
  • Q-tip "JUSTICE."
  • Nothing I have said or presented, was ever intended to reflect or mimmick Damien Echols; this is no coincidence, though... it is no game nor trick nor fantasy/delusion/grandiosity, it's as real as real gets and sometimes it's fucking terrifying and can cause damage if misunderstood/midsdiagnosed/mistreated - conversely, it can and often is used for good, though.

West Memphis 3: Suspects: Baldwin, Echols, and Misskelley:

At his death penalty sentencing hearing, Echols' psychologist reported that months before the murders, Echols had claimed that he obtains super powers by drinking human blood.[21] At the time of his arrest, Echols was working part-time with a roofing company and expecting a child with his girlfriend, Domini Teer.[10]

West Memphis 3: Defendants: Damien Wayne Echols: Appeal:

Echols' lawyers claimed that his condition worsened during the trial, when he developed a "psychotic euphoria that caused him to believe he would evolve into a superior entity" and eventually be transported to a different world. His psychosis dominated his perceptions of everything going on in court, Woods wrote.[85] Echols's mental state while in prison awaiting trial was also called into question by his appellate team.[citation needed]

The crime

Three eight-year-old boys—Steve Branch, Michael Moore, and Christopher Byers—were reported missing on May 5, 1993. The first report to the police was made by Byers' adoptive father, John Mark Byers, around 7:00 pm.[8] The boys were allegedly last seen together by three neighbors, who in affidavits told of seeing them playing together around 6:30 pm the evening they disappeared, and seeing Terry Hobbs, Steve Branch's stepfather, calling them to come home.[9] Initial police searches made that night were limited.[10] Friends and neighbors also conducted a search that night, which included a cursory visit to the location where the bodies were later found.[10]

A more thorough police search for the children began around 8:00 am on May 6, led by the Crittenden County Search and Rescue personnel. Searchers canvassed all of West Memphis but focused primarily on Robin Hood Hills, where the boys were reported last seen. Despite a shoulder-to-shoulder search of Robin Hood Hills by a human chain, searchers found no sign of the missing boys.[citation needed]

Around 1:45 pm, juvenile Parole Officer Steve Jones spotted a boy's black shoe floating in a muddy creek that led to a major drainage canal in Robin Hood Hills. A subsequent search of the ditch revealed the bodies of three boys. They had been stripped naked and were hogtied with their own shoelaces: their right ankles tied to their right wrists behind their backs, the same with their left arms and legs. Their clothing was found in the creek, some of it twisted around sticks that had been thrust into the muddy ditch bed.[11] The clothing was mostly turned inside-out; two pairs of the boys' underwear were never recovered. Christopher Byers had lacerations to various parts of his body, and mutilation of his scrotum and penis.[12]

The autopsies, by the forensic pathologist Frank J. Peretti, indicated that Byers died of "multiple injuries",[12] while Moore and Branch died of "multiple injuries with drowning".[13][14]

Police initially suspected the boys had been raped;[11] however, later expert testimony disputed this finding despite trace amounts of sperm DNA found on a pair of pants recovered from the scene. Prosecution experts claim Byers' wounds were the results of a knife attack and that he had been purposely castrated by the murderer; defense experts claim the injuries were more probably the result of post-mortem animal predation. Police believed the boys were assaulted and killed at the location where they were found; critics argued that the assault, at least, was unlikely to have occurred at the creek.

Byers was the only victim with drugs in his system; he was prescribed Ritalin (methylphenidate) in January 1993, as part of an attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder treatment.[10] The initial autopsy report describes the drug as Carbamazepine, and that dosage was found to be at sub-therapeutic level. John Mark Byers said that Christopher Byers may not have taken his prescription on May 5, 1993.[15]

Byers sounds familiar... why? John Wayne Gacy: Investigavtion: Civil Suit

*Piest = Robert Jerome Piest, Gacy's final victim.

By December 18, Gacy was beginning to show visible signs of strain as a result of the constant surveillance: he was unshaven, looked tired, appeared anxious and was drinking heavily. That afternoon, he drove to his lawyers' office to prepare a $750,000 civil suit against the Des Plaines police,[202] demanding that they cease their surveillance. The same day, the serial number of the Nisson Pharmacy photo receipt found in Gacy's kitchen was traced to a Kim Byers, a colleague of Piest at Nisson Pharmacy, who admitted when contacted in person the following day that she had worn the jacket and had placed the receipt in the parka pocket just before she gave the parka to Piest as he left the store to talk with a contractor.[203] This revelation contradicted Gacy's previous statements that he had had no contact with Robert Piest on the evening of December 11: the presence of the receipt indicated that Gacy must have been in contact with Robert Piest after the youth had left the Nisson Pharmacy on December 11.[204]

Rob Reiner | West Memphis 3

When were the West Memphis 3 tried and convicted? 1994

When were the victims killed/discovered? 1993

Why are these familiar? Dragon: A Bruce Lee Story(1993), The Jungle Book(1994) & The Crow(1994)

Who is a likely alternate suspect, overlooked in the investigation due to someone supposedly misplacing blood scrapings? "Mr Bojangles"

West Memphis 3: Suspects: "Mr. Bojangles"

The citing of a black male as a possible alternate suspect was implied during the beginning of the Misskelley trial. According to local West Memphis police officers, on the evening of May 5, 1993, at 8:42 pm, workers in the Bojangles' restaurant located about a mile from the crime scene in Robin Hood Hills reported seeing a black male who seemed "mentally disoriented" inside the restaurant's ladies' room.

Theory: Rob Reiner, Norman Lear, "Mr Bojangles", Hillary Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Disney execs, et al, are the true persons of interest in relation to the morbid slaying of Steve Branch, Michael Moore, and Christopher Byers. Motive = power consoldiation and blood debt explored in previous RoC entries.

To be continued...