Tallest_Skil ago

Nothing is happening. Nothing was ever going to happen. A cuckchan LARPer who doesn’t even know how to use a tripcode is not one of the ONLY TEN PEOPLE IN THE FUCKING WORLD with a specific level of security clearance and “full knowledge of this plan.” Someone that important is not posting on 4chan. Someone that important–if he actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit that looks like it came from more than two people and ask questions that he doesn’t answer. Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews, even if there are some patriots left up there. Out of 10 of the most powerful people in the entire fucking world, the redditors on 4chan expect one of them to not only be “#ourguy”, but to leak the proceedings of FUCKING NATIONWIDE MARTIAL LAW and–surprise surprise–the arrest of three quarters of the US government.

Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! DON’T QUESTION IT, just spend the entire MONTH ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening in the news, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!


If there is something, why is nothing happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots he talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign. Why is he a CIVIC NATIONALIST? Nothing he said has happened.

Fuck off, redditors. Hero worship somewhere else.

  • Claims Trump is insulated and will not be addressing the nation on what is supposedly the biggest mass-arrest in national history.
  • Claims there are more patriots than traitors in the government (LOL).
  • Claims something is in the works to make the Democrat Party lose the nigger vote entirely.
  • Claims martial law inbound.
  • Claims mass arrests of the government are inbound.
  • Claims the EBS will be invoked.
  • Claims no one will have to lift a finger and that the government will take care of itself.
  • Claims Obama went to North Korea and may be there right now.
  • Claims Trump would leave an important message on Twitter before leaving for Asia.
  • Claims Twitter, “My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us…”
  • Claims the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account.
  • Claimed that martial law and the arrests will be made during Trump’s Asia trip.
  • Claims false flag attacks at right-wing gatherings (cities, sporting events).
  • Claims elections no longer matter.

No proof of any of his claims has come to light.

Random101 ago

Claims false flag attacks at right-wing gatherings (cities, sporting events).

Las Vegas country music festival. Sutherland Springs church shootings.

Tallest_Skil ago

Las Vegas country music festival. Sutherland Springs church shootings.

Neither of which were Q, but keep trying. That’s not sarcasm, by the way; DO keep trying. You’re one of the first to actually fucking ENGAGE me on this shit instead of being leftist faggots and just dismissing it off-hand. Thanks!

Random101 ago

Neither of which were Q, but keep trying.

Q was talking about attacks on Trump's base. The US country music crowd fits that demographic: nationalistic and mostly conservative in their values. Also there is the Saudi Arabia connection to the Las Vegas shootings, in which commentators have been quick to posit that the shooting was simply a distraction so that the assassins could escape, based on minimal evidence. The FBI's intense interest in what was at first glance a local state matter should also raise red flags.

The church shooting also has evidence of state participation as the shooter should have been barred from obtaining firearms legally but this wasn't the case.

Tallest_Skil ago

Q was talking about attacks on Trump’s base.

Indeed, but neither of the predictions were Q saying it.

The FBI’s intense interest in what was at first glance a local state matter should also raise red flags.

Ah, but we always see that. Thanks, foreign agencies. The attacks potentially being false flags neither confirms nor denies what Q said.

Random101 ago

Indeed, but neither of the predictions were Q saying it.

So how is this evidence that Q is LARPing?

Tallest_Skil ago

The fact that all of his initial claims were proven false.

Random101 ago

Depending of there or not the original claim "Claims false flag attacks at right-wing gatherings (cities, sporting events)" is an initial claim or not, you are either assuming your conclusion or introducing an irrelevancy.

argosciv ago

Tick Tock.

I know, I know... if it were easy, anyone else could have done it by now...

POTUS 100% insulated.


Enjoy the show.

False flag(s)

Expect fireworks.



Commoner ago

Schiff"s district includes Hollywood. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Schiff

In 2010, his district was re-districted to include new areas including La Canada Flintridge, La Crescenta-Montrose and Sunland-Tujunga, as well as large slices of central Los Angeles including Hollywood, the Hollywood Hills, West Hollywood, Echo Park, Silver Lake, and Los Feliz, in addition to areas he represented before like Burbank, Glendale, and the western part of Pasadena.

Cc1914 ago

Wow! These are the top California cities of corruption! I smell a fire coming . Or some other " natural disaster "

Commoner ago

Q posts through December 9 in reverse chronological order (searchable): https://qcodefag.github.io/

Nice! Thanks.

new4now ago

False flag(s).

Expect fireworks.


An explosion was reported Monday near the Port Authority Bus Terminal, sending early morning commuters scrambling.

Commoner ago



false flag???

Random101 ago

FBI sting gone wrong?

Commoner ago


Justice could be referring to a judge on an appeals court. The FISA court is in news now

Commoner ago


it is most likely House Intelligence Committee Minority Chairman Adam Schiff was the recipient of the disinformation, and has now exposed himself as a leaker to an elite, previously undisclosed, investigative unit specifically assembling evidence of corruption and leaking at the highest levels of government.

CassandraP457 ago

First time poster---sorry for any lapses in etiquette or board rules here.

Re: $7.8mm

CDAN had an interesting blind about his trip to the Hefner mansion underground vault, where there was a huge collection of photos, videos, etc. of celebrities. Possible connection, given the recent Pamela Anderson seeking out Mike Pence in late November?


Cc1914 ago

Welcome , so happy you decided to participate !

LightlyToasted ago

Yeah, good evidence that the PM was a honeypot.

mooteensy ago

I'm not great with terms, but you're saying Pam may have been trying to set up Pence and it backfired? What exactly is a honeypot? Sorry, just trying to understand!

LightlyToasted ago

Sorry -- PM = Playboy Mansion; honeypot = (in context) is a trap using sex (e.g., a Brownstone operation)

"Operation Brownstone, also known as a "Brownstone operation," is a reference to a theory that intelligence agencies, such as the CIA and FBI, engage in utilizing underage individuals for prostitution purposes with high profile targets, for the purposes of being able to blackmail those high profile individuals later. "


Are_we_sure ago

Didn't this guy say both Podestas were in custody in November?

Random101 ago

11.3 - Podesta indicted

11.6 - Huma indicted


Are_we_sure ago

Do you believe they are actually indicted?

This is the reference I was making.


Random101 ago

What I believe isn't important. Facts are that Tony was breaking the rules on influence peddling, although those rules hadn't been widely enforced in the past. I can't pick any holes in the story about John surrendering on the quiet, but it's only hearsay.

Are_we_sure ago

What I believe isn't important.

Sure it is, we are discussing the credibility of the guy who made those claims. He made two claims that are either true or false. I'm not asking if you think Tony Podesta is in legal jeopardy. I'm asking if you believe the claims he made are true. I'm asking if you believe he is credible.

None of Mueller's indictments have leaked. So far 4 people have been charged or plead guilty. This LARPer had no details beforehand on any of those 4. Why would he now?

Random101 ago

Sure it is, we are discussing the credibility of the guy who made those claims.

It's not important in the sense that it's only my opinion. What really matters are the facts and the logical arguments which give those facts wider meaning. An opinion is essentially true because it is a real belief, but beliefs can be incompatible with reality given a long enough timeline.

This LARPer had ...

Where's your proof that Q is a LARPer?

Are_we_sure ago

Every LARPing thing he has done. Played straight to the conspiracy crowd telling them what they want to hear. Getting their hopes up. Giving them something to wait on while Trump is now facing the prospect that his guy Flynn is now cooperating with the special prosecutor.

He's created an alternative narrative just when Trump needed it. And I believe this LARPer might be close to Trump, but still a LARPer.

Random101 ago

You're spinning the facts to avoid the possibility that Q has honest intent. What's your intent here at voat?

Are_we__sure ago

Spinning? You're kidding right.

Honest Intent?

No. His intention is give you some threads that in the internet spiders can scurry up and down and occupy their time to make little webs. Team Trump learned early on on how to use paranoia of the conspiracy community to their advantage by creating new conspiracy theories to occupy them.

Team Trump is not attacking the free press and the rule of law. Trump personally didn't obstruct justice when he tried to get the FBI to drop their investigation of the criminal Mike Flynn. No, these are all lies told by the corrupt Deep State. And Trump is a strategic genius who is fighting back against them.

It's a giant, giant problem that Flynn is cooperating with Mueller. Trump is going to try to find a way to fire Mueller, and it's because of Mueller's integrity.

In fact my personal theory is that Q's job is to create alternate narrative for all the stuff coming down the pike. Once Mueller started issuing indictments, the indictment talk turned to Clinton and Huma and John McCain. Saudia Arabia? Flynn was pushing a deal where the Russia and the US would cooperate to build nuclear reactors in Saudi Arabia. A deal that would require US sanctions to be lifted. Flynn worked as a consultant for one of the US companies in the deal. He continued to push this deal while in the White House. Russia would give Saudi Arabia the nuclear fuel by the way.

Random101 ago

Spinning? You're kidding right.

Not at all. Do you really expect me just take your word on Q's intent without any objective evidence?

His intention is give you some threads that in the internet spiders can scurry up and down and occupy their time to make little webs.

This can result in good information since it's subject to independent analysis and verification. Having theories about power structure is all well and good, but unless they can withstand rational criticism they're unlikely to be of much value to anyone.

Trump is a strategic genius who is fighting back against [the corrupt Deep State].

The problem is that in a global context it's the fictions of statism which form the basis of corruption. Trump's intent appears to be honourable, but he's the commander-in-chief of a federation of states, not a country with a direct connection to the law of the land. Declaring the law of the land to be something different doesn't change it's real nature and qualities, which are expressed as the practice and consent of the people.

Tallest_Skil ago

Yep, and it was proven wrong. LARP for a fucking month, paid by Soros and spammed on every single fucking social media network. Retweets by BOOMERS, of all people, should have proven this.

Commoner ago

You watching the news this am?

Tallest_Skil ago

Not really. Trump will never do anything about this. They’ll get to lie about anything they want for all eternity.

Random101 ago

Who was the rotten bastard that shat on your cornflakes this morning?

Tallest_Skil ago

Prove me wrong. Why the fuck can’t anyone who claims to be redpilled answer fact with anything but emotion? It’s disgusting.

Prove. me. wrong. I WANT to be wrong. What–of what Trump has both said and PHYSICALLY DONE–would lead you to believe that he would actually hold the media accountable for their ILLEGAL BEHAVIOR? Tweets and platitudes. That’s it. It’s fucking depressing, but it’s FACT.

Are_we_sure ago

What Illegal behavior are you referring to.

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re kidding, right? Do you know what the media has been doing for the last CENTURY?

Random101 ago

Prove me wrong.

You blame the Jews, blaming the innocent by implication. The distinction between real Jews and false Jews is important.

Why the fuck can’t anyone who claims to be redpilled answer fact with anything but emotion?

It's wasn't emotion, it was humour.

Tallest_Skil ago

You blame the Jews, blaming the innocent by implication.

This sentence makes no sense.

The distinction between real Jews and false Jews is important.

And what is that distinction?

Random101 ago

This sentence makes no sense.

The group of people who are called Jews don't have a uniform nature. Descriptions don't define nature, and innocence is always presumed.

And what is that distinction?

Being authentic in regard to original Judaism, since that's where the word "Jew" came from.

Tallest_Skil ago

So all Torahic AND Talmudic jews must burn; I understand now.

Random101 ago

No, you don't understand. There's no basis for anyone burning.

Tallest_Skil ago

You’ve never read the Talmud, have you.

Random101 ago

Parts of it. But it's irrelevant for Jews who don't regard it as authoritative, like the Karaites.

merica_fk_yeah ago

7.8mm 8mm film enjoy the show.. what show? wow

Commoner ago

He has the same demeanour as James Comey so he may have a Howdy Doody fetish also, and there may be videos of it too.

merica_fk_yeah ago

what i am wondering... did he pay 7.8 million to hide a film/blackmail OR did he take a 7.8 million dollar bribe and was there a film. I just think the 8mm has escaped everyone and he also says enjoy the show indicating there is a show/film. So its my guess that is what that means right now.

The1stLantern ago

Some part of me feels like at first this Q post thing had some legitimate points - now it seems like its veering off into Larpsville.. Lots of vagueries and no substance anymore.

Tallest_Skil ago

It was always a LARP. We proved it a month ago. The government will never arrest itself. Jews won’t go down, ever, until they’re exterminated.

LightlyToasted ago

Giving Schiff's name, alleged crime and dollar figure is more specific than usual.

Tallest_Skil ago

All the easier to prove Q’s larpiness later.

The1stLantern ago

You know what, I might have to recant on this one. He predicted False Flag and less than 24 hours later we just got the Manhatten subway explosions. Perhaps I was incorrect.

EricKaliberhall ago

More on Adam Schiff...


fartyshorts ago

8chan made some memes too https://kek.gg/i/7pv9mw.png

Cc1914 ago


LightlyToasted ago

I understand now why Schiff never blinks -- he's scared sh*tless!

EricKaliberhall ago

And he is full of Schiff... Roger Stone's words not mine... :)

LightlyToasted ago

It's a good one!