PedoStomper ago

I'm wondering if ole Tony will have a convenient "heart attack" because of all the "stress."

new4now ago

he's in great shape for one

Tallest_Skil ago


Uh huh, sure. He’s totally in custody.

ChippyTubes ago

Who wrote this fucking bullshit? @AugustaJulia fucking trolls distracting from the real thing... @srayzie stick to facts! was an online bullhsit distraction to take away from Donna Brazile's DNC Revelations, Uranium One, Hollyweird Weisnstein scandal and Kevin spacey scandal, Epstein did you know flew Clintons around the world, Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker to Africa in his private Boeing 727, Epstein is a convicted billionair banker pedophile also a longtime friend of Prince werdio perv Prince Andrew, Duke of York, and has partied with celebrities such as Katie Couric, George Stephanopoulos, Charlie Rose, and Woody daughrter fucker Allen. A Soros banker was also recently accused of drugging models and attack and raping women in some weird dungeon.

srayzie ago

Looking at your profile comments says it all. You're WEIRD. Get a life. You take all that time to write long comments just to tell strangers their dumb? Move along to another thread then faggot.

ChippyTubes ago

is he arrested or not?

srayzie ago

I don't know yet

TitanFall ago

I hope america isn't satisfied until he's wearing orange in a clear plastic prison in public view. Fuckin creeps like him would escape through a crack in the wall.

DeathTwoMasons ago

Podesta is another brick in the wall. The owners of the worlds central banks still control western society and their satanic system is in control. Doubt even a small fry like Podesta can be touched. Once again, proof or lies.

Kwijibo ago

Really should ban 4chan

new4now ago

well if this falls through, they might not have to ban

Are_we__sure ago

Terms of surrender was media blackout. Podesta’s lawyers are pleading Mueller for indictment to remain sealed. No leaks by MSM because of loyalty I presume because Mueller team can’t keep their mouths shut with anyone relating to Trump. Can you find Tony Podesta? Look hard. There are records!!! Truth is the only way.

This is so fucking dumb. I'm genuinely sorry for you if you believe this.

Tony is facing a possible FARA charge, but it wouldn't happen this way

new4now ago

always looking for a different sight, will keep that in mind

new4now ago

I think it should be official announced before kick off tomorrow

21yearsofdigging ago

Oh LORD, wouldn't this be great!! SCUM!! Finally some justice after so many years of them getting away with EVIL!!

carmencita ago

God, I hope it is true. It would be the cruelest joke if it was not. I would love to see JP behind bars too, but don't care how we get rid of him. No more children abused by Skppy.

Sackajahweeda ago

This may be better...I mean look at the Hastert playbook and what stuck...Ill bet these guys will get more time on these crimes than they would on the pedo stuff. Sad but true

carmencita ago

Who knows what will come out. Waleel had a huge sex slave harem including children. We have to keep pushing.

DeathTwoMasons ago

CIA still exist? 9/11 criminals still unpunished? USA still funding terrorist? Still doing phony shooting hoaxes and false flags? Satanist banished from all government? Alphabet agency pedo rape torutre murder ring being shut down? Rothschilds banks closing up? You guys are being silly.

carmencita ago

One can hope.

GeorgeT ago

Unfortuantely there are dozens to take his place!

carmencita ago

I know. But he is also someone that has power to create and cause other destruction just about anywhere in the globe. Plus it won't be one child but many that will be saved, just as when Hillary is finally in custody. There operations may not be stopped but slowed and maybe others will fall. We have to remember that they will throw many under the bus to save their own necks. We have to keep pushing.

Thegreatestname ago

No just no.. Did you know gullible isn't in the dictionary..

new4now ago

no, I think their out there protesting somewhere

migratorypatterns ago

WOO HOO!!!! Liz was right!!!!

Chugging down champagne and spritzing it around the living room!!!! This is great!!!! Thank you to the POTUS!!!! What was accomplished was a miracle!!!

And CNN, MSN, WSJ, the NYT and all you other propagandists that lie, this is for you!!!!

new4now ago


to the poopourri ....stick it where the sun don't shine

migratorypatterns ago

Dat's right, baby!!!!!

Wonder if he'll have to sell all that disgusting artwork!!!

new4now ago

burn it all

srayzie ago

How are we going to know if it's true if there is a media blackout? 😫

Are_we_sure ago

How are we going to know if it's true if there is a media blackout?

That's just one of the contradictions of this absolutely silly claim.

DeathTwoMasons ago

Sad to say I am with you on this one.

LionElTrump ago

Have to continue to check the non-mainstream sources, Breitbart and Drudge will plaster it all over the place once one of their crawlers/sources pick up something. But I can't think of anything better to do on Saturday night than watch for a bunch of slide threads to come through

Blacksmith21 ago

I clockwatched the whole time out with friends tonight. Preferred to coming back to keep a tabs on things...

srayzie ago

Me too!

Gothamgirl ago

Well there is an arrest record for Tony in Washington.

wincraft71 ago

No there's not

Womb_Raider ago


Gothamgirl ago

I was told it was fake. It was the same source newworldahead posted sorry about that.

Womb_Raider ago

I think these websites have an entry for almost anyone. I guarantee you can find yourself on there. We need more information

wincraft71 ago

Yeah I just posted a thread about this, I literally entered "Barack Obama" and it looks like he's been arrested in Washington, D.C. Obviously it's just DMV information and the website is misleading you.

Thaumaturgist ago

I wish someone had $2.95 so that we could get the full report!!

srayzie ago

You know what I love? Trump made a tweet to the Saudi's before the arrest. He knew lol

Blacksmith21 ago

The language is specific enough that I don't think it's a LARP. I wouldn't bet my 401K on it, but this has the hallmarks of real information and/or intelligence.

Are_we__sure ago

That just means it's a better than average LARP.

new4now ago

If you keep going down, you get almost giddy lol

ZX4jBXu ago

More bullshit misinformation shills at it again. This is becoming a real problem in recent months, they've been going into overdrive.

new4now ago

Glad you could stop by and put your half cent in

ChippyTubes ago

more BS ?

new4now ago

I don't think so, look for post on Saudi arrests

AugustaJulia ago

Also on 4chan there is an unconfirmed report that John Podesta is missing! I saw it on the thread called The Calm Before the Storm #45. It was screencapped there, coming from some other thread.

Here is the claim: The government invalidated the brothers' passports so that they couldn't flee the country. Tony Podesta surrendered himself on Friday afternoon. John Podesta called and said that he would surrender himself by 2 a.m. on Saturday, but he never showed up. His phone appears dead, so he is either in hiding or dead.

I have no idea whether this is true. It very well may be though.

clherre ago

It's true, and had to be kept secret because of the saudis, did you see the report today?

GeorgeT ago

They will be Jack Rubied on the way to the court.

SunWheel333 ago

Fun fact Jack's real name was Rubenstein.

Awoke_AF ago

Has anyone confirmed the arrest? Or is it just hearsay? Asking for a friend.

Rotteuxx ago

Word is it's being kept quiet for now so shit doesn't go south. Something something being carefull with fbi false flag.

DeathTwoMasons ago

Proof or lies.

srayzie ago

I read that they are keeping quiet until Josh Podesta turns himself in. He was supposed to at 2am and didn't show up and his phone is off. Allegedly!

Rotteuxx ago

And allegedly his plane has been intercepted & forced to land

srayzie ago

John?? Do you have a link?

Rotteuxx ago

From this :

(4Chan) Collection of Intel Dumps (Friday 03 Nov 2017 14:33:30)

(1st Post) “Where is John Podesta?

Where is Tony Podesta?

Did one or both escape the country and

was let out?

Podesta’s plane has military escort (i.e.

tag) and is being diverted (forced down).

Short delay.

This will be leaked.

Watch the news.

Have faith.

Are_we__sure ago

God this is so dumb a military escort. Jesus, the bullshit you guys willingly believe.

Wasn't the Civil war supposed to start today? How did that go?

srayzie ago

If this is true, why do you think that John Podesta deserves to be treated special? UnAmerican? How is a military escort not American?

I don't know if it's true. You're the dumb one. If you don't believe it, you're gonna take the time to go tell people how stupid they are? Move onto another thread if your don't believe.

Are_we__sure ago

The US military is prohibited from getting involved in law enforcement.

This and the whole idea of Trump "taking the country back" would represent an assault on one of the most cherished of American traditions, the rule of law. We don't have a king. We have a President who heads one of three coequal branches of government.

I don't know what you mean about Podesta being treated special.

It is not true that anyone was taken to custody Friday or Saturday.

srayzie ago

How do you know that nobody was taken into custody? Wouldn't the US military be allowed to help in certain circumstances?

Are_we_sure ago

I know that nobody was taken into custody.because I'm a citizen of the United States and I'm familiar with it's laws. We don't arrest people in secret unless it's something like they are going into witness protection or something like an active bomb plot. You think they are not going by book on in a case like this? That phone call you get? You. An call your wife, your lawyer or the NY times or tmz or whoever. You also get to appear before a judge as soon as possible.

The US military is not going to help out in a case of White collar crime. T podesta is facing a FARA charge, nothing pedo related.

The US military helps put down insurretions and are prohibited by law from getting I volved in law enforcement except for what is specified in the Constitution or by an A t of Congress..

srayzie ago

How do you know so much about that kind of stuff? Do you have a law degree?

Are_we_sure ago

No. I know enough to know what to research before I post. And I do research things to make sure I get the details right.

SChalice ago

The only people being escorted are Trump's campaign team of perpetual perps.

Rotteuxx ago

You should ask your bosses why the antifag branch pussied out today.

Are_we_sure ago

You should ask you idiot friends why that imavinary thing didn't happen.

PedoStomper ago

ANTIFA takes out full-page ad in NYT calling for "an end to the Trump regime," but we're the ones who made it up? Dude you're fucking retarded. If this is your day job, you suck at it, nigger.

Are_we_sure ago

Oh No, not the Boogeyman!

The ad in the NY times was the basis for all the shit y'all made up dumbass. Shit like this

PedoStomper ago

LOL Antifa Supersoldiers? More like super autistically-screeching maniacs.

PedoStomper ago

I bet you think the word "fag" is homophobic, regardless of the way you use it. Way to go, fag. You really made the world a better place, didn't you, fag?

srayzie ago

Haha 👏🏻

srayzie ago

Thank you :)

new4now ago

Probaly headed to an island in a private plane

gentlemanadventurer ago

A plane no doubt packed full of fresh human toddlers.

new4now ago

Wonder how the old bat is doing

She is probaly changing her depends every 15 minutes

srayzie ago

I would rather her be so freaked out and drunk that she forgets to change her depends and gets a horrible diaper rash

Blacksmith21 ago

That was the rumor among her detail - she smelled like piss. And of course the flies were attracted during the debate. It is hard to cover up the smell of death.

srayzie ago

Larry Nichols said she stinks really bad of sulfur or something like that.

Blacksmith21 ago

and brimstone.

pby1000 ago

Like a Demon.

srayzie ago

Lol yup

gentlemanadventurer ago

Just think, Huma had her mouth all over that geriatric vagina that smells like piss and fungus.

Are_we__sure ago

Your fantasies are wierd.

srayzie ago

Lol you know you like it

srayzie ago

I would rather not think about that lol. Ewww 🤢

Gothamgirl ago

Boiled cabbage to.

pby1000 ago

Please don't ruin corned beef and cabbage for me. Lol.

dassaer ago

Warm Guacamole.

new4now ago


Tanngrisnir ago

Looks super Larpy now. Tis a shame.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

what kind of faggot neckbeard says tis

go fuck yourself and die faggot

new4now ago

Is it true?

new4now ago

Terms of surrender was media blackout. Podesta’s lawyers are pleading Mueller for indictment to remain sealed. No leaks by MSM because of loyalty I presume because Mueller team can’t keep their mouths shut with anyone relating to Trump. Can you find Tony Podesta? Look hard. There are records!!!

DeathTwoMasons ago

So no media on this earth is covering it and we have to take anonymous source word for it? Is he going to have a pretend execution as well? This pass the scrutiny test for you?

new4now ago

what part of media blackout didn't you understand?

it was the condition Tony put forth

LionElTrump ago

If AG Sessions was running the DOJ properly we would not have any type of leaks. Unlike what we have seen from the Mueller team(Trump jr attempted meeting, Manafort raid).

The Podesta's case should be as public as possible to instill trust back into the DOJ/FBI

new4now ago

I have a feeling theres a lot more going on

Blacksmith21 ago

I would agree with you. This is some seriously complex shit with 5th and 6th order effects.

new4now ago

check out his speech in japan in whatever

trying to hear between the lines

Blacksmith21 ago

Nothingburger. Very milquetoast. As one would expect. No sabre rattling. It's a time for dignity in the office of POTUS.