tech-adm ago

Rule 1 for me is to NEVER click on external links unless I recognize it as a mainstream site and the same URL shows when I hover my mouse pointer over the link. Even archive sites could be theoretically used for CP and clicking on one by accident could be a REAL problem.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Are you just going to sit there with your 'finger in the air'?

I am seriously concerned about this man, I know I could have handled it better, but men aren't the only ones that can have an epiphany, you know. Can't you see that what he is doing is bad for Voat? I'm being a HUGE pain in your ass for a reason. I don't think that I'm wrong, and I don't ever want to be your enemy. Will you and @Vindicator please investigate how many times this man has posted the pornography. I can't even bring myself to click on his profile and look, it makes me cry to read what he wrote here, i am incapable of reading more than what i have already seen.

Crensch ago

I don't consider spoilered text to be pornography.

I don't consider him to be a pedo for copy-pasting what others wrote.

If that's where you draw the line, you can go ahead and consider me an enemy, because I copy-paste things others say quite often, and I'll not have someone calling me out for quoting someone else, no matter WHAT the subject-matter.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't consider spoilered text to be pornography.

The part that shows up red, or the pornography that is written underneath? I'm confused.

I don't consider him to be a pedo for copy-pasting what others wrote.

He posts pornography repeatedly, not once. If a pedo post pornography once and an autist post the same smut 50 times, he is 50times more guilty of spreading the porn. Child porn to be specific.

If that's where you draw the line,

Where is the line for perpetuating child pornography? He keeps posting it instead of linking to it. Will you please link me to where you have repeatedly copy-pasted child pornography, please.

you can go ahead and consider me an enemy,

I don't want to, and certainly not over this low IQ vermin. Am I an enemy for calling out someone I suspect of being a pedophile? I genuinely thuoght that maybe you guys didn't look under the spoiler to see what he was posting. I DMed both of you and got no response. I then made a post to v/reportspammers. What did I do wrong?

Crensch ago

Spoilered, quoted text. I don't consider it to be owned by the user posting it.

He posts pornography repeatedly, not once. If a pedo post pornography once and an autist post the same smut 50 times, he is 50times more guilty of spreading the porn. Child porn to be specific.

It'd be like a wanted poster "for raping a 4 year old and telling her that he'll kill her family if she talks" - it's about tugging at people's emotions/revulsion in order to show the pedo in question is lying.

Where is the line for perpetuating child pornography? He keeps posting it instead of linking to it. Will you please link me to where you have repeatedly copy-pasted child pornography, please.

I don't know that I have. I don't know that I wouldn't, crediting him with it. I probably wouldn't even spoiler it.

I don't want to, and certainly not over this low IQ vermin. Am I an enemy for calling out someone I suspect of being a pedophile?

You were the one that floated the idea. I don't want you to, either. But just as you had me ban you from subs, I'm telling you to just go ahead, because I won't be surprised by someone calling me a pedo for quoting someone else's words.

I genuinely thuoght that maybe you guys didn't look under the spoiler to see what he was posting.

I see it. I think he went above and beyond to keep that where people don't have to read it to get the message.

I DMed both of you and got no response. I then made a post to v/reportspammers. What did I do wrong?

Assuming intent before talking with him. Declaring him a pedo with nothing more than spoliered quotes of something someone else said.

We all make mistakes, but I don't find him to be a pedo - I find him to be extremely emotionally invested in destroying them. Not always the best with words, or tactics, but he seems to have his heart in the right place.

As do you, but I understand your position less because when others around me tell me someone is a good person, I assume best intentions and open a dialogue with whomever I take issue with; THEN if I don't like what I see or hear, I go for the throat.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Spoilered, quoted text. I don't consider it to be owned by the user posting it.

So then wouldn't it be okay for all pedos to post porn as long as they were quoting someone else and used spoilers? I just can't find the logic.

It'd be like a wanted poster "for raping a 4 year old and telling her that he'll kill her family if she talks"

Do you think that they would print the salacious detail of the rape threat? I don't.

it's about tugging at people's emotions/revulsion in order to show the pedo in question is lying.

I agree, how low can that little creep sink. Deliberately trying to do that to the people on the PG sub, heartless.

But just as you had me ban you from subs.

I don't know what ban has to do with this?

I'm telling you to just go ahead, because I won't be surprised by someone calling me a pedo for quoting someone else's words.

I don't understand this.

I think he went above and beyond to keep that where people don't have to read it to get the message.

Above and beyond would have been not to post it at all, imo.

Assuming intent before talking with him.

Not warning a pedo that i'm turning him in. Can't. Would you?

Declaring him a pedo with nothing more than spoliered quotes of something someone else said.

I understand your point here, I hope you understand mine, it's his repetitiveness and steadfast refusal to admit that it is wrong to post that smut. It is very bad for Voat.

but he seems to have his heart in the right place.

If his heart were in the right place he wouldn't be posting child porn in any form, for any reason. I hope you don't think that puts my heart in the wrong place.

THEN if I don't like what I see or hear, I go for the throat.

I have already placed your foot on my throat by having you ban me, or did you miss that part?

Crensch ago

So then wouldn't it be okay for all pedos to post porn as long as they were quoting someone else and used spoilers? I just can't find the logic.

I think that's a bit disingenuous. Intent needs to be determined as well. In this case, a user hounded constantly by pedos spamming their lies about him in response to him chose to make sure everyone can see their misdeeds without clicking on a link.

Do you think that they would print the salacious detail of the rape threat? I don't.

No? If I wanted to make sure people remembered and were looking out for him I might share some. People are motivated by their emotions first, and rationalize later.

I agree, how low can that little creep sink. Deliberately trying to do that to the people on the PG sub, heartless.

The pedos attacking him cam here. Why wouldn't he go all out in hurting their attempt to astroturf?

I don't know what ban has to do with this?

You pre-empted you possibly doing something wrong and getting banned. I pre-empted me possibly quoting someone and you going off on me. I'd rather not have the possibility of it happening later. I'll take the enmity now.

Above and beyond would have been not to post it at all, imo.

If he was going to post it so no links had to be clicked, I'd say he did quite well.

Not warning a pedo that i'm turning him in. Can't. Would you?

Nothing will happen to him, you know. Not a thing. It's not against the law to write that stuff in the U.S. You'll be laughed about in the breakroom of whatever law enforcement you call.

I understand your point here, I hope you understand mine, it's his repetitiveness and steadfast refusal to admit that it is wrong to post that smut. It is very bad for Voat.

From what I gathered, you came out both hands swinging before even mentioning it to him. I'd be a stubborn fuck over that, too.

If his heart were in the right place he wouldn't be posting child porn in any form, for any reason. I hope you don't think that puts my heart in the wrong place.

Re-read my words. I mentioned that I thought you had your heart in the right place, too, but I don't understand your behaviour.

I have already placed your foot on my throat by having you ban me, or did you miss that part?

I don't understand how this meshes with the intent of my analogy.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I think that's a bit disingenuous. Intent needs to be determined as well.

If the same amount of pedos are fapping to the material, I don't care about the guy who is providing it, I'll slit his throat as well as the pedos. Let him be a waning to others.

a user hounded constantly by pedos spamming their lies about him in response to him chose to make sure everyone can see their misdeeds without clicking on a link

The exact opposite of what he should have done, imo. Post the links to archives do not post porn. If he hadn't posted the spoiler, I'd have ignored his post as whining, and moved on. One of the things we always look for is CP. That shithead posted it.

If he was going to post it so no links had to be clicked, I'd say he did quite well.

He posted the links, he didn't need the words.

Nothing will happen to him, you know. Not a thing. It's not against the law to write that stuff in the U.S. You'll be laughed about in the breakroom of whatever law enforcement you call.

Called fam MP type, he didn't laugh. He agreed with me that the dude was probably a pedo hiding in plain sight, to compulsively post porn and not be able to bring himself to delete it, is a big warning sign.

From what I gathered, you came out both hands swinging before even mentioning it to him.

I reported his behavior, he came out swinging. He posted child porn, I did nothing wrong by slapping him for doing so. Then he got bossy. Big mistake. He deletes porn, all of it. I delete post and stop calling him out.

Re-read my words. I mentioned that I thought you had your heart in the right place, too, but I don't understand your behaviour.

I believe he is truly a pedophile hiding behind a facade. Does my behavior make more sense now? I'd slit his throat if I could.

I don't understand how this meshes with the intent of my analogy.

All you have to do to destroy me is refuse to unban me. Throat heart and lungs ripped away, easy.

Crensch ago

The exact opposite of what he should have done, imo.


Others have different opinions.

If he hadn't posted the spoiler, I'd have ignored his post as whining

Kinda the point of why he posted it.

Called fam MP type, he didn't laugh. He agreed with me that the dude was probably a pedo hiding in plain sight, to compulsively post porn and not be able to bring himself to delete it, is a big warning sign.

Not terribly interested in anecdotes like this.

I reported his behavior, he came out swinging. He posted child porn, I did nothing wrong by slapping him for doing so. Then he got bossy. Big mistake. He deletes porn, all of it. I delete post and stop calling him out.

Yeah, good luck with that.

I believe he is truly a pedophile hiding behind a facade. Does my behavior make more sense now? I'd slit his throat if I could.

Then stop freaking out and do research and make your case.

All you have to do to destroy me is refuse to unban me. Throat heart and lungs ripped away, easy.

I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Do you want to be banned, or not?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm good now, thank you for your attention.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@Vindicator see parent.

Vindicator ago

I DMed both of you and got no response.

That's complete bullshit. I've responded repeatedly to your DMs.

What did I do wrong?

You attacked someone claiming they are a pedo instead of explaining the problem you had with their comment and asking them to change it. You acted like the trolls who were already attacking him for outing them, and then escalated when he treated you like a troll.

This could have been handled respectfully, but you turned it into a drama fest.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I DMed you both before i posted the submission, I waited for a response from one of you. I am not going to warn a pedo he is about to be turned in.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Why are you taking counsel from @theoldones?

This degenerate slimeball admits to posting:

NSFL pedophilic text copypasta:

And you think he is not a pedophile?

How many time a day do you post child porn? He seems to do it quite a bit.

Do any of your friends or family spend their time posting?

NSFL pedophilic text copypasta:

Mine don't.


All pedophiles need bullet therapy. This one needs it more than most.

He is hiding in plain sight.

theoldones ago


i didnt fucking write that shit.

asking me to delete it is asking me to destroy evidence.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm asking you to not copy and paste child pornography in written form. You have linked to the perps own words, right?

Then there is no need to reprint those words in any PG sub, people who are interested may click the links that you provide.

I am tiring of explaining this to you. You know who I think could help you understand what I am trying to say to you? @Vindicator is an excellent teacher, he might be able to explain me to you better, idk.

Vindicator ago

I'm going to make a conflict communication suggestion I've learned from nearly thirty years of marriage: Assume the Best Intent if you want to resolve a dicey issue.

I've seen no evidence @theoldones is trying to do anything more than get pedos off of Voat. He followed our Dangerous Research policy and made an effort to protect survivors from the content he posted to raise awareness about Voat pedos.

SWMBO, you clearly also intend to protect survivors -- your request to have him move the offensive content further out of reach is reasonable, though not required by Voat sitewide rules or v/pizzagate rules. To my mind, what he posted is no worse than a lot of crap that Donkey spews on a regular basis.

However, your approach is retarded. You assumed his intent was foul and attacked and slandered him instead of explaining the effect the words might have on survivors and asking if he would kindly move it to a link.

Assuming the best intent, I would be willing to bet theoldones would have honored your request if you'd asked in a civil manner.

He still might.

think- ago

though not required by (...) v/pizzagate rules

Currenly, not, but I will strongly lobby for changing these rules (our policy regarding linking to pedo evidence).

We don't need to make everybody just stumble upon written cp.

Linking to an archive will be sufficient.

@shewhomustbeobeyed @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge

theoldones ago

However, your approach is retarded. You assumed his intent was foul and attacked and slandered him instead of explaining the effect the words might have on survivors and asking if he would kindly move it to a link.

Assuming the best intent, I would be willing to bet theoldones would have honored your request if you'd asked in a civil manner.

He still might.


first, apologize for calling me a pedo.

then, ask nicely for the text to be removed (like you should have done in the first place instead of blowing up on me)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

first, apologize for calling me a pedo.

Posting child porn = pedophile, your rules.

@Vindicator @Crensch

theoldones ago

@Vindicator we got a fucking problem here now then, dont we.

i aint doing shit until i get an apology from her.

Gothamgirl ago

You sure do. 😂🤣

Did I ever tell you this srazie you defend is possibly an actual male nigger?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What moderator power are you referring to, pedo?

@Vindicator this is why you don't do business with narcissists.

think- ago

To my mind, what he posted is no worse than a lot of crap that Donkey spews on a regular basis.

Hi Vin,

am just in, have scrolled through my notifications.

Sorry, I beg to differ with you - I actually read the text @theoldones has hidden behind red marker now (only the first four lines, then I felt like vomiting).

This is the most terrible stuff I have ever read here, it's written cp. Nothing that Donkey has posted even comes close.

I don't agree with @shewhomustbeobeyed regarding @theoldones' intentions, but I start seeing where she is coming from now regarding the necessity to actually copypaste the stuff into the comment itself, and not just linking to an archive.

When a text like this is in a comment, most people will read it, because they are curious. This way, cp is spread.

Although this has never been @theoldones' intention, of course.

To him, it's like 'See how vile the user who initially posted it is'.

But he doesn't realize that this way, he is unintenionally spreading the stuff when it's in the comments

If someone wants to read the evidence against the pedo users, they can go to the archives at their own discretion. To embed the text in the comments is not a good idea.

@theoldones, can I respectfully ask you to please not put actual written cp into your comments (albeit hidden), but instead merely link to the archives of texts - this way, no evidence would be deleted, and you still are able to show everybody what an asshole the pedo user is.

Thank you.

@shewhomustbeobeyed, may I ask you to please look at the @oldones' submission history, and you willl see that he has beeen fighting the pedos on Voat for a long time.

He tries to get loli banned from Voat. Thank you too.

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge

think- ago

@Vindicator, since the @oldones continues to ignore my comment above that I directed at him, could you please go on, and ask him to remove the text from his comments - not as a mod, but as a normal user - thank you. Much appreciated.

@shewhomustbeobeyed @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge

think- ago

@gamepwn, please see parent. Thanks.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

He erases all that pornography that he posted, and I will relent.

theoldones ago

i aint removing the text until you go here and say fucking sorry, and then ask nicely.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Psycho, go to hell.

heygeorge ago

To my mind, what he posted is... crap

Not what you said, exactly, of course. Yet it does illustrate that you don’t think particularly highly of this.

@theoldones please see the comment above for a more measured nudge.

Vindicator ago

Heygeorge, do you have reading comprehension issues? I certainly did NOT say what @theoldones presented was crap. I said what Donkey posts is crap. He regularly says graphic and vile things about raping kids, and SWMBO has never asked him to delete a comment to my knowledge, or demanded he be censored. He is pro-child rape, not anti-pedo like theoldones. Don't turn my words upsidedown. It's dishonest.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thanks for the ping vin.

heygeorge ago

Not what you said, exactly, of course. Yet it does illustrate that you don’t think particularly highly of this.

So, this^^^ is what I said.

As for your comparison to Donkey: I don’t recall any PG mods linking to a subverse he moderates to promote his views. Do you?

theoldones ago

i see it, and aint she lucky i still have an olive branch to give

heygeorge ago

@vindicator is a she? Either way, your family needs you.

think- ago

I have respectfully asked you to please remove the stuff from your comments, and only link to an archive.

I don't think it is polite to just ignore my comment that was directed to you, and don't even bother to answer.

@shewhomustbeobeyed @Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge

theoldones ago

say please to set a good example for @shewhomustbeobeyed and you've got a deal

this shit is understandably nuclear level anger.

think- ago

say please to set a good example for @shewhomustbeobeyed and you've got a deal

I said 'please', theoldones:

@theoldones, can I respectfully ask you to please not put actual written cp into your comments (albeit hidden), but instead merely link to the archives of texts - this way, no evidence would be deleted, and you still are able to show everybody what an asshole the pedo user is.

Thank you.

and you've got a deal . I'm waiting for your turn now.

Thank you.

@shewhomustbeobeyed @Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge

theoldones ago

thank you for showing some manners, i'll get to that right away then.

think- ago

@shewhomustbeobeyed, may I respectfully ask you to please remove the submission about user theoldones now - thank you. :-)

He has removed the embedded hidden cp text from his comments.

As I said the other day, I know his submission history, and he has been fighting pedos, he isn't one.

I therefore wonder whether you would see a possibility to apologize for calling him a pedo. I think it is clear now that he has good intentions, and that the whole thing was a misunderstanding.

Thank you very much. :-)

Thank you very much for everything you have done for the Pizzagate community. Please keep up the excellent work. :-)


@Vindicator @Crensch @heygeorge @EricKaliberhall

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Did that creature remove all the porn it has posted? I can't look.

think- ago

Yes, as I said, he did.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Wonderful, I'll delete the post now.

theoldones ago

"the creature" also has more then a few fucking opinions on you calling him a pedophile.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You are crazy if you think that I give any consideration to what your options are, you are a bully and you are going to keep acting like a bully, instead of letting it go. The fact that you would even listen to a wet brained drug addict shows just how stupid you really are. Why don't the two of you go drink some 'shroom tea and jack each other off to that collection of CP you've accumulated. Bully pedo.

think- ago

Thank you! Much appreciated! :-)

@theoldones @Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge - please see parent.

Crensch ago

Now for the hard part.

Will SWMBO start going after the actual pedophile like she went after TOO?

After all, porn is porn, and if we're working off her definition, SOMEone originally posted it, and it's probably still up there.


think- ago

Will SWMBO start going after the actual pedophile like she went after TOO?

Maybe ask herself? Why are you talking about her, without even pinging her?

Also, do you honestly think she needs to proof she is a pedo hunter? Really?

After archiving every damn single link in every damn single PG post for over a year?

Have you ever PMed her, and thanked her for her service?

If she had felt more appreciated, maybe she wouldn't have pondered to leave. Just a thought.

@shewhomustbeobeyed @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hey sweets, I'm too mad to leave now.

The guys don't want or need my help. They're just blowing off steam cuz I'm not doing something right, imo.

I don't want their appreciation, and they don't want to have any, it's okay. I'm almost set up to leave. Don't want to, but you know how it is sometimes. I'll stick around for a bit and see if they'll let me get back to what I was doing, or if they're going to make it even harder.

We'll see.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thanks for the ping.

I'm so glad I decided to reread this submission or I would have never seen this.

Now for the hard part.

Why would it be hard for you to ask me this question?

Will SWMBO start going after the actual pedophile like she went after TOO?

Not done going after tOO yet. It stops acting like a pedo, I stop treating it like a pedo.

If someone else post CP to PG I will brutalize them as well.

After all, porn is porn,

Yes it is. I'm glad to see you're finally coming around. You going to help me stop @theoldones from ever spreading CP again?

SOMEone originally posted it, and it's probably still up there.

So go find it and make sure that the motherfuckers stay off the PG sub. If you want or need my help, ping me.

I'm ready to be unbanned now, please.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge @think-

Vindicator ago

That would be fair and consistent.

Though it would be understandable if she doesn't, in order to avoid the harassment, doxxing and vote brigading the pedo gang is known for.

Crensch ago

Er... why would she think he was different?

Vindicator ago

Thank you for your good work helping extinguish this dumpster fire.

think- ago

You're welcome.

heygeorge ago


I would like to add a ‘humbly’, an additional ‘please’, ten ‘thank you in advance’s, and a courtesy car wash with all the fixin’s to the above plea for a peaceful resolution.


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

How'd you know my car needs a bath? Have you been spying? I'm telling on you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

For you, anything.

Just trying to figure out how I'm going to verify that the creature is telling the truth, without accidentally stumbling onto more child porn.

heygeorge ago

I imagine what @theoldones said happened actually did, at least as far as his own conduct. He is generally trustworthy, and mainly only gaslights to expose what he sees as abhorrent behavior. Unfortunately in his quest to eliminate, he does not always tend to consider the ramifications of his own behavior.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

He just threatened to post CP again. in the chat. His friends are there doing what all good men do, spreading rumors about women who are smarter than they are, that they can't control.

It's funny, even when it's about me. I know i got a screw loose, somewhere.

heygeorge ago

me. I know i got a screw loose, somewhere.

It’s those who are unaware that we need to help encourage.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Laughing is the only thing that has ever worked for healing, that and prayer. There taking it all away, prayer doesn't even work anymore. I need some funny real bad.

heygeorge ago

don't know who I'm going to get to test them though?

Send them to all Voat’s dox victims

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't think i can make that many. If i steal more diapers from mominlaw, she'll skin me, her favorite grandson told on me. I wonder if i can get hubby to buy them? He's old enough.

heygeorge ago

Ok, just send them to me. I like the warmth!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

We're still working on the mechanics of how to get the hammock to deploy when needed, I think maybe something like those little chutes that come off the backs of racing cars.

Why is it always the fecal matter that slows everything down?

heygeorge ago

always the fecal matter that slows everything down?

‘cept when it runs

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

So this is his second attempt at the chute, first was much smaller. Told him he needed to ask his grandma how much volume she thinks it needs, he went O_O maybe save for plan 'B'. He's working on third one now, won't let me see. Every so often i can hear my stapler clicking.

Other grandma (one not in diapers) gives him these for the 'heygeorge festive holiday accessories' Needs better title?

ties -

Accessories are machine washable, drip dry.

My whole fam is nuts.

heygeorge ago


OMFG @nadeshda it’s real, they are really creating a thong adult diaper. Do not read any further in this comment and just hit context.


And those ties... it took me a bit to figure out what was going on with that red one... like what fucking holiday has a humanoid ant wearing goggles associated with it?! Then I flipped my phone over and realized they were Santa’s boots. And it’s upside down! LOL

Thank you, thank you, you’re doing the lord’s work.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

All I had to do was show the boy how you doxxed me, after he caught me red handed with the stolen loot. Off like a shot. I may raise 'em a little warped, but they have good work ethic.

heygeorge ago

God damn this is so great. @PuttsMum they’re working on the world’s first thong for those with poor bladder and bowel control

PuttsMum ago

Well don't fucking look at me, I'm in control maaaate :p

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

With all the goings on lately, maybe you could get your son to model them for us all? He might need them.

heygeorge ago

We’re going to need a tester. I suppose I’ll have to dox my address to @shewhomustbeobeyed, might as well keep piling onto the list of people who could swat me at any given time

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I just asked @PuttsMum if maybe son would model.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Well, yeah.

How big to make the chute is the question of the day.

if i can find a camera, I'll take a pick of what the boy has done with it so far.

Post it for you later. Thank for the funny. I needed badly.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

think- ago

Thank you very much, @theoldones, I really appreciate it. :-) :-)

Please keep up the excellent pedo-hunting work, and good luck running your sub. :-) :-)

@shewhomustbeobeyed @Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge

theoldones ago

also while we're talking maggotbait, more evidence just got found on him

he tried to call up a user brigade 12 hours ago:

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You just don't know when to quit, do you? If you think i'm a bitch, you go ahead and piss her off too. You'll see bitch 2.0. You best keep a civil tone, pedo.

Why do you post pornography, child pornography?

Do you know that it is bad for Voat when you do this?

Do you want Voat to get shut down?

I'm starting to think that it is your goal, to get Voat shut down.

Please stop posting child pornography.

@think- @Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge

theoldones ago

shut up bitch you're dead to me. fucking think for five seconds about all the shit you just tried doing to me.

@think- as i said, say please to set a good example for @shewhomustbeobeyed and you have a deal

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Please stop posting child pornography on voat.

There now, I've asked you twice.

@think- @Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge

theoldones ago

i said shut up, you are a dead-to-me whore who, instead of approaching me, asking me nicely, and maybe getting what you wanted, didnt do that

instead you attacked me out of the blue as the pedo-pack was moving, thus parroting their same lies, and what the fuck did you think i was going to assume?

you're now forever on my shortlist of pedo-enablers, because the way you tried to resolve this was utter fucking shite on all levels

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

it could have taken you 30 fucking seconds to PM me

On what planet is it proper procedure to give a suspected pedophile a heads up before you report his behavior? Serious question. @Vindicator, you got an answer for me?

@Crensch should I give someone who I suspect of being a pedophile a heads up DM before I report them? What is the proper procedure here?

@think- @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge

theoldones ago

On what planet is it proper procedure to give a suspected pedophile a heads up before you report his behavior?

i am one of the sites top fucking pedo-hunters, and you think me a pedo. go fuck yourself on every single level.

had you asked nicely, i might have done this at your request, but no, that aint happening now

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Such a narcissistic ego. I thought you were going to block me?

I don't ask pedos to do anything nicely. Slit their throats and move on. If you want me to stop calling you a pedo then don't post any more child porn.

Not too complicated for you, is it?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The pedo is mad

Block me you stupid cunt.

I'm not stopping until you erase the pornography.

How's it going finding a mod who will state that you haven't posted child pornography? I bet you haven't found one yet.

Are you having trouble finding one?

Would you like me to help you?

Can you find ANYBODY who will stand before me and state, "theoldones did not post child pornography"

The five mods I've listed below haven't told me this yet.

Downvote and threaten me all you want, I'm note the pedo, I'm not a danger to Voat.

You could have made this all go away except for your feefees.

@think- @Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


Got nothing to say, pedo?

Found anyone willing to say you didn't post the porn?

I think maybe if you ping the guys from those disgusting loli subs, they'd stand up and say that what you posted wasn't porn. What do you think? Are they going to be the only ones who will say that you did nothing wrong?

Have you had enough, or are you going to be a man, set an example and do the right thing.


theoldones ago

oh, and by the way, think- had to come in and ask nicely for you, so its gone now, you can delete the comments accusing me of being a fucking pedophile, and also doubly fuck you

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Your window of opportunity for me to delete anything expired yesterday when you failed to find a mod who would stand up for you and tell me that you didn't post child porn.

Or did you miss that part, pedo.

theoldones ago

remember when i said this?

don't ever fucking speak to me again, you already fucked up your first impression.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Assuming the best intent, I would be willing to bet theoldones would have honored your request if you'd asked in a civil manner.

I assumed this motherfuckers 'best-intent' for too long. I'm done.

Vindicator ago

You wanna back that up with some evidence? What do you mean "for too long"?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I trusted you mods instead of looking at him for myself. I admit my stupidity. I was wrong. Is that enough evidence?

Vindicator ago


You've linked zero evidence. All I see is you hurling slanderous verbal abuse.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

He is posting child porn. Are you trying to say that he isn't? I'm not linking to it again.

Vindicator ago

Under your logic, anyone who posts research exposing pedos and their CP must be censored here. That is stupid, because it effectively negates the entire mission of this subverse. That is why we have a policy specifically to allow research while protecting users from accidental exposure to CP. That policy has until now only referred to images. I just posted a sticky modifying the policy, if users support the change.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Under your logic, anyone who posts research exposing pedos and their CP must be censored here.

Nope. just CP.

I just posted a sticky modifying the policy, if users support the change.

Thank you? didn't ask for it but hey you guys have fun with that.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Look at this

He can't even admit that he is posting the pornography.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You try and ask him in a civil manner. I don't care if you think my approach is stupid, you seem to think that there is nothing wrong with what he is doing, we disagree.

He is a narcissist, he will not be moved. He will never admit he was stupid and wrong. Now, you prove me wrong and get him to delete those quotes, please.

All I want to do is go back to my archives, and not have my opinions dictated to me by a despot.

If y'all can make this obviously mentally challenged creature stop posting child porn, I would be grateful.

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @think- @heygeorge @theoldones

ImJewish6million ago

OP is a sexual degenerate who is attracted to used up whores and is 100% willing to abandon ALL of his principles for his pursuit of schizophrenic pussy.

gabara ago

I seriously think it's part of an effort to plant evidence on Voat in preparation for an abuse of law enforcement. But we seem to be getting some traction from Putt after last night so it's time to push them back.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Anything putt does now is too little too late. The damage is done. He has no credibility imo. The time to show leadership has gone. He's gained a reputation as a paedo sympathiser, even on other sites. Voat needs that kind of reputation like a hole in the head.

theoldones ago

there are serious glownig connotations to some of their methods, and scale of organization.

this is an entire group of users, who will either defend pedos or are pedos. they will slander specific targets as pedos as one, show up up in all the threads, talk to each other, and vote each other up. this is a coordinated group using insidious mass-gaslighting tactics to consensus-crack pedophilia onto voat.

Shizie ago

this is an entire group of users, who will either defend pedos or are pedos. they will slander specific targets as pedos as one,

I have noticed this happening. All of a sudden a certain sick group on here has started calling others "pedos" with no proof or reason for doing so other than to either slander their opponent or cause confusion.

Maybe their tactic is if they throw that word around enough it won't be taken as seriously when it comes to using it to identify actual pedos?

theoldones ago

this theory makes sense, they try to bait false reactions to turn it into silly drama

gabara ago

users, who will either defend pedos or are pedos. they will slander specific targets as pedos

Been seeing that. Lots of attacks on you from alts of I assume maggotbait88/dortex. Lets see them come after me. They have awoken a sleeping dragon.

theoldones ago

i am a moderator of /v/AntiPedoSquad. here's some information in the first thread, that i'm now going to repost. these people causing an issue are known to us. here's who they are.


stealthninjataliban ago

Since 11 is old enough for an abortion/hormone therapy it's clearly old enough to consent.

Shizie ago

My what disgusting leftist logic you have there.

stealthninjataliban ago

Pubescent girls should be married off as early as possible to men owning the necessary real estate to support a family.

Shizie ago

Young girls and old men, sounds like a sick perverts fantasy.

stealthninjataliban ago

Sick perverts usually fantasize about nontraditional sexual relations.

Shizie ago

Marrying off 12 and 13 year old girls to 30 year old men is not "traditional sexual relations".

theoldones ago

post on/towards thelma (this was written in the first thread).

remember that time you got destroyed in a debate with truthdefender? and then you had a tantrum and spammed defamation threads and harassment pings at us ever since?

why do you run defense for pedophiles so much?

i had to ban your ass after you tried posting a picture of a real child at my face

like here, here's a time when you fought tooth and nail to defend pedos:

remember this time @My10thaccount called you a "fucking pathetic pedophile sympathizer who should be disgusted by this and is a shitty human being"?

remember this time @PatriotLady1 told you for your pedophile defense "you should be shot on sight. how's that for 1st amendment"?

remember that time you made a bunch of threads trying to frame us as pedophiles?

you've been framing and harassing us ever since we shut down your pedo enabling.

theoldones ago

maggotbait88 dropped a soft admission dortex is his alt. please ALSO refer to this evidence post

wants the age of consent to be 13 and younger:

Throughout history men have married women younger than themselves. Only recently have feminists implemented and continually raised the age of consent with the help of Jews. This protects feminists who want to ride the cock carousel and fulfills the Jews desire to exterminate white people by narrowing potential mates for men to only washed up hags. If you support a higher AOC you are anti-white


then says it ought to be even younger:

That's a good point it could be lower


NSFL pedophilic text copypasta:


more pedo proof:

profile info:

116 submissions to SFWLoli, 85 submissions to SFWLolicon, 34 submissions to loli.

(he also moderates a loli sub for posting porn of cartoon kids. v/SFWLoli)

example of one of his loli posts:

an even more fucked up example of his loli posts:

POST SECTION 2: and here's ditto for the Dortex account

here's Dortex saying he'd "fuck again" the "sexiest 6 year old of 2017":

literally loli incest:

when another proven pedo (who later got exposed and fled the site) posted a fetish video of a child being raped to a porn sub, dortex defended the sicko:

admits to liking loli subs:

any further evidence will be added as it's discovered and posted.

EXTRA SECTION: his other bad behaviour


brownnosing voat admin to get his critics banned:

dishonest, gaslighting, hostile pingspam:

how bad was his pingspam? he broke one of the sites bots:

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You sick fuck, you just can't help yourself, can you?

I have in fact notified the authorities in another state about what you keep posting.

Over and over and over, ad nauseam.

You posted the links to that vile shit, anyone can check them. Your posting of those words makes you the worse kind of slime around these parts for some time.

I hope some father finds you and fixes your little red wagon.

Fucking pedo, i got news for you

This isn't Penthouse Forum for Pedos

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think- @heygeorge

This creature is pathetic.

theoldones ago

you are complaining about an evidence post.

i refuse to delete evidence. we need that shit to bust pedos, you utter fucking dumbass. you're asking me something 100% unethical and i CANNOT comply with you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I know you refuse to delete it. you've made that abundantly clear. Your statements about just how important you think you are speak volumes about your narcissistic need to draw attention to yourself. You are of no importance.

Post Your Pornographic Smut Elsewhere

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think- @heygeorge

theoldones ago


it had spoiler tags over it. it was marked around it with information. i gave it a NSFL warning. what you're asking me to do right now is unethical.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You are a narcissistic Pedophile. Make all the excuses for your degeneracy that you can. But more people than me know what you are, your not fooling me. You don't fool anyone with a brain.

Take Your Pedophile Smut and Shove if up Your Ass

theoldones ago

evidence is not smut you dumb whore.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Evidence of you being a pedophile.

A pedophile just called me a whore, I'm so proud

theoldones ago

Evidence of someone else being a pedophile.

lets say i did delete this, how would i bust this person on this one peice of evidence? i dare you to tell me how.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You really are an imbecile.

I admit that i didn't click any of the links you posted, I didn't want to view it. But i assume that your copy/pasta is a true and factual representation.

If the copy/pasta is contained in the links you provide, then WHY THE FUCK reprint it at all? The links ARE THE EVIDENCE.

Doing so shows that you only want to make long winded, salacious statements meant to draw attention to you being the hero, and not the actual perps.

If you are not a pedo then you need to stop ACTING like one and posting that vile shit, pedos post that vile shit, not normal people. Just stop. Spoilers are not enough, you are smart enough to know this.

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think- @heygeorge

theoldones ago

your pinging names but it wont help like you think it will.

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think- @heygeorge can one you please explain here the difference between a legit pedo post VS evidence posts busting said pedos.

this user is retarded and thinks both are the damn same.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Unlike you, I don't need or expect there help to back up the position that


Leave it for the courtroom, that is where it belongs.

heygeorge ago

There is a difference but what I also see is you are vociferously proliferating vile speech you claim to abhor. Take a half step back from your autism.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you.

theoldones ago

can i at least float the compromise of you admitting it's there for evidence, while also being aware that i know you disagree with my methods?

you sperging out on me doesn't help anyone. you've made your opinions known. you don't have to repeat yourself.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You do not get to decide how this is going to go.

You fucked up.

You don't like what I'm doing to you?

You have the power to make it all go away.

  1. Edit ALL of the comments you have posted the pornography in or delete those comments. Your choice.

  2. Promise to never post that shit in a PG sub again.

  3. Stay the fuck away from me.

You follow these three basic steps and I delete the submission I made.

I think it's odd that you can't acknowledge that I am a girl, I am you know.


@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think- @heygeorge

theoldones ago

please explain to the audience what you continually sperging out on me accomplishes.

i won't delete evidence that exposes a pedophile, because it's critical evidence.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

that is the user who wrote that text.

And you keep writing it for him again, all over the place.

why are you throwing your anger at me? throw it at him instead

He didn't post that in a PG sub,


Are you negro? Serious question.

Have you ever heard of the Bell Curve?

theoldones ago


to bust him for it.

did you even know of the guy before you saw what he wrote? direct your anger towards him perhaps.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm angry with you.

Fix this, and it all goes away.

theoldones ago

Fix this


delete the text? that would delete evidence, which would prevent me from busting the perp.

suggest another way to show the evidence in order to bust this guy, if you're so goddamn wise about this.

think- ago

delete the text? that would delete evidence, which would prevent me from busting the perp.

Yes, please delete the text behind the red marker in your comments.

You can-still link to an archive of it.

This way, no evidence will be deleted.


Thank you! :-)

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @shewhomustbeobeyed

think- ago

@heygeorge, please see parent.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

He won't do it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


delete the text?


suggest another way to show the evidence in order to bust this guy,

Post the links to the evidence.

if you're so goddamn wise about this.

Wiser than you, apparently.

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think- @heygeorge

shewhomustbeobeyed ago



theoldones ago

how the fuck do you propose we bust pedophiles, without finding and posting the evidence of their activities?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

NEWSFLASH: Pedophiles Possess Zero Reasoning Skills

theoldones ago

you're accusing a pedo-hunter right now of being a pedo, for presenting evidence on a case.

i dare you to tell me how i would otherwise prove the case without proof. answer that fucking question maybe if your history says you're so damn good. currently you seem very disappointing.

think- ago

i dare you to tell me how i would otherwise prove the case without proof. answer that fucking question

She did, @theoldones. I also did. We both said you can still link to the archive of the evidence. But you just ignored it.

Care to tell me why?

@shewhomustbeobeyed @Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge

theoldones ago

Care to tell me why?

as vindicator says:

However, your approach is retarded. You assumed his intent was foul and attacked and slandered him instead of explaining the effect the words might have on survivors and asking if he would kindly move it to a link.

Assuming the best intent, I would be willing to bet theoldones would have honored your request if you'd asked in a civil manner.

He still might.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

you're accusing a pedo-hunter right now of being a pedo, for presenting evidence on a case.

No, I'm accusing a pedophile of posting peodophilic porn, repeatedly.

i dare you to tell me how i would otherwise prove the case without proof. answer that fucking question maybe if your history says you're so damn good.

I've already told you. I WILL NOT REPEAT MYSELF.

Maybe @Crensch can explain it to you. He's good at explaining things.

currently you seem very disappointing.


I'm crushed.

theoldones ago

multiple other people in mod clique will happily inform you, that your read is wrong.

they will happily tell how much of a pedo-hunter i am.

if i was a pedo, explain me busting fuark, for instance.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm going to make this even easier for you, pedophile.

You get one of the five mods that I have been pinging this whole time to step up and prove that you are not a habitual poster of child pornography, and I will remove the post.






@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think- @heygeorge

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

multiple other people in mod clique will happily inform you, that your read is wrong.

You go find a mod that will tell me right here and right now that you did not post child pornography. Go ahead I'll wait. *looks at watch.

they will happily tell how much of a pedo-hunter i am.

A perfect disguise, if you ask me.

if i was a pedo, explain me busting fuark, for instance.

A perfect disguise, if you ask me.

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think- @heygeorge

theoldones ago

the harshest truth is the bare reality, and i will not ethically delete or hide information

if its unpleasant, blame the guy who wrote it

heygeorge ago

theoldones 0 points (+0|-0) 2.5 hours ago (edited 2.5 hours ago)

the harshest truth is the bare reality, and i will not ethically delete or hide information

if its unpleasant, blame the guy who wrote it. i marked it as NSFL and hid it behind spoilers, because, yeah, its pretty fucked up isnt it?

I know this is futile, but step back from your autism. This is what you are saying:

@theoldones stance is that all of the pedos he’s ‘hunting’ all do nothing wrong because they did not create the images they post.

theoldones ago

explain to me, how to present the copypasta evidence, without actually showing it.

heygeorge ago

Isn’t there an archive of it? Link to the archive offsite. What you are doing is also spreading this (associated with Voat and incidentally your username) to webcrawlers which do not care about the spoiler tag. Great work, if your intent is to cause damage to Voat.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@Crensch @Vindicator ^ please look

think- ago

Isn’t there an archive of it? Link to the archive offsite..

Yes, there is, and he has already linked to it.

For some reasons, he keeps claiming that by deleting the actual text from his comment, and lining to an archive will 'destroy evidence'.


@shewhomustbeobeyed @Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall - please also see comment by @heygeorge above.


heygeorge ago



theoldones ago

i'd be more receptive to the opposite idea, if she'd first approached this differently.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Oh good, I'm so glad to know that we aren't having any problems yet.

Have you deleted the pornography, so I can delete the submission?

think- ago

@gamepwn @darkknight111, please see convo above. Thanks.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

if its unpleasant, blame the guy who wrote it.

I am blaming the guy who wrote in the PG sub. That would be you not anyone else.


because, yeah, its pretty fucked up isnt it?

It's pretty fucked up isn't it?

It's pretty fucked up isn't it?



theoldones ago

It's pretty fucked up isn't it?

it is. the knowledge of maggotbait88 writing this will now never leave your brain. that was the whole point. look at what you're dealing with, that's what it is. does it hurt to look at? GOOD, the only way explain it, is itself.

i dare you to calmly state, without yelling, what my fuck up was.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You post child porn, you are fucked up.

theoldones ago

You post child porn, you are fucked up.

i posted evidence written by someone else to bust that person.

i don't care if your brain is scarred now. life is cold and not fair, and fucked up, and full of horrible things which you cannot ever stop. open up your eyes and take it all in or stay blind.

theoldones ago


from a comment by @truthdefender

thelma, where you use and accept Merriam-Webster, consider their entry on pedophilia:

Definition of pedophilia

sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object

While law may be your area, this is not a legal term. It is very likely Aged is a pedophile.

Consider his submission statistics, which were brought up here:

Submission statistics

This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):

2335 submissions to loli

2276 submissions to lolicon

Wikipedia describes lolicon consistently with the Webster definition on pedophilia:


Lolicon (ロリコン rorikon), also romanized as lolikon or rorikon, is Japanese discourse or media focusing on the attraction to young or prepubescent girls. The term lolicon is a portmanteau of the phrase "Lolita complex";[1] it describes an attraction to young or prepubescent girls.

He has 2335 + 2276 = 4611 submissions to those two loli subs alone. Four thousand six hundred eleven, to just those two. That doesn't even count his posts to other pedophile subs. This proves a relentless dedication to posting pedophile content. You have had your account for two years, are one of the more active goats, and he's submitted more to only those two subs than you submitted in total. His submission is also constant: when I look at the last two weeks of his submissions, I see many per day, every day, going back for the last two weeks. I reasonably generalize that this pattern continues.

He's widely recognized by Voat goats as a pedophile: I haven't seen this ever contested or controversial and for good reasons. @carlip, the owner of /v/PedosOnVoat, states so here and links this post depicting what may be Aged admitting to watching live-action child pornography. @gabara often mocks Aged for this, like here: so often that he's done so as recently as today, and before that three days ago with a meme of Pedobear. Others often do similar: that is from 9 days ago, and here's another by Buddha dated 15 days ago. He gets posts made about him in /v/ProtectVoat: here's one 10 days ago. I could go on.

Here he comments in the pedo sub /v/loli to his fellow pedophile fuark_auf, who theoldones helped drive out from Voat, "You need to teach bitches to learn their place when they are young." He has many submissions to /v/youngladies, a child sexualization subverse, like this one with the title "She is twelve," or this one that's called "Denise Party Girls 94." He sexualizes kids as young as 5, with understandable outrage by poeple, including this separate topic by Conspirologist. He has been accused of deleting inculpatory submissions and has posted sexualized underage cartoons to the default sub /v/gaming. He was called out by @Mumbleberry and others for this. He pedophiles so often that @Splooge has suspected him of SCP farming.

That should be sufficient evidence Aged is a pedophile. He doesn't just keep his pedophilia in his head either: he spams child sexualization so often on Voat it seems like it's his life's devotion. This can lead others to do harm: consider this review of over 35 scientific studies that report findings consistent with significant escalation in people's porn use. For lolicon, the escalation may be to child porn. Aged also enables pedos to find each other.

If we must talk law, there are speech issues that lolicon does present. If you browse this article on the legal status of drawn pornography depicting minors, you'll notice it's illegal in Australia, Canada, the Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. That's 5 of the 18 listed, or 28 percent of them. If there's loli that slips through here and there, Voat will probably be fine. If you have thousands upon thousands of submissions, in subverse after subverse, legal cases might be made in some of these countries this is a Voat problem and Voat might get banned there. People in these countries would then lose their freedom to speak on here, which most here wouldn't consider good.

Consider also this is /v/AntiPedoSquad. From what I see, your comments here are similar to theoldones going to your sub /v/PieceOfShitOfTheDay to inform you the people who you post there as pieces of shit have done nothing illegal.

Summary: it's fair to call Aged a pedo as he's a big pedo. Don't trust him around your kids.

Crensch ago

Apologies for deleting the other - it should have been under this subverse, then linked as a sticky. Rules is rules.

gabara ago

PG rules are very strict, but they work. Only subverse where I've ever had a post deleted by the mods and I thanked them (posted to the wrong PG sub)

theoldones ago

should i repost the shit i said in the last thread? it'll fill the thread right up but it'll be relevent

Shizie ago

Hey theoldones is your sub about pedos in general or pedos on voat?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

His sub is about collecting as much child pornography as he can so he has enough fapping material to distribute to his fellow degenerates. This MF post the most vile pornography all over Voat, and then has the nerve to say he is just posting "EVIDENCE".

He is a Degenerate Pedophile Hiding Behind Good Peoples Best Intentions

theoldones ago


if it fucks kids when it shouldn't be doing that, we hunt it.