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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Why are you taking counsel from @theoldones?

This degenerate slimeball admits to posting:

NSFL pedophilic text copypasta:

And you think he is not a pedophile?

How many time a day do you post child porn? He seems to do it quite a bit.

Do any of your friends or family spend their time posting?

NSFL pedophilic text copypasta:

Mine don't.


All pedophiles need bullet therapy. This one needs it more than most.

He is hiding in plain sight.

theoldones ago


i didnt fucking write that shit.

asking me to delete it is asking me to destroy evidence.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm asking you to not copy and paste child pornography in written form. You have linked to the perps own words, right?

Then there is no need to reprint those words in any PG sub, people who are interested may click the links that you provide.

I am tiring of explaining this to you. You know who I think could help you understand what I am trying to say to you? @Vindicator is an excellent teacher, he might be able to explain me to you better, idk.

Vindicator ago

I'm going to make a conflict communication suggestion I've learned from nearly thirty years of marriage: Assume the Best Intent if you want to resolve a dicey issue.

I've seen no evidence @theoldones is trying to do anything more than get pedos off of Voat. He followed our Dangerous Research policy and made an effort to protect survivors from the content he posted to raise awareness about Voat pedos.

SWMBO, you clearly also intend to protect survivors -- your request to have him move the offensive content further out of reach is reasonable, though not required by Voat sitewide rules or v/pizzagate rules. To my mind, what he posted is no worse than a lot of crap that Donkey spews on a regular basis.

However, your approach is retarded. You assumed his intent was foul and attacked and slandered him instead of explaining the effect the words might have on survivors and asking if he would kindly move it to a link.

Assuming the best intent, I would be willing to bet theoldones would have honored your request if you'd asked in a civil manner.

He still might.

theoldones ago

However, your approach is retarded. You assumed his intent was foul and attacked and slandered him instead of explaining the effect the words might have on survivors and asking if he would kindly move it to a link.

Assuming the best intent, I would be willing to bet theoldones would have honored your request if you'd asked in a civil manner.

He still might.


first, apologize for calling me a pedo.

then, ask nicely for the text to be removed (like you should have done in the first place instead of blowing up on me)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

first, apologize for calling me a pedo.

Posting child porn = pedophile, your rules.

@Vindicator @Crensch

theoldones ago

@Vindicator we got a fucking problem here now then, dont we.

i aint doing shit until i get an apology from her.

Gothamgirl ago

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What moderator power are you referring to, pedo?

@Vindicator this is why you don't do business with narcissists.