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theoldones ago

maggotbait88 dropped a soft admission dortex is his alt. please ALSO refer to this evidence post

wants the age of consent to be 13 and younger:

Throughout history men have married women younger than themselves. Only recently have feminists implemented and continually raised the age of consent with the help of Jews. This protects feminists who want to ride the cock carousel and fulfills the Jews desire to exterminate white people by narrowing potential mates for men to only washed up hags. If you support a higher AOC you are anti-white


then says it ought to be even younger:

That's a good point it could be lower


NSFL pedophilic text copypasta:


more pedo proof:

profile info:

116 submissions to SFWLoli, 85 submissions to SFWLolicon, 34 submissions to loli.

(he also moderates a loli sub for posting porn of cartoon kids. v/SFWLoli)

example of one of his loli posts:

an even more fucked up example of his loli posts:

POST SECTION 2: and here's ditto for the Dortex account

here's Dortex saying he'd "fuck again" the "sexiest 6 year old of 2017":

literally loli incest:

when another proven pedo (who later got exposed and fled the site) posted a fetish video of a child being raped to a porn sub, dortex defended the sicko:

admits to liking loli subs:

any further evidence will be added as it's discovered and posted.

EXTRA SECTION: his other bad behaviour


brownnosing voat admin to get his critics banned:

dishonest, gaslighting, hostile pingspam:

how bad was his pingspam? he broke one of the sites bots:

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You sick fuck, you just can't help yourself, can you?

I have in fact notified the authorities in another state about what you keep posting.

Over and over and over, ad nauseam.

You posted the links to that vile shit, anyone can check them. Your posting of those words makes you the worse kind of slime around these parts for some time.

I hope some father finds you and fixes your little red wagon.

Fucking pedo, i got news for you

This isn't Penthouse Forum for Pedos

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think- @heygeorge

This creature is pathetic.

theoldones ago

you are complaining about an evidence post.

i refuse to delete evidence. we need that shit to bust pedos, you utter fucking dumbass. you're asking me something 100% unethical and i CANNOT comply with you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I know you refuse to delete it. you've made that abundantly clear. Your statements about just how important you think you are speak volumes about your narcissistic need to draw attention to yourself. You are of no importance.

Post Your Pornographic Smut Elsewhere

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think- @heygeorge

theoldones ago


it had spoiler tags over it. it was marked around it with information. i gave it a NSFL warning. what you're asking me to do right now is unethical.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You are a narcissistic Pedophile. Make all the excuses for your degeneracy that you can. But more people than me know what you are, your not fooling me. You don't fool anyone with a brain.

Take Your Pedophile Smut and Shove if up Your Ass

theoldones ago

evidence is not smut you dumb whore.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Evidence of you being a pedophile.

A pedophile just called me a whore, I'm so proud

theoldones ago

Evidence of someone else being a pedophile.

lets say i did delete this, how would i bust this person on this one peice of evidence? i dare you to tell me how.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You really are an imbecile.

I admit that i didn't click any of the links you posted, I didn't want to view it. But i assume that your copy/pasta is a true and factual representation.

If the copy/pasta is contained in the links you provide, then WHY THE FUCK reprint it at all? The links ARE THE EVIDENCE.

Doing so shows that you only want to make long winded, salacious statements meant to draw attention to you being the hero, and not the actual perps.

If you are not a pedo then you need to stop ACTING like one and posting that vile shit, pedos post that vile shit, not normal people. Just stop. Spoilers are not enough, you are smart enough to know this.

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think- @heygeorge

theoldones ago

your pinging names but it wont help like you think it will.

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think- @heygeorge can one you please explain here the difference between a legit pedo post VS evidence posts busting said pedos.

this user is retarded and thinks both are the damn same.

heygeorge ago

There is a difference but what I also see is you are vociferously proliferating vile speech you claim to abhor. Take a half step back from your autism.

theoldones ago

the harshest truth is the bare reality, and i will not ethically delete or hide information

if its unpleasant, blame the guy who wrote it

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

if its unpleasant, blame the guy who wrote it.

I am blaming the guy who wrote in the PG sub. That would be you not anyone else.


because, yeah, its pretty fucked up isnt it?

It's pretty fucked up isn't it?

It's pretty fucked up isn't it?



theoldones ago

It's pretty fucked up isn't it?

it is. the knowledge of maggotbait88 writing this will now never leave your brain. that was the whole point. look at what you're dealing with, that's what it is. does it hurt to look at? GOOD, the only way explain it, is itself.

i dare you to calmly state, without yelling, what my fuck up was.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You post child porn, you are fucked up.

theoldones ago

You post child porn, you are fucked up.

i posted evidence written by someone else to bust that person.

i don't care if your brain is scarred now. life is cold and not fair, and fucked up, and full of horrible things which you cannot ever stop. open up your eyes and take it all in or stay blind.