elephantdoesntforget ago

SeaQuest DSV, the name of a Spielberg produced television series. Lead character committed "suicide."


MongolianPaellaFish ago

All Pizzagate roads lead to Trump. He's the pedo in chief.

fogdryer ago

surely thers more info to come. I dont believe Trump is a whit knight however I would not go so far as to say this

fogdryer ago

when Trump took office he chose alot of ugly people to work with/for him. Turns out he was keeping his enemies

close as to take them down later in the game

racmo ago

Wow the tentacles are long and the rabbit hole is indeed subterranean.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Betsy Devos is the sister to Eric Prince. He started Blackwater in NC supposedly with Amway money. Don't think Amway could have financed an operation this big........it is a mercenary army that, I think, is designed to replace our military. Lots of connections here to shadow govt.....https://businessnc.com/war-is-halecategory/

think- ago

He started Blackwater in NC supposedly with Amway money.

Wow. This means we found a connection de Vos - Erik Prince - Keith Raniere....

....isn't that intreresting....

Lansing-Michigan ago

Another location close to Eric Prince's Blackwater was used very quietly to train terrorists from all over the world. NC again.....Charlotte NC is HQ for US banking.........also has dubious distinction of having more KKK members for a while than any other state. This link shows Amway fortune could not possibly have financed Blackwater.https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_cia07.htm?fbclid=IwAR2IHG_-lIbh0K7pPR5vufUZWXc07lXV5nArR7OPYCglpRJ3v1loZbuEuJo

VotingGodWins ago

Guess Devos is not a white hat then?

MercurysBall2 ago


VotingGodWins ago

damn it.

Joe10jo ago

Well I’ll be damned.

think- ago

...and her brother Eric Prince employs pedos and sex traffickers (like George Nader, who launched a social media campaign on behal of Qatar to get Trump elected, and was close to Clinton as well; but also men who were involved in human trafficking in

Kosovo), and he is quite chummy with Dyncorp, that has been exposed for human trafficking....

fogdryer ago

now who the hell would hire suspect people unless he was one himself!

MercurysBall2 ago

Henry Jarecki owns Norman Island and Guana Island in the BVI. He also flew numerous times with Epstein https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Jarecki

Henry Jarecki was born into a German-Jewish family in Stettin (now Szczecin in northwestern Poland), the son of Max Jarecki, a physician, and Gerda Kunstmann,[1] the scion of a shipping family

Jarecki graduated from the Medical Faculty at Heidelberg University in 1957, and subsequently spent more than a decade as an academic, teaching at the Yale Medical School, and as a psychiatrist in private practice in New Haven, Connecticut, and at the Yale-New Haven Hospital. Jarecki remains an Adjunct Professor at Yale. With Dr. Thomas Detre, Jarecki was the author of Modern Psychiatric Treatment, a 733-page study of psychopharmacologic and other therapies published in 1971. As an academic, he was author or co-author of a number of articles in the psychiatric field, about psychopharmacology, psychiatric units in general hospitals, combined amitriptyline/phenelzine poisoning, and drug addiction.


Jarecki has 4 sons, 3 of which are filmmakers. Travel buddy Nicholas is most famous for “Arbitrage”, starring the Chandler-linked Richard Gere and recently “Black-Eyed Susan” Sarandon.

Daddy Jaracki co-founded the “Scholar Rescue Fund” in 2002, part of the “Institute of International Education”; its mission is relocating scholars in war-torn areas....Its governance board has some interesting people - Biden buddies and Chicago ties

..Back to Papa Jarecki. Not only did he found the first Youth Center in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) he owns two additional ISLANDS; both are pretty secluded...In addition to Hollywood guests, they also had alleged violent perv Mario Batali (article prior to allegations)

Did you notice that Manhattan Residence he bought in 2000? It’s less than 3 miles from Epste!n’s townhouse.

He and his wife also have The Gloria and Henry Jarecki Special Skills School in Cambodia...Again, no dedicated website, nothing asking for donations or talking about what they do... This is one humble motherfucker.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Harbour Island aka Billionaire Island is the one to watch where elite families have their palatial estates, very private. Also, “Prince” Pavlos of Greece and his wife Marie Chantal of Greece are regulars there as her parents the Duty Free baron Robert Miller and wife “the last Incan Princess” Chantal Miller own it. Pavlos and MC were photographed on another island with Randy Andy close by. Arki Busson and friends on Harbour Island, India Hicks, the list goes on its a Luciferian nightmare.

think- ago

India Hicks, the list goes on its a Luciferian nightmare.

Isn't India Hicks' maiden name Mountbatten....will try to find my notes on her...iirc, she is either Lord Mountbatten's daughter or granddaughter = a close relative of the Royals...pedo Lord Mountbatten is Prince Philip's uncle...

millennial_vulcan ago

Princess Di’s bridesmaid :) CONNECTED.

@TruthSeeker3000 What happened to ST BARTS being the one to watch ;) “NO LAW FOR THESE PEOPLE ON THE ISLAND” including I guess, Pippa Mid’s ‘rapist-of-minors’ Father in Law.


fogdryer ago

david matthews

millennial_vulcan ago

Luckily for British Pedo David Matthews when his name is googled, it will lead to singer DAVE MATTHEWS and British Pedo Dave* will be let off the hook, SMDH.

@think- Coincidence that this thread talked of Princess Di Bridesmaid India Hicks when ANOTHER of Di’s bridesmaid’s was also just named as potential Epstein girl. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8597515/Bridesmaid-Princess-Diana-guest-Jeffrey-Epsteins-island.html

@Truthseeker3000 I have never heard of this “Hambro Banking Family” - related to the Rothies?

MercurysBall2 ago

One of her IG posts, check out the GEM t-shirt https://www.instagram.com/p/B8SG4Dqn25g/


Global Empowerment Mission is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2011. Conceived in 1999 when Founder/Director Michael Capponi got his feet wet helping the victims of the Kosovo crisis

Michael Capponi=the new Epstein?

European Bankers Offspring Running Secret VIP Anti Trump Nightclub

MercurysBall2 ago



This photograph of Robert Maxwell's daughter Ghislaine, pimp to Jeffrey Epstein, has been circulating on Twitter for some time.

Let me try to put it into perspective ...

Just a little more than a month after that Save the Children photo was taken, Ghislaine, whose father owned Oxford United, was pictured with Chelsea FC chairman Ken Bates on Oct.19, 1985...

**Bates made an early fortune in ready-mix concrete, a product that keeps reappearing in many of my threads. Bates associated with many idolised by the right-wing Monday Club.

He attempted to purchase Tortola, an island less than 30 km from Epstein's Little St. James but failed.**

Ken Bates was a close friend of David Mellor - ex-MP, chairman of the Government's Football Task Force and junior HO minister who 'forgot' he sat in on a meeting with Brittan and Geoffrey Dickens about PIE.

Ken Bates was the owner of300-acre Grange Farm, a business which for a while sponsored Bate's other business, Chelsea FC. It even featured on the sort of kit alleged to have been worn by Bate's mate David Mellor during his memorable steamy four-goal night.

By 1989, Bates' mate Colin Meredith Peters had been convicted under Operation Hedgerow for his part as ringleader in a horrific child abuse ring after a telecoms engineer discovered obscene abuse images.




https://twitter.com/ciabaudo/status/1155513039023738882 This was not Peters' first conviction, though. He first came to light in 1967 when it was reported that he had been arrested on charges of abusing two 10 year old boys on a boat in the bay of Naples whilst ferrying scugnizzi to society paedophiles on Ischia.

After working for Customs & Excise, Peters joined Hugh Mainprice in 1986 as a partner in the VAT firm Mainprice & Co.

Hugh's daughter Clare Mainprice, together with Stephen Fry, was a founder member of the Groucho Club involved in child sexual abuse. https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2014/07/29/groucho-club-and-child-sexual-abuse/

https://twitter.com/ciabaudo/status/1155536570671337477 In June 1986, The People published claims that Harvey Proctor MP had taken part in sex acts with young males in his London flat. In October, a sinister call was made to the paper to prevent further coverage, threatening to release incriminating pictures of Ghislaine Maxwell.

Two of Matthew Harding's wife's best friends are the ex-wives of David Mellor and Glenn Hoddle. Her new husband Richard Gist works with sexually abused children. When they met he was an area manager for the NSPCC in Coventry.

https://twitter.com/ciabaudo/status/1155560293482881024 Ken Bates was a ruthless colonialist and showed contempt for the natives of BVI Tortola in his attempt to win a 199-year lease of the island, which would have left him stinking rich and given the islanders nothing. Luckily Bates met his better in Noel Lloyd, a local activist.

771423x1 ago

Thank you

MercurysBall2 ago

I knew Tortola was ringing a bell. Excerpts from https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3245440/18868633

ICIJ Offshore Leaks data base relationship diagram for TSG https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/12192512


..that address is close to Port Purcell. In that area of the world the best way to get from one little island to another is by yacht. Googling Port Purcell, the first company that pops up is PEGASUS IX yacht charter... https://www.charteryachtpegasus.com/

CAPTAIN - WARREN EAST [ Managing Director of East Yachts Ltd.] ..CHEF - ELIZABETH LEE (Warren's wife)

Chef Elizabeth graduated from Kelowna University of Culinary Arts in 2001. She worked as sous Chef at a five star, fine dining, Italian Restaurant in Whistler, British Columbia’s premier ski resort.

On her FB page she has hundreds of friends so I didn't go through many.. stopped at this one:

Margot Franssen Co-Founder and Co-Chair at The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking. She co-founded the centre along with... Sheila O’Brien, C.M., Founder, Co-chair... NOVA Chemicals Corporation..

Another connection: Jane Feddersen, Associate Marketing Manager - milCloud® 2.0 at CSRA Inc [Dyncorp is owned by CSRA]

Kitty McGowan, President at The U.S. Superyacht Association


..Before it submitted its price proposals to the State Department, however, DynCorp knew that the rates provided by Corporate Bank or its affiliate, The Sandi Group (“TSG”), for hotel facilities and local national security guards, drivers, interpreters, and managers were unreasonable. ...

Rubar Sandi appears with any elite that is anyone in DC. Obama, BC, GWB the Bidens, and McCain and Kerry. Wow. What a lineup. He has ties to Iraq and Dyncorp.

fogdryer ago

is that the R Sandi that sells and ships furniture ( wayfair) ?


Corporate Bank and The Sandi Group shared executive leadership, including Rubar Sandi, the owner and chairman of both

entities. DynCorp referred to Corporate Bank and TSG interchangeably.



New World Biochips Inc.



MercurysBall2 ago

This might also be relevant, from comment above: Port Purcell >> PEGASUS IX yacht charter. >> Warren East


Warren East goes to Turkey https://www.facebook.com/warren.east.14

East Yachts Ltd https://www.eastyachts.com/about-us https://www.eastyachts.com/turkey

Related re shipping containers? $21.6M Allegedly Passed by Chinese Businessman to Fugee's and then Funneled to Barry Soetoro -- Same Businessman Okayed to Lease 2nd Largest Container Port in Long Beach(pizzagate) https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3214545

Aswad Ayinde, who won an MTV award for directing The Fugees' "Killing Me Softly," fathered six kids with his daughters from the mid-1980s to 2002 - and delivered the babies himself, New Jersey prosecutors said.

Adding this link to a Voat post about shipping containers. @Carmencita supplied it and I'm adding it to the OP. https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2203062


Turkish rabbit hole https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1506260


ALEX CHOW YU CHUN, treasurer, United States flag inactive branch HONG KONG ISLANDS LINE AMERICA, S.A. (Louisiana (US), 26 Aug 1985- )

CHOW YU CHUN ALEX, tesorero, Panama flag PARRAMATTA SHIPPING COMPANY S.A. (Panama, 14 Jul 1986- )

CHOW YU CHUN ALEX, director, Panama flag PARRAMATTA SHIPPING COMPANY S.A. (Panama, 14 Jul 1986- )

CHOW YU CHUN ALEX, tesorero, Panama flag HONG KONG PEARL SHIPPING CO. S. A. . (Panama, 29 Sep 1982- )

CHOW YU CHUN ALEX, director, Panama flag NEW PIONEER SHIPPING COMPANY S.A. (Panama, 25 Jan 1985- )

CHOW YU CHUN ALEX, tesorero, Panama flag NEW PIONEER SHIPPING COMPANY S.A. (Panama, 25 Jan 1985- )

CHOW YU CHUN, ALEX, tesorero, Panama flag VICTORIA ISLAND SHIPPING COMPANY S.A. (Panama, 14 Jul 1986- )

CHOW YU CHUN, ALEX, director, Panama flag NEW PRECIOUS SHIPPING COMPANY, S.A. . (Panama, 17 Oct 1986- )

CHOW YU CHUN, ALEX, director, Panama flag VICTORIA ISLAND SHIPPING COMPANY S.A. (Panama, 14 Jul 1986- )

CHOW YU CHUN, ALEX, tesorero, Panama flag NEW PRECIOUS SHIPPING COMPANY, S.A. . (Panama, 17 Oct 1986- )



Also connected to this NEW WORLD DEVELOPMENT company which is obviously just a tentacle of the NW0 Agenda 2030.

New World


Vision 2030

New World Sustainability Vision 2030 references the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and steers the Group to offer a customer experience based on three pillars: Green, Wellness and Caring, all of which are enabled by a fourth pillar: Smart. Led by the Board Sustainability Committee and driven by our stakeholders’ growing awareness of sustainable development, together we are curating opportunities for a life well-lived.

Together, we curate opportunities for a life well-lived



If its the same Alex Chow Yu Chun he owns a Disney and Cartoon Network toy company called PLAYMATE TOYS



MercurysBall2 ago


Playmates Toys is in active development of several new licensed and “home grown” product lines that will be introduced in late 2004 and 2005. Included among these initiatives are Nickelodeon's “Evergirl”, Autocannon’s “Max Boost” and a new interactive character product line.

Evergirl is a broad based, aspirational lifestyle property that has been in development at Nickelodeon for the past three years. Nickelodeon will unveil this property in 2004 and aggressively promote the unique, positive “Evergirl” message to girls with TV advertising, promotional and merchandising campaigns. Playmates will introduce an innovative, customizable doll and accessory product line to coincide with and capitalize upon Nickelodeon’s promotional programs.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS.

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MercurysBall2 ago

Yes. It's the same one. Really good find https://playmatestoys.com/corporate/senior-management/



Independent Non-executive Director

Mr. Chow, age 72, joined the Group in 2007. He has over 37 years of experience in commercial, financial and investment management in Hong Kong and China. Mr. Chow is currently an independent non-executive director of Symphony Holdings Limited and China Strategic Holdings Limited. On September 7, 2015, he was appointed an independent non-executive director of Aquis Entertainment Limited, a public company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. He retired as an independent non-executive director of Top Form International Limited on October 31, 2019.

For context.

Seemed like Playmates also make content - youtube spin offs that look like the Elsagate stuff.


Okay I still felt like there was something with PLAYMATES TOYS and ALEX/ANDER CHOW YU CHUN.

So I checked out their website again and noticed they have a prominent BADGE : Kids Safe Seal .

Kids Safe Seal focusses on being the cyber security arm of childrens chat rooms, online games, learning portals, social media etc aimed at ages 0-5 5-10 10-16. Knowing how many predators use online kids games to access victims, and that Playmates Toys which was certified belonged to a suspected predator, this raised a red flag.

If you look at the companies there are only a few that you will recognize, and an above average that use Panda and Egg in their name(both highly symbolic).


Could be nothing, but this list seems to be a better lead than the toys, as these companies are already in our children's homes (computer/device).

Can someone dig ?

MercurysBall2 ago

Shai Samet, Founder & President: https://summit.kidscreen.com/2019/speakers/918991/shaisamet/


Cartoon Network is verified by KidSafe https://www.kidsafeseal.com/certifiedproducts/cartoonnetwork.html

On February 17, 2020, kidSAFE will be hosting a kidTECH meet-up and networking event in Tel Aviv for our current members and anyone interested in the children's digital space. Our friends at Wix.Com have generously offered their space for the meet-up.

There seems to be a Pedo network stemming from The Cartoon Network and or the Comedy People, needs digging



we need back-up

MercurysBall2 ago

I'll have a look.



Portcullis TrustNet (BVI)

A Portcullis (pronounced ‘port-kalis’) is a grating of iron often hung at the gateways of castles. It is lowered to fortify and prevent passage. The portcullis was chosen as our company’s logo to symbolise safety, security and protection for all that reside within.


An administrative penalty in the total amount of $205,500.00 was imposed on Portcullis TrustNet (BVI) Limited for the following contraventions: Section 11 of the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Code of Practice, 2008 for its failing to maintain appropriate policies, procedures and other measures to prevent misuse of technological developments;


MercurysBall2 ago

Disney cruise includes neighbouring Tortola and Water Island : https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3351349/19893348

MercurysBall2 ago

West Michigan Aviation Academy https://westmichiganaviation.org/about

The West Michigan Aviation Academy is a tuition-free public charter high school founded by Dick DeVos upon encouragement from wife, Betsy. Stemming from their passion for education and aviation, the school opened its doors in the fall of 2010 and is located on the grounds of the Gerald R. Ford International Airport.


Rick Fiddler is the Amway Corporation’s director of aviation. His expertise in piloting, aviation management, and aviation infrastructure qualify him to be a strong contributor to the development and oversight of WMAA’s aviation curriculum. Additionally, Rick’s involvement on the Board allows WMAA students access to the premier corporate hangar in America.

Growing their own pilots. How cute.


This sounds like the scientologists SEAORG their little private mind controlled navy.

MercurysBall2 ago


Okay, the Michigan post has an important Epstein connection: DynCorp, Centurion Aviation linked to Human Trafficking, Secret Prisons, State Department and CIA

...Centurion Aviation LLC, 677 Greentree Lane, Ada, Michigan.... Centurion Aviation is listed just under BlackWater

..Daniel J Szymanski is current agent of Centurion Aviation, Llc...He is also the Chairman of the Board, Jedco, Inc. https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapid=4611000 .. President: John Boeschenstein

..http://www.jedinc.com/ [Another one of those weird websites with an F-35 in its page banner. Sound familiar? It does to me.. who else is involved with F-35? Keith Raniere from NXIVM - US Patent: "Determination of whether a luciferian can be rehabilitated" - You've GOT to read this!!]

According to the CV of John Boeschenstein, he is also CEO at Custom Profile and Vice Chair of Board of Directors Children's Advocacy Center of Kent County, Grand Rapids, Michigan https://imgur.com/a/CbkYrw

..Jedco’s No. 1 customer is Pratt & Whitney.. In May, Pratt & Whitney, which has been a Jedco customer since the mid-1980s, was awarded a $1.13 billion contract from the Department of Defense to produce engines for the F-35 Lightning II jet fighter.

Pratt & Whitney, a fully owned subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation

DrRoberts ago

Located at Batten International Airport in Racine, WI, Centurion Aviation Services is a full service flight training company specializing in Private Pilot and Commercial Pilot Training. Whether you are brand new to flying, a practicing professional or are just looking for a refresher, Centurion Aviation Services has the skills and experience to assist whatever the need.

Racine, Wisconsin has a small private international airport with a unique customs office.

Racine, Wisconsin has a controlled harbor with controlled rail and interstate access in one of the highest areas of human trafficking.

Racine, Wisconsin is where the World Core Curriculum was established (at Wingspread).

How are common core, STEM, voucher programs and Amway connected?

Amway founder Rich DeVos part of unprecedented $13 million in support for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker

“DeVos has been active in the school voucher movement, and Walker last year expanded Milwaukee's voucher program and established a similar one in eastern Racine County,” the newspaper reported on the West Michigan businessman’s tie.

Racine, Wisconsin is where the model for Community Policing was created.

Racine, Wisconsin is where the historic Knights of Pythias parade was held.

Racine, Wisconsin is where the NXIVM doctor’s family moved to from Chicago long ago. Why?

The NXIVM doctor practiced in two locations - New York and the Milwaukee/Racine area.

Weiner is directly connected with both NXIVM and the Knights of Pythias.

Weiner, Schumer, Schiff, Byrd, Epstein, Emanuels and many others are members of the Knights of Pythias.

The Schmitz family is also from the Racine area.

The Strzok family is also from Wisconsin with family around the Racine area.

I-94 is one of the key major hubs and routes for human trafficking.

Racine, Wisconsin is fast-tracking a new COVID test linked with Weill Cornell University where the University is closely linked with Racine, with locations in New York and Qatar, and controls the global hotel industry of which Trump is a major player.

What is the Mason Lab and how is it connected with Eugenics? How are NXIVM and the Knights of Pythias connected with Eugenics?

Where is the hub for experimental aircraft? Why were the majority of the Majestic 12 from Wisconsin? What are the ancient formations in Wisconsin? Why did the Podestas get their “big break” in Racine? What are United Way and Rotary used for?

Racine, Wisconsin is where Trump, Paul Ryan, Reince Preibus, Scott Walker, Terry Gou, Johnsons, new Bauers and many others made The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World. Paul Ryan was involved in the Tarmac meeting and nearly everyone associated with The Deal has subsequently left their positions. It is the largest foreign Greenland investment in the history of the nation near the world’s largest freshwater supply and no one seems to know what it is, what it is for or asks any questions whatsoever about The Deal.

Why is Racine the most banned and censored of all topics on Pizzagate and Great Awakening?

Why do both the Rothschilds and new Bauers live in Racine?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know? What is The Truth shared since The Beginning?

What is The Parousia?

@MercurysBall2 @lansingmichigan @ordotempliinternetis @truthseeker3000 @ababcb @fogdryer @carmencita @piscina



ababcb ago

Where is the hub for experimental aircraft? Why were the majority of the Majestic 12 from Wisconsin? What are the ancient formations in Wisconsin? Why did the Podestas get their “big break” in Racine? What are United Way and Rotary used for?

Everything in this sentence looks like it connects to Project Blue Beam. The hub for experimental aircraft is in Oshkosh Wisconsin, formerly in Milwaukee, at the Experimental Aircraft Association. I don't know why exactly the majority of Majestic 12 is from Wisconsin but it must have to do with the effigy mounds and other ancient formations in the area, which could have been built to signal or communicate with the flying objects that ancient people in this area saw. Now it makes sense why the Podestas got their "big break" in Racine, because John Podesta is known to be involved in Project Blue Beam and is connected to Tom DeLonge. United Way and Rotary Club both appear to be used to pool resources together, although I am not sure if this is the answer you are looking for.

Racine, Wisconsin is where Trump, Paul Ryan, Reince Preibus, Scott Walker, Terry Gou, Johnsons, new Bauers and many others made The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World. Paul Ryan was involved in the Tarmac meeting and nearly everyone associated with The Deal has subsequently left their positions. It is the largest foreign Greenland investment in the history of the nation near the world’s largest freshwater supply and no one seems to know what it is, what it is for or asks any questions whatsoever about The Deal.

How close is this cartoon to what the 8th Wonder really is? How accurate is the following statement?

the false prophet will be a new broadcast algorithm that will show the world what "lies behind the veil".

you will see many miraculous things, but it's all just hogwash.

it will be a network that will be tied into every other network, like a quantum internet.

you will even hear it proclaim, "we have found heaven".

it'll just be broadcast to your phones, browsers, digital billboards, radios, televisions, adverts played between songs on streaming services.

as the tech advances, the brainwashing will get worse.

best thing you can do is just know that the last 40-50 years of broadcasting has been a litmus test for this program.

they didn't know when it would be possible, but they knew one day it would be.


Why do both the Rothschilds and new Bauers live in Racine?

I thought the Neubauers WERE the Rothschilds? There are other Rothschilds who live in Racine who actually use the name Rothschild openly?

Apparently Arthur Rothschild worked for S.C. Johnson in Racine. He is the sibling of Steven Rothschild of NY, Linda (George) Rothschild-Robb of Roslyn, PA and his mother was Portia Rothschild.

Benno Rothschild was also boss at Rothschild Studios

I still don't know the specific reason(s) why they live in Racine.


I also have an unrelated question. Was Terry A. Davis a victim of suicide programming either carried out by or pioneered by the The Witch? He was born only 30 miles away from Racine, Wisconsin and he died by committing suicide in front of a train.

Joe10jo ago

And I also thought that the Bauer’s and the Roth’s were one and the same. Hmmm...

Joe10jo ago

Great question about Terry. Also, I’m surprised we haven’t learned more about the Witch and I wish we would.

Joe10jo ago

I know that some people openly use the name Rothschild along the North Shore and you guys will get a kick out of how I found out. It’s bc I was leaving Jewel (grocery) one day and was approached by some women outside who were there to draw attention to a cause... it’s been awhile but I think it was an AIDS charity. Anyways, I made some kinda comment about how the cure actually exists blah blah blah and you should’ve seen the look on the woman’s face bc I walk away with the brochure she’s given me only to see that her last name was Rothschild lol since we all know that they’re behind everything.

Talk about coincidental irony.

MercurysBall2 ago

Keith Raniere https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Raniere

Through the 1980s, Raniere was involved with Amway, the multi-level marketing company.[12][9] Heidi Hutchinson recalled that during the late '80s, Raniere was fascinated by Amway, Scientology, and neuro-linguistic programming.[27][9] Raniere also worked as a computer programmer for New York State's Division of Parole.[

think- ago

Through the 1980s, Raniere was involved with Amway

I bet this is a really deep rabbit hole...I wonder how deep his ties to the de Vos family are.

MercurysBall2 ago

https://imgur.com/a/GqkaMG6 Jay Van Andel (left) and Richard DeVos (center) in the Oval Office meeting with President Gerald R. Ford in June 1975.


Let's not forget Gerald Ford. According to Cathy O'Brien, alleged MK Ultra victim,

"Once my father agreed to sell me into the CIA's MKUltra project, we were visited by the head of the local Michigan Mafia pornography ring - or rather the politician that was covering up all of these kinds of perverse crimes in our area. His name was Gerald Ford. This is the same Gerald Ford that went into the office of President." https://sm4csi.home.xs4all.nl/nwo/MindControl/speech_by_mark_phillips_and_cathy_obrien-part2.htm

Yes, a very deep rabbit hole.

fogdryer ago

Another major benefactor of the Council for National Policy is 33º Mason Richard DeVos, president of the Amway Corporation, which also funded the Aspen Global Change Institute. DeVos serves as a judge for the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion, on the Board of Directors of (33º Mason) Robert Schuller Ministries, and as Trustee of (33º Mason) Gerald R. Ford Foundation. Richard DeVos is also a member of the Newcomen Society and the Round Table. 50.


SearchVoatBot ago

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MercurysBall2 ago


It was established, funded and administered by John Templeton starting in 1972. It is now co-funded by the Templeton philanthropies, and administered by the John Templeton Foundation.

The prize was originally awarded to people working in the field of religion (Mother Teresa was the first winner)

The monetary value of the prize is adjusted so that it exceeds that of the Nobel Prizes; Templeton felt, according to The Economist, that "spirituality was ignored" in the Nobel Prizes.[6] As of 2019, it is £1.1 million.[7] It has typically been presented by Prince Philip in a ceremony at Buckingham Palace.

Ain't that special?

There's a whole list of prize winners on that page. Another rich source of leads no doubt.

Voat post : PSU Chemistry Professor who faces 35 Counts Of CHILD PORN drives for Lyft, DoorDash and Postmates and has links with Jeffrey Epstein

Niles Lehman, a science professor at Portland State University, has been arrested and charged with 35 counts of producing child porn...There was a blanket over what appeared to be a cage or a box in the back of the car, and she was saying that there was a living person inside. ....Lyft had raised more than US$2 billion from investors including Prince Alwaleed's Kingdom Holdings Company..

..One of the stickiest origins projects Templeton has recently funded is “Cooperation and Interpretation in the Emergence of Life,” which looks to find purposeful RNA fragments that agree to cooperate. Six hundred thirty thousand dollars ($630,000) has been awarded for said project to the team of Christopher Southgate-–a British theologian/biochemist, and Portland State University chemistry professor Niles Lehman.

John Templeton Foundation .. In 2015, the Santa Fe Institute was awarded a three year, $2.5 million grant to support the development of a general theory of complexity, ..Santa Fe takes us to Jeffrey Epstein. ..

The comments section continues the dots will all these tech companies and the new apps which are linking George Soros, Salesforce, Bezos etc.

MercurysBall2 ago

@fogdryer your comment has led me to the start of one hell of a rabbit hole.

I did a search for "Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion" and got a lot of Billy Graham hits. Look at the endless photos in this article of Graham and all the dastardly leaders: Thatcher, Nixon, Eisenhower, Bush, Archbishop of Canerbury etc.. we know that unusually for an American evangelist he was a friend of Queen Elizabeth. I have written about his son Franklin Graham's 'charity' Samaritan's Purse : https://searchvoat.co/?t=%22samaritan%27s+purse%22&s=pizzagate&b=on . That search includes: Billy Graham and satanic ritual abuse

This thread is mostly a follow-up to Fiona Barnett's accusations about Billy Graham (the Protestant Pope) being a child rapist, 33rd Degree Freemason and Satanist

In that article on Graham look at all those photos bowing their heads in prayer during the invocations. I stopped at this image of Graham and the children in Prospect Park https://imgur.com/a/l9Z0CAg

Prospect Park you say?


Inside New York’s silent sex trafficking epidemic - Inside a handsome brick building on a tree-lined street near Brooklyn’s Prospect Park lay one of the city’s dirtiest secrets.

...For one harrowing month last year, the teens’ captors forced them to strip to their underwear, pose for Backpage.com ads and have sex with up to 10 johns a day, prosecutors charge....

Last month I found out that Prospect Park has all kinds of rumours to it .. to include satanism.. here's the trip that led me to that and again it was a comment from you, in the post Chicago Deputy Chief Dion Boyd Dies By "Suicide" at Homan Square facility, where many people have 'disappeared'. ... rumours of organ trafficking

..With more than 40 locations throughout the state of Wisconsin, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin provides care for critically ill newborns and children. Are a leader in blood/marrow transplants, are pioneers in pediatric bone marrow transplantation and are one of only a few centers that have been performing allogeneic transplants — which use blood stem cells from a donor.

(Our Transplant Center is a joint effort of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin and Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin with vital support by the BloodCenter of Wisconsin (Versiti) ..

..international hospital partners... Street Kids Direct Guatemala City, Guatemala..

Children's Hospital of Wisconsin >> ThedaCare Regional Medical Center-Neenah >>Kimberly-Clark Corporation :: investors Vanguard group, BlackRock, State Street Corporation

Kimberley-Clark https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimberly-Clark#cite_note-6

Founded in Neenah, Wisconsin, in 1872 and based in Irving, Texas, since 1985,[4] the company has approximately 42,000 employees.[5] The British subsidiary holds Royal Warrants from both Queen Elizabeth II and Charles, Prince of Wales.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Street_Corporation State Street Corporation is an American[3] financial services and bank holding company headquartered at One Lincoln Street in Boston with operations worldwide.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimberly_Crest Kimberly Crest House and Gardens is a French château-style Victorian mansion located in Redlands, California...In 1905, John Alfred Kimberly, a co-founder of the Kimberly-Clark paper company, purchased the home to escape the Wisconsin winters, giving the family name to the property. ..Prior to the conversion to a museum, the mansion served as one of the filming locations for the 1981 movie Hell Night, starring Linda Blair.

http://kimberlycrest.org/ Kimberley Crest address: 1325 Prospect Drive Redlands, Ca 92373

http://kimberlycrest.org/aboutus/ After her husband’s death Mrs. Mary Kimberly-Shirk moved to Redlands, CA to find solace and provide care for her aging parents and later inherited the estate. In an effort to save neighboring Prospect Park she later offered to donate her home to the “people of Redlands” and founded Kimberly-Shirk Association to manage the estate.

Lots of articles about satanism :

Haunted Redlands – fact or fiction?

“I used to run around Kimberly Crest and Prospect Park making the security guards chase my friends and me, while running from the guard, someone reached out from one of the orange trees as I passed and grabbed a hold of me, and it was not one of the people I was with. Scared the living poo out of me,” continued Thorpe...

In 2013, a man was arrested for raping and murdering a woman, and afterward, her dead body was discovered in the park... Prospect Park is also thought to be a prime location for Satan worshipers to gather at night according to aboutredlands.com.

Barton Mansion is also known to have been a popular rendezvous up spot for Satan worshipers. There are also claims that this home was built on top of ancient Native American burial grounds. Additionally, the home once served as an insane asylum and a prison. Today Barton Mansion serves as a law office.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/ralph6343/6386817083 Barton Mansion was built in 1859 on the site of an old Indian burial ground by Dr. Ben Barton. The bricks used to build the mansion were made from clay dug up from the burial grounds. He was warned not to do this by people in the area familiar with Indian customs, but he would not listen to them. Shortly after Dr. Barton and his wife moved into the mansion, their two young daughters died under mysterious circumstances. Locals claimed the deaths were caused by Dr. Barton’s desecration of the Indian cemetery.

In his grief and madness, Dr. Barton became involved with Freemasonry and Satanic worship... [not verified]


In the late 1850s,[1][2][4] Barton was able to purchase large amounts of land from members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Rancho San Bernardino at low prices due to Brigham Young's recalling the Mormon outpost in San Bernardino.

So many posts we've done on them.

Another of our leads re State Street Corporation in Inside Joe Biden's bizarre coronavirus bunker (basement) from @kjkjnkjnkjn and @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS

Another suspicious facility right near by Joe's Delware home is "Children of America". A couple suspicious symbols on their page, with one girl flashing the tripe 6 hand sign...

NEXT DOOR TO THE DAYCARE.. As of 2017, Agilent Technologies is mainly held by institutional investors: T. Rowe Price, BlackRock, Fidelity Investments, The Vanguard Group, State Street Corporation, and others

And I'm just scratching the surface here.. I just DON'T have the time for all these tentacles anymore.. but the implications of all this just becomes mindboggling. @think-


First off THANK YOU MERC! It is obvious to me you are our most powerful warrior lately. Do you have a patreon? lol

Whether we want to believe in the spiritual potential/potency of places like Native American burial grounds, enchanted forests, Devils Gates, Bohemian Groves or - not, THEY DO. It is safe to say even the rumor or aura around around a haunted place is enough to draw a few Satanists to it. We can also paint them crazy, but these cults care and therefore know and keep track of their local paranormal/ritual sites better than we do. They know them in the dark. They know what irrigation tunnels pop out where. What security is like.

On a more practical and evil level, most of these "sites" are State or Federal Parks or Sanctuaries. Think Missing 411. I have heard that it is impossible to be convicted of a murder in a 'park' as it is in separate jurisdiction as the local town, and is near impossible to build a jury of peers (12 people who needed to be in the park at the same time as the crime). If you bring your cult, those odds of being convicted by those peers theoretically reach zero. If someone with more concrete evidence or legal knowledge can dismiss or back up this theory, it would be very beneficial.


Incredible. Almost unreal how they're all so connected. That NLP seems to be a preferred method for these Raniere level predators.

Fetalpig ago

Then she has her brothers Blackwater,with the ability via the state dept to travel the world with zero oversight.

MercurysBall2 ago

What is Homestead?


The Trump regime will hold 3,200 unaccompanied minors at the Homestead, the only for-profit detention center, which Sen. Jeff Merkley called "a massive prison."

John Kelly was seen visiting this week. He is assoc w/ DC Capital Partners which owns Homestead.