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Singleservename ago

Pizza, ping pong and perversion among elites gaming the legal system to get away with anything. Strange coincidence again. Also is that a little girl (Sarah) peeking through the kitchen door?

I know they always like to rub it in our faces but this (1990) seems very early for these references. Or maybe we are late getting wise to them?

equineluvr ago

Hi Single, It's the latter. It turns out that there were pizza/pong references in Speilberg's movie ET (1982) as well as in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990).

2impendingdoom ago

And Speilberg was involved with the Clintons back in Arkansas (according to WJC wikipedia)

rooting4redpillers ago

Steven Spielberg and Hillary Clinton, more recently:

SEPT. 2015 - Ed Klein: Clinton Turned to Spielberg for 'Likeability Lessons' Hillary Clinton grudgingly enlisted Steven Spielberg at her husband's insistence for secret coaching lessons to improve her image on the campaign trail, but the former first lady junked the "likeability lessons" as the race heated up for the Democratic presidential nomination.

OCT. 2016 - Steven Spielberg gets bizarre shoutout from Hillary Clinton during presidential debate If you get the chance to namedrop Steven Spielberg, always take it. Hillary Clinton shouted out the three-time Academy Award winner during the second presidential debate Sunday night. The Democratic nominee used Spielberg’s 2012 film “Lincoln” in a discussion about needing a public and private position on certain issues.

FEB. 2017 - See Hillary Clinton and Steven Spielberg at Sunset Boulevard Clinton and Spielberg visited with the cast backstage at the Palace Theatre February 15.

2impendingdoom ago

I saw a reference to speilberg in a podesta email, can't remember which one, where HRC hung out with him at his house in the Hamptons (just to show the overlap in the DC/Hollywood circles