Theytookadonilawslot ago

Checkered border logo for cartoon Network.

PedoStomperReturns ago

OP, you mentioned that Drew Carey was involved in one of the projects for Harmon's Channel 101, and it reminded me of these pictures.



new4now ago

very nice add, Thank you

Conspiracyqueen ago

I grew up on Cartoon Network & Nick. And there was always innuendos in the jokes or even illustrated. I only was aware of this because I was sexually abused as a toddler and forward on. Sex was always on my mind even tho I didn’t know what it really was. I watched these shows to feed my appetite and curiosity for this unknown act. NO CHILD SHOULD EXPERIENCE THIS yet MSM continues to push it. Glad people are waking up.

Blacksmith21 ago

@new4now - Where does Podesta fit in? Sorry...not reading through all the links.

new4now ago

first link by lightly toasted, Those where the names mentioned in post

Tony Podesta

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Congratulations, your post is only one degree of separation from the democrat party.

Sara silverman is highly connected in that party, and a lot of these names are connected to television producers, who are also married into the democrat party.

This is about to get out of hand, because thanks to justin roland and his connections at nbc, this now also ties into the clinton foundation.

new4now ago

no doubt

how many times have people in the Industry come out against Trump?

I guessing, those that have a lot to hide

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Literally was my dream growing up to write for adult swim. So many years writing spec scripts and doing comedy in Atlanta feel wasted. But I mean no one a part of this movement can be apart of any of this, right? Nothing feels right anymore.

PedoStomperReturns ago

Honestly it'd be amazing if someone who was "one of us" got a job at one of these places and was able to get hidden camera footage and then dumped it all on Tor or something.

new4now ago

Welcome to the Club

there are so many actors, actresses, musicians, that I enjoyed that are a part of the pedo network

those I liked that havent been named, I waiting for their closet to be opened

Hard when you realize everything is so wrong

SeeHear ago

How do we get other humans to get off the TV? I mean, we are gonna have to talk to them and listen if they actually see this stuff. Do each of us have the patience and self care set up to deal with the ramifications of our human family breaking free? I’m so impatient... People always asks me for proof, and then just argue one point over and over again- even if we agree. I want kids free, but damn this waking people up is annoying.

DietCokehead1 ago

Swich to PewDiePie

spacepopecoast2coast ago

have a hunch a lot of big YouTubers are being gradually connected into the system, making deals, etc unfortunately for them

septimasexta ago

"How do we get other humans to get off the TV?"

Good question! I know what worked for my family, but many will not be willing to make the initial sacrifice. There is no easy way out. Also, the younger generation is influenced more by video games than TV. This is a spiritual battle.

SeeHear ago

True. The “screen” is a better way to say it than “television”

Quicktor ago

new4now ago

nice find

Hall_of_Cost ago

Kids watch a lot if that stuff, just like Disney and Nickelodeon.

new4now ago

All made by the same network

these people just expanded

FakeNewzIsFake ago

Adventure time is so good.. Yet it is just chalked with symbolism. There isn't but 3-4 episodes out of the like 150+ list that does not include a pedo swirl.

3337333 ago

It's not necessarily a pedo swirl. Its linked to hypnotism.

Shizy ago

And hypnotism has been linked to MKUltra programming and SRA. Both of which are tied to pedophilia.

letsdothis2 ago

Great point.

burnerdrone04 ago

My brain is fried with the flood of info this forum has spewed into my mind like a firehose for going on over a year now... I seem to recall a youtube video of a guy ranting about being fired by Tim and Eric perhaps. In the video there's some weird overlays which show text only readable by freezeframing. It suggested that bathrooms at CN were plastered with anime pedo sh*%. I cannot find it now. Does this ring a bell for anyone else?

Azzipdoe ago

Absolutely, you’re talking about Sam Hyde and his Adult Swim show MillionDollarExtreme that’s got cancelled.. I believe because of his public support of trump and pizzagate, etc etc.. also names the Jew quite a bit so they labeled the show “alt right” “Nazi” material.

He was one of the first people that came to mind when I read about Dan Harmon. Sam Hyde did literally nothing to have his show canned.. it had great ratings and was green lit for a second season, but some higher up comedians and execs at adult swim worked to get him cancelled and Black listed. Tim heidecker & Judd apatow were two of the people, I forget who else

PedoStomperReturns ago


I know a lot of people may not like Sam Hyde for whatever reason, but I definitely don't think he's a pedo, in fact its the opposite, I think that once the execs at AS figured out that he was basically one of us, you know, an "Internet person," a "Pizzagater," whatever, they knew that they might not be able to easily get him to get with the (((program))) so they cancelled his show.

Speaking of Adult Swim, if anyone remembers watching Tim & Eric, its so obvious now that both of those guys are perverted to the core.

Dance Instructional Video "For Children"


SeeHear ago

I remember that. I’ve been off Cartoon Network for a while. I can’t even listen to the musicians who make beats for them. Very spooky scene happening there- also rather non-inclusive

Shizy ago

Turner Broadcasting? Not surprised. Fiona Barnett named Ted as a pedo abuser.

DietCokehead1 ago

Twitter history of leftist/SJW actor Michael Ian Black reveals loads of pro-pedophilia tweets. He's another high-ranking hollywood perv.

Here's some of them:

Backup uploads (in case imgtc host goes down, is not working atm):




SeeHear ago

I am literally so embarrassed that these were the people I looked up to. I mean, I was only a teenager when “The State” came out, but I noticed he turned creepy after “wet hot American summer”, so I walked away. He just gets worse and worse

carmencita ago

Don't be embarrassed. We have all been there. Instead, swear off. Don't watch anything you would not let your children watch. Why? because those are the tainted programs that have been created to normalize our children. One of our members told me the other night their whole house is TV Free. I am not that far yet, but we kicked out cable and have't been to new movies for years. You are headed in the right direction.

new4now ago

there's so many of them, and when you look back at some of Hollywood famous comedians who committed " suicide". makes you wonder

Thank You for adding the name

The entertainment industry is nothing but a septic tank

Oh_Well_ian ago

You either sign up, or they sign you out.

John Belushi was most likely killed by Robin Williams and Robert DeNiro.

new4now ago

they were the last ones with him, Williams supposedly left and DeNiro was last to be with him

Oh_Well_ian ago

UMMM.. ALL OF TV IS A PSYOP that grooms your children