Kacey ago

Lots of people defending his posts as Jokes. Its like this - thug tells a young boy his mother is a whore, just then a big hulking wrestler walks up and says "what did you say to my brother about my mother" The thug says "its just a joke".. Yep that is what you say when suddenly your mouth gets you in trouble....hey just joking. Gunn needs to do more than apologize. He needs to state unequivocally that pedophilia is always wrong, and that no one should do it. As far as I can tell he's not done that. If he's not a pedophile and his friends aren't pedophiles he should have no problem saying that. Everyone should be willing to say that. But if he wants his name cleared and his job back he needs to be very vocal about pedophilia being wrong and bad.
The LGBT community needs to come out strong against pedophilia as well. If they don't there will be a backlash. I have never wanted to regulate what consenting adults do in private. But it is properly illegal to sexually abuse kids. They need to say that or their support from non LGBT people is going to evaporate.

kazza64 ago

nice job

PedoStomperReturns ago


For those who are new and/or forgot about this.

new4now ago

Radioactive Chicken heads lead singer is Carrot Top

Carrot Top work at the Cartoon Network early in his carrer, even had his own show

wasnt Cartoon Network mentioned in PG?

he has been working at the Luxor Casino for at least the past 10 years

new4now ago

Radioactive Chicken Heads.....Lead singer is Carrot Top

he's been working at the Luxor Casino for quite a bit now

Cc1914 ago

These “ bowling “ sisters are susp. Look at the petition Kansas bowling started . I think these girls are being pimped out big time and have been for a long time . Kansas was dating a very old DJ from KROQ radio station in California.


Podge512 ago

He was under investigation for producing and distributing child pornography, so may Tony Podesta was a customer.

GeorgeT ago

Apparently FBI sat on Huston's child porn for 5 years!!!!

evademoney2 ago

Sean Gunn Also Posted Rape Related Tweets

urbanmoving ago

He is a sick bastard has been for awhile btw "An Open Secret" that zionist asshat org will backtrack and defend Gunn watch.

Earthbalance2 ago

This shite really pisses me off. Kids go to watch those movies and young boys idealize marvel.superheroes. twatting that garbage is not humor, it is a man's psychology on public display.

Zorrilla ago

It doesn't look like anyone has noticed this: http://archive.is/1hBqA Jean Prewitt, Principal of the Podesta group from '94-'99, was hired in 2000 by Independent Film & Television Alliance Chairman Lloyd Kaufman as the president and CEO of the IFTA.

"The IFTA also launched a provocative online video campaign decrying media consolidation. One video, titled Bound, is a scathing three-minute indictment of Time Warner in which a young boy is bound to a chair with coaxial cable and forced to watch a flickering TV screen."

The Podesta group has apparently lobbied on behalf of the IFTA more recently as well, as seen in these PDF documents: https://prodnet.www.neca.org/publicationsdocs/wwpdf/121010ifta.pdf https://prodnet.www.neca.org/publicationsdocs/wwpdf/1411itif.pdf

think- ago

Actor Dave Bautista defends Gunn:

'@JamesGunn is one of the most loving, caring, good natured people I have ever met. He's gentle and kind and cares deeply for people and animals. He's made mistakes. We all have. Im NOT ok with what's happening to him.'


rickman ago

Sorry Dave but he really isn't if thats his brand of humour.

think- ago


mommagonzo ago

Gunn is mentioned in Wikileaks Global Intelligence Files. Email-ID #1264455. He and his brothers have a full paragraph towards the end that is pretty strange.


-- Latest web series is a sxless prno: Love watching prn but hate having to see sx? Now viewers can tune into James Gunns PG Prn on its official site as well as on Spike.com to enjoy every other cinematic aspect that adlt films offer. The series, created by the Gunn brothers,James Gunn, of Slither fame, Sean Gunn, former Gilmore Girls star and Brian Gunnpremiered today with its first webisode Nailing Your Wife. Smallvilles Michael Rosenbaum and Desperate Housewives Nathan Gillian star alongside other ad*lt film stars. More details from Reuters.

septimasexta ago

AWESOME FIND! Did some digging and.....

WHERE ARE THE VIOLINS? https://twitter.com/seangunn/status/1020786565344382978

Looks like good James left BROTHER Sean Gunn up the creek without a paddle. Do they get royalties from their PG P*RN series? DOE DISNEY KNOW ABOUT THIS?

septimasexta ago

JAMES' PICS ON MYSPACE.....PG? BUT...... NSFW..... https://myspace.com/slithermovie/mixes/classic-pg-porn-423386

darkknight111 ago


This I believe is the guy who gave him that "human meat package" on instagram.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Just realized he had a hand in creating the video game "lollipop chainsaw". it has such pedophilic overtones. It makes sense to find out that was him too. This guy makes me want to break my television

septimasexta ago

Actually, that's not a bad idea. Haven't owned one for years.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

One of these links led me to a video of Mike Cernovic. I’ve always appreciated his tweets and respected him and cheered him on. But seeing this video, where he wouldn’t even read the Gunn Tweets, fearing someone might use it, through clever audio editing, against him..., and where he was terrified people might think he had fabricated these Gunn tweets (which are all well known), I’m starting to think he’s suffering some sort of mental illness (paranoia? psychosis?). And this does not reflect well on the rest of us. And his whiny voice... definitely the coward taddle-tale in the schoolyard, not the bully. Wish I had stuck to his tweets and never seen him live. Good grief. I’m almost ashamed of the movement I’m part of, now.

LightlyToasted ago

Cernovich is a disinformation opportunist who disavowed Pizzagate. To be fair, however, we do not have the luxury of perfect messengers. There are times his information is correct, so using it for research is ok -- it's the best we can do in our state of controlled "thought" leaders. IMO, his speech delivery is so poor I have a hard time believing he's an attorney (he must never have had to go to court).

Cernovich has ties to Dershowitz and by extension, Epstein. He's full of dirty tricks: http://idavox.com/index.php/2017/03/09/mike-cernovich-alan-dershowitz-and-the-jeffery-epstein-underage-sex-trafficking-case/

Again, there are few perfect messengers. I never cite to him, but drift off his info from time to time.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Well put. But instead, avoid him like the plague and David Seaman.

think- ago

Cernovich is a disinformation opportunist who disavowed Pizzagate. To be fair, however, we do not have the luxury of perfect messengers.


septimasexta ago


TheMystic ago

That's funny, I watched that video of Cernovich today too. I am not a follower of his but have also seen a few of his tweets. Always thought he was an attractive, masculine, looking guy.

As soon as he started talking, I couldn't help but laugh. I appreciate him helping in taking down Gunn, but he came across as such a wimp, with the whiny voice and lisp. Definitely suffers from low testosterone.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Why do these liberals insist on reinforcing the stereotypes and giving legitimacy to all the conspiracy theories? It’s like.... EVERY TIME. So embarrassing.

Also, Disney fired him because his values are CONSISTENT with theirs, and they were getting nervous. Somehow, there was a typo in their press release.

11-11 ago

rumor: Disney to rehire James Gunn after Chris Pratt support?

Mike Cernovich Streamed live on Jul 30, 2018

Jamescrow117 ago

Out of curiosity what do you all find funny?

The gunn tweets aren't hilarious or anything but acting like this style of Comedy is completely beyond the pale makes you all look like puritan shut ins who still watch sitcoms....

Has anyone been to a Second City or UCB show? Has anyone heard of comedy bang bang or seen an episode on amc?

Edit: I use those examples because they are consistently given by other Comedians and entertainers as the kind of Comedy they go to and enjoy.

Reminder: no one who makes sitcoms find sitcoms funny

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

But it's not funny? And the obsession with how funny it is to fuck kids is, odd, at best. Because it is not funny and only pedos want to fuck kids, so why would we relate? Why not jokes about screwing mom too? Hahaha! it's so cutting edge and funny, because ya gotta admit, it is a taboo we need to get over.

septimasexta ago

"The gunn tweets aren't hilarious or anything but acting like this style of Comedy is completely beyond the pale makes you all look like puritan shut ins who still watch sitcoms...." THIS IS COMEDY GOLD! JAMES EATS CROW!

DID SARA SILVERMAN GET THE MEMO? She still gets her material from a 2000 year old book! HOPELESSLY BEHIND! "Sarah Silverman I Hope Jews did kill Christ" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9XUXQGpxqY

LexTalionis ago

I am a long time fan of Ear Wolf & Comedy Bang Bang the podcast, before they branched into Netflix. I'm also a long time fan of Troma & Lloyed Kaufman. Comedy right now unfortunately has been attacked under the umbrella of #MeToo, PC culture, etc. that there is no such thing as context anymore and yes tweets can be blown out of proportion in the new found outrage culture. I am a survivor of the subject of why most of us are here to discuss & advocate, and still attend Doug Stanhope shows. These tweets lead down a rabbit hole of connections to a reality we are all waking up to, so it is beyond the tweets now. If there was nothing substantial beyond the tweets, then your point would be more understood.

Zzzmmm333 ago

If you go on to Lloyd's twitter, he links to a very suspicious looking band called "Radioactive Chicken Heads" that have the exact same look as Majestic Ape does.. They dress in creepy as Fuck costumes and play at shithole places like Majestic Ape did.. Lloyd appears in one of their videos. Haven't found anything incriminating on their IG but there are some creepy as Fuck pictures and a few with kids in them..

septimasexta ago

"I EAT KIDS" Radioactive Chicken Heads music video (Barry Louis Polisar cover)

YOUR HUNCH WAS CORRECT. It's on You Tube. This genre uses goofy costumes and "humor" as a cover for pedo/satanic themes. It's part of THE PLAN.

rickman ago

It appears when Gunn was first criticised for some blog posts in 2012, the articles strangely ignore his paedophile tweets.

James Gunn Google results November 2012

These articles from 2012 bring up worrying questions. Why do none of them make any mention of Gunn's paedophile tweets and jokes? Why was Gunn allowed to get away with only apologising for his blog posts and allowed to continue working with the Marvel franchise? Why now, with these old tweets are they being brought up and why does his lose his job?

Makes me wonder if this is an example of the silence that surrounded Hollywood before Pizzagate, before Weinstein, before Spacey, before Schneider.

septimasexta ago


"The moment he realized he was being set up to take a fall and that he was going to be punished for his own liberal opinions, he should have gotten out in front and discussed his past as a social media provocateur. He could have explained why he served up so many thoughts that are impossible to defend or even understand, how he has evolved as a person and artist and what it is like to live with a ticking time bomb like this that could have been used against him at any time, even though it was partly addressed several years ago when the weight of such words wasn’t as great as they are now." CAN YOU SAY PIZZAGATE? Dave Bautista Stands For Felled ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’s James Gunn As Free Speech Chill Sets Into Hollywood https://deadline.com/2018/07/dave-bautista-guardians-of-the-galaxy-james-gunn-amy-powell-1202430859/

Zorrilla ago

It's as though we're meant to think they're being oppressed by being made to feel afraid about talking about raping children. Also, this and another article I read, in the WSJ, try to make it seem that Gunn's tweets were no worse than other things people in the industry have been fired for, when in fact they're in a whole other realm of depravity.


Its gross. The people who support Gunn are sick. I see people supporting him on facebook and they have kids!

Who jokes about and thinks pedo jokes are funny? Pedos.

septimasexta ago

"he should have gotten out in front and discussed his past as a social media provocateur." WAS THIS A PAYING GIG? Who did he work for? What was the goal? Stats?

"How to Be a Social Media Provocateur" https://hbr.org/2008/03/bucking-the-system.html

Jamescrow117 ago

They ignored them because they understand comedy.....

The same people who got upset over these tweets are the same people who found Roseanne funny...the show not the tweets.

If your exposure to Comedy is limited to network sitcoms and mainstream releases you have no business offering your uneducated opinions.

Shizy ago

Let me guess, you are so educated and cultured you appreciate Tony Podesta's art collection too right??😂😂😂

Jamescrow117 ago

No I believe in pizzagate. The podesta emails are an excellent resource and our best evidence.

The problem comes when we call stuff like this "evidence".

It makes the 99% of the country we need to convince just see us as antiquated shutins who probably were to stupid to understand the pedestal emails since they were dumb enough to take jokes seriously.

septimasexta ago

"to stupid" COMEDY GOLD! Q: "These people are stupid!" Yep.

"antiquated shutins" 1 James eats crow........again. 0

"I believe in pizzagate." Tell us about your faith. BE SPECIFIC.

septimasexta ago

"If your exposure to Comedy is limited to network sitcoms and mainstream releases you have no business offering your uneducated opinions." Is this your "All the world's a stage" defense angle? "Child sn*ff films are OK because all the cool comics are showing them." "Fatherhood" is their fave.


rickman ago

You think people who object to jokes about raping children are uneducated when it comes to comedy? It's no wonder these people felt so untouchable with the likes of you condoning such disgusting attitudes.

think- ago

I see it as a direct result of Pizzagate. Hope some guys learned a lesson today.

Jamescrow117 ago

What lesson would that be?

Only retread tired old jokes from her-haw?

Nothing he said would have been the least bit controversial at any Earwolf comedy podcast or improv show in the entire nation

fuckfacemcgee ago

That's bullshit. I'm a huge comedy fan. I defended comics rights to say whatever the fuck they wanted, including rape jokes. They're comics, however when you linger on a subject like this, when you keep 'joking' about pedophilia it tends to show true feelings. No doubt in my mind that this guy fucks kids. If he tries to garner support from comedians he's going to be disappointed. ...Michael Ian Black may get support though. I think this actually came up about him a while back. I think Jim Norton talked about it on an old Opie and Anthony show. ...then again, who wants to be the first to defend a child rapist? Besides Democrats.

think- ago

Is that you, James? /s

septimasexta ago

"Nothing he said would have been the least bit controversial at any Earwolf comedy podcast or improv show in the entire nation" His lawyer is trying out legal defense angles. LET'S START RESEARCHING EARWOLF. WE JUST GOT A LEAD!

septimasexta ago

"Gunn issued explanation tweets last night -- "I'm a funny provocateur, nothing to see here.""


Jamescrow117 ago

What do you find funny?

What was the last movie or TV show that really had you laughing?

jangles ago

I don't see anything about the men-tor Lloyd at some nambla meeting funny. That was dialog, not humor. Hard to rebuke when all James is saying now is he isn't angry and loves (his victims now).

Shizy ago

Does joking about child rape make you laugh James? Is that hilarious to you James? If so you're a sick piece of dog shit James! Your types have no place on society and need to stay the hell away from children! This will never be accepted or tolerated. Stay in the shadows, and stay scared pedos!

septimasexta ago

"Sarah Silverman I Hope Jews did kill Christ." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9XUXQGpxqY Love exposing this witch. LOL!

exposethecriminals ago

After Attacking Conservatives, Disney Filmmaker's Tweets Reveal Racism, Homophobia, and Incidents of Sexual Assault Against Children

Filmmaker James Gunn came to the defense of director Mark Duplass on Wednesday after Duplass committed the sin of endorsing conservative commentator Ben Shapiro and calling him a “genuine person,” but a Daily Caller News Foundation search of his Twitter account has revealed that Gunn might need some backup of his own.

In a now-deleted tweet, Duplass advised his followers to pay attention to Shapiro on Twitter if they are at all interested in “crossing the aisle,” but after receiving extreme backlash and issuing an apology, Gunn defended his fellow filmmaker while still slamming Shapiro.

Most disturbingly, one tweet [by James Gunn] seems to suggest that Gunn witnessed an act of sexual assault between a child actor and a monkey.

“I know it might be sick, but that story makes me extremely happy,” Gunn wrote.

think- ago

Most disturbingly, one tweet [by James Gunn] seems to suggest that Gunn witnessed an act of sexual assault between a child actor and a monkey.

IIRC, he didn't suggest that he witnessed the monkey's actions himself, but he retweeted a story of someone else.

Still - why do we stumble upon so much bestiality stuff recently?

exposethecriminals ago

Thanks! I edited my comment.

think- ago

Factfinder2 ago

See the woke comment that's been added to the instagram about Tony Podesta: https://www.instagram.com/p/BlVh8LulBuu/?taken-by=lloydkaufman

think- ago

Did you see his Instagram pic? Looks weird.

Factfinder2 ago

It's him dressed as a tran: https://instagram.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/238d206f447dfd0919c8356a1522c61d/5BD417AA/t51.2885-19/s150x150/25019109_1363218367157959_4566466906223017984_n.jpg

He seems to be a trans fan. Here's an interview with him about his "TromaDance" film festival: https://www.horrortalk.com/features/lloyd-kaufman-interview.html

..."you don't need to pay money to submit your film to the festival...there's no VIP policy... although if you're an attractive young transvestite and if [ZigZag] wants you to get into the TromaDance Film Festival and HorrorTalk is a part of it, then we let them in. We give them precedence."

think- ago

Thanks for digging up the quote, @Factfinder2!

septimasexta ago

This calls for a Disney tune! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bWyhj7siEY

Factfinder2 ago

:D Perfect.

Jamescrow117 ago

And yet they hired a man who had previously been convicted of child molestation on the set of a previous film to make keepers creepers 3.....

septimasexta ago

James- is this what goes on upstairs? You have a "Fatherhood" comedy club?

septimasexta ago

James eats crow.

think- ago


Factfinder2 ago

That's right.

Jeepers Creepers 3 Director Victor Salva, A Convicted Pedophile, Wrote Molestation Into the Film: https://www.indiewire.com/2017/09/jeepers-creepers-3-victor-salva-pedophile-molestation-plot-details-1201881375/

"Victor Salva was arrested for sexual abuse and possession of child pornography in 1988."

Earthbalance2 ago

I've seen one and two of jeepers and they are quite disturbing.

LightlyToasted ago

TY, updated my post

MolochHunter ago

and here he is attending an afterparty with Huston Huddleston, who its claimed was recently convicted for child pornography https://twitter.com/AnOpenSecret/status/1020372030431129600 havent dug into it to verify, just passing it on 4 ya


EyeOfHorus ago

Why do you think Disney is buying Fox?

Quicktor ago

Because Michael Eisner wants to enslave and penetrate every butthole in the universe by himself...

Poke-em-all....Gotta catch'em all first!!!!.... http://tornante.com/littlestar/ Little Star?...in-WHOS-endo?...look at the companies he facilitates...


FlashVirus ago

Wow you guys are dicks. Thanks.

think- ago

Why didn't you repost as I suggested, @FlashVirus?

Sackajahweeda ago

Yeah this is totally a normal cake for someones birthday...In a fucking pedophile unit of a prison maybe!!

think- ago

'For the record I am against rape AND baby eating in real life (unless you're really, really, really hungry).'

Yes, that's funny, isn't it? /s

Edit: Breitbart post has more than 5,000 comments so far....

Jamescrow117 ago

You could get away with that joke in a pg rated film.....how cloistered are you people?

septimasexta ago

Yes, but obviously you can't get away with it on Twitter. WELCOME TO THE 21ST CENTURY. The light is shining and the cockroaches are scrambling.

Blacksmith21 ago

They rarely get over 3,000 for most of their stories.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Lloyd Kaufman ya say!!! Those pesky amish!!

think- ago

@LightlyToasted, I will give your post a 'Potential Lead' flair.

LightlyToasted ago

Edits made, sorry about spering out, I'm bouncing between so many platforms I assume everyone can read my mind. That is stupid ;)

think- ago

No worries, @LightlyToasted, thanks for editing. :-)

think- ago

Hi @LightlyToasted, thank you very much for this post!! :-)

Would you consider adding a sentence or two about who James Gunn is? I guess many people haven't heard about him before. You might want to link to his Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Gunn

That would be terrific! Thanks!

LightlyToasted ago

Thank you, edits made! Appreciate the oppty

think- ago

Edits are great, @LightlyToasted! :-) Going to change the flair now.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock: please see my comments above, going to sticky the post and flair it 'Potential Lead', so that users can help digging.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

It is a lead, not a potential lead. Stop labeling our threads to force suggestion on the reader. "Potential" lead. A lead plane and simple.

LightlyToasted ago



think- ago

Yw. ;-)

think- ago

According to Wikipedia, Lloyd Kaufman has been Gunn's mentor:

Working alongside his mentor Lloyd Kaufman, the co-founder of Troma, Gunn learned how to write screenplays, produce films, scout locations, direct actors, distribute films, and create his own poster art.


septimasexta ago

Sounds like he was groomed. Film producers have lots of influence.

Quicktor ago

Don't forget about his wedding.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Gunn bottom of page...

Gunn married actress Jenna Fischer on October 7, 2000, in an event that Gunn's hometown paper said was officiated by Lloyd Kaufman,[4] but which Gunn later clarified had not been: “They said I was married by Lloyd Kaufman, which is not true. He was at my wedding and he gave a speech.

think- ago


mooteensy ago

What prompted all this James Gunn talk? I've never heard of him before and trying to get caught up.

think- ago

.>What prompted all this James Gunn talk?

.....this tweet: https://archive.fo/Omh20

carmencita ago

my silly place? What baby talk. Toddler Talk. These idiots are all giddy like. Gag me with a ......... There is probably a lot more of this sick talk to be discovered. They are really Getting Brazen.

Jamescrow117 ago

Idk how everyone from the flyover states completely missed out on the last 30 years of the evolution of comedy.

Shizy ago

You live in a bubble James. A sick, twisted, pedo bubble! Thanks for letting us all in on what type of sick person you are!

Jamescrow117 ago

In fact travel all over the country meeting (and selling drugs) to people with views literally all over the spectrum.

That is why my opinion on this is seen as the consensus and yours is viewed as the ranting and raving from the flyover states Disney foolishly cowed to.

I believe in pizzagate but stuff like this are just asinine and make normal people think pizzagate is just some nutjob fundamentalist Christian delusion

septimasexta ago

"make normal people think pizzagate is just some nutjob fundamentalist Christian delusion"

Well, this calls for a song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqTLsIyx3I0

septimasexta ago

" (I) travel all over the country meeting (and selling drugs) to people...." "That is why my opinion on this is seen as the consensus"


DeathToMasonsASAP ago

It's not funny. Nobody gets how funny it is to diddle kids, wink wink, except those who are "evolved" of course. You one of them? A good reason to stay away from the coast I guess.

Earthbalance2 ago

Spent last 20 years in NYC and I find no comedy in Gunn's twats.

carmencita ago

Well, their idea of cute and funny is not ours. They have their own little game going. And we were all asleep not realizing what they were talking about. I don't like or care for any of the comedy of today. Sick and Dry. I have never seen 1 episode of Seinfeld. Everyone I know thinks I am nuts. Fine with me. Stupid humor. The dumb adults that allowed their kids to laugh and giggle about bathroom humor had no idea it was the lead in to their sick poop sex normalization. Now we have poop emojis for kids. How Sweet and Not Funny.

Jamescrow117 ago

Did you ever think that maybe that is why you find those jokes so disturbing and just can't even wrap your brain around how someone might find that funny?

It is kind of hard to determine what is outside the norm if you refuse to even learn what the norm is?

turitelle ago

Are you seriously saying that the norm for humor is jokes about child rape? Any decent person is sickened at the idea, if I knew anyone who thought f*cking babies is funny I would report them to have their head examined. That is NOT humor. Sick bastard.

carmencita ago

That Bleeping Stuff is NOT funny. Get over it. It is not the norm yet. They and evidently you think this garbage is funny. Most do not. And I am not going to LEARN that stuff. I will NOT be TAUGHT anything that has to do with the Normalization of the Pedo Elites.

Jamescrow117 ago

Ok.... I will dumb it down for you...

I am not saying it is or isn't funny. I am only pointing out that it is indistinguishable in tone and subject matter from any improv show or "comedian's comedy" podcast.

Earthbalance2 ago

Never seen any comedy pushing child rape. It wouldn't be comedy to me regardless. Seen plenty of hbo comedy and never an anal child rape joke. Maybe you are the one who is not socially adjusted?

septimasexta ago


"I hope the jews DID kill Christ. I'd do it again...." 1:32 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9XUXQGpxqY HA HA HA ! Doesn't she do JUDAS jokes too? I mean, she goes to the BIBLE to get her material- a 2000 year old book? 2000 years of comedy evolution?