Vindicator ago

@MercurysBall2, the support for your headline stating "3M has a patent for adrenochrome" is not actually linked in this submission per Rule 2. Also, after clicking through several submissions to find it, the patent documents -- if I'm reading them correctly -- don't actually support the headline. 3M let the patent expire in 1997:

1997-05-06 FP Expired due to failure to pay maintenance fee Effective date: 19970226

2018-01-23 STCH Information on status: patent discontinuation


Expired patents are no longer "owned" by their originator. According to these legal advisors, reviving an abandoned patent after more than two years is very very difficult.

Furthermore, it's not clear what the pizzagate thesis for this whole submission is; i.e. Trump using the Defense Production Act to force 3M to make masks.

Since you can't edit this headline, and I've seen this misinformation being passed around on Twitter the past few days, I am going to give this the "Possible Disinformation" flair so people know the premise asserted in the headline is wrong and hopefully stop spreading it.

user9713 ago

Q-Tards have taken over /v/pizzagate.

VoatHoney ago

Look at Vindicator’s Twitter account. Santa is Satan and he is making a list, no different than Infowars has been for years. The last moderators were caught blackmailing members. Voat is a honeypot. These clowns go round and round disclosing some things to appear on the good side. Q lied to everyone. Your families are not safe. Donald Trump is friends with the Clintons and Jeff Epstein. He married his daughter to Kushner. He allowed 5G to be installed all over America. The Trump Tower is a symbol for Satan worship. It goes on and on. Trust the plan means to sit back while they murder those who might have stood against them. They have until Easter Sunday. Soon everyone will know what is really happening.

Trust Sessions. Trust the plan. It is working out so well.

MercurysBall2 ago

where have I mentioned Q?

MercurysBall2 ago

Stu Mead also had a 1998/99 McKnight Visual Artists Fellowship Exhibition

Otto- ago

Holy Hell, this stuff is huge (not M3, but Nixon & other followups), how'd I miss this for so long!?

MercurysBall2 ago

Michigan Sues 3M, DuPont over ‘Forever’ Chemical Contamination in Water

Michigan on Jan. 14 sued 3M, DuPont and other companies for financial damages from contamination caused by potentially harmful “forever” chemicals that are turning up in drinking water across the industrial state.

The lawsuit filed in state court alleges that 17 defendants deliberately concealed the dangers of a class of substances known collectively as PFAS. The filing, announced by state Attorney General Dana Nessel and Gov. Grethen Whitmer, came a year-and-a-half after former Gov. Rick Snyder first stated Michigan’s intent to sue Minnesota-based 3M and other unnamed parties.

MercurysBall2 ago

Continuing Promise 2018

Continuing Promise is a U.S. Southern Command training mission introduced in 2007. During the 2018 mission, Continuing Promise personnel provided medical, environmental health, veterinary, and humanitarian assistance activities in select countries to strengthen partnerships and improve cooperation on many levels with partner nations, interagency organizations, and nongovernmental organizations.

USNS Spearhead is a U.S. Navy ship expeditionary fast transport ship operated by Military Sealift Command. This is the second time USNS Spearhead has participated in Continuing Promise.

Continuing Promise started with the deployment of USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) in 2007. CP-18 will build on the strong relationships developed during the CP-07, CP-08 Pacific and Caribbean phases (USS Boxer and USS Kearsarge), CP-09 (Comfort), CP-10 (USS Iwo Jima), CP-11 (Comfort), CP-15 (Comfort), and CP-17 (USNS Spearhead (T-EPF 1)) deployments to countries in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

PUERTO BARRIOS, Guatemala (April 18, 2018) Dean Tanner of Team Rubicon, examines a Guatemalan child at the Izabal Sports Complex medical site in Puerto Barrios, Guatemala during Continuing Promise 2018.

Team Rubicon

Team Rubicon formed in January 2010 following the Haiti earthquake, when William McNulty and Jacob "Jake" Wood[2][4] led a medical team into Port-au-Prince three days after the earthquake. The first Team Rubicon was an initial team of eight. They gathered funds and medical supplies from friends and family and flew into the Dominican Republic. They rented a truck, loaded their gear, and headed west to Haiti. The team treated thousands of patients, traveling to camps deemed “too dangerous” by other aid organizations. They ventured outside the traditional scale of disaster response, focusing on those who would be overlooked, untreated.

In 2013, General (Ret.) David Petraeus joined Team Rubicon's Board of Advisors...Additional high-profile advisors are General Stanley McChrystal, USA (Ret.) and former New York Stock Exchange CEO Duncan Niederauer, who serves on the board of directors.[3] General James T. Conway, USMC (Ret.) and Lt Gen Russel L. Honoré, USA (Ret.) as well as private sector business people Andy Bessette from Travelers Insurance, Jeff Dailey, CEO of Farmers Group, Gregg Lemkau from Goldman Sachs, John Pitts from Kirkland & Ellis, Richard Serino, former Deputy Administrator of FEMA, and Jeff Smith from FedEx serve as advisors to Team Rubicon. Many are former military or have logistical expertise that helps guide Team Rubicon

Additional high-profile supporters are former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.[28][29] Former President Bush included Team Rubicon as one of the case studies of as part of its research on veteran serving nonprofits (VSNP).

..In 2012, Team Rubicon used Palantir Technologies software for Hurricane Sandy relief efforts to assist with geo-spatial and temporal analysis as a way to leverage technology to make response more effective and more efficient

Voat posts re Petreus :

McCain Institute has private bilderberg type events. Participants include rothschilds, CFR/Trilateral mbrs, russian PM, HRC, Tony Blair, NCMEC/THORN, Petraeus,Saudi/qatar ambassadors! This is HUGE!!

Voat posts re McChrystal:

Stanley A. McChrystal - The 4 Star General That Intentionally Lied To Americans To Cover Up Pat Tillman's Murder, Is The Same Deep Stater Currently Shit-Talking On Trump's Withdrawal From Syria

Joint Special Operation Command (JSOC) and the foreshadowing of COVID-19

McChrystal's Zarqawi unit, Task Force 6-26, became well known for its interrogation methods, particularly at Camp Nama, where it was accused of abusing detainees.

In November 2010, JetBlue Airways announced that McChrystal would join its board of directors.[76] On February 16, 2011, Navistar International announced that McChrystal would join its board of directors. JetBlue has been accused of trafficking.

Related to JSOC:

Joint Special Operations Command, the CIA, Mk Ultra, Pizzagate, and Michael Aquino's Fort Bragg

MercurysBall2 ago

Co-founder of the Carbon War Room with Richard Branson is Idan Ofer. See this post:

Israeli intelligence group Black Cube, Weinstein ,Cambridge Analytica and shipping companies

MercurysBall2 ago

OK, this is starting to get really interesting now.... So the Corey's Digs article on the climate control lobby in the Caribbean and the Richard Branson links pointed to the Ten Island Project which was implemented by the Rocky Mountain Institute and Richard Branson's Carbon War Room.

Voat posts on the Carbon War Room line us up with:

Part II: It's Room at Gitmo Tuesday!!! Attorney General Probes Nonprofit's Associatio w/NXIVM and Does a Name Tie into Maggie Nixon's Family?

When I did the initial dumpster dive re: Maggie Nixon, I decided to try her extended family. After all, if it was as big a rabbit hole as touted, then the rest of Agnes Nixon's children must play a part, no? So when I dd the search for Agnes Nixon's children, the name of Mary Nixon came up..It turned out that Mary's married name was Hiltbrand and the first place I saw it was in an article on a fundraiser for DISADVANTAGED KIDS and the FOSTER CARE SYSTEM.

here is a Galen in the Hiltbrant household. It's spelled 'G-a-l-e-n'. Here's her Linked In page:

..I searched for ''Galen Hiltbrand'' and found this:

QAnon Galen Hiltbrand and her uncle Bob Nixon at a 'Sea of Hope' - climate racism movie event - remember, Bob is a nickname for Robert. Sarah Nixon also in the Agnes Nixon obit. I'm still digging for Maggie...2016 is the most recent I've found so far.

Isn't Robert Nixon Maggie's dad? I think so. ..

QAnon Galen Hiltbrand links herself to her uncle Robert Nixon - a Robert Nixon donated to Mags Nixon's gofundme to Thailand - they are pushing climate racism- I guess it's time to dig into Robert

I guess they're talking about this picture of PIZZA GIRL?!!!!

No comment there. But just because she posts pics eating pizza, and goes to school in the sex tourist trade capital of the world, it doesn't mean she hangs out with whores or something ... Galen with Richard Branson

Yeah, I'm afraid it does. If you'll notice on that Linked In page that she worked for something called the Carbon War Room. That's Richard ''Virgin'' Branson's little group. Here's the story:

I thought that this would be a fun picture to share since our guest speaker Brad Schallert from the World Wildlife Fund gave Sir Richard Branson and the NGO he founded in DC, the Carbon War Room, a shout out during our most recent class. I interned for the CWR last school year and had the opportunity to sit in on a meeting with Richard Branson in March 2012.

MercurysBall2 ago

Co-founder of the Carbon War Room with Richard Branson is Idan Ofer. See post:

Israeli intelligence group Black Cube, Weinstein ,Cambridge Analytica and shipping companies

21yearsofdigging ago

Good dig. Interesting that Black Cube is in the mix again.Bunch of mercenaries that drive people to either suicide or mental hospitals.

think- ago

'Black Cube' btw. is another term for 'Saturn'....

21yearsofdigging ago

Interesting. Many years ago now, I had a group very much like Black Cube harassing me following me, breakins, even late night calls and death threats. Sadly at the time,no one took my claims serious. Not until the tactics revealed by Weinstein's women and what Ronan Farrow dug up was anyone willing to listen. In the beginning it was all middle eastern men (Mossad?) but they were very well organized and yes, like a secret army. There is more than one company that does this besides Black Cube like K2 or Kroll and Kaspersky Lab. I was on the receiving end and believe me, it is no fun. You honestly think people are out to kill you.3 safety box breakins as well, from banks.I couldn't even tell anyone back then, they would think I was nuts.In my experience they work in tandem with security firms like Wakenhut. Serpiseserprise though, that it means Saturn.These scum are evil

MercurysBall2 ago

From this links:

A comment on the blog by Galen:

Thank you for this extremely interesting post, Ariana. My uncle, Robert Nixon, is very involved in dealing with this unjust issue of ethnic minorities living in hazardous wastelands. He actually started the Earth Conservation Core down on the Anacostia River and produced a documentary called “Endangered Species” about this exact phenomena. Thanks again for letting us know about this book.

From the FB page of the Earth Conservation Corps

MercurysBall2 ago

Posts on the Oak Foundation:

John Of God, The Mysterious Death Of Sabrina Bittencourt, An Alleged Baby Farm and the Centers Gathering

'The CIA has a separate Division for Assets and their recruiting. The largest “Future Assets” facility is in Maryland, across the Potomac by about 40 miles; a fact one of its researchers we will call Ted Hallsted bemoaned to me as it caused him to be on the road a lot.'

That facility has over 200 researchers in it and has a clinic and psychiatric hospital for children associated with it. Nominally it is a University Research center devoted to the study of childhood mental illness. However, the clients come for minor problems like learning disabilities, and attention deficit and leave as multiples without their parents knowing. The clinic only takes “high functioning” children -- not schizophrenics, or cerebral palsy kids. Unsurprisingly, the Rockefellers, and the Carnegies are major funders of it...

Oak Foundation is funded through Soros' open Society

The foundation also has four national programmes: Brazil, Denmark, India and Zimbabwe.


Just check out the list of foundations all scrambling for a piece of the pie:

Oak Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation; Guggenheim; Bill and Melinda Gates; the list goes on.

GoodOverEvil ago

Who designed the Guggenheim?

Where does the “Trail” lead to?

What was The Fellowship, how is it connected to NXIVM and where else did the NXIVM doctor practice?

Where is the Convention being held?

What did Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders just support in a ‘highly unusual’ move?

Who controls the money involved, who is his sister and what was Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name?

What was decided at the Earth Summit?

Who built the school in Fortaleza?

What role did Rotary International have in India with Gates?

What are community foundations?

Where are the Carnegie libraries?

What was the Underground Railroad?

MercurysBall2 ago

McKnight Foundation Launches Climate and Energy Program, Announces $25 Million in Grants

"Over the past five years, McKnight has invested over $60 million globally through the ClimateWorks Foundation network,..."

ClimateWorks’ core funders — The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, KR Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Oak Foundation, and The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

ClimateWorks receives support for specific programs from the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation, the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, the Ford Foundation, The Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

And this all ties in with Corey's Digs article mentioned in the pizzagatewhatever post which turned into a thread on the possible trafficking networks via marine channels:

Shipwrecked on Ten Islands with Clintons & Branson by Corey's Digs :

Bill Clinton was recently in Saint Lucia celebrating the new solar farm that the Clintons were instrumental in erecting. Who knew that the Clintons and Richard Branson were spearheading a renewable energy project across the entire Caribbean known as the ‘Ten Island Challenge’, locking in every island, forming a perimeter around all their favorite places, such as Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Aruba, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Colombia, Kenya, and Tanzania? If one didn’t know better, isn’t that the route drug traffickers and child traffickers utilize? It could just be a coincidence, but it sure is an interesting pattern. ...

..This was a very strategically thought-out plan that involves governments, politicians, the billionaire clan, power companies, and one of the biggest shipping industry companies in the world. What the heck would they have to do with renewable energy? A lot. In this open-sourced investigation, you will see the timeline, the shipmates, and how it all connects. You will see how it all manifested and possibilities as to where it is headed.

After reviewing multiple sources citing the islands they have contracted with, it is clear that there are more than just “Ten Islands”. One source involved with the project reflects 10, while another reflects 13, and the Norwegian government claims there are contracts with 21 islands. Yes, the Norwegian government has a vested interest in this project as well. Below are two maps reflecting the majority of the islands that have been cited by most of those involved. It may not include all of the islands, as the “ten islands” were a test pilot for them to acquire additional contracts with other islands. Also note, San Adrés and Providencia are Colombian islands.

...One island that seldom sees hurricane damage is Aruba. Interestingly, Aruba has always been known to be a major cocaine hub for trans-shipment to the United States. Despite this, in 1999, when Bill Clinton was president, Aruba was removed from the U.S. State Department’s list of major drug producing and transit countries. According to the case study posted on the World Bank’s website, the reason for the decline is “unclear”. Curious.

Caribbean Drug Transit Zone

According to this Case Study: Drug Trafficking and The Netherlands Antilles, they clearly indicate that the Caribbean countries are geographically positioned in the world’s largest drug transit zone.

Caribbean Child Sex Trafficking Hub

The Caribbean is not just a drug trafficking hub, it is also a child trafficking and sex trafficking hub.... Aside from the well-known Pentagon scandal from 2007 where numerous military officials and defense contractors were subscribing to child pornography on Pentagon computers, just this month a NASA contractor, Anthony Joseph Culotta Jr. was arrested on child pornography charges. What makes this story so alarming is that he has worked at the Kennedy Space Center Launch Services Program since 2004, and in 2018 he was found using his NASA-issued laptop computer to search for, view, and possess sexually explicit images of children. What’s worse, is of the over 1,000 images found, there were images of known victims previously identified by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

MercurysBall2 ago

More from that article:


Clinton Climate Initiative was founded under the Clinton Foundation.


Carbon War Room was founded by Richard Branson and Jigar Shah. Their focus is on shipping efficiency, sustainable aviation, islands energy program, sunshine for mines, and trucking efficiency.

January, 2009

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), founded by Hermann Scheer, is an intergovernmental organization to promote adoption and sustainable use of renewable energy. It consists of 153 states and the European Union, and is an official United Nations observer.

June, 2012

Ten Island Challenge launched, and according to Hillary Clinton’s emails, she was having private lunches and meetings with Richard Branson prior to their launch at the RIO+20 conference. But then, she and Branson go way back, as you will see later in this article. Their Ten Island Challenge is to convert ten islands into renewable energy to reduce the use of fossil fuels. They’ve since contracted with more than ten islands...

It goes on and on with that timeline but you get the picture..

MercurysBall2 ago

From this links:

A comment on the blog by Galen:

Thank you for this extremely interesting post, Ariana. My uncle, Robert Nixon, is very involved in dealing with this unjust issue of ethnic minorities living in hazardous wastelands. He actually started the Earth Conservation Core down on the Anacostia River and produced a documentary called “Endangered Species” about this exact phenomena. Thanks again for letting us know about this book.

From the FB page of the Earth Conservation Corps

MercurysBall2 ago

More Honeywell posts:

A very large wildfire has broken out next to the Hanford Washington Nuclear Waste and reactor test site.. Here are the Epstein and NXIVM connections.

Honeywell/Sandia has always had ties to the deep state and Mossad 4. They were using the site for a lot more than looking at the sun 5. Blackhawk Helicopters were heard on the initial night of the raid which suggests US Marines raided it ..

Main Kavanaugh Accuser 1 degree of separation from Steele Dossier

Like his daughter Dr. Christine Blasey, this report concludes, CIA black money operative Ralph G. Blasey Jr. remains secure...and who, today, is the Vice President of Business Development of Red Coats, Inc.—whose Admiral Security Services provides armed security for “Deep State” elites in Washington D.C.—that is overseen by Red Coats, Inc. co-founder and Vice Chairman William F. Peel III—and whose Datawatch Systems, Peel III also controls.. One of the partners of Datawatch Systems is Honeywell

The company still meets Hillary off the books.

Stephens benefited from the firings at the DOJ by moving to Honeywell and then Raytheon while the Clinton Foundation benefitted by accepting money from these two companies beyond the normal scope of lobbying. That is exactly what the Clinton Foundation is designed to do and it is illegal. The Clinton Foundation is a clone of the American Security Council Foundation, run by miners, that traded political influence for money. The Bush family had a similar political trade machine, though they did a better job of obscuring it by using more than just one central foundation to coordinate.

MercurysBall2 ago

3M is one of the companies with connections to the Vanderbilt family and railroad, historically.

William McKnight, former 3M exec, was heavily involved in (((thoroughbred breeding and racing))).

Through the horse Dr. Fager, McKnight owned through Tartan Stables, he sold offspring to Alfred Vanderbilt and Paul Mellon.

I'm still digging but geographically they're "up next" after the McCormick family in Chicago. The spread of the railroads west makes the rise of these major industries something of a time line from East to West.

Think I have some digging to do too.

Psalm67 ago

I have to say, of all the Voat channels doing research into this stuff, this one is the most in depth. Less speculation and just using phrases and more actual uncovering the connections I confess I don’t do enough and more just lurk. But I find your stuff the most intriguing and enlightening. Sounds like 3M is a key player in all this, and now Trump calling them out and taking reigns. Serious sauce here.

MercurysBall2 ago

Interesting because a few days ago I was looking at this other patent for adrenochrome

Same Deryck Boot, but this time associated with Riker Laboratories

Boot is now at Senzer Ltd

Senzer Pharmaceuticals