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letsdothis3 ago

Re: The Department of Energy

Madonna, Rabbi Philip Berg of the Kabbalah Center and the controversial Raising Malawi Charity

It is very interesting all the work these laboratories do and in many cases working for the Department of Energy...Sandia is a multiprogram national laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin company, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration...

Lets break it down real quick like this 1. The official story is full blown 4am mocking bird talking points across all MSM news mediums 2. No one shuts down a facility for like that for a Janitor watching porn on WIFI that's some serious shill news 3. Honeywell/Sandia has always had ties to the deep state and Mossad 4. They were using the site for a lot more than looking at the sun 5. Blackhawk Helicopters were heard on the initial night of the raid which suggests US Marines raided it at the orders of Q team 6. Future proves past