carmencita ago

I think she took that last little girl illegally (no shock). The father brought a lawsuit against her but have not heard anymore.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Diane Von Furstenberg and her loser son Alex Von Furstenberg are big funders and heavily involved in Kabbalah.

letsdothis3 ago


Registered Agent Address: 233 S ALMONT DRIVE, BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90211

Known Residents: Artur M Spokojny; Melissa A Spokojny

A FB post by Billy Phillips, friend of Artur https://www.facebook .com/billyphillips91/posts/the-elevation-anniversary-of-dr-artur-spokojnytoday-is-anniversary-of-the-elevat/1414237452036534/ dated January 2018 :::::


Today is anniversary of the elevation of my dear friend Dr. Artur Spokojny. I’ll share a few memories and thoughts.

Artur had an infectious laugh. Keep in mind, Artur was a brilliant man, literally a genius, born in Germany, which upon first impression would make you think that he was stoic and conservative and always serious.

Artur broke that mold with flying colors.

I remember on Purim about ten years ago, Artur literally snuck up behind me in the middle of the Purim party and pulled my pants down to my ankles.

As I stood there in my underwear, pants at my ankles, I was laughing so hard, i couldn’t move and react quick enough to pull them back up. It was Artur’s hilarious laughter that was fueling my own hysterics. We both stood there like two kids laughing our heads off at the absurdity of the situation and Artur’s chutzpah to do this at the Kabbalah Centre Purim Party.

I waited a whole year for the next year’s party to get Artur back. I snuck up behind him and yanked down his pants and once again, his laughter was so contagious and out of control, he couldn’t get his pants back up fast enough.

This was the behavior a of a brilliant, Harvard Medical School trained cardiologist. A German born cardiologist!

But the biggest laugh occurred when it WASN'T Purim. We had just finished a meeting with Kabbalist Rav Berg and we were leaving the conference room. For a joke, i went up behind Artur and tugged softely on his pants, NOT to pull them down, but just to remind him of the prank we played on one another each Purim.

Except, Artur’s pants were not tight enough around his waist that morning. And so both of us were shocked when his pants dropped and he was standing there on a normal “work day” at the Kabbalah Centre with the Rav sitting at the conference table, with his pants dangling around his ankles. He screamed with laughter and once again it was a struggle to get his pants back up around his waist because he was laughing in hysterics.

Artur was brilliant in all the meetings we had with nuclear physicists and CEO’s of Nuclear Power companies in Europe when we were working on the Kabbalah Water projects for the Rav.

Artur went to Chernobyl’s exclusion zone many times on behalf of the Rav to work on a project. Once, when Artur and some scientists were in an area that was so contaminated with radiation, there was zero cell phone service. Artur had to wear one of those white hazmat suits because of the radiation.

One of the Ukrainian scientist’s jaw dropped when Artur’s phone rang. It was the Rav. The Rav and Artur had a conversation about the water project and the scientist was stunned and in total disbelief that somehow the Rav got through on the phone.

Artur was not stunned.

Artur had total certainty in the Rav. Artur gave his time, love, energy and brilliance working on the Chernobyl project. I hope to post an article about this soon because history was made at Chernobyl and to this day, there is an abundance of life growing there and scientists have no clue why this is happening. Artur was a true arm and limb of the Rav, carrying out this project with total certainty.

Unfortunately, the world was not yet ready for such a miraculous solution, and despite the evidence, and despite the reports of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences confirming what the Rav and the Kabbalah water technology accomplished in the exclusion zone, it was hard work trying to convince the nuclear power industry that there was a way to clean up radioactive waste.

Artur and I went to White House and met with the Department of Energy. They were not moved by what we presented.

We met with former US President Bill Clinton. He promised to introduce us to some CEOs of Nuclear Power companies but soon the Rav had the stroke and the water project was shut down.

But make no mistake, all the work that Artur did, all the certainty and love and care that he showed on behalf of the Rav, will never be shut down or lost.

Energy never dissipates.

And so Artur’s love for the Rav and Karen and all the work he did will continue to bring blessings to his amazing and incredible wife Melissa and his darling and precious children Kelly and Miryami.

And though the water project was shut down on the physical level, Artur is working alongside the Rav now on the 99% realm and we will see miracles unfold before our eyes, the same way we are seeing unspeakable chaos unfolding before our eyes in the world. There is always balance so we are moving forward beyond what we can imagine!

So, today, please set some time aside and think about Artur Spokojny and the Rav and Artur’s family and this will only enhance our own connection to the Light and propel our world forward.

A few things about Artur many people do not know — He was born in Landsburg Germany on May 10, 1955.

It was the day of Lag B’Omer, the death anniversary of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai, one of the most powerful days of the entire year. It is the day of the Zohar’s infinite Light.

His academic brilliance began to shine even at a young age as Artur completed the reading of his first year textbook on the very first day of public school. That’s right, he read the entire year’s readings in one day.

In the fall of 1973, Artur began medical studies at the University of Ulm and continued studies at the Ludwig-Maximillian-University of Munich where he was graduated in 1979.

In April, 1975, Artur received his first of several academic achievements when he was awarded the ‘Studiendstiflung de Duetschen Volkes’, a scholarship granted to highly gifted students regardless of financial circumstance.

Artrur also accepted the first ever appointment of a foreign student to the residency program at Beth Israel, of Harvard University Hospital in Boston. Artur participated in research that lead to ground breaking laser treatment for coronary disease and heart infection.

Eventually, he found Kabbalah and he not only began using laser light for medical treatment, but Artur began incorporating the Light of Zohar in to his practice.

There were many miracles that occurred.

One time, when Artur was fairly new to Kabbalah, a patient underwent cardiac arrest and was dead on the table. The other doctors in the ER were done. The situation was hopeless. Artur didn’t want to give up. He suddenly remembered the 72 Names of God and began meditating on one of the Names. He felt like he fell asleep and suddenly one of the doctors elbowed him to wake him from a trance. Artur said, we are going back in one more time. Suddenly, the heart began beating and another medical assistant gasped and yelled out, “resurrection of the dead.”

There are so many miracles stories.

I also remember that just before Artur got sick, he ran over to me in an excited state, telling me he had a new understanding of the Rav's Nano book and the importance of removing space. Artur said he had been running around looking to help people all day long, to remove the space between him and another person. He shared so many little miracle stories that happened to him as a result of this random sharing.

Removing space.

That was how Artur spent the last year and a half of his physcal life. Helping so many people with kindness, the type of kindness where you are forced to get out of your comfort zone. Artur was a Taurus who delighted in his comfort zone, which made his random acts of uncomfortable sharing, triple-fold and exponentially more powerful in their blessings.

What a masterful, caring and special man he was and is.

Artur, thanks for all your laughter (especially in London when you smelled a dead rat in the room --i know you are reading this so i wanted to ignite another one your infectious laughs) and may your certainty be shared with everyone whose lives you have touched.

Love you. (i would say i miss you but i feel your presence every day, along with the Rav’s.) However, i do miss our regular talks about the Rav and the teachings and wisdom in the Nano book.

But let’s absoltely tear down this curtain already and reunite everyone for that is our true destiny and that is the end game.

Finally, to Melissa Spokojny and the girls -- we love you. And you are always in our hearts.

Billy Phillips on Youtube

another video on his channel with Rav Berg from the Kabbalah Center DEATHLESS AND IMMORTAL

I think it starts to explain why Israel won't have 5G... will need to go into the connections with the Energy sector...

letsdothis3 ago

Further to

Facebook is building a massive solar project in Texas that's believed to be one of the biggest in the US

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Facebook is building a massive solar farm in West Texas that's believed to be one of the largest solar projects in the nation.. Boston-based renewable energy developer Longroad Energy recently announced it was partnering with the social media giant on the $416 million project.

It comes as Menlo Park, California-based Facebook is finishing construction of a data center near Albuquerque. Longroad Energy says the Prospero Solar project just north of Odessa, Texas, has enough capacity to power an estimated 72,000 homes.

The Dunn Telescope Solar Observatory in New Mexico Evacuation, What do you think the true story is? Interesting facts and government owned labs in New Mexico

It is very interesting all the work these laboratories do and in many cases working for the Department of Energy...Sandia is a multiprogram national laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin company, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration...

Lets break it down real quick like this 1. The official story is full blown 4am mocking bird talking points across all MSM news mediums 2. No one shuts down a facility for like that for a Janitor watching porn on WIFI that's some serious shill news 3. Honeywell/Sandia has always had ties to the deep state and Mossad 4. They were using the site for a lot more than looking at the sun 5. Blackhawk Helicopters were heard on the initial night of the raid which suggests US Marines raided it at the orders of Q team 6. Future proves past

Further, even if they DID shut it down for someone watching child porn, they don’t shut down a national laboratory for ELEVEN DAYS for anything less than blatantly life-threatening...

In 2014 an investigation determined Sandia Corp. used lab operations funds to pay for lobbying related to the renewal of its $2 billion contract to operate the lab. Sandia Corp. and its parent company, Lockheed Martin, agreed to pay a $4.8 million fine.....Another government owned lab Los Alamos National Laboratory is known to have deep underground laboratories. Some miles deep.

Digging deeper into Keith Raniere's "Global Technologies Inc" reveals truly global links and maybe, government agencies connections. This needs more eyes...

Global Technologies Inc is a privately held company in Idaho Falls, ID and is a Headquarters business...President: Francis Tsang

According to his resume he was at the Idaho National Engineering Lab (1974-1995), then President of GTI ID (1995-2007), Principal Scientist at NSTec (Remote Sensing Lab, Las Vegas) from (2008-2012), Global Medial Isotope Systems CTO (Las Vegas) presently

About NSTec

NSTec manages operations at the NTS and its related facilities and laboratories. Besides the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office, NSTec partners with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories on many projects. NSTec also works on projects for other federal agencies such as the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, NASA, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the U.S. Air Force, Army, and Navy.

Podge512 ago

You will recall the 56 year old Madonna openly bragging on a talk show of trying to get her 15 year old son to introduce her to his underage friends because she hadn't had "a date" in a long time, so she is indubitably a paedophile.

letsdothis3 ago

And that's the very least of it.

letsdothis3 ago

Fossil vs. Flow: The Kabbalistic energy philosophy of solar pioneer Arnold Goldman

Arnold Goldman, (1943-2017) who died in June, has a fair claim to be called the father of the global solar energy industry. He was also an extraordinary creative thinker, deeply influenced by kabbalah. Vast solar thermal plants around the world bear witness to Arnold’s technological achievements, but his books of thought, photocopied and circulated among friends and family were never published, though Arnold had very much hoped that at least one would be before he died.

The legendary** Luz International Corporation was founded by Arnold Goldman in 1980, with headquarters in Jerusalem and Oakland, CA.** By the late 1980s, Luz was the undisputed world leader in solar energy production. It was the first company to prove that solar energy could be generated commercially on a scale that would supply the needs of major utility providers. In 1989, the Luz plants in California’s Mojave Desert produced no less than 90% of the solar energy generated on the planet. Between 1984 and 1990, Goldman’s company installed 340 MW of Solar Electrical Generating Systems (SEGS) at nine locations in Southern California. In ten years of operation, Luz drove down the price of solar energy from 24 cents per KWh to just eight in the final system that went into production, and six for systems on the drawing boards. These spectacular efficiency gains were of an order that was more characteristic of the semiconductor industry than of a business in which the deliverables were steel, glass and construction equipment. Almost twenty years before Google announced the goal of achieving RE<C (renewable energy that is cheaper than coal), Goldman believed that the holy grail of price parity between renewable and fossil energy sources was well within Luz’s grasp.

But with oil prices having reached an all-time low of US$17 per barrel, fossil fuels were cheap and seemingly inexhaustible. Governments saw no need to nurture alternative energy sources any longer. (Most, it could be argued, had never seen the need in the first place.) In 1991, the Governor of California overruled a 90% majority vote in the California State Assembly and elected not to renew the land tax exemption on Luz’s solar energy fields, leading to large cost overruns in the construction of the company’s ninth plant. Luz collapsed; its team dispersed. The original nine SEGS continue to produce significant amounts of solar energy in Southern California to this day. In their quiet, continuing effectiveness, they are a utopian counterpoint to the oil- and coal-favoring energy policies of successive American administrations.

Outwardly, Arnold Goldman moved on from Luz. He set up a high-tech consulting business, dabbled in medical technology, and in 1998 co-founded another company, InSyst Ltd, which developed systems for automating complex semi-conductor production processes. Yet privately he admits that he was thinking and writing about Luz almost constantly in the years after its collapse, endeavoring to analyze and learn from the company’s failure. For Goldman, Luz had never been just a clean technology business; it was his life’s work, and it was inspired directly by his spiritual beliefs. And in mid-2004, when climate change was becoming a serious concern and a renewed call went out for technologies to save the planet, he was convinced the time had come to put the company back together again.

..Kabbalistic thought is all over the blueprints for both incarnations of Luz: a couple of Jerusalem’s leading Kabbalists were retained by the original Luz in order to help the engineers and physicists solve technical problems; and before establishing Luz, Goldman had written two dense and detailed books of Jewish thought (photocopied and circulated to a few dozen friends and contacts) that set out the metaphysical and mystical propositions that he hoped to verify through the company’s work. Although much of Goldman’s thinking is couched in the arcane categories of Kabbalah, it contains profound and universally relevant messages about the significance of renewable energy – and, more importantly still, it really works.

..“Project Luz” set out the theoretical and practical basis for a community based on technology which can weave humanity back into the fabric of the created world. It is the work of a formidable autodidact. It is also, in parts, all but incomprehensible. The diverse and uniquely personal assemblage of sources and subject matter means that there probably aren’t more than a handful of people who have read and grasped the whole book. (I confess to having skimmed over a fifty page excursus on how one might design an experiment that could empirically verify the reality of free will – the most important emergent property, in Goldman’s view – based on the famous Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen test.) One chapter explored the ontology of emergent properties, “barotes” in Goldman’s coinage – characteristics that inhere in complex forms of organization but are not present in its component parts. Another section posited and began to develop an alternative arithmetic that can do justice to our everyday sense of how these barotes emerge from simple elements: “We see daily that one and one is not really two…one mother, one father and one child, under the right conditions make one family.”

But in spite of all the hermetic obscurities, when “Project Luz” came to spell out the real-world consequences of his metaphysical speculations, Goldman’s vision was clear and compelling. He dreamed of creating an ideal community called Luz, whose members would be enabled to live their daily lives in a way that maximized their freedom and their consciousness of taking part in the ongoing evolution of the universe. This would require the creation of homes, businesses, schools and communities that would allow a human being to experience his interconnectedness with the world “with his eyes, with his hands, with ears, nose and mouth, as an observer and as a participant in changing the world around him to meet his needs.” Energy was one area in which Goldman felt that humans were particularly cut off from an appreciation of their connection to natural processes: “The myriad of political entities, drilling and mining companies, distribution companies and volumes of rules and regulations governing the production of fossil fuels makes it impossible for its recipient to comprehend the causal process, much less exercise any control over his situation.”

..Next to the painting of Jacob is a painting of the Hebrew letter aleph, calligraphed in luminescent shades of crimson and gold. The aleph (א) was a figure adopted by both the nineteenth century mathematician Cantor and by Jewish Kabbalists as a symbol of infinity.

Endorsed by celebrities such as Madonna, Demi Moore and Britney Spears, there has been a renewed interest, both popular and scholarly in the mystical tradition of the Kabbalah during recent years. In written form, Kabbalah dates back to the Sefer Yezirah, the “Book of Creation” that appeared around the year 400. Tradition, however, avers that the ideas in the Sefer Yezirah were conceived some 2,000 years earlier by the Patriarch Abraham, in the desert around the site where Luz2’s solar plant stands today.

..There are moments in our conversation when Goldman’s integration of technology and mysticism stretches credibility. At one point he remarks: “One of the Luz plants that’s still in operation in the US, at Kramer Junction in California, produced extraordinary results for the incidence of solar radiation falling on the site. We have year-on-year NASA data showing that over the past twenty years that plant has enjoyed the second highest intensity of sunlight of any place on the planet, a marked increase on the previous period.” And then in exactly the same quiet, unassuming way he adds: “You know, the people that built that plant really loved the work, more than any other construction team I’ve worked with. I really believe that their love is what drew down those exceptional levels of sunlight to the place. I’d like to find a way to test that sort of thing empirically.”

..Luz2, now renamed Brightsource Israel has just agreed with Southern California Edison that it will build solar plants supplying 1.3GW of electricity (a deal exceeding by almost 50% the previous record-setting contract with Pacific Gas and Electricity I’d learned about during the ceremony in the Negev).

letsdothis3 ago

Brightsource Israel partners:

GE, Google, Chevron, Bechtel

letsdothis3 ago

Madonna offers to use Kabbalah on nuclear waste

Pop star Madonna has urged the British government to use a mystical Kabbalah fluid to clean up radioactive waste, The Scotsman website has reported.

According to the report, Madonna is a keen follower of the Jewish spiritual movement "which believes that water can receive magic healing powers through 'meditations and the consciousness of sharing'."

The Scotsman reported that, together with her husband Guy Ritchie, Madonna has approached Downing Street, the Department of Trade and Industry and British Nuclear Fuels with the innovative idea.

The superstar was promoting "a water-based solution that had allegedly proved successful in neutralizing dangerous nuclear waste in Russia."