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letsdothis3 ago

Further to

Facebook is building a massive solar project in Texas that's believed to be one of the biggest in the US

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Facebook is building a massive solar farm in West Texas that's believed to be one of the largest solar projects in the nation.. Boston-based renewable energy developer Longroad Energy recently announced it was partnering with the social media giant on the $416 million project.

It comes as Menlo Park, California-based Facebook is finishing construction of a data center near Albuquerque. Longroad Energy says the Prospero Solar project just north of Odessa, Texas, has enough capacity to power an estimated 72,000 homes.

The Dunn Telescope Solar Observatory in New Mexico Evacuation, What do you think the true story is? Interesting facts and government owned labs in New Mexico

It is very interesting all the work these laboratories do and in many cases working for the Department of Energy...Sandia is a multiprogram national laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin company, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration...

Lets break it down real quick like this 1. The official story is full blown 4am mocking bird talking points across all MSM news mediums 2. No one shuts down a facility for like that for a Janitor watching porn on WIFI that's some serious shill news 3. Honeywell/Sandia has always had ties to the deep state and Mossad 4. They were using the site for a lot more than looking at the sun 5. Blackhawk Helicopters were heard on the initial night of the raid which suggests US Marines raided it at the orders of Q team 6. Future proves past

Further, even if they DID shut it down for someone watching child porn, they don’t shut down a national laboratory for ELEVEN DAYS for anything less than blatantly life-threatening...

In 2014 an investigation determined Sandia Corp. used lab operations funds to pay for lobbying related to the renewal of its $2 billion contract to operate the lab. Sandia Corp. and its parent company, Lockheed Martin, agreed to pay a $4.8 million fine.....Another government owned lab Los Alamos National Laboratory is known to have deep underground laboratories. Some miles deep.

Digging deeper into Keith Raniere's "Global Technologies Inc" reveals truly global links and maybe, government agencies connections. This needs more eyes...

Global Technologies Inc is a privately held company in Idaho Falls, ID and is a Headquarters business...President: Francis Tsang

According to his resume he was at the Idaho National Engineering Lab (1974-1995), then President of GTI ID (1995-2007), Principal Scientist at NSTec (Remote Sensing Lab, Las Vegas) from (2008-2012), Global Medial Isotope Systems CTO (Las Vegas) presently

About NSTec

NSTec manages operations at the NTS and its related facilities and laboratories. Besides the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office, NSTec partners with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories on many projects. NSTec also works on projects for other federal agencies such as the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, NASA, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the U.S. Air Force, Army, and Navy.