cantsleepawink ago

Okay, so today we have Rihanna in the news in Malawi. So I had a look at her foundation....

The Clara Lionel Foundation, apart from a couple of celebrity galas and promises of a few education scholarships, I can't really find what the foundation is doing. She has a bare bones website with no information and one contact form: Who are the employees ? I can't find any information.

Her Diamond Gala event used an online auctioning company called Paddle 8 One of the pieces being auctioned was from Koons

Pictured with Rihanna at the school in Malawi was the ex-Australian prime Minister Julia Gillard who has a long back story regarding the sale of Malawian uranium through Paladin Energy and the resulting environmental and health issues that occurred:;

Now she is working with the UN (always the next step in the modern politician's career) within international development 'helping poor countries'.

Rihanna is apparently a global ambassador (though I;m still not sure what exactly her foundation is doing)

And I'll just round this off with a couple of links about the Clinton Foundation and its connections with Malawi,

Good blog analyzing the real world impact of CGI projects in Africa:

NotTooLate ago

Rainforest charity demands Leonardo DiCaprio resign from UN Money laundering and DEFORESTATION of Rainforest AHHHH!!!

NotTooLate ago

Just gets better...

Rainforest Charity Pushes for Leonardo DiCaprio to Return Donations Linked to Malaysian Corruption Controversy-2016

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, I've been following the 1MDB scandal. It's huge and so few people know about it.

NotTooLate ago

Maybe it needs a new post. Great DeNiro too....

NotTooLate ago

WTF!!!! Here is Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey and Trudi in 2014

NotTooLate ago

Wikileaks Podesta Files

NotTooLate ago

Please upvote the main post. Two 4 year old girl twins are involved.

I think some of my favorite singers/entertainers are POS!!!!!

Madonna does well scrubbing the net. I found one piece of dirt online for her and it seems legit even though it is from a gossip site. When I say legit, the dates with this and Raising Malawi fundraising and the CF may correlate. 2001-2009 is where I am at now but just getting into it.

Stings wife's ambassadorship, tie to UNICEF and well know link between CIA and the fashion ind. Friends with Bill Clinton and Madonna and set Madonna up with Guy Ritchie

Chef wins case against Trudi. Chef shared between Trudi, Madonna, Elton John and Geldorf

More on the Gucci/Raising Malawi/UNICEF event Posted: 21 December 2007 - From Gucci’s Feb. 6 fund-raiser to accompany the opening of its biggest flagship worldwide on Fifth Avenue won’t be in New York, at least not technically. The company disclosed that the event, dubbed 'A Night to Benefit Raising Malawi and UNICEF,' will take place in a purpose-built structure on the North Lawn of the United Nations.

Charity watch criticism of Stings Rainforest Charity

Based on assessments of how the financial assets are managed, the watchdog gave the US branch zero stars out of four for 2004, 2005 and 2006 - the latest year for which the assessment has been completed. (Less than 2% of the charities it monitors fall into the zero-star category.)

The watchdog's main criticism was that in 2006 the US foundation spent only 60% of its funds on actual programmes on the ground - compared with a sector norm of 75%. A watchdog spokeswoman said its records showed that the foundation did even worse in 2004 when 43% of its revenues were spent on such projects.

NotTooLate ago

Most definitely needs to be researched. Look at all the celebrities over the years, where they are adopting and what we've done to bring down their country. Malawi had a law that banned foreign adoption. The CGI link and the online blackout is killing me knowing there are 4 year old twin GIRLS. All these adoptions seem to turn out not to be orphans but the sale of children. It's like a psyop of some kind to cover up and get you accustomed to the sale of children in 3rd world countries

Votescam ago

Many signs that seem to say that there's something there --

Tanngrisnir ago

A ton of big names in Hollywood (such as Joss Whedon and Chris Pratt) have connections to a group called Malaria No More. It turns out that Malaria No More is a founding partner to Millennium Promise (Ray Chambers helped found both). George Soros gave 50 million dollars to Millenium Project. It funnels cash into select African villages in inept ways and many say it is entirely useless. Makes you wonder if they just suck or have an ulterior motive for being there.

strix-varia ago

There is always an ulterior motive. If these snottywood celebrities were on the up and up, they would most likely quit the scene and focus on charity. Not many are willing to give up any thing, but will invent other things to look suspiciously wonderful through the marvels of fake news

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you. That's very interesting. I'm getting sick at the sight of very rich celebrities suddenly 'developing a conscience' and fronting development projects that actually go nowhere. And being used by politicians and the likes of Soros to prey on people who need real help to get on their feet. Of course, much of international development does good but there's a lot of corruption too. This pizzagate investigation is turning into quite a trip.

nosilence1 ago

No she's not adopting more children stop trying to distract from the actual investigation schill.

Freemasonsrus ago

Madge is sick and spiritually bankrupt. She sold her soul to the devil a loooong time ago when she realized it would bring her fame and fortune. She has never ever been "talented". She cannot sing. She cannot act. She can barely speak. Her best "talent" originally was her dancing, but even that was just ok. Same with Lady Gaga btw. No 60 year old single woman should be adopting anyone. These children are just new handbags for her and a way to have something relevant for People and Us weekly to cover, if true. The whole Kabbalah thing too, is relevant.

strix-varia ago

Really interesting that some of the "famous" snot tarts are usually former Catholics. Googoo, perry, madonna, all brought up in religious households, therefore, the greater the pull on the fans, who also want to leave their 'horrible religious' upbringing.

party1981 ago

Would it really surprise you if Madonna bathed, drank, or transfused the blood of young children in a psychotic attempt to reverse aging?

strix-varia ago

Not for a minute would it surprise me. She was most likely one of the first sellouts way back when when she told Dick Clark, she wanted to 'rule the world'.

PeriWinki ago

Madonna - has has been channelling Eva Peron's spirit of Jezabel a long time.

dipedo57 ago

I have noticed in Pedowood that it is a trend to adopt 2 african children maybe it is because they can get infusions without killing the kids That sounds insane but the children seem to have families that oppose the adoptions yet celebs. seem determined to get certain children. Sandra Bullock adopted in the states but Charlize Theron adopted hers from Africa.

Freemasonsrus ago

They're are just accessories. Nannies do the work. These people have managers controlling the majority of their lives. Trust me. There were conversations about how amazing the optics would be for these single white women to go adopting African children.

AmishMechWarrior ago

Charlize Theron is African herself.

bopper ago

She's just spittin' in the wind now.

bopper ago

Never understood her appeal.

carmencita ago

This is way to sexual for most adults. I don't think it is sexy, just sick.. For child's charity it is beyond disgusting. I believe she may also be MK Ultra. So many in Hollywood are. The Clinton's are controlling her.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, I agree that it is sick. I can't watch the video of the entire show that she did. A quick scan of it and I have the impression of a 'Pedophiles r Us' production. Again we have an example of an artist (of sorts) being used to influence and transform culture, but in a very negative sense. Whether there is something more nefarious happening with her Malawi charity, I don't know but it certainly warrants a closer inspection.

Fateswebb ago

Yep remember when she released some weird sex picture book and before that she posed in playboy. Clearly she has been pushing the slut angle her entire life and then comes out somehow as a feminist recently? How is that sorta irony possible without exploding? And why have none of these women called her out for being a damn hypocrite?

strix-varia ago

Pretending to be a feminist, always pretending.

carmencita ago

I just wrote a comment about Oprah. She built a school too. I agree .

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

sorry! i missed it.

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks. Yes, I've got it in the text above but glad that you are highlighting it. It just shows that she was/is on Stratfor's radar for whatever reason.

carmencita ago

The lawsuit about the girls school in Malawi brings to mind the girls school Oprah built. I believe there were sexual accusations against the Proprietress . Could be nothing but this jogged my memory.


"Like A Virgin" is probably on every pedo's "favorites" playlist

are terrorists even allowed to adopt?

strix-varia ago

Madonna will do anything it seems to promote the agenda (of her handlers), as well as her own. Don't think for a minute that her fans are beloved in her eyes. She is like any other snot star and that is made up of greed, control and power. She has indoctrinated people for years, making them believe that she is an artist of epic proportion, when all she is is a mediocre, washed up singer, masturbating on stage to that pathetic song that people went nuts over. I do not doubt for a second that her charity needs scrutiny. Absolutely. She dismisses the complaints of the malawian government, but has so much money, she can override them through fake news. It's all a game to her and part of the game includes an orphanage and adoption of children to make her look wonderful. After the womens march and the fact that she had to read her outrageous notes tells me she has no ability to speak from intelligence. Anyone who supported the CF needs to be looked at. Doesn't she know that she was supporting someone whose foundation has been found to be involved in child trafficking? Why would she ignore that? Why wouldn't she research it, even just a little? Rather, here she is now being told to adopt more kids and indoctrinate them in kabbalah at an early age. She's no better than any other "celebrity" who has charities set up in impoverished nations. Ex-sean penn.....haiti.

carmencita ago

As like in Greta van Susteren. She has one too.

goodguy1367 ago

Madonna is another 25 year old looking 50 year old. Must have plenty on baby blood

carmencita ago

I always look at the hands. Her hands look creepy and decrepit.

goodguy1367 ago

She refuses to retire, why not but if you can be 50 and look 17

Fateswebb ago

Honestly I can't name a song she has made in like 30 years why is she even relevant in this day and age? Her newer music if she even has any must suck bad for me to not even be aware it exists.

carmencita ago

I would not be surprised if they are all older than we think. I think she is 58 if I remember correctly.

goodguy1367 ago

We can all look like that if we keep a healthy habit of spirit cooking And baby eating