YogSoggoth ago

Bryn Mawr. BMT - Bank Mobile, Business Banking, Mortgages, Insurance. Frank Leto, President and Chief Executive Officer. Jared and Shannon Leto band/ Hollywood with strange origin story. Triangle within larger triangle tattoos, and band symbol.

migratorypatterns ago

It could be.

Ever since posting the thread about Michael Jackson using his friends as sperm donors for his children, it's entirely possible. These people are animals.

YogSoggoth ago

That is the opposite of where I was going, but go on with your bad self. I am suggesting that they are indeed the real parents, and are propping/maybe some prepping their children as actors in the grand event. Children that are really used would not likely to be their own, you understand. Only those that buck the system.

migratorypatterns ago

Ah! Well, there's that ...

Yes, got it now. It may well be. I'm trying to figure things out, but when I think I have a handle on something, the handle breaks.

YogSoggoth ago

I deal with the Elite on a regular basis. Many are actually nice in a spoiled way, the others like to toy with humans until they get bored.

migratorypatterns ago

Interesting. I've found the same thing to be true.

I've worked for some big companies, and the elite ones, they're so nice to work for. They do like to keep things comfy for themselves. Course, I never saw them at a ritual. I'd probably change my opinion.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Only people that go to Gitmo are enemies of the cabal, not cabal members. Your title inspired me to skip the content on your thread.

ASolo ago

I really don't care what ANYONE in the mainstream says to the contrary that Pizzagate and the entire PEDOGATE illuminati plan to invert the entire world is real or not because WE people, US, helped take a good portion of that SCAB off THE BEAST to expose the fact that there really is a luciferian CULT trying to make and mold society into it's own disgusting and licentious image.

We know it, Q has CONFIRMED IT, and there is plenty of testament out there that PROVES the CABAL IS SHITTING THERE SHITTY LITTLE BASTARD PANTS.

We can SEE all you filthy little demons writhing in your sin and squirming around that your little faggot utopia you were trying to build is in jeopardy and that you have a bigger enemy than you thought you had.

There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Keep kicking ass VOAT.

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, thanks for this.

All true.

argosciv ago

For convenience, I've archived the following link for you and/or other readers:


Main Line teens get a New Leaf to hang out

Updated: July 21, 2012 — 3:01 AM EDT

^ Archived: https://archive.is/gsTrO

Article opens:

For as long as she can recall, Mary Nixon Hiltbrand has wanted to create a gathering place for teens and young adults on the Main Line.

"It just clicked," Hiltbrand said of the project. "The right people kept showing up at the right time."

Next month, after $175,000 worth of remodeling, the New Leaf Cafe will open on Montrose Avenue behind the Rosemont Square shopping center in Lower Merion Township.

The 4,000-square-foot building has a juice bar, a cafe with tea, coffee, and sandwiches, WiFi hookup, al fresco dining, and a yoga studio.

Most important to Hiltbrand, though, is the public meeting room with a live stage that can be used for student art shows, seminars, dances, comedy, musical shows, or just hanging out.

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, thanks.

Appreciate it.

argosciv ago

No worries, I don't have much time right now to look into it, but, should be able to a little later today.

carmencita ago

Erika Slezak is the daughter of former actor Walter Slezak. From his Wiki: Slezak married Johanna "Kaasi" Van Rijn on October 10, 1943. The couple had three children: Ingrid, Erika, and Leo. Erika went on to become an Emmy-winning actress, and starred as Victoria Lord on the long-running soap opera One Life to Live from 1971 to its cancellation in 2012. In 1974, Slezak appeared on the series as her character's godfather, Lazlo Braedecker.[1] He 'was born in Austria and died by his own hand with a gunshot. It said due to an illness.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this.

I'm starting to think about those storylines. Really wondering what Nixon put in there.

argosciv ago

Continued from my response in part I:

Oh hey, just noticed I got a shoutout in here, thanks for that - sorry I was a bit of a prick the other day, I do have my reasons, but, don't expect your forgiveness lol.

As for the topic at hand:

GAELEN? Did they say, "GAELEN"?

It's here the German Shepherd attacks. I'd run across that name when researching Maggie Nixon. I have a very wide circle of friends and not one is named Gaelen. So what are the chances that this name matches the name of someone in the Nixon extended family? It could be a coincidence, but is there something more? As stated above, I was all set to post on Gaelen or Galen or however you're spelling that name these days. Is this one of those trendy transsexual names that you don't have to change when you're fed your hormone blockers in your cereal at the age of 3? You be the judge.

When I did the initial dumpster dive re: Maggie Nixon, I decided to try her extended family. After all, if it was as big a rabbit hole as touted, then the rest of Agnes Nixon's children must play a part, no? So when I dd the search for Agnes Nixon's children, the name of Mary Nixon came up:

Interesting... let's see where you're going with this...

So the question remains does the name Galen signify anything? And why was that little boy being raised by something much worse than wolves was called Gaelen? Coincidence? Not a coincidence? The reason I'm asking is because you know that article I started out posting? The one in Part I that announces the opening of Mary Nixon's New Leaf hangout for teens? Oh, how did they describe it again?

Given everything that you've pointed out, I'd say you may very well be on to something here... it's rare for curiosities like this to be merely coincidental.

Let's use one of my favorite resources for a moment, to learn about the name.

https://behindthename.com - Search: "Gaelen" | https://archive.is/MhABK

Gaelen is not listed under that spelling... interesting...

Gaelen was not found. Names that sound similar to Gaelen:

  • GALEN, m, English

https://behindthename.com - Galen | https://archive.is/xOOfF

Given Name GALEN

GENDER: Masculine

USAGE: English


Meaning & History

Modern form of the Greek name Γαληνος (Galenos), which meant "calm" from Greek γαληνη (galene). It was borne by a 2nd-century BC Greco-Roman physician who contributed to anatomy and medicine. In modern times the name is occasionally given in his honour.


actors, history, scientists, Soulcalibur characters, Star Wars characters, virtues

Related Names


Taking a look at the popularity of the name, in the USA:

https://behindthename.com - Galen: Pupularity | https://archive.is/R4AkP

We can see in the popularity tab for the name Galen, that it's usage/popularity in the USA drops to negligible(and no longer recorded thereafter) in 1996...

Yup, just a place to hang out. Well, look at it now: Mary Nixon Hiltbrand is now leasing the space and, well, wait until you read what happened to the New Leaf Club!

Center for Families takes over New Leaf Club HQ, plans new community center

Went ahead and found the source for the ^ article you shared:

The source link provides several articles on one page, with no direct link available for the article in question; archived link is anchored to article in question, for convenience:

http://savvymainline.com/2018/02/08/rock-waynes-new-music-hall-aneu-rosemont-wayne-murder-suicide-mt-joy-eagles-case-smiles/ | https://archive.is/V4Y6S#selection-839.0-839.75

Worth noting: Another Nixon/ANEU article is present above the article in question:


^ Article opens:

A new ANEU in Rosemont

ANEU has sprouted anew.

The Paoli-based caterer and “Kitchen & Juicery” just opened a second outpost near the Rosemont train station. And boy, is it a keeper.

We breezed in on opening day for a quick look-see. Darn if we didn’t stay a while, sipping ANEU’s new elixir, sampling tasty salads and sweets, and admiring the café’s bright-and-fresh vibe.

The new ANEU replaces the Gryphon Café at what was, until very recently, the headquarters of the New Leaf Club. (For more on that switcheroo, see below.)

With just 28 seats, the place is small, but its grab-and-go selection is mighty.

“Most of my catering clients are on this side,” says owner Meridith Coyle, referring to the Main Line’s Great (unofficial) Divide, the Blue Route. “Lots of customers from our days at Strafford Farmer’s Market are coming in. We’ve been packed.”

Indeed, it was ANEU Catering client Mary Nixon, the building’s owner and founder of the New Leaf Club once housed there, who urged Coyle to lease the café space.~~

@Vindicator @srayzie @think- @The_Savant @AviciiKnewTooMuch

YogSoggoth ago

Catering sounds fishy because non profit, like non Dr. What grabs my attention is the name Main Line. When a junky wants to inject something in the body, they are looking for a main line, or main vein. Hardly something you would consider naming a charity interested in getting people off hard drugs. That's like putting an AA meeting in a fully stocked and well lighted bar after hours.Makes me wonder if they were not just selling fentanyl laced heroin and claiming the proceeds as tax deductible to clear the area for real estate acquisitions. Numerology Interpretation for Gaelen. The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 8.

Interpretation: Qualities: Leader, Visionary Ruling planet: Saturn Colors: Black, Purple

argosciv ago

When a junky wants to inject something in the body, they are looking for a main line, or main vein. Hardly something you would consider naming a charity interested in getting people off hard drugs. That's like putting an AA meeting in a fully stocked and well lighted bar after hours.Makes me wonder if they were not just selling fentanyl laced heroin and claiming the proceeds as tax deductible to clear the area for real estate acquisitions.

Interesting angle, would be hard to prove on this end lol. Worth considering, though.

YogSoggoth ago

That would be a job for the accountants. Then come the witnesses.

bolus ago

appreciate all of this info - but.

galen is 26. gaelen was 3 in 2007, according to sources, making galen 11 or 12 when gaelen was born.

i'll grant you that they could fudge the numbers a bit - but you'd be better off tying someone from the Hiltbrand/Nixon family to Raniere or one of his ladies rather than simply wonder if namesakes are related.

migratorypatterns ago

OMG! I should have left you blocked.

Sorry for the unblock. Won't happen again. Buh-bye.

YogSoggoth ago

Obviously you presented too many facts without repeating the significance of each and every one of them (ad nauseam) in a numbered and color charted manner. Maybe a video compilation with special effects and famous actors would help some.

migratorypatterns ago

Ha! Yes ... how about John Cusack directed by SS?

Never had anyone complain about me being thorough before, but there's always someone.

YogSoggoth ago

Yog has not watched TV since 2008, and has no idea of what you are talking about.

YogSoggoth ago

You know what your problem is? You think too much. That is usually meant as a threat in the USA, and every other country in the World, just in case you did not know. I am still kind of alive after that threat. I am afraid to drive a vehicle on the road for fear of killing others now.

migratorypatterns ago

I hear you and have had the experience of showing up on the first day of work and had the CIA asset in the company say, "You know, you're smart."

Yeah, no. It wasn't a compliment. I knew it wasn't and knew what they were driving at so I said, "No, really, I'm not!" I was really careful what I said around that guy from then on, but he never got off my back.

YogSoggoth ago

In my experience, that is what was said to me before I got poisoned. Organophosphates include Sarin and mustard gas, but are sold in every home depot/lowes,Ace hardware in severely lethal doses. One would have a harder time as a mass murderer collecting materials for a bomb, than simply spraying a room with bug spray. That is a proven fact.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, sorry to hear that.

Luckily, you're still posting up a storm. Just horrible that these people will stop at nothing.

YogSoggoth ago

No big deal, that is life and death. My only wish is for people to understand what those multitudes of compounds can do to a living organism. T cell receptors give electric signals from the gut to the brain. That also works the other way. Damage those receptors, and you have a failed system. Breathing is a part of that, without going into too much detail. I only learned this after getting a dose.

migratorypatterns ago

Well put.

Yes, we get it. Life is fragile so let's enjoy it while we can.

YogSoggoth ago

I have always been a vengeance and revenge personality(with lot's of love and respect), so I think I fit in to that crowd.

migratorypatterns ago


No doubt.

bolus ago

fair enough, but if you want to be taken seriously, you have to defend against skepticism, reasonable or otherwise.

I've posted several items about the nixons, and i agree that the ecological pushes seem sketchy... charities are a good way to hide money movement... but don't tell me you can tie Nixon to Raniere if you can't.

Blacksmith21 ago

migratorypatterns ago

What? Of all people ... not understanding this at all.

I'll give you like thirty seconds to explain, then it's adios!

Blacksmith21 ago

Wall of text. Nobody can take all that in. Write a summary otherwise it looks like a written DDOS. Know your audience.

Blacksmith21 ago

How about something in 2 paragraphs or less?

migratorypatterns ago

WTF is your problem? Because I'm explaining everything and posting links?

You know what, you're history! Gone ... bye!

auralsects ago

LMAO typical entitled bitch attitude. As if being blocked by you is some humiliating punishment.

What you're looking at is called a consensus: your posts suck shit

Blacksmith21 ago

Or you could do the white thing and write a bottom line up front for those of us that aren't autistic.

derram ago

https://files.catbox.moe/q8tihl.jpg :

https://files.catbox.moe/2iyaqn.jpg :

https://archive.fo/TnPE6 :

Thailand: The World's Sex Tourism Capital | HuffPost

https://archive.fo/k6t5Q :

Galen Hiltbrand (@galenrose) | Twitter

https://archive.fo/cssVW :

Kelly Spagnola (@kelspags) | Twitter

https://archive.fo/2LMLl :

Crayon 🌪️ on Twitter: "#QAnon Galen Hiltbrand and her uncle Bob Nixon at a 'Sea of Hope' - climate racism movie event - remember, Bob is a nickname for Robert. Sarah Nixon also in the Agnes Nixon obit. I'm still digging for Maggie...2016 is the most recent I've found so far.… t.co/yn94JE3q5q"

https://archive.fo/uurb5 :

Crayon 🌪️ on Twitter: "#QAnon Galen Hiltbrand links herself to her uncle Robert Nixon - a Robert Nixon donated to Mags Nixon's gofundme to Thailand - they are pushing climate racism- I guess it's time to dig into Robert t.co/QQGIc9o50W… t.co/BxkN11ZsP6"

https://files.catbox.moe/5a9k7z.jpg :

https://files.catbox.moe/dxmk72.jpg :

This has been an automated message.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks, derram!