argosciv ago

Oh hey, just noticed I got a shoutout in here, thanks for that - sorry I was a bit of a prick the other day, I do have my reasons, but, don't expect your forgiveness lol.

As for the topic at hand:

GAELEN? Did they say, "GAELEN"?

It's here the German Shepherd attacks. I'd run across that name when researching Maggie Nixon. I have a very wide circle of friends and not one is named Gaelen. So what are the chances that this name matches the name of someone in the Nixon extended family? It could be a coincidence, but is there something more? As stated above, I was all set to post on Gaelen or Galen or however you're spelling that name these days. Is this one of those trendy transsexual names that you don't have to change when you're fed your hormone blockers in your cereal at the age of 3? You be the judge.

When I did the initial dumpster dive re: Maggie Nixon, I decided to try her extended family. After all, if it was as big a rabbit hole as touted, then the rest of Agnes Nixon's children must play a part, no? So when I dd the search for Agnes Nixon's children, the name of Mary Nixon came up:

Interesting... let's see where you're going with this...

Response continued in part II

Are_we_sure ago

Nobody will go to Gitmo in this case.

Blacksmith21 ago

@think- @vindicator @srayzie What is this crap?

YogSoggoth ago

The one concept that everyone can agree on is that they thought Hillary was going to win. There are many LLC's with the Ethical term, but one that stuck out to me was J, Cricket. Really? Jiminy Crickets? That is a slang term for saying Jesus Christ without invoking the Lord's name. Reinvented by Disney.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, but it is ironic that any group with such scum used the term ''Ethical''.

YogSoggoth ago

That is the inside joke.

migratorypatterns ago

Ah, well ... there are a lot of them these days ...

carmencita ago

Never knew that. Thanks! We all can learn so much from each other on here. A lot of people say the slang J.C. too. same initials.

TrishaUK ago

Wow, great research! Just re-posting the comment I made on an earlier thread in case it has legs. I hope someone else out there can verify it as it would be fantastic to finally link NXIVM, Clinton & Rothschilds! Smallville Allison Mack confesses 'She Sold Children to the Rothschilds and the Clintons' - (ff vid @4:38 mins) **Clintons & Rothchild's Linked To Allison Mack,.......... -**YouTube - Natasha states that Allison Mack is giving up fantastic connecting information. Sorry I cannot verify it hence me not making a link about it. If anyone can link more regarding this would be appreciated. @Blacksmith21

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much! More to come ... if I can push myself to get Part II. finished.

It would be super stupendous if everything ties together and the right people land in prison where they belong. I hope they also trace where NXIVM got Gaelen from. How does a little baby end up in a sex cult?

TrishaUK ago

Precisely! - look foward to Part II

migratorypatterns ago

Awesome! Just posted!

Blacksmith21 ago

What are you talking about? @00:04:38 she is talking about Obama and military police.

TrishaUK ago

Whoops sorry, posted wrong link, thanks for that. 👍 Amended now, but here is the on I meant to post.

think- ago

While they told victims participants that they would help with Tourette's Syndrome, the video shown focused on brutality, rape, torture ... the usual stuff one sees when trying to regain mental health.

I don't think the women they tested suffered from Tourette Syndrome - it's a very rare neurological disease. IIRC, they used these 'tests' to qualify which of the women that Raniere wanted to be part of his harem reacted in a sensitive manner when they had to watch footage of beheadings, rape, and torture. Those who stayed calm were the 'chosen ones'.

I think the whole Tourette thing was only used to get federal money, and to cover up what they were really up to.

migratorypatterns ago

If you mean did they actually think they were helping this syndrome, you're right. And if you're saying, they used Tourette's syndrome to legitimize the bogus shit they were doing, yes.

If you're saying the women didn't suffer from it, at least the one in the article did. Didn't it state she needed her psychiatrist to transfer authority? Yes:

The woman said that she had been required to have her psychiatrist write a letter acknowledging her care would be transferred to Porter.

So she was under medical care for the condition. You know, now that you brought this up, part of it sounds like what Scientology/Dianetics does. According Scientologists, their methodology cures everything. Course it begs the question of why there are so many fucked up Scientologist, but why use logic?

think- ago

If you're saying the women didn't suffer from it, at least the one in the article did. Didn't it state she needed her psychiatrist to transfer authority? Yes

Ah ok, I overlooked it. Thanks.

bolus ago

so - how does this tie in, to nxvim, though? it's not an impossibly uncommon name, and the spelling is different - i'm itching to find a connection between raniere and the nixon/guinan families - but this isn't enough.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much!

An UpVoat for you.

bolus ago

curious how that name pops into the Nixon family.

searching for info on the child lead me to these three things:

an article from 'all over albany' which seems to have a personal connection to raniere and the area.

a user at a forum from 2009-2014 or so following nxivm very closely:

and a weird post at an a collegiate a capella forum about raniere trying to infiltrate their community.

migratorypatterns ago

Unblocking. These are actually great links. Did you notice the Rainbow Cultural Garden opened in Ireland? WHAT?

bolus ago

lol. thanks qk.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this.

The second Part of this will be devoted to Galen. And I'm really wondering about that area. Is it because it's personal to one of the members? Or because it's in NY? Did that make it safer for the cult to take roots? Cuomo does come out smelling like garbage. He's opening a probe into why the ''human experimenting'' didn't raise red flags, but then on the other hand, saying that it shouldn't have? And there was nothing wrong with the committees finding nothing wrong with showing these women either the video of violent rapes/murders/torture or the branding of women after they were forcibly held down?

Yeah, I have more on Cuomo ... couldn't not take a dumpster dive after he gets so prominently on the radar. deBlasio and Schumer might also be good to look into to see if any money was thrown their way. Of course, with all these sub-organizations not sure what to even search for. I suppose all of the above could have donated to their campaigns.

carmencita ago

Don't forget how Bleeping Dirty Schumer is. He supposedly roomed with Wiener in their younger days. That picture just makes me sick. Also deBlasio reading the Secret Pizza book to little kids in school. Blach!!! Also deBlasio's wife is a former lesbian. Not saying anything's wrong with her, just all of it packaged together is a Humdinger.

migratorypatterns ago

I agree. There's something wrong with all of it. Including a lesbian that fell in love with ... that rumpled mess?

Hard to believe. I'd say it was another marriage of convenience much like the Royals or Kamel Toe Humper Harris'.

carmencita ago

Giggle Snort. Just like all of Hollywood and our Govt. they all wear beards.

migratorypatterns ago

The do indeed ... :)

carmencita ago

What do you think of all the hair on men now.? All the beards and not to mention the added Man Buns!!! Oh God I hate those Man Buns. Possibly I have been thinking that many men are wearing those beards and facial hair now because of retaliation of the push to turn them more feminine. Just a thought. Possibly even without knowing it.

migratorypatterns ago

Hmmmm ... never thought of that. You could be right. Or it could just balance all the hair in the bun.

carmencita ago

Ha Ha! I needed that. Yeah, well the bun makes me nuts when I see it. And that Basketball Player Jokim sends me up the wall! My husband has to laugh.

migratorypatterns ago

Now I know what to post! If you see any Imgur links of Joakim, you'll know it's for you! :)

carmencita ago

Ugh! Yeah him and the others are all involved in this whole mess. They are working for the owners of the Top Sports Org. who are all part of the game. Yeah the mgrs. too.

bolus ago

it appears to me that the galen you've found is "galen h" and is a 26 year old female, currently working on her masters.

yes, same one - related to the nixons, but female and of a different spelling.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, dear Lord! I know that. Are you yet another shill?

Congrats, you've just earned a block! You never have to do another search for how to spell a name again!

bolus ago

?? sorry, i don't know how you came to that quick conclusion...i was just antsy waiting for your part 2, and dug a little on my own.

still want to know how (if) you tie Galen to Gaelen and/or nxivm to nixon.

sorry to offend.

bolus ago

i think it's just where Keith is from. He's lived in NY (Troy / Clifton Park / Waterford) since the early 90s (at least)

migratorypatterns ago

And he happened to end up in Arkansas before moving back? No other reason?

I'm finding that hard to believe, but then I've become distrustful and surly.

bolus ago

don't know.

my documentation has him and his three closest (that i can find) associates in new york solidly for the last 30 years or so. any arkansas presence is "temporary", imo. home base was just always ny. i have keeffe's mom in ny since 1980.