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argosciv ago

Oh hey, just noticed I got a shoutout in here, thanks for that - sorry I was a bit of a prick the other day, I do have my reasons, but, don't expect your forgiveness lol.

As for the topic at hand:

GAELEN? Did they say, "GAELEN"?

It's here the German Shepherd attacks. I'd run across that name when researching Maggie Nixon. I have a very wide circle of friends and not one is named Gaelen. So what are the chances that this name matches the name of someone in the Nixon extended family? It could be a coincidence, but is there something more? As stated above, I was all set to post on Gaelen or Galen or however you're spelling that name these days. Is this one of those trendy transsexual names that you don't have to change when you're fed your hormone blockers in your cereal at the age of 3? You be the judge.

When I did the initial dumpster dive re: Maggie Nixon, I decided to try her extended family. After all, if it was as big a rabbit hole as touted, then the rest of Agnes Nixon's children must play a part, no? So when I dd the search for Agnes Nixon's children, the name of Mary Nixon came up:

Interesting... let's see where you're going with this...

Response continued in part II