argosciv ago

Also on the subject of NXIVM in Albany:

v/pizzagate - @rickman: Albany doctor linked to Nxivm carried out human experiments.


Jennifer Kobelt, the former member of the notorious cult whose leaders are accused of brainwashing and blackmailing women into becoming sex slaves, said in her August 2017 complaint that Porter may have performed his “fright study” on as many as 100 people.

^ Link: |

Article text:

Emphasis my own, indicating text quoted by rickman in their thread.

Albany doctor allegedly ran sick human experiments for Nxivm

By Melissa Klein and Isabel Vincent

May 5, 2018 | 2:34pm | Updated

A doctor described as the resident physician to the twisted upstate sex cult Nxivm has been charged by a state oversight board with illegally conducting human experiments.

The action comes eight months after the state Health Department refused to act on a complaint from a former cult member who alleged that Dr. Brandon Porter, 44, forced her to watch disturbing rape and dismemberment videos for a “fright study” he was conducting.

Jennifer Kobelt, the former member of the notorious cult whose leaders are accused of brainwashing and blackmailing women into becoming sex slaves, said in her August 2017 complaint that Porter may have performed his “fright study” on as many as 100 people.

“He continued to film my reaction for at least 10 minutes as I just sat there, dry heaving like I was going to puke and crying very hard,” Kobelt, a Canadian actress, said in the complaint to the Health Department, adding that Porter began showing her the violent images without warning.

“He failed me, not only as a friend but as the medical practitioner I had trusted on numerous occasions with my health while I was in New York,” Kobelt said in the complaint.

In a Sept. 6, 2017, letter, the state Office of Professional Medical Conduct told Kobelt it would not investigate Porter, adding that “the issues you have described are not medical misconduct.”

But the OMPC has now accused Porter of moral unfitness, gross negligence and gross incompetence among other charges. He is accused of showing “human subjects an actual video of the horrific and brutal murders and dismemberment of four women by machetes; and violent film clips, including a male African American being viciously stomped by a Nazi; a conscious male being forced to eat a portion of his own brain matter; and a graphic gang rape.”

He is also charged with violating state law for improperly conducting studies on obsessive compulsive disorder, Tourette’s syndrome and one monitoring the brain waves of those who attended Nxivm programs.

The state also slapped him for not reporting to health officials that many of the attendees, including children, at a 2016 Nxivm event became ill with an infectious illness that produced flu-like symptoms, vomiting and diarrhea.

A hearing on the charges is scheduled for June 27. If the charges are substantiated, Porter could have his medical license revoked or suspended.

Porter, an internist, resigned from St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany last fall and reportedly fled town. He received his medical degree from the University of Iowa and got his New York medical license in 2009.

The state Health Department would not comment on the OPMC’s action and Kobelt declined to comment. Porter did not return a request for comment.

YogSoggoth ago

Colgan is a variaton of Coogan (Irish origin). Just viewed an article from the houston Chronicle that was scrubbed before my very eyes on how the Colgans were manufacturing Bump Stocks.Obama Made Bump Stocks Legal - The Rush Limbaugh Show

argosciv ago

Unable to confirm if Colgan is a variation of Coogan at the moment, but, both are indeed of Irish origin.

argosciv ago

I did notice Colgan/Coogan in recent hours and thought to myself, "Fuck they're similar...", thanks for pointing it out.

I'll take a look at some point, probably worth having that discussion over in part 14, though.

YogSoggoth ago

Self-effacing to the core, Charles Colgan loved telling Senate colleagues he was the General Assembly’s only licensed airplane mechanic.

argosciv ago

This Colgan/Coogan abstraction has me intrigued, will look into it further.

YogSoggoth ago

I do this more than healthy minded people because I am a treasure hunter. In 1100 and something England started making Ireland pay taxes. Before then they did not have last names and spoke Gaelic. That is one key. The other key is hidden in most history books, and that is the story of the Phoenicians. Their main city was Tyre in what is now Turkey I believe(edit Lebanon). These seafarers traveled right up the coast to Ireland, nefarious for slave trading or anything else tradable. Major traders in Africa, not only for the wealth, but the great seaports to get to the other wealth. Think Tripoly, Libya.

argosciv ago

I've put some time into looking into Irish/Gaelic history, but, so far it hasn't been a huge priority - my looking into Scientology and NXIVM, certainly changed that.

Doesn't surprise me that Turkey, Africa and Libya are 'connected' via slave trading and etc.

Indeed, it speaks volumes to your comment accusing me(? others? all?) of being "fake "jews""... I don't give a shit about the Khazarians; good, bad or otherwise - you must have missed the thread in which I go well beyond them into the past.

I am actually part Khazarian, and I think you are all a bunch of fake "jews" on the payroll because of your comments. You know ole Mr. Trump is going to shut you down. Even we don't like fake "Jews." Yiddish curse words detracted.

If I was a fucking enemy here, an enemy of Trump and those trying to fix the corruption, Trump/Q/Anonymous would have "shut [me] down", LONG ago. I've even walked myself into my local police department(sometime at the end of last year - maybe the year before now, I forget) and have pointed them directly to who I am here - so, no doubt, they see every bullshit accusation against me - including the cunts who accuse me of being a fucking pedo/cannibal.

I sure hope you're not making the same fucking accusations that shills and other morons have thrown at me.

YogSoggoth ago

Actually said that in jest because I see the same bickering on other sites and it gets old. This Egyptian thing with the satanists is glossed over by all but a few Egyptologists. Hyrkanians came into the upper kingdom and married into the original royalty. Akenaton's father was half Hyrkanian, and a snake worshipper. Described as light skinned, hook nosed fierce warriors, the Hyrkanians were expelled from Egypt for defiling the ancient temples and gods. That is the exodus in the Bible where they were put to the wilderness of Caanan, then invaded the Phoenicians a couple of hundred years later. It was only after much shapeshifting, and more expulsians, that they became the Khazars. They never abandoned the Egyptian mysteries or the Moloch/Baal worship. The Kurds are a lost tribe of the same group. Proof was found of their travels in the Atlas mountains, where travelers found black Africans wearing kilts and playing a musical instrument that closely resembles bagpipes. Their language contains words considered proto-Gaelic.

argosciv ago

Well, at least you also went pretty damn far back into the past! Props to you there!


This Egyptian thing with the satanists is glossed over by all but a few Egyptologists.

Inaccurate to call them "Satanists", Satanism was not 'defined' until very recently. The practices referred to in relation to the ancient egyptians are, well, they're morbid as fuck but it was simply the way of the times(not to be too simplistic, just pointing out that it was 'normal' practise of dominance and control - eg: skullfucking).

expelled from Egypt for defiling the ancient temples and gods. That is the exodus in the Bible where they were put to the wilderness of Caanan, then invaded the Phoenicians a couple of hundred years later.

"defiling" according to whom? These are stories retold time and time again over thousands of years - it's as likely as anything else, that much of this is propaganda designed to maintain control after said exodus.

"Why did you kick them out?", "Oh uh, they defiled the temples!", "Oh, okay..." (repeat over thousands of years, must be true)

It was only after much shapeshifting, and more expulsians, that they became the Khazars.


I think you and I both know what that was about... starts with A.

They never abandoned the Egyptian mysteries or the Moloch/Baal worship.

Moloch is a fabrication inserted over the years - or, for another way to put it, through the destruction of ancient artifacts and libraries(knowledge), elements have been inserted and removed so as to create confusion later on... so-called 5D chess, where moves are made in the past and capitalized upon in the future.

Chinese whispers(not implicating the Chinese, it's just what we call it here in Aus) gone horribly wrong.

Worship of idols has never been encouraged by defined Satanism or the practises it's based on - fanciful/misleading writing/storytelling, is what has created a mess of fact mixed with fiction - the people responsible for this have no affiliation to any religion, they've been using existing belief systems against each other, while maintaining their own version of the worst parts mashed together.

It's pretty much the worst applicaiton of Syncretism imaginable. (Which is not to say that Syncretism is inherently bad)

The Kurds are a lost tribe of the same group. Proof was found of Pheonician travels in the Atlas mountains, where travelers found black Africans wearing kilts and playing a musical instrument that closely resembles bagpipes. Their language contains words considered proto-Gaelic.

"starts with A"

where travelers found black Africans wearing kilts and playing a musical instrument that closely resembles bagpipes

Ironically, I didn't mean Africa, but, also related.

YogSoggoth ago

(1) I was shortening things for time, and calling them Satanists, because by Biblical reference they have many names, and that is the recent American term. (2) "Defiling" meaning announcing to the kingdom that he was the son of the sun god and all those old gods that they worshiped were pretty much just cast to the side (bad day for the people who devoted their life to religion). That was the start of monotheism, and well documented by other ancient historians. As far as your, "these are stories told time after time for thousands of years", No, these were written in stone and translated from the Rosetta stone. Aramaic is the preferred language to learn before attempting to read Egyptian Hieroglyphics. A means academic?

argosciv ago

As far as your, "these are stories told time after time for thousands of years", No, these were written in stone and translated from the Rosetta stone.

Right, and how many people know about the original stories and what would have been destroyed elsewhere breaking up the story. That's why there's so much confusion about the origins of the mass-scale corruption and theft/misappropriation of that knowledge - leading to the fear based anti-Satanism propaganda. I'm referring to the backwards shit people are told, because it's easy to blame on Satanism.

A means academic?

No, I honestly thought you would have seen the thread of mine that I'm talking about, by now lol.

It's one in which my most vocal oppenents decided to have a spam fit xD


YogSoggoth ago

I will be the first to admit that many things have been faked on purpose in Egyptology (Vyse and the great pyramids comes to mind). What I am talking about is the direct obfuscation and purposeful distraction of a very small but world changing part of history, and how it relates to now/Pizzagate. They are inseparable. I have only taught myself computer after Obama won so I am not sure of the controversy of a double sided mouse or the relevance. This must be on another thread?

argosciv ago

I will be the first to admit that many things have been faked on purpose in Egyptology (Vyse and the great pyramids comes to mind). What I am talking about is the direct obfuscation and purposeful distraction of a very small but world changing part of history, and how it relates to now/Pizzagate. They are inseparable.


I have only taught myself computer after Obama won so I am not sure of the controversy of a double sided mouse or the relevance. This must be on another thread?

Double sided mouse? What even?

YogSoggoth ago

I typed in that r something and that was what the search engine gave me. Are you Q?

argosciv ago

I typed in that r something and that was what the search engine gave me.

Oh lol! haha I had a feeling that was the case - no RoC-13 was just short for Root of Corruption - Part 13.

Are you Q?

Most certainly not.

YogSoggoth ago

Good, I hate puzzles.

argosciv ago


[17. |]:

Cecilia Occelli Overview

Cecilia Salinas Occelli is currently associated with one company, according to public records. The company was incorporated in Texas seven years ago.

Companies for Cecilia Occelli

  • Name: Rainbow Light | Status: Active | Incorporated: 2011 | Key People: 3 | Role: Director

[18. |]:

Rainbow Light Overview

Rainbow Light filed as a Domestic Nonprofit Corporation in the State of Texas on Friday, January 21, 2011 and is approximately seven years old, according to public records filed with Texas Secretary of State.

Key People Who own Rainbow Light

  • Rosa Laura Junco De La Vega (Director)
  • Adrianna Catelazo (Director)
  • Cecilia Salinas Occelli (Director)

Known Addresses for Rainbow Light

1303 Lorrain St Austin, TX 78703

Austin, TX...


Presidency 1988–1994

Zapatista uprising

On January 1, 1994, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, EZLN) issued their first declaration from the state of Chiapas in southern Mexico. The date coincides with the date that NAFTA came into force. Salinas immediate response works for a peaceful solution: offers pardon to deposed arms; orders cease fire; appointed the peace negotiator and send Mexican Congress a General Amnesty Law.

Economic policy

~~He negotiated the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), with the United States and Canada. Critics say that NAFTA has had mixed results for Mexico: while there has been huge increase in commerce and foreign investment, this hasn't been at all the case for employment and salaries.[32] Salinas also renegotiated Mexico's foreign debt.


Carlos Salinas (left), George H. W. Bush, and Brian Mulroney during the NAFTA Initialing Ceremony in Austin, Texas.

^ See also: [19. Root of Corruption - Annex: Addendum RE: #WHQOPSI: Jim Carrey: comment 7/9]:

Shoutout to @dundundunnnnn: 32. Police Find Video of Larry Nassar Abusing Patient on Ex-Michigan State Deans Computer

^ my research comment:

google maps: "Twistars gymnastics club"; Gedderts' Twistars USA Gymnastics Club, Dimondale, MI (Sute?)

google maps: "Scientology in Michigan"; 2 hits, compare with above

  • Flint: Flint water crisis - I promised a friend from there, once upon a time, that if I ever find a way to help, I will... is it connected to all this? Quite possibly, on some level.
  • Chelsea: [Clinton]

google maps: "The Karolyi Ranch in Texas"; Bela Karolyi's Ranch, Hunstville, TX I mean it, buckle up. (Greg, hold my beer, it gets sooo much better)

google maps: ^ Zoom out, note marked areas, see below.

From top, left to right:

La Frontera: v/pizzagatewhatever: Root of Corruption - Annex: Murderwood; "Illuminate adoration ov murder"; Ed Gein, Ed Kemper (+?); "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"; La Frontera

Let's pull it back to Rainbow Light...

  • Rosa Laura Junco De La Vega (Director)[18]

[20. |]:

Rosa De La Vega Overview

Rosa Laura Junco De La Vega has been associated with two companies, according to public records. The companies were formed over a one year period with the most recent being incorporated five years ago in August of 2012. One of the companies is still active while the remaining one is now listed as inactive.

Companies for Rosa De La Vega

  • Name: Rainbow Light | Status: Active | Incorporated: 2011 | Key People: 3 | Role: Director
  • Name: Ethicart, LLC | Status: Inactive | Incorporated: 2012 | Key People: 2 | Role: Manager

[21. |]:

Ethicart, LLC Overview

Ethicart, LLC filed as a Foreign Limited Liability Company (LLC) in the State of Texas and is no longer active. This corporate entity was filed approximately six years ago on Thursday, August 16, 2012 , according to public records filed with Texas Secretary of State. It is important to note that this is a foreign filing. A foreign filing is when an existing corporate entity files in a state other than the one they originally filed in. This does not necessarily mean that they are from outside the United States.

Key People Who own Ethicart, LLC

  • Rosa Laura Junco De La Vega (Manager, Director)
  • Rosa Laura Junco (Manager)

Known Addresses for Ethicart, LLC

1303 Lorrain St Austin, TX 78703

Ethicart & Rainbow Light have/had the same registered address...

[22. |]:

Rosa Junco Overview

Rosa Laura Junco has been associated with one company, according to public records. The company was incorporated in Texas five years ago and is no longer active.

Companies for Rosa Junco

Name: Ethicart, LLC | Status: Inactive | Incorporated: 2012 | Key People: 1 | Role: Manager

So, who is Rosa Laura Junco?

[23. |]:

Rosa Laura Junco


Rosa Laura Junco is married to Alejandro Junco, Publisher and CEO of Grupo Reforma newspapers. Born and raised in Monterrey, Mexico, Rosa Laura and her family have been living in Austin since 2009. Rosa Laura has always worked hand-in-hand with Mr. Junco in all his endeavors and has supported him with his vision of what the direction of the newspaper should be - one of truth and responsible freedom of speech. Rosa Laura has a degree in Leisure Management and has applied her knowledge in many of Grupo Reforma’s challenging events. She has personally supervised the construction and interior design of the installations of REFORMA (Mexico City) and MURAL (Guadalajara). She also has remodeled its headquarters in Monterrey. She has always shown great interest to the world of art and culture.~~

[24. wiki: Alejandro Junco de la Vega]:

Alejandro Junco de la Vega was born August 28, 1948, in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. He is a distinguished Mexican journalist. He earned his bachelor's degree in Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin in 1969.

He worked in the newsroom and occupied different management positions at the “EL NORTE” newspaper in Monterrey and, in 1970, teaming with U.S. journalism professors, created Mexico’s first school of journalism to battle the flaws that plagued the profession. El Norte’s journalism courses successfully raised the journalistic standards in the newsroom to a new level and were the cornerstones for the growth of what has become Grupo Reforma.

He became publisher of El Norte in 1973, and under his leadership the paper has garnered a number of major awards for Journalistic Merit, both at the national and international level.

In November, 1993, he launched the REFORMA newspaper in Mexico City,[1] which today ranks number one among readers in the nation’s capital.

On November 20, 1998, he unveiled MURAL in Guadalajara, Jalisco, which has also become the leader in that city.

Under his leadership, the Metro dailies were also founded. These morning papers offer information to readers favoring a tabloid format. Today, Metro dailies are published in Monterrey, Mexico City, Guadalajara, Toluca, and Puebla.

Grupo Reforma has been a cyberspace pioneer. Its reforma, elnorte, and websites are indisputable leaders in their fields. In addition, Grupo Reforma’s information is downloadable via attractive, user-friendly Apps available on devices like the iPhone, iPad, or Blackberry.

Grupo Reforma is the largest newspaper consortium in Mexico, both in circulation and advertising revenues.~~

Bonus reading:

[25. wiki: Rainbow Room]:

The Rainbow Room is a private event space on the 65th floor of 30 Rockefeller Plaza in Rockefeller Center, Midtown Manhattan, New York City.


argosciv ago


Let's see how far we can take this...

[8. |]:

Executive Success Programs, Inc.

5 Southside Dr Ste 11

Clifton Park, NY 12065-3870

BBB File Opened: 10/17/2000

Business Management

  • Mr. Keith Raniere, Founder

Business Category

  • Training Program

Alternate Business Names


[9. - Search: "NXIVM" near "Albany, NY, USA" |]:

  • Executive Success Programs, Inc.

455 New Karner Road

Albany, NY 12205

  • Executive Success Programs, Inc.

5 Southside Dr Ste 11

Clifton Park, NY 12065-3870

  • Executive Housing & Properties(corporation now inactive, CEO Nany Salzman) was registered to 455 New Karner Road, Albany, NY - same address for NXIVM headquarters.[1][9]
  • Executive Success Programs, Inc was registered to 455 New Karner Road, Albany, NY & is also registered to 5 Southside Dr #11, Clifton Park, NY.[8][9]

google maps: Directions: 5 Southside Dr #11, Clifton Park, NY - 455 New Karner Road, Albany, NY

  • Destinations are incredibly close, within 20 - 30 minutes drive(average).

google maps: 5 Southside Dr #11, Clifton Park, NY

  • Noteworthy nearby establishments: Wendy's, Taco Bell(north-east, out of frame), Subway, Mobil(ExxonMobil), Dunkin' Donuts

[10. Root of Corruption - Part 10: Jason Voorhees... X: comment (3/5)]

^ All(except Dunkin' Donuts) are found on N Missouri St, West Memphis, AR - within walking distance of the approximate discovery location for the victims' bodies in the West Memphis 3 case.[10]

^ ExxonMobil being present as Exxon, instead of Mobil.[10]

[11. wiki: ExxonMobil]:

This article is about Exxon Mobil Corp. For the company's subsidiaries, see Exxon and Mobil.

Exxon Mobil Corporation (stylized as ExxonMobil) is an American multinational oil and gas corporation headquartered in Irving, Texas. It is the largest direct descendant of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company,[2] and was formed on November 30, 1999 by the merger of Exxon (formerly the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey) and Mobil (formerly the Standard Oil Company of New York).

The world's 10th largest company by revenue, ExxonMobil is also the seventh largest publicly traded company by market capitalization.[3][4] The company was ranked ninth globally in the Forbes Global 2000 list in 2016.[5] ExxonMobil was the second most profitable company in the Fortune 500 in 2014.[6]

google maps: 455 New Karner Road, Albany, NY

  • North-east: New Dragon Garden
  • South-west: Dragon Buffet

I have no reasons to immediately suspect wrong-doing by New Dragon Garden or Dragon Buffet, but, I do find their close proximity and dragon references to be curious, if not suspicious in their own right.

Also worth noting, is that another Dunkin' Donuts is not far south-east of Dragon Buffet.

Looking a tad closer: google maps: 455 New Karner Road, Albany, NY (+zoom)

  • Ayco, A Goldman Sachs Company.

[12. |]:

Company Overview of The Ayco Company, L.P.

Company Overview

The Ayco Company, L.P. is a privately owned investment manager. It provides its services to individuals, private investment vehicles, corporations and other business entities, trusts, estates, charitable organizations, banks, thrift institutions, pensions, and profit sharing plans. The firm manages separate client-focused equity, fixed income, and balanced portfolios. It also manages mutual funds and Exchange traded funds for its clients. For its equity investments, the firm invests in the large cap stocks. For its fixed income investments, it invests in the fixed income bond and municipal bonds. The firm conducts in-house research to make its investments. It operates as a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. The Ayco Company, L.P. was founded in 1971 and is based in Saratoga Springs, New York with additional offices in Albany, New York; Latham, New York; Atlanta, Georgia; Chicago, Illinois; Dallas, Texas, Los Angeles, California; Parsippany, New Jersey; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Troy, Michigan.

The following is shared with special thanks to a friend on twitter(who shall remain unidentified for the time being)...

[13. |]:

Although this article lacks any sourcing, it doesn't take much to corroborate.

Source: Former Mexican President Carlos Salinas unhappy with son, Emiliano’s role in ESP

September 20, 2017


A source tells Frank Report that Carlos Salinas de Gortari, the 69-year old former president of Mexico, has distanced himself from his eldest son, Emiliano Salinas, 41.

Carlos reportedly disapproves of his son’s role in Executive Success Programs (ESP).

Emiliano has been a member of ESP’s Executive Board since 2009.

His father is said to actively tell friends not to join ESP, according to our source.

Father and son have been “mildly estranged” for more than 15 years.

Shortly after joining ESP, Emiliano discovered, through ESP technology, that his father was an obstruction in the path of his personal growth.

His father’s money and political influence, however, could be still utilized to help create “a more noble civilization.”

Conversely, Carlos Salinas was said to be worried his son’s reputation in Mexico might suffer a setback since ESP appeared to be a bloodsucking, money grabbing cult.

Recent revelations about DOS – a secret offshoot of ESP – seems to support the elder Salinas’ view.

DOS is a blackmail, extortion, and sex trafficking scheme hatched by ESP founder, Keith Raniere, who prefers to be called by his self-given childhood superhero name of “Vanguard”.

Emiliano has spent the better part of 15 years following Vanguard and working in his service. He co-founded the Mexico City Center of ESP with Alejandro ‘Alex’ Betancourt.~~


In addition to co-owning the Mexico City Center, Emiliano co-owns the ESP Guadalajara Center and the now-defunct ESP Los Angeles Center.

Emiliano’s mother and sister are also in ESP.

Carlos Salinas divorced Emiliano’s mother, Maria Cecilia Yolanda Occelli Gonzalez, soon after leaving the presidency. He served from 1988 to 1994.

Carlos later married Ana Paula Virginia Gerard Rivero. He has three children with each wife.

Emiliano’s sister, Cecilia, also earned the High Rank of Green Sash. Their mother is less active. Sources say she is unhappy that her son is involved with a group that is branding women on their pubic area and holding blackmail material to coerce their silence.

[14. wiki: Emiliano Salinas}:

Carlos Emiliano Salinas Occelli (born 1976) is a venture capitalist and businessman. He is the son of former Mexican president Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Salinas currently serves as vice president of Prorsus Capital.

Executive Success Program

According to his biography, Salinas learned from a young age that hard work and dedication are critical to self-development. When he was a teenager, he took his studies seriously.[11]

Salinas has been a member of the executive board of Executive Success Programs (ESP) since 2009 and also serves as the vice president of ethics.[11][12] ESP's mission is to "help transform and, ultimately, be an expression of a noble human civilization."[13] ESP provides clients with personal and professional development programs to help people discover and develop their potential.[14]

He helps the company by leading its sales force. He is a trained facilitator of ESP's patented technology called Rational Inquiry. He serves as head trainer and field trainer where he trains new salespeople. He is an owner of ESP offices in Mexico, Guadalajara and Los Angeles. He works with entrepreneurs, athletes, politicians, and actors.[11]

[15. wiki: Carlos Salinas de Gortari]:

Spouse(s) Cecilia Occeli (divorced)

Ana Paula Gerard Rivero

~~Children Cecilia (by Occelli)

Emiliano (by Occelli)

Juan Cristóbal (by Occelli)

Ana Emilia (by Gerard)

Patricio (by Gerard)

Mateo [2] (by Gerard)

[16. | translated to english:]:

Who is Alfie Gatica the son-in-law of Carlos Salinas?

Alfie Gatica is married to Cecilia Salinas Occelli, daughter of the former president of Mexico, Carlos Salinas de Gortari.

Diana Zaragoza

September 05, 2017

~~Alfie Gatica and Cecilia Salinas Occelli were married on April 13, 2003 in Cuernavaca Morelos, the ceremony brought together countless figures from the middle of the show as well as from politics and the business world.~~

Continued in next comment...

argosciv ago



Personal life

NXIVM controversy

In November 2017, Kreuk and her Smallville co-star Allison Mack were linked to a multi-level marketing organization known as NXIVM, which was founded by Keith Raniere. Upon accusations that Mack and Raniere engaged in sex trafficking, as well as branding female members of the organization, it was reported that both Mack and Kreuk were within NXIVM's "inner circle" and actively recruiting women into the group. In March 2018, following Raniere's arrest, Kreuk disclosed on her Twitter account that she had joined the group in 2005, but had left it by 2012, and was not in contact with any members of the group, nor had she witnessed any illegal activities.[35]


March 29, 2018 11:57 pm | Updated: March 30, 2018 12:04 am

Kristin Kreuk breaks silence on involvement in ‘Smallville’ co-star’s alleged sex trafficking cult

By Brent Furdyk

Due to the notoriety of the cult (also known as DOS), it emerged that Mack joined the group alongside fellow Smallville star Kristin Kreuk, who took to Twitter on Thursday to break her silence about her involvement in the group, refuting rumours that she was involved in recruiting young women in the cult. @

According to Kreuk — now starring in CBC drama “Burden of Truth” — she was 23 when she took what she understood to be a “self-help/personal growth course that helped me handle my previous shyness, which is why I continued with the program.”

However, the Vancouver-born actress maintains that she “left about five years ago and had minimal contact with those were were still involved,” and says that “accusations that I was in the ‘inner circle’ or recruited women as ‘sex slaves’ are blatantly false.”

For the record, my dear friend [@]MsKristinKreuk was never in the inner circle of #NXIVM. She never recruited sex slaves and has been out since 2013 before shit got weird. She is a lovely person who should not be dragged into this mess. Thank you. #Cult #DOS #freedom #TRUTH

In fact, Kreuk says she is “horrified and disgusted by what has come out about DOS.”

Kreuk’s version of events has been backed up by actress Sarah Edmonson, who co-starred with Kreuk in Vancouver-shot teen drama Edgemont, who wrote on Twitter that Kreuk “never recruited sex slaves and has been out since 2013 before s**t got weird. She is a lovely person who should not be dragged into this mess.”


Actress Allison Mack and NXIVM founder Keith Raniere indicted

Mack was previously identified as a co-conspirator in sex-slave club

By Brendan J. Lyons Updated 6:15 pm, Friday, April 20, 2018

~~"Allison Mack recruited women to join what was purported to be a female mentorship group that was, in fact, created and led by Keith Raniere,” said U.S. Attorney Richard P. Donoghue of the Eastern District of New York in Brooklyn. “The victims were then exploited, both sexually and for their labor, to the defendants’ benefit. This office and our law enforcement partners are committed to prosecuting predators who victimize others through sex trafficking and forced labor.”

Mack, an actress who is best known for her role in the television series "Smallville," which ended in 2015, had initially been listed in a federal criminal complaint as Raniere's unidentified co-conspirator.

According to people familiar with NXIVM, Mack joined the organization about a decade ago, around the same time several other young actresses were pulled into its ranks, including Nicki Clyne, Grace Park and Kristin Kreuk, who recruited Mack. Kreuk left NXIVM several years ago — before the slave-sex club was allegedly formed by Raniere — and has denounced the practices made public recently.

Mack was with Raniere in Mexico when he was taken into custody on March 25 by Mexican federal police officers, who arrested Raniere at the request of U.S. law enforcement authorities.~~


How to lose $100 million

From September 2010: A bizarre guru, menacing detectives, a mess of lawsuits: a tale of two heiresses of the legendary Bronfman dynasty

by Nicholas Köhler Sep 9, 2010

~~It can be difficult to disentangle the facts of Raniere’s life from the sometimes cringeinducing hagiography presented on NXIVM websites. The son of a New York City adman and a mother who taught ballroom dancing, he grew up in the bedroom community of Suffern, N.Y. His father, James, has said he exhibited early athletic gifts, tying the New York high school record for the 100-yard dash and becoming East Coast judo champ at 12. Home movies show a young boy in martial-arts garb dominating his opponents with quiet, unfussy aggression. He arrived in the Albany area at 16 or so—about the time his mother died—to attend the well-regarded Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.~~

~~More than one NXIVM apostate or former business associate has wound up in court, and then filed for bankruptcy. When Toni Natalie, a Raniere intimate, left NXIVM in 1999, Raniere sent her passages of John Milton’s Paradise Lost-a seminal NXIVM text— with notations comparing himself to Jesus and Natalie to Lucifer. “I was the chosen one,” she says. “I was brought in to bear the child that would change the world.” Natalie later filed for bankruptcy—Raniere was a creditor, in an ordeal that lasted over eight years and which a judge ultimately complained “smacks of a jilted fellow’s attempt at revenge, with many attempts at tripping her up along the way.” Critics say NXIVM’s workshops, which cost US$6,000 for a 16-day “intensive,” use 14-hour days, warm rooms and protein-poor meals to push newcomers into a psychologically pliable state. They point to the handful of people who have suffered breakdowns while pursuing the NXIVM curriculum, including an Alaskan who in 2003 paddled a canoe to the centre of a lake and drowned herself. “I was brainwashed and my emotional center of the brain was killed/turned off,” she wrote before her death. Yet even former Nexians with good reason to distance themselves from the group say such reports fail to reflect how effective Raniere’s program can be in raising self-esteem and erasing anxieties, and stress that good, intelligent people often stay with the program. Says a former member who admits she spent US$90,000 on workshops over 10 years: “I will never regret it.”

Yet, in an eerie echo of Consumers’ Buyline, high-ranking Nexians can earn over US$100,000 a year enrolling new recruits, former members say. Those high rollers increasingly live outside Albany, where bad press has led to the group’s decline in numberes there. Focus has now shifted to NXIVM’s outposts in Mexico and in Vancouver, where it has made inroads recruiting TV actors, including Smallville cast members Allison Mack and Kristin Kreuk, and Battlestar Galáctica’s Nicki Clyne. Vancouver boasts 133 active members. NXIVM’s success there is puzzling given the amount of negative reporting on the group available online.

Former Nexians, meanwhile, say Raniere has become increasingly eccentric. Five years ago, he invited a Mexican family to Albany, where they worked as videographers and documented his every move—whether he was pronouncing on some aspect of his philosophy or merely playing volleyball. A more professional crew of Nexian filmmakers has since taken over these duties. He is also said to encourage his lovers to remain thin, going so far as to prescribe foods; fat, he tells his intimates, disturbs his subtle energies.

It was chiefly his philandering that, 14 months ago, led to the mass defection of nine well-placed NXIVM members. One of those, Bouchey, is a one-time Raniere intimate who, as a former executive, is the highest-ranking Nexian to ever leave. For Raniere, hers is likely an unhappy departure. It was her deposition that contained the allegations he gambled away US$65 million of the Bronfmans’ money trading commodities—a loss so deep, according to the Bouchey deposition, that the sisters at one point had to borrow money against a trust they do not receive until Edgar’s death. Speaking to the Albany Times Union, Robert Crockett, one of the sisters’ attorneys, demurred, saying the two women, and not Raniere, made the commodities investments. Clare and Sara, meanwhile, are suing Yuri Plyam, Raniere’s former broker and their partner in the L.A. development project, for embezzling money (Plyam, in turn, has countersued).

Raniere does not appear to live lavishly. His home, a blue-beige townhouse in suburban Albany, is modest. He does not drive and apostates say he owns no fancy cars. He does not travel outside upstate New York or wear expensive suits. In the house next door lives Gaelen, a three-year-old boy whose upbringing he is said to oversee. Sources say that under his direction five nannies, each with a different mother tongue, arrive one after the other to care for the boy, who eats a diet of nuts and berries and is allowed no contact with other children.~~