Walk1 ago

It kind of goes to show that these people do not wish to protect us and protecting us from Islamic terrorism would mean keeping Bashar-Al-Assad in power.

QueeferMadness ago

Tillman died from a gunshot wound (5.56 mm) to the forehead with powder burns around the wound. The guys in his platoon later burned all his belongings after his death? They knew Tillman had been running his mouth about the injustice of the was and had an appointment to do an interview with Noam Chomsky on his next leave. He was murdered but he was a dumbass that had it comin.

KosherHiveKicker ago


They burned ALL of Tillman's personal effects back at his base camp. This included his personal diary which some suspect detailed U.S. Special Forces involvement-protection of known Opium producers, and traffickers in the area.