MercurysBall2 ago

Why hasn't anyone vetted Isaac Kappy's family history?

Use searchvoat next time ;-)

[10 months ago]

Glen Kappy is the name of Isaac's father. Not verified if this is the right one, I think it may well be, documenting because it may support a theory that I've just heard about:

Glen Kappy is a founding member of Albuquerque Mennonite Church where, over more than 20 years, he has served as elder, preacher, interim pastor, and spiritual formation director. Since the fall of 2000, he has been a second-career teacher of English, Social Studies, and Performing Arts, mostly in the Albuquerque Public School system.


A little about me. I was raised in inner city New York. My father was from Jewish background, my mother from Anglo-Protestant background, but both were alienated from their traditions. Agnostic themselves, they raised my siblings and me to make our own decisions about religion. Ironically perhaps, from college on I grew increasingly drawn to “the God question” with my initial interest in the Hindu, Buddhist, and Tao traditions.

After completing my B.A., I spent much of the next two years outdoors hitch-hiking in the western U.S. Over this time I became convinced there was an intelligence behind nature. At age twenty-five and desperate to know God personally, I had an experience that led me to become a Christian. Now, more than forty years later and with significant change in between, I am associated with a local Mennonite community.

The church partners with other religious organisations

Isac Kappy was related to Tamara Engoron Veneruso....

Stuff mainly from the comments section of this post: Isaac Kappy 'live trolling' David Brock or is David Brock trolling us? A look into the Kappy family ...............

Issac Kappy was related to Tamara Engoron Veneruso... She studied with Terry Pollack

She is married to Tony Veneruso of Veneruso Technical Consultants LLC and connected to Sculpture Ranch, Santa Fe Alice van Buren works there. On FB Alice is friends with a variety of very interesting people, including the Oppenheimers.

Sophie Oppenheimer

Theirs might be called an office romance: a mutual love of Eastern art brought Sophie Oppenheimer and her American husband Stephen Lussier together. Granddaughter of the late Sir Phillip Oppenheimer, Sophie is in charge of contemporary art at De Beer's, where Stephen works in the advertising department.

Sophie Oppenheimer received a dual Master’s degree from Tufts University in Public Health (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) and in Food Policy and Applied Nutrition (International Nutrition Interventions). She has been working as a Program Evaluation Consultant since 2010 with various non-profit organizations focusing on food security, health, nutrition, and education, and joined Spark Policy Institute as a Research Associate in 2014. ..

Stemcor is a Steel company owned by the Oppenheimer family that includes both a guest at the villa where Madeleine went missing and a UK MP accused of covering up child sex scandals. Steel is used for pipelines. Viktor Pinchuk is a major Clinton Foundation Donor. Pinchuk made pipeline deals with Iran under Hillary's watch. Stemcor owns Chiatura, which mines manganese. Manganese is an essential component for URANIUM EXTRACTION. Bill Clinton travelled with Frank Giustra in 2005 to begin the Uranium One deal. Viktor Pinchuk fought for privatization of the Chiatura manganese mines in 2005. :::

Okay, so another Oppenheimer is Lisa Oppenheimer who is a Director at Bright Horizons. She also used to write for the Disney magazine. She is married to Steve Chilinski

CEO/President/Senior Executive of several international middle-market companies in a broad array of industries, primarily owned by premier PE firms, such as Bain Capital, Parthenon Capital and American Securities Capital.

voat related threads:

Bright Horizons, a large international child care network, is two blocks from Friday's Child Adoption Services Inc., which used to share an address with Podesta's cousin's 8 other businesses.

Looks like someone was really close to finding this a while back, but got buried. Read this article from this thread:

New address: Friday's Child Adoption Services, Inc. 90 Whitewood Road Suite 4 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901

Look what I found is in walking distance... Bright Horizons.

Bright Horizons Family Solutions Subsidiaries ....

Update: I found that Mitt Romney's Bain Capital owns Bright Horizons Family Solution. Where does Bain Capital/Mitt Romney fit into all of this?

Clinton Foundation connection:

See link

I have been investigating Project Spade, which appears to be show how the RCMP is willing to go to great lengths to prosecute and end international CP rings. Found this article which ties the arrest of Loskarn, and to a TON of other rings. There are ties to UPenn and that scandal (concrete, convicted proof), the Franklin scandal, University of Tenessee, George Bush, Mitt Romney (who purchased Lamar Alexander's company Bright Horizons, Loskarn's boss) and just a whole mess of things. Honestly, I am too ADHD to investigate this properly, but this appears to be a very interesting arrest that ties together many rings.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hey there MB2, the link that you provided in this segment no longer works. Here's an archive if you'd care to replace it. -

Looks like someone was really close to finding this a while back, but got buried. Read this article from this thread:

New address: Friday's Child Adoption Services, Inc. 90 Whitewood Road Suite 4 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901

Look what I found is in walking distance... Bright Horizons.

Bright Horizons Family Solutions Subsidiaries ....

Update: I found that Mitt Romney's Bain Capital owns Bright Horizons Family Solution. Where does Bain Capital/Mitt Romney fit into all of this?

MercurysBall2 ago

Thank you. Done.

tokui ago

That's like saying if I patented the dildo vibrator, I'm involved in sexing up pre-teens.

Calm down.

ForeverTheTruth ago

You will never guess where that was really invented or why.

It was made in Racine, Wisconsin.

Vindictive ago

Pornography drives technology

HD DVD vs blu-ray

vhs vs Betamax

the entire internet is what % porn?

Pornography is inextricably tied with visual technologies

tokui ago

Market + Profit, drive technology.

You look like a imbecilic christcuck, twisting everything in sight into your bogeymen.