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letsdothis3 ago

Glen Kappy is the name of Isaac's father. Not verified if this is the right one, I think it may well be, documenting because it may support a theory that I've just heard about:

Glen Kappy is a founding member of Albuquerque Mennonite Church where, over more than 20 years, he has served as elder, preacher, interim pastor, and spiritual formation director. Since the fall of 2000, he has been a second-career teacher of English, Social Studies, and Performing Arts, mostly in the Albuquerque Public School system.


A little about me. I was raised in inner city New York. My father was from Jewish background, my mother from Anglo-Protestant background, but both were alienated from their traditions. Agnostic themselves, they raised my siblings and me to make our own decisions about religion. Ironically perhaps, from college on I grew increasingly drawn to “the God question” with my initial interest in the Hindu, Buddhist, and Tao traditions.

After completing my B.A., I spent much of the next two years outdoors hitch-hiking in the western U.S. Over this time I became convinced there was an intelligence behind nature. At age twenty-five and desperate to know God personally, I had an experience that led me to become a Christian. Now, more than forty years later and with significant change in between, I am associated with a local Mennonite community.

The church partners with other religious organisations