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letsdothis3 ago

The news is that THEY were/are running a baby farm at Zorro ranch...

And those scientists know about this and were helping him! I've done enough research around the Santa Fe area to know this !

Okay think- to continue our conversation here... (comments buried deep into a conversation do not come up in searches)....

The web they've set up is complicated because of the shell companies, diverse agencies involved and complicated business arrangements. I'm still putting data together and one day I will summarise the processes and procedures involved for pizzagate researchers to understand the patterns to look for...But for now I'll try to put here a few excerpts from some links but really, to undertsand this you MUST go those links and read them in their entirety. Your post has highlighted to me that it is now beyond time for me to put together my research in a visual diagram, to provide the information in a visual format.. it is the only way for people (including myself) to get out heads around this whole operation. Anyway...

Let's start with links between Raniere and Epstein (NXIVM had there own baby farm, right?) ...

So, remember we have had a spate of NYPD cops 'suicides' and I wrote a number of posts about various Departments of Human Services? (An aside: the recent spate of fires in Baltimore where police are saying that they cannot find the connection between them? One connection is that they are all very close to the Baltimore Department of Human Services.. just sayin'...). Here's one series of comments where I mention the Raniere and Epstein link.. in the post about the New Jersey Department of Human Services ...

In this comment some similarities between the Arkansas and Michigan Departments of Human Services were noted, including connections with Dyncorp and Jeffrey Epstein :

Connections/similarities: Arkansas Department of Human Services, Michigan Department of Human Services, Child fostering and accusations of corruption and human trafficking, Dentons Law firm... and DynCorp [and Epstein] (see below)

A plane registered to both Epstein and Dyncorp is owned by Centurion Aviation LLC, 677 Greentree Lane, Ada, Michigan. [Why wasn't the plane impounded ?]

Daniel J Szymanski is current agent of Centurion Aviation, Llc. He is also the Chairman of the Board, Jedco, Inc. President of Jedco is John Boeschenstein. He is also CEO at Custom Profile and Vice Chair of Board of Directors Children's Advocacy Center of Kent County, Grand Rapids, Michigan Working with the CAC staff and the other board members to bring hope and healing to every child in Kent County who has been sexually abused [despite having no qualifications for the work whatsoever].

And what are his qualifications for working with sexually abused children?

1985-1987: United States Military Academy at West Point

1987-1990: Bachelor of Science (BS) Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronomical/Space Engineering, University of Notre Dame

Jedco’s No. 1 customer is Pratt & Whitney, one of the world’s best-known companies in development and production of aircraft engines, rocket engines and industrial gas turbines. In May, Pratt & Whitney, which has been a Jedco customer since the mid-1980s, was awarded a $1.13 billion contract from the Department of Defense to produce engines for the F-35 Lightning II jet fighter.

Pratt & Whitney, a fully owned subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation.

In May, Pratt & Whitney, which has been a Jedco customer since the mid-1980s, was awarded a $1.13 billion contract from the Department of Defense to produce engines for the F-35 Lightning II jet fighter.

F-35s should make you recall Raniere's patents (and all the stuff I've written about his connections to the aerospace industry)..

UNITED WAY... UNITED TECHNOLOGIES.. connection, perhaps? Yup..

Someone claimed Jeffrey Epstein was seen picking up young women from the Lake Forest, Illinois train stations..Lake Forest is a very wealthy town, Tony Podesta once worked there as Admissions Director of the now closed Barat College a Catholic women's school*, there was a rash of teen suicides by train, and there's a rail connection to Racine, Wisconsin.

FOREIGN MILITARY FINANCING is a form of money laundering run by the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense that allows the US government to give direct aid to US weapon's manufacturers. It's the "military-industrial complex" Eisenhower warned about. The money given to Israel will mostly go towards the purchase of the F-35 made by Lockheed-Martin, Northrop-Grumman and Pratt and Whitney.


And remember John of God? He had a baby farm too... and yup.. he has links to IPPF and a host of other people....

'John of God' made millions from his 'baby farms' in the Goias region of Brazil. Did you know that it is also a pharma hub and that Alexander Sanger's IPPF also operates there? Just sayin...

Well Novartis is there and I haven't yet checked for some of our other pharma friends but I thought of another organisation that is interested in foetuses and works with pharma... Planned Parenthood.. so I googled them for a presence in Brazil,.. because you know.. I have nothing better to do and got... Alexander Sanger of the International Planned Parenthood Federation . He's the Chair....The foundation address: 623 FIFTH AVENUE

The following grants were approved as presented in the Board Book. All of these grants will be paid out of the Fidelity Donor Advised Fund. ..International Planned Parenthood Federation: $2,710,850 to focus on work in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and the Choco region of Columbia.

and in International Planned Parenthood Federation, the world's biggest sexual health charity, is accused of offering YOUNG volunteers to adults at events in Africa...Here's what we know..

Other interesting connections:

new sexual and reproductive healthcare programmes led by International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and Marie Stopes International (MSI) consortia across Africa and South Asia

Related Voat Post: Podesta has another connection to genetic engineering -

Related [too time consuming for me to explain how.. read the comments in particular in the post, pay attention to the material on PATH and WPATH]: Dr Quentin Van Meter on unethical transgender medicine involving children, WPATH and the NIH... [#Raniere] Global Technologies Inc is a privately held company in Idaho Falls, ID and is a Headquarters business...President: Francis Tsang....

JUNKERMANN is involved with TRANS WORLD AIRLINES ..laughs hysterically... unfortunately I deleted the post..

I have homework to do (AMADE MONDIALE research, Trans World Airlines and a diagram to do)... Good luck with trying to summarise that mess of links for your posts :-)