@theoldones has posted more links to "offensive" cartoons than anyone else on Voat.
He does it almost every day from what I have seen.
And regarding posts that have been found not to be pedo-related, even upon request of those cartoons to be examined as possible violation of Voat's user agreement. So the matter is well settled; cartoons posted on Voat are not pedo-related or CP, as theoldones has claimed.
His further arguments have no merit because they are based on well settled questions that do not support his position.
Those who regurgitate the same arguments also have no merit.
These people just don't like the conclusions already made....so they try to re-argue. Its not appropriate to do so. That's just how things work in a rational world. But they are not rational. They're crazy. Plain and simple.
I not going to continue to engage in discussion with you because I think your crazy.
No point in it. Your banning me merely for asking you for your opinion of if a pic of a 95% covered-in-thick-clothing is sexually suggestive indicates that you are not wanting to actually rationally discuss issues.
I'm always dealing with judicial arguments ... these people have no clue how to prove anything.
They need to understand that proclamations are not evidence.
And they refuse to accept that Voat rules do not allow for pedo related posts ; so anything posted is presumed to be not pedo-related.
Its only usually people at v/antipedosquad that sees stuff that is posted as being pedo-related. This is evidence that they are pedos ?
What is posted on Voat is free speech, not CP or pedo-related, as the rules of Voat prohibit such postings.
The anti-pedo-squad sub's members has tried, and failed, to get certain classes of cartoons to be deemed unacceptable at Voat. This is what (((they))) complain about again and again as if saying it 100x somehow changes the character of a lolli (which I have blocked and (((they))) are free to also block or ignore) from free speech to violating any Voat rule.
What's a definition of crazy ? Doing the same thing multiple times and expecting different results.
First off, I'm the the USA . So I would give the weight of any other country law and case law (don't quote laws w/o case law ~ with free speech issues, this is usually explained in case law) an appropriate amount of weight.
Throughout history men have married women younger than themselves. Only recently have feminists implemented and continually raised the age of consent with the help of Jews. This protects feminists who want to ride the cock carousel and fulfills the Jews desire to exterminate white people by narrowing potential mates for men to only washed up hags. If you support a higher AOC you are anti-white
And to answer your question, loli rests on a very thin line between freedom of speech, and obscene speech, which is excluded from free speech protections. How about you just stop fantasizing about fucking kids?
And your mind reading powers, saying How about you just stop fantasizing about fucking kids need re-calibration, it looks like you read @crensch mind instead of me.
Can you point to a judicial decision that has stated that anything posted (ie specific to a specific lolli item posted) in the various lolli subs has been deemed anything other than an expression of free speech.
Lolicon (ロリコン rorikon), also romanized as lolikon or rorikon, is Japanese discourse or media focusing on the attraction to young or prepubescent girls. The term lolicon is a portmanteau of the phrase "Lolita complex";[1] it describes an attraction to young or prepubescent girls.
He has 2335 + 2276 = 4611 submissions to those two loli subs alone. Four thousand six hundred eleven, to just those two. That doesn't even count his posts to other pedophile subs. This proves a relentless dedication to posting pedophile content. You have had your account for two years, are one of the more active goats, and he's submitted more to only those two subs than you submitted in total. His submission is also constant: when I look at the last two weeks of his submissions, I see many per day, every day, going back for the last two weeks. I reasonably generalize that this pattern continues.
He's widely recognized by Voat goats as a pedophile: I haven't seen this ever contested or controversial and for good reasons. @carlip, the owner of /v/PedosOnVoat, states so here and links this postPNG depicting what may be Aged admitting to watching live-action child pornography. @gabara often mocks Aged for this, like here: so often that he's done so as recently as today, and before that three days ago with a meme of Pedobear. Others often do similar: that is from 9 days ago, and here's another by Buddha dated 15 days ago. He gets posts made about him in /v/ProtectVoat: here's one 10 days ago. I could go on.
That should be sufficient evidence Aged is a pedophile. He doesn't just keep his pedophilia in his head either: he spams child sexualization so often on Voat it seems like it's his life's devotion. This can lead others to do harm: consider this review of over 35 scientific studies that report findings consistent with significant escalation in people's porn use. For lolicon, the escalation may be to child porn. Aged also enables pedos to find each other.
If we must talk law, there are speech issues that lolicon does present. If you browse this article on the legal status of drawn pornography depicting minors, you'll notice it's illegal in Australia, Canada, the Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. That's 5 of the 18 listed, or 28 percent of them. If there's loli that slips through here and there, Voat will probably be fine. If you have thousands upon thousands of submissions, in subverse after subverse, legal cases might be made in some of these countries this is a Voat problem and Voat might get banned there. People in these countries would then lose their freedom to speak on here, which most here wouldn't consider good.
Consider also this is /v/AntiPedoSquad. From what I see, your comments here are similar to theoldones going to your sub /v/PieceOfShitOfTheDay to inform you the people who you post there as pieces of shit have done nothing illegal.
Summary: it's fair to call Aged a pedo as he's a big pedo. Don't trust him around your kids.
Pls define legal age gap parameters. Eg, 10 yr old + 10 yr old intercourse, is that legal? 10 yr old + 15 yr old intercourse, is that legal?
You need to be more specific. Perhaps place a sticky linking to legal references defining the above, so we're not operating on MUH MORAL FEELS like christcuck bots.
thelma all your little pedo-peck runs where you go all
you all work together to consensus crack non-pedos. taking the act of you posting a picture of a real child at my face (which you got banned for) into consideration, maybe you're a pedo too
Throughout history men have married women younger than themselves. Only recently have feminists implemented and continually raised the age of consent with the help of Jews. This protects feminists who want to ride the cock carousel and fulfills the Jews desire to exterminate white people by narrowing potential mates for men to only washed up hags. If you support a higher AOC you are anti-white
(B) advertises, promotes, presents, distributes, or solicits through the mails, or using any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce or in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including by computer, any material or purported material in a manner that reflects the belief, or that is intended to cause another to believe, that the material or purported material is, or contains—
(i) an obscene visual depiction of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or
(ii) a visual depiction of an actual minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct;
OP is a sexual degenerate who is attracted to used up sluts and is 100% willing to abandon ALL of his principles for his pursuit of schizophrenic pussy.
thelma ago
@theoldones has posted more links to "offensive" cartoons than anyone else on Voat.
He does it almost every day from what I have seen.
And regarding posts that have been found not to be pedo-related, even upon request of those cartoons to be examined as possible violation of Voat's user agreement. So the matter is well settled; cartoons posted on Voat are not pedo-related or CP, as theoldones has claimed.
His further arguments have no merit because they are based on well settled questions that do not support his position.
Those who regurgitate the same arguments also have no merit.
These people just don't like the conclusions already made....so they try to re-argue. Its not appropriate to do so. That's just how things work in a rational world. But they are not rational. They're crazy. Plain and simple.
theoldones ago
got proof?
thelma ago
I not going to continue to engage in discussion with you because I think your crazy.
No point in it. Your banning me merely for asking you for your opinion of if a pic of a 95% covered-in-thick-clothing is sexually suggestive indicates that you are not wanting to actually rationally discuss issues.
thelma ago
I'm always dealing with judicial arguments ... these people have no clue how to prove anything.
They need to understand that proclamations are not evidence.
And they refuse to accept that Voat rules do not allow for pedo related posts ; so anything posted is presumed to be not pedo-related.
Its only usually people at v/antipedosquad that sees stuff that is posted as being pedo-related. This is evidence that they are pedos ?
What is posted on Voat is free speech, not CP or pedo-related, as the rules of Voat prohibit such postings.
The anti-pedo-squad sub's members has tried, and failed, to get certain classes of cartoons to be deemed unacceptable at Voat. This is what (((they))) complain about again and again as if saying it 100x somehow changes the character of a lolli (which I have blocked and (((they))) are free to also block or ignore) from free speech to violating any Voat rule.
What's a definition of crazy ? Doing the same thing multiple times and expecting different results.
theoldones ago
loli is explicitly illegal in certain countries as a form of CP.
thelma ago
I doubt you are a suitable person to talk about laws. Your lack of knowledge has been clearly demonstrated.
That, and your crazy.
theoldones ago
should i quote some law about loli being illegal CP?
canada is the country i now off the top of my head, but there's probably more
thelma ago
First off, I'm the the USA . So I would give the weight of any other country law and case law (don't quote laws w/o case law ~ with free speech issues, this is usually explained in case law) an appropriate amount of weight.
theoldones ago
@maggotbait88 dropped a soft admission dortex is his altPNG. please ALSO refer to this evidence post
wants the age of consent to be 13 and younger: https://web.archive.org/web/20190611051457/https://voat.co/v/whatever/3270549/
then says it ought to be even younger: https://archive.fo/3zVSb
NSFL pedophilic text copypasta: https://archive.fo/IjUPB
more pedo proof: https://files.catbox.moe/ycuzqr.pngPNG
profile info: https://archive.fo/TQU9U
(he also moderates a loli sub for posting porn of cartoon kids. v/SFWLoli)
example of one of his loli posts: https://archive.fo/iNsBs
an even more fucked up example of his loli posts: https://archive.fo/QKjDg
thelma ago
Your continual postings are making you look crazy, you know ?
Shizie ago
Defending a disgusting pedo makes you look like a disgusting pedo.
Gothamgirl ago
HollaKost ago
So is your husband since he wrote the same thing
Oh and he also wrote this
What kind of sick pervert fantasizes about child sodomy! You're both disgusting!
thelma ago
Defending free speech ?
You don't like that.
Crazy person.
theoldones ago
i hate pedophiles, i love free speech.
how fucking dare you try to use a great thing to defend a horrible thing. this poisons the well and you damn well know that fact.
theoldones ago
why do you run defense for pedophiles so much?
i had to ban your ass after you tried posting a picture of a real child at my face
thelma ago
Free speech.
You hate it, I get it.
That and your crazy ... of course.
ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago
Stop deleting your posts, it makes you look like a disingenuous cunt.JPG
And to answer your question, loli rests on a very thin line between freedom of speech, and obscene speech, which is excluded from free speech protections. How about you just stop fantasizing about fucking kids?
thelma ago
So stenchy .
And your mind reading powers, saying How about you just stop fantasizing about fucking kids need re-calibration, it looks like you read @crensch mind instead of me.
theoldones ago
i hate pedophiles, i love free speech, how fucking dare you try to use a great thing to defend a horrible thing.
thelma ago
Can you point to a judicial decision that has stated that anything posted (ie specific to a specific lolli item posted) in the various lolli subs has been deemed anything other than an expression of free speech.
Provide me with a court memorandum of decision.
theoldones ago
"is it legal or illegal"
nigger, this is pedophiles we're dealing with. you spend all day defending horrible people and trying to frame use for federal crimes.
thelma ago
This has already been settled. You just don't like the answer that your group got.
Move onto something else. Or keep posting about convicted defendants like you have been doing.
You appear to be crazy. Arguing and arguing over already settled matters. That's crazy.
thelma ago
you're a fucking piece of human garbage.
I've been called worse for defending our rights. It has never affected me. And with you crazy people ? I cannot fix crazy.
theoldones ago
you lost 1 argument to truthedefender them immediately jumped onto falsely defaming all of us as pedophiles.
thelma ago
You are
Qtiepie ago
YOU ARE CRAZY! Your only defense is “Muh Free Speech”. You’re blurring the lines you Pedo Enabler. @theoldones hates pedos. That’s a GOOD THING.
thelma ago
Calm down Ritalin Kid .. you'll give yourself a stroke.
Qtiepie ago
I think you’re a dude using a female name. You get away with more that way huh? Your less likely to come off as creepy.
thelma ago
Been covered many times in the past (you're free to check) - "thelma" is not a person's name - it comes from somewhere else.
No one has guessed correctly yet. You are free to try. But given you are crazy I doubt you'll be able to rationally come the the proper answer.
Qtiepie ago
The name of the child you fantasize about the most?
thelma ago
See? You don't know me at all.
Otherwise you would already know what female I find "dreamy".
Yet another example of you and your group's crazy shining through.
Qtiepie ago
Of course I don’t know you and don’t want to creep
theoldones ago
you're using that insult, on someone with my damn username.
do you think i give a single fuck about this playground shit?
thelma ago
Well I do not make you appear to be crazy nor do I have to.
You're doing a fine job of that yourself.
thelma ago
The loli posted on Voat has been asked to be reviewed. Yes? And it appears to been deemed free speech. Yes?
Protect Kids: You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.
Voat user agreement ^^^^
theoldones ago
also in the user agreement:
thelma ago
This has already been settled. You just don't like the answer that your group got.
Move onto something else. Or keep posting about convicted defendants like you have been doing.
You appear to be crazy. Arguing and arguing over already settled matters. That's crazy.
thelma ago
Answer me this, Mr. I Love Free Speech:
Is posting lolli an exercise of a person's free speech ?
theoldones ago
tokui ago
Pls define "pedophile".
Pls define age below/above for legal consent.
Pls define legal age gap parameters. Eg, 10 yr old + 10 yr old intercourse, is that legal? 10 yr old + 15 yr old intercourse, is that legal?
You need to be more specific. Perhaps place a sticky linking to legal references defining the above, so we're not operating on MUH MORAL FEELS like christcuck bots.
theoldones ago
tokui, here's you saying you'd fuck a baby.
tokui ago
I'd fuck a foetus pulled out your imaginary gf. Then eat it.
theoldones ago
so, in order to combat the claim you're pedophile, you go even younger all the way down to a fetus.
this isnt helping debunk the claim on the table, of you being a sexually rapey pedophile.
tokui ago
you sound kikey, tbh.
you've been exposed as the time waster beta troll you are.
you're the rebbit tier betafag on every thread, the hump necked doughboy nobody wants to sit near at the bar.
EricKaliberhall ago
Hail imaginary Satan.
Crensch ago
Try this.
Qtiepie ago
@Blacksmith21 @Shizie @Darkknight111 @Gamepwn
Please see post. @Maggotbait88 is a perv too. Check out where he posts.
Crensch ago
And @thelma.
thelma ago
And you pleasure yourself with that same hand that you type with ?
ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago
Literally the last ten comments I've seen from you have been ad hominem. Can't you find a new drum to bang, kidfucker?
thelma ago
I am under no obligation to address your vague and non-descriptive thoughts.
Crensch ago
This user falls all over itself to defend literal pedophiles.
thelma ago
Only you and a few other crazies say this.
I cannot fix crazy.
theoldones ago
"only a few crazies"
thelma all your little pedo-peck runs where you go all
you all work together to consensus crack non-pedos. taking the act of you posting a picture of a real child at my face (which you got banned for) into consideration, maybe you're a pedo too
thelma ago
And people will notice that you are incapable of rational thought.
Kudos. Crazy cray.
theoldones ago
keep running away from the point, faggot, it's probably your safest option in life.
theoldones ago
i had to ban @thelma for posting a picture of a real child at my fucking face
thelma ago
You mean a child almost 100% covered by clothing ? And I asked if you got excited by it, which you never answered.
Damn, you are crazy.
Qtiepie ago
Yes, they always defend the pedos
Maggotbait88 ago
" /v/AntiPedoSquad is your friend."
Just trust us!
theoldones ago
@maggotbait88 dropped a soft admission dortex is his altPNG. please ALSO refer to this evidence post
wants the age of consent to be 13 and younger: https://web.archive.org/web/20190611051457/https://voat.co/v/whatever/3270549/
then says it ought to be even younger: https://archive.fo/3zVSb
NSFL pedophilic text copypasta: https://archive.fo/IjUPB
more pedo proof: https://files.catbox.moe/ycuzqr.pngPNG
profile info: https://archive.fo/TQU9U
(he also moderates a loli sub for posting porn of cartoon kids. v/SFWLoli)
example of one of his loli posts: https://archive.fo/iNsBs
an even more fucked up example of his loli posts: https://archive.fo/QKjDg
Maggotbait88 ago
you guys should check this out thisPNG
and thisPNG
Here's the law regarding soliciting CP:
From Voat's User Agreement:
Conclusion: Soliciting (asking for) child porn from other people on the internet is illegal. Therefore, @theoldones has used voat to break the law.
theoldones ago
@Crensch already explained to you how this information here is false.
Maggotbait88 ago
oh right cause we didn't take into account your reasons for asking for pictures of naked children. seems legit
Crensch ago
Check this user's submission history.
Yeah. Trust the head mod of this place since nearly its inception.
Qtiepie ago
Go fuck yourself perv
ImJewish6million ago
@Crensch is the one who is a perv.
thelma ago
So stenchy ....
Qtiepie ago
I’m not underage
thelma ago
Stenchy response !
HollaKost ago
Not surprised a Jew would think a man being attracted to an adult women is WORSE than pedophilia!
ImJewish6million ago
@Crensch 's women are used up schizophrenic sluts.
thelma ago
Probably got it from Crensch ? Or they both had it before, can't tell.
ImJewish6million ago
OP is a sexual degenerate who is attracted to used up sluts and is 100% willing to abandon ALL of his principles for his pursuit of schizophrenic pussy.
HollaKost ago
A pedohile would think an adult woman is "used up".
ImJewish6million ago
A healthy adult woman has one sexual partner, maybe two if widowed. @Srayz has had probably several.
Qtiepie ago
“Probably” 😂
I love the guessing games.
HollaKost ago
According to the Talmud?
ImJewish6million ago
No, according to the western world prior to the Sexual Revolution.