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letsdothis3 ago

Care 2 Communities, formerly Containers 2 Clinics

In partnership with the Namibian Ministry of Health and Social Services (NMOHSS) and The Synergos Institute, Containers 2 Clinics will deploy a cluster of three health care clinics in Swakopmund in Namibia’s Erongo Region.

On the last page of that pdf is a list of partners and supporters, including:

Ansara Family Foundation

James Alefantis Connected To CIA By His Dad Achilles Alefantis -

I agree- I can't see it easily but don't doubt it is there. Here is what I found easily" Achilles Lee Alefantis, now a septuagenarian, worked as a construction supervisor for Boston-based Shawmut Design and Construction, a firm that specialized in building casinos and later spread out to malls, boutiques and restaurants. The firm’s founder Jim Ansara, sold off the company after 20 years to his employees, using the revenue to start the Ansara Family Fund, which heavily focused on child welfare, health and education following the 2010 Haitian earthquake. No adoption scams, so it all looks innocent enough, although one can never be absolutely certain. - See more at:

letsdothis3 ago

Re Mirebalais Hospital....

Tufts University linked to Joseph Baptise, Clinton Foundation and Haiti.

Haiti Cholera: A Biological Weapon For Organ Trafficking?....

Cholera: Murder Weapon of Choice for Organ Harvesting

Some of you will remember, I noted that a reliable source informed us, back in 2010, at the outset of the cholera outbreak that USAID’s first “relief” dollars for the cholera victims went to buy 200,000 body bags! You may also recall, the incident, when the doctors at Mirebalais we questioned about why the bodies of those who were said to die of cholera were not returned to the families of the cholera victims for at least a funeral? We were suspiciously stonewalled. Then finally told it was because they were getting properly buried by the doctors and staff, in body bags to avoid further contamination of the earth. And when we said why can’t the grieving families attend those funerals or “disposal” activities. No answer. A great portion of human trafficking happens at oil rigs, at the over 1000 US military basis around the world, and on the high seas for the pleasures of sick oligarchs and their servants who use the women and children and sometimes, discard the bodies at sea. ..