johnpedostalol ago

At this stage I don't really give a fuck. I know they know fucking everything and they're above the law. Fuck it

Omnicopy ago

This country is so corrupt!!!

RweSure ago

Where's the corrupion here?

equineluvr ago

^ Good stuff here, CSAW.

Kwijibo ago

Triangle logo

cantsleepawink ago

But important to know.

cantsleepawink ago

Not just immigration. Cybersecurity and tracking too. I think they also work with Palantir but I can't find a definitive link..yet.

Did I mention Palantir?

Here's a couple of related links I did earlier:

Who really owns voat ?

Pizzagate, Hampstead, Voat - Palantir, the tech connection :

kazza64 ago

lee alefantis ? so their name really is alefantis ?

Tekno-monk ago

Yea confusing I thought he was a Rothschild.

cantsleepawink ago

scroll down the page dude :-)

L = Lee.

Edit: Correction - Louis not Lee.

Yuke ago

His name is louis J. Alefantis. Lee is what their dad goes by, his real name being Achilles. It was in an obituary for their grandmother that passed away.

cantsleepawink ago

Ah yes. I'll correct. Forgot that. Thanks.