Da-Cat ago

Kind of intriguing for various reasons: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voat?wprov=sfla1

Da-Cat ago

Don't know if this was posted here, came up when I was looking at the Whois on Google: https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/1523182

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks. I think it has become clear that it is run by Peter Thiel and Palantir along with UK and US 'agencies': https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/1523182/7406632

10378419? ago

So important. Thank you. Your conclusion is valued.☑

4_InquiringMinds ago

Someone pointed this thread out today and honestly I'm shocked. One of the main agendas has been to start a race war, been going on for years. PG has an owner that is racist and the supposed voat owner supports him? To what purpose would this serve? Eventual civil war and martial law? Any other suggestions?

Owners Discussion/NSFW

Crensch comments...

Heh, whites are superior to every other race on the planet, and that's not a complex.

You stupid nigger, you're way out of your league.

You normies LOVE Wikipedia, and it's heavily staffed by kikes and diversity hires that LOVE to erase white history.

Congratulations, you're helping pedophiles by presenting utterly useless "leads" that will end with some sandnigger goatfucker being outed, and absolutely nothing happening to him because his country is full of subhumans. Wow, you really did a great job there!

Nobody knows, you ignorant nigger. We have "the most ancient mathematical texts available".

You stupid nigger, you're way out of your league.

When your posts are at the nigger-tier level they are, it does.

Then, and this is important, PROVE THE LINK YOURSELF YOU LAZY NIGGER.

I don't need a PM to call you a nigger. I don't need to hide the fact that I hope you are one of the first kikes in the oven for being a subversive JEW.

Now if you go here there are contradictions


Many of the posts about jews are obviously intended to foster hostility and divisiveness, and should be removed as such.

Keep the bigotry agenda for places that want that discussion.

I am watching for takeover attempts via rules churn and I'll say it before it gets asked; no, there will be no changes to the status of the owner level mods - no additions and no removals...Crensch and I are in consensus about the role of [O] level mods at this time.

10373904? ago

About five months ago I registered on voat.

I kid you not.

I posted myself in 'introductions'.

I received a comment that welcomed me to voat.

The rather short comment gave me some 'inside information''. Commenter said I had to call everybody 'Nigger Faggot' when posting comments to have any authenticity on the site.But just the ones I agreed with! Like some kind of an inside code.

I did not stay long.

redditsuckz ago

Peter Theil/Palientier or Condé Nast together with Cloudflare/Project Honeypot

UPDATE: Voat Admin Conspiracy! Putt Returns? Possible Gag Order / Defcon 3 Edition



Drama surrounding the exposure of voat using cloudflare;

WARNING: archive.is and archive.fo are blocking the backup bot with cloudflare!


archive.is may be compromised.

They operated for years and seem to just added cloudflare which has close connections with the government. Just look at the CEO's background. Matthew Prince the CEO was behind Project Honey Pot which worked closely with the government. Cloudflare is even a bigger honey pot monitoring 10%+ of the webs packets. archive.is is blocking the backup bot now so external links and voat links are not automatically being archived on archive.is so only voat posts are on the git repo.


Passwords and communications exposed by Cloudflare;

List of Sites possibly affected by Cloudflare's #Cloudbleed HTTPS Traffic Leak


The Jews shut down the REDDIT pizzagate sub;

Advance Publications, Inc., is a privately held communications company that, directly or through subsidiaries, owns Condé Nast Publications Reddit became a direct subsidiary of Condé Nast's parent company Advance Publications in 2011.


Condé Nast

CEO: (((Bob Sauerberg)))

Advance Publications Owners;

(((Samuel Newhouse)))

(((Donald Newhouse)))


PayPal billionaire Peter Thiel 'becoming key Donald Trump adviser'


Peter Thiel Wants to Inject Himself With Young People’s Blood


turitelle ago

Peter Thiel Wants to Inject Himself With Young People’s Blood


Bizarre f*cking vampire. Jesus murphy. Where is he getting the 18 year old's blood from???

10378479? ago

You're Smart.

Thank you.

cantsleepawink ago

Someone on another post of mine pointed me to something called Total Information Awareness. Perfect description.


cantsleepawink ago

Thank you for your post. In addition, the mods here, along with a number of regular posters are the same crowd that hung around on the David Icke forum in the UK when the whole Hampstead children case broke 2 years ago. There was a major thread there on the case, much like the pizzagate subverse here. Note that some of these people have various accounts, with various personas. All designed to confuse and misdirect.

They eventually ran everyone off, shutting down citizen dialogue. So both operations, in my view, were/are run by the same people.

Think of all that means.

4_InquiringMinds ago

@ cantsleepawink

So both operations, in my view, were/are run by the same people.

Would you possibly have a link to that so we can compare styles? Beneficial to learn, recognize.

cantsleepawink ago

If you say so..

I guess this would be considered one of the most prominent forums for Hampstead Children in the UK : https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=289414 (It's 1,035 pages)

Happy reading !

4_InquiringMinds ago

Keep in mind that when reddit was deleting subs right and left...a purge/with no warning, no chance to archive/r pizzgate was given 2 hours notice to archive and migrate. Why would that be when other subs were scrubbed with no prior warning?

Inquiring minds~

cantsleepawink ago

That's a good question...nothing is straightforward..therefore people will speculate.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Even greater interest was generated with the deleting of r pizzgate/ppl rally around/the migration to voat was hailed as a victory...so loyalty is cemented. Then there ya go, the opposition all neatly corralled and ripe for control. Really a very smart move if you think about it.

Speculation wink

cantsleepawink ago

Obvious too. But for newbies it would work wink wink

redditsuckz ago

They use exactly "33" accounts and they were the moderators of r/pizzagate and are now the owners and moderators of v/pizzagate;


+32 upvotes and + 1 for the account = 33


They love that number "33"...

cantsleepawink ago

Isn't reddit where the whole pizzagate thing started ?

redditsuckz ago

From what I remember it started on 4chan when people started going through James Alefantis instagram after Comet Ping Pong was noticed in a Podesta Email then spread to r/The_Donald and r/conspiracy then r/pizzagate was created to contain the information then it was shut down but just before that everyone was herded to voat v/pizzagate.

4_InquiringMinds ago

That's a really good question. Didn't even know who he was (the one presented as owner anyway) until today reading the sticky on pg. He shows up like the disapproving father, members are not good enough, try hard enough ya da. Really? Excellent researchers are told to jump thru this loop, jump thru that loop...oh look, here's another loop over here/while subs that are completely bs make it thru and stay on the front page for days.

That coupled with the owners/mod situation of the same disapproving 'parents' with the offset of good cop. It is all outlined in this...


Trying to have a reasonable exchange is not only fruitless it's designed to wear you out, feel discouraged and give up.

So who really owns voat...excellent question. Whomever owns voat, who is behind that is really pretty easy to figure out.

When you have some pertinent research to share post it everywhere you can think of. One member commented he posted to r/conspiracy and it made it to the front page. Absolutely this information will continue to be actively suppressed but keep getting the word out and don't depend on one voat forum to be the outlet. The best thing any can do is bring this to the light of day and keep bringing it. Do whatever you can to bring awareness in your community...as long as it does not compromise your safety.

@FuriousYT, @ESOTERICshade, @gig2017, @TrishaUK , @13Buddha

10373676? ago

Remember around last March when voat started asking for donations?

0ne member asked: 'Who owns voat'?

Person wanted the answer to that question before he started pledging money.

He did not get a response the last time I checked.

Have wanted to know myself.

You know what they say:

'Follow The Money'

In the case of voat, initial and continuing investment funds.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Yeah, I remember that too. Sure, why not get the minions to pay for their own limited hangouts right?

10373801? ago

Actually, voat should be a cash cow for it's owners.

Think of all the market data voat could sell all over the world

gathered from it's members! Wow.

Like Stratfor.