BethesdaDC ago

Billionaire feather friends flock together - pedofiles stick together

PieInTheEye ago

Great connection @jml1201 it seems that if Silicon Valley was any further on the left with their political bias, they'd drop off into the Pacific Ocean.

It definitely seemed as if someone at GQ was deliberately flattering Alefantis with that listing at #49. GQ is stacked full of the 'art' crowd and fashion personalities, all of whom love people like Marina Abramovic.

crash6674 ago basicly admits they are pussing russian girls to the japanese in a "fashion model" agency

Snailracer ago

Possibly , the media was clearing stories with the Clinton campaign, it's in the Podesta emails.

Guccifer 2.0 had some stuff about secret meetings with reporters too.

It makes sense that unusual cooperation like that could be in part because of blackmail.

The_Invincible_Moose ago

So, is pedophilia and human trafficking happening on reddit like it is on twitter, youtube, craigslist, etc???

jml1201 ago

No idea, just know what I posted so far

je-sui-pepe ago

no you are heterophobic. sorry there are no homophobes here, just pedophobes of which you seem to be pro pedophile.... you are actually the dinosaur, militant gay agendas are soooooo yesterday. boring.

feel_the_bern_baby ago

Gay love is the purest form of love...the best.

Freemasonsrus ago

Good call

katsmeow ago

Con De Nasty, thank you OP.

Geo_synchronous ago

Sure is odd that selling pizza and ping pong makes a person that important. Oh wait. I get it now. He's supplying 1000 of DC trash with Children who were kidnapped from all over the world. I see now.... Why else ? I heard his Pizza taste like cardboard.

Vindicator ago

Just for Keks, I'm laughing that they put him #49 out of 50. As if even the editors at GQ couldn't stand Icky Jimmy.

yabbadoody ago

INTERESTING, yet inconclusive on it's own. We'll need to see some proof, quid pro quo or serious socializing. like, perhaps they ATTENDED some of the events Alefantis was on the board of (Clinton stuff, etc)... that sort of thing would be nice.

Scoundrel ago


Orange_Circle ago

As of October 2014, it was ranked as the 44th largest private company in the United States according to Forbes.[3] Crain's ranked Advance Publications the 4th largest private company in the New York area in 2012. In addition to holding publishing and communication assets, Advance serves as the holding company for the family's 31% stake in cable entertainment company Discovery Communications.[4] Advance also owns a 13% stake in Charter Communications, which it received when Bright House Networks merged with Charter.[5][6]

Edit to add link:

Freemasonsrus ago

Just more proof why monopolies are so dangerous, like all the Comcast mergers. They begin to own and control all narratives. They still haven't figured out how to completely censor the internet though, so that is the thing they would like most.

yabbadoody ago

all part of "The Octopus", as Danny Casalaro had wont to say it. (He's dead now. Since the late 1980s, look him up)

Orange_Circle ago

Lord have mercy on us.

Poor guy.

Aysemari ago

Wow you made an amazing connection

Alex_A97 ago

And there's your connection to Reddit. So it's no longer unproven, there is a definitive LINK between Reddit and the bad guys.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Oh, yes... the name "Newhouse" rings a bell. I recall hearing many years ago that they owned some newspaper or other. Sounds like they own a lot of media. Dig, dig, dig!

Orange_Circle ago

Advance Publications also fired a bunch of seasoned investigative reporters when they started buying up newspapers. The papers they own also heavily endorsed Clinton.

They also have an extremely-pro homosexual agenda.

Orange_Circle ago

Advance Publications also bought a bunch of newspapers and promptly ruined them by censoring news and running a ton of propaganda.

Newspaper in New Orleans comes to mind, paper in Birmingham, Ala, one in Michigan, one in Ohio. More than I can list.

Try and talk about Pizzagate in the comments of any of those papers and you'll be censored.

Vindicator ago

I wonder if any of those papers starting writing pedo apologetics? That would be a damning thing to meme around. Especially when added to Twittergate and the persistence of r/pedofriends and such like.

Orange_Circle ago

Two I know for sure were extremely pro-gay. Not saying that's the same thing, but because part of the gay male culture believes that being attracted to younger males is acceptable, it's definitely set a tone for coverage in general.

I was doing some reserahc and just discovered that Jake Tapper knew about pedo rings way back when he was the editor of Washington City Paper. He did an indepth interview with a female police officer who was active in exposing the nation-wide pedophile ring operating out of Chicago.

Now he acts like nothing like that ever happened.

Freemasonsrus ago

I don't think all of them are involved in the pedo aspect per se, but more of a very concerted effort to banish morality. Like the whole push on TLC to accept transgenders by using a child as the example for why it can't be wrong and you're evil if you speak out against it. Very slippery slope we've been going down for a while now with what is and isn't acceptable. Not acceptable=white males (particularly from the south), anything to do with Christianity, nationalism, saying anything logical.

Orange_Circle ago

I can agree with that!

lawfag123 ago

Very cozy connection..

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Damn these MFs are all one big happy Evil Criminal Enterprise. Puppets for the Clinton Pedo Cabal! Great find!

LostandFound ago

Don't forget even the clintons were working for someone too. I believe the real orchestraters are out of plain sight and never get directly involved.

SayWhatNOWAY ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

just anecodotal. i mean who gets office space at 9.11?? really.

i'll tell ya who. those who dont mind working over the ground awash with the blood of the innocent.

anyway, as a non-investigar simple goat, let me just say that couple degrees of sep. with a little digging may become no degrees of sep.

this is a major line of inquiry that ought be fucking fully looked through.

StrangeHologram ago

Everyone knows the C Nasties drink human blood.

srayzie ago

Maybe you should put the info the OP provided on your Reddit post so people see a connection

Fatsack ago

This is Yuge. Clear motive and opportunity. They're probably getting in on some of the weapon, drug, oil, or human trafficking profits. I wonder if we can dig up anything tying them directly to revenue from Haiti sourced business. Usually when people are donating back to the CF it's a money launder funnel, usually because they were taking a cut of some black market profits in some other operation like Timber Sycamore. It's called 'Sharding' and makes it difficult for private investigators to follow the money trail. Comey would know though, that worm. (According to George Webb's research)

DooDooDoodle ago

The CFO of Conde Nast, David Geitner is the brother of former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geitner....gawker got in trouble a while back for outing him (he's married to a woman) for picking up a gay escort in Chicago for $2,500.

"Coming off a string of bloody noses in the past year, notorious left-wing gossip rag Gawker may have burned its last witch. Last Thursday, the site came under fire after posting an expose of Condé Nast CFO David Geithner (brother of former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner) and his purported attempt to hire a gay escort. Gawker pulled the article after an explosion of online rage at the site’s attempt to blackmail Geithner:

Why Geithner bailed on Ryan while on the runway in New York is open for speculation. It’s possible that his plane was indeed delayed. Or, of course, he could have gotten spooked by an escort with an agenda who had discovered exactly who he was. After all, Geithner had booked Ryan until midnight or 1 a.m.—one figures it would require an excruciating delay to get in that late. Plus, his escort, booked at a four-star hotel, probably wouldn’t have minded waiting around.