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4_InquiringMinds ago

Posting the entire original thread. If this doesn't clarify what pg and specifically MF is about nothing will.

But then we have @Vindicator what's up with MF deleting this thread? Do we need to keep room for all the Q stuff...or god forbid, Julian's twitter was down. I really want an answer to this Vindicator. You come off as the 'good cop'. Can't figure out if you are for real and just very naive or a very savvy offset to MF. I am so tired of all this pussy footing around. Ppl here are doing their damnedest to help the children (I'm just a cheerlurker as one member so eloquently put it) and general snark patrol...but some members work their butts off digging till bleary eyed only to have well researched rabbit hole digging submissions tossed in favor of...well, let's see pg headlines today..brb

Rosanne Barr identifies Q as Bill Hicks/um, okay but isn't he dead already?

Let's try again...

BREAKING: Person Who Gave Anti-Trump Dossier to Buzzfeed Has Been Identified earthshattering/buzzfeed none the does this relate to pg?

Let's try again...

Be still my heart...another Rosanne tweeting about pizzagate/that's been up for 10 hours. Maybe MF dropped too much lsd...might want to ck on him.

Let's try again...this one must be a ringer/it's been up for over a day

Trump to appropriate Rothschild fortune/love the description in the opening...

Is this the real 'make America Great Again' masterstroke

So please dear moderator of both subs...a logical clear explanation why @srayzie submission was deleted and the other earth shaking ones adorn the front page?

We want answers not some vague mumbo jumbo.

~ srayzie posted

This article was made earlier this year but I haven't seen anything like this. It's a great article and FULL OF LINKS. It's related to pizzagate because it's about the elites role in child trafficking, organ harvesting and much more.

Haiti Cholera: A Biological Weapon For Organ Trafficking?

“Cholera is an infection of choice for those unfortunately slated for organ harvesting. Cholera doesn’t really harm the organs, but allow them to pull the plug when they claim the child is at death’s door.” — Pah abe

Haiti Occupied: The International Horrors Metered out on the Helpless The UN soldier are proxies for the US war in Haiti. Seven months after the earthquake, they imported the cholera bacteria. The US has used bioweapons and tested chemical weapons on its own people. Haiti present an even easier target for its nefarious biowafare activities. In fact, both Russian and Venezuelan officials claimed, immediately after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, that it was geoengineered by the US. The Russian Northern Fleets in the area at the time of the Haiti earthquake, reportedly said the Haiti earthquake was caused by “a flawed US Navy ‘earthquake weapons’ test before the weapons could be utilized against Iran.”

The Laboratory: Haitians call the CIA, US intelligence, their Duopoly, UN/NGOs and the Deep State (BIS) banksters, the “Laboratory.”

Haiti has a long history of being the Guinea Pigs for US Laboratory tests. Haitians have been the victims of their organ trafficking, child sex rings, prostitution, foul vaccines, rape, forced pregnancies, free trade zone import quota frauds, deaths quads, drug smuggling, money laundering, gun trafficking, human trafficking and humanitarian frauds in Haiti. The Laboratory (Deep State) conducts false flag operations to destabilize and test the public reactions, experiment and refine their attack weapons.

“It’s far worse than (Èzili) depicted Sarah….the inhumane slaughtering of her people in the hands of DynCorp Organ, LTD, UN ‘Peacekeepers’, and the trained gangs that rained terror upon the populace to keep them in line.”

Are folks ready to understand this? To understand that rape is a tool of war, and the mind trauma, disfunction and sexual orientation confusion and insecurities this particular abuse brings, especially when practiced on innocent children and babies, are a US-Euro colonial tool of war, dependency, domination and mass destruction. Sexual programing is a traditionally tool used to break the strongest Blacks among us and to feed the elites’ bloodlust, literally and figuratively as agents of genocides.

Besides, biological toxins such as UN-imported cholera in Haiti, rape, psychological abuse and dislocation are a form of warfare that has destroyed Black families and colonized communities since the era of the TransAtlantic Trade and Arab Slave trades.

This stood out to me. We have talked here in the past and wondered why black people seem to be the biggest targets. The following makes sense...

Melanin-rich organs are superior in value and highly valued by the vampire elites. They believe themselves superior but need Black bodies to feed their for-profit prison industrial complex and eternal wars to continue worldwide for the systemic genocide against Black and brown communities, where the Neanderthugs get a steady stream of melanin-infused organs for harvesting.

Pah abe confirms melanin-infused organs are superior products by telling us that the bi-racial babies in Haiti are harvested by the wealthy billionaires to be used as body parts. He postulates the Rothchild/Rockerfeller clans need their blood in these donor children so their bodies don’t reject the organs.

That's something we can look into.

Some of you will remember, I noted that a reliable source informed us, back in 2010, at the outset of the cholera outbreak that USAID’s first “relief” dollars for the cholera victims went to buy 200,000 body bags! You may also recall, the incident, when the doctors at Mirebalais we questioned about why the bodies of those who were said to die of cholera were not returned to the families of the cholera victims for at least a funeral? We were suspiciously stonewalled. Then finally told it was because they were getting properly buried by the doctors and staff, in body bags to avoid further contamination of the earth. And when we said why can’t the grieving families attend those funerals or “disposal” activities. No answer. A great portion of human trafficking happens at oil rigs, at the over 1000 US military basis around the world, and on the high seas for the pleasures of sick oligarchs and their servants who use the women and children and sometimes, discard the bodies at sea. The UN is teeming with pedophiles. Haiti orphanage Hoax: The Haiti orphanage system, like the US foster-care system, are places where defenseless children are sitting ducks for molesters and all sorts of predators. The pedophiles hide at Haiti orphanages, which are little more than private fund raising instruments for the enrichment of the owners. It’s not about the welfare of the children, but making a living off the misfortunes of abandoned children.

The Jesuits and Vatican in Haiti: The Jesuits and Catholic Church own more land in Haiti than any other entity except for the Haitian government. There’s no doubt their schools, properties and Order of Malta affiliated orphanages and guest houses in Haiti are a hotbed for pedophilia and traumatizing Haiti children not just through their fake history as do-gooders but through rape and sexual molestation.

Haiti is also one of the richest countries in oil, iridium, gold, copper and has mountains after mountains of the most rare earth metals in the world. Although strategically denied by the US-Euro diplomats and over thirty thousand NGOs masturbating on Black pain in Haiti, Èzili’s HLLN regularly details Haiti Riches, way before US client president and prime minister, Michel Martelly and Jean Max Bellerive admitted our wealth while letting the Clintons make us international beggars with fake quake relief.

American Universities that set up shop there do live experiments on children after infecting them with a host of diseases, particularly cholera, then purposely treat the children with vaccines and all sort of trial drugs. After they the experimental children die or are killed, they don’t even return the bodies to the naïve and unsuspecting mothers who just want their children healed from diseases that they infected the kids with in the first place. Worse, they don’t return the bodies to the mothers but sent them in ice bags to the US for study and dissection. Cholera is an infection of choice for those.

The following is just beyond my comprehension. These poor kids. It's just unbelievable...

The Elites such the David Rockefeller impregnate women to harvest organs later out of their own offspring they keep in certain orphanages for securing body parts that will surely not reject their donor bodies when they come back to kill or take out selected organs. A virtual new race of biracial children are now being raised in Haiti for that very purpose of organ harvesting for parents who will never see the children except when the child organs are placed in the parents bodies in their latter years of old age or when in need of new liver or other organ.

srayzie ago

I replied to you thru DM

carmencita ago

Thank you for your honest rendition of the horrors of the Elite. Incriminating is what it is. Also, thank you for your honest evaluation and request about @srayzie. We all are wondering what the answer to that question is. I am not expecting an answer, though we certainly deserve one.

srayzie ago

I replied to her thru DM. I think Vindicator is good. I don't know if maybe Millenial Falcon has more authority or what. I just don't get why MF would delete it. I even described how it was relevant to pizzagate. All I can think of is that it must be an important topic that someone doesn't want us focusing on.

4_InquiringMinds ago

All I can think of is that it must be an important topic that someone doesn't want us focusing on.


carmencita ago

This. Organ Harvesting is the Scourge evidently that the NWO Elites do not want told. They want us to focus on sex trafficking. That is why they have allowed all of the accusations to come forward. But bring up ORGAN HARVESTING and we get immediately Shut Down. Something very telling about that imo.

srayzie ago

It's horrifying that these people will have "offspring" only be raised in an orphanage or something, only for the purpose of taking their organs at a later date if needed. That is beyond sick. A good person would give their own life for their children. These people have children for organs? Wtf.

I remember one of them, a Rockefeller or Rothschild that had more heart transplants than anyone in the world. I think 7 of them. Well no wonder. He has offspring or they just kill off a match. It blows my mind.

carmencita ago

I think that was David Rockefeller who just died at around 100 yrs. of age. He had many hearts in order for him to live. I am sure they were the best ones in the world, brought on a Silver Platter. Yuck. The same with Dick Cheney. Wonder what number he is on. I have lost count. My guess is 3 or 4. Another useless scumbag.

srayzie ago

I don't know. I don't even want to live on past my hundreds like these people. I'd rather go be with the Lord and past loved ones by then. It would be much more peaceful then surrounded by this corrupt world.

carmencita ago

I hear ya. I so very much agree.

Vindicator ago

MF probably removed that because it's full of unsourced claims. It really belongs in pgwhatever.

IpointOutTrolls ago

MF probably removed that because it's full of unsourced claims. It really belongs in pgwhatever.

You will go "down" in history

jangles ago


ESOTERICshade ago

oh for fucks sake...all this irrelevent Q turd bullshit is allowed to stay up and this post that goes to the heart of the Clinton Foundation money racket concerning children gets deleted. Nobody is buying this bullshit anymore.

jangles ago

I agree but the post is too shattered and not sourced like we agree to for posts on v/pgate

4_InquiringMinds ago

but the post is too shattered and not sourced like we agree to

And so are the other posts that litter pg. This post actually has more substance than all the news blurbs that litter the page. Post is shattered? Really? Let's get back to roseanne's that is something we can really sink our teeth into.

ESOTERICshade ago

I agree but the post is too shattered and not sourced like we agree to for posts on v/pgate

Do you think there is a melanin connection? What is it with melanin? I think there is some connection with melanin but I don't fully understand it unless it is more simple than I realize, like maybe it just makes organs more strong and stable? There is something going on with melanin but i'm not sure I understand it.

jangles ago


ESOTERICshade ago



darkknight111 ago

I am a microbioloist by training. I can verify that the claims hold water based on what I know about Vibrio cholerae.

It is the perfect murder weapon for child organ trafficking based on its pathology.

AngB23 ago

@darkknight111 Sorry in advance if this is a completely ignorant question...riding on literally 1 hr of sleep right now. Cholerae can be passed by dirty water, correct? Like dirty water from perhaps, MINING?

My latest researches have been, again, the mining angle. I know some say the whole “Q” angle is stupid and so forth, but I have picked up a few nuggets to research like Peter Munk/Barrick Gold. We all know these greedy assholes mine in mostly, the very poorest areas, pollute villages and traffic in Ppl for slave labor.

Another angle that I was reading about all night which maybe far fetched BUT fits in perfectly with the cholerae. Peter Munk also has donated major cash to a cardiac hospital

They are know for TRANSPLANTS. So, what better way to supply organs than if you also own a mining company and have access to to dying people from cholerae? Other organs not needed, they can sell off in the black market. I also found an interesting list of mining “donors” to CGI/Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (CGEP)

I have more info about mining and payoffs to politicians or putting corrupt politicians in power (AKA Haiti Martelly with Clinton). I always thought this entire “ring” was all connected somehow. The payments I feel is somehow connect to HSBC and fine art “auctions”.

darkknight111 ago

I'll look into the mining angle but I know cholera is spread via the oral/fecal mode of infection.

AngB23 ago

Hhmmmm...ok. Kinda crushed my mind set then. Please let me know if there’s any connection when u get the chance

darkknight111 ago

Found your answer. Cholera's native environment is aquatic ecosystems. Exists harmlessly in shellfish and other aquatic animals. Spread through contaminated food and water.

Your thinking of dirt as in "earth based". This environment is where botulism, anthrax, and tetanus are native too. I can explain their adaptations if desired.

AngB23 ago

I just did a quick search, but I don’t understand too in depth scientific jargon like you do. Cholerae can be caused by mining. Something about the minerals unearthed, seeping into the water systems? One article was an old one..the other was a very in-depth scientific one.

If you search mining and cholerae, there are a ton of different articles that mention the two together.

darkknight111 ago

Pretty much. Disrupt the ecosystem, the bacteria spreads to water systems (probably alongside planktons it lives with), cholera spreads.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Another thing to consider/mining operations have sewage to dispose of. How is it handled? Would it not be 'cost effective' to do something onsite that disposes of it quickly, easily and w/o any safeguards. Wherever there are ppl there is sewage. I find it hard to imagine that owners of these mines who don't give a wit for the workers or local populations take the time to treat sewage in a responsible manner.

fogdryer ago

You are saying that their organs are still usable???

darkknight111 ago


Basically you keep the organs preserved until they're ready for transplant. Older methods include keeping the organs cold to slow degradation.

AngB23 ago

Holy shit......did not know this. Info here is the holy grail. Thank you for this valuable info bcuz that’s the one area I couldn’t figure out- organs from like a car wreck, can only last so long before transplant. THIS explains a lot

fogdryer ago

How long is that for

4_InquiringMinds ago

wave foggy :)

Read the posts if you want to understand/it's pretty darn clear. The whole post is excellent and very educational.

Short answer...yes

Expanded answer...also good cover for kidnapping, harvesting those that don't have cholera

ESOTERICshade ago

It is the perfect murder weapon for child organ trafficking based on its pathology. Even more so due to being perfect for a cover up to the crime too.

Right now the not perfect coverup is the people deleting these posts right? Why would this get deleted but posts that say some anon arrested George Soros stay up? This forum has gone beyond retard.

4_InquiringMinds ago

MF probably removed that because it's full of unsourced claims. It really belongs in pgwhatever.

So you are saying that a thread that has been up for 10 hours about trump and buzzfeed, fake dossier is relevant to pg? And buzzfeed is considered a reliable source? By whom?

In the description which in the title says...wait for it, SPECULATION/this makes it revlevant to pg? How?

And if that can pass as 'approved for pg' why is srayzie's submission that has some speculation and some references not okay but the other one that is speculation is okay. Can you please explain that? Are there different rule for different types of submissions? If so what are the different 'rules' so we can all be clear.

It was all designed to smear Trump, and the dossier was meant to keep him from winning the presidency. Killary IS #pizzagate and her paying for this during the presidential campaign assuredly connects this to #pizzagate.

Come on can do better than this.

Under the removed submission this comment really sums it up quite well...

probably got deleted because, if you're correct, we now have a trail to follow.Find where cholera outbreaks are, find who is gathering the bodies ,viola you have the traffickers.

Or let's try this for relevancy...Rosanne tweets about pg

Pray for the children of this world who are held in slavery. Those of us who have fought long & hard for them have quickened heart beats 2night. #MAGA

So all any nutcase has to do is tweet pg and the post is relevant? Is that what you are saying? Twitter chatter the bastion of what, sourced claims??????????

fogdryer ago

Mods are not consistent

NoBS ago

"Mods are not consistent" end quote.

You are wrong. If dividing the community can destroy the credibility of this site, then the Pedophile apologist win.

M F is kicking our ass in public and the cunt is a protected control freak fucking over free speech like a virginal prepubescent sex slave.

IpointOutTrolls ago

Mods are not consistent

They are consistently full of shit.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Mods are not consistent

foggy, they are VERY CONSISTENT, you just need to open your eyes and see the pattern.

srayzie ago

Thank you. Millenial Falcon won't even reply to me telling me why it was deleted.

NoBS ago

Censorship is why Obama won a second term. Mother Falcon is the maturity of well regulated oppression and control.

The most powerful evil has to be a control freak, this generations Pol Pot. Lenin, Mao and Hitler can be called Millenial Fucker.

4_InquiringMinds ago

opps, thought that was a pm