Dressage2 ago

I remember that post. God, I am so glad MF is gone. He was working for the other side Brock\Alefantis group IMHO.

srayzie ago

I love the new mod team! Several come here and follow Q and they worked right along side us before.

Crensch ago

Haiti is a big place.

I think the above is one place where we are not on the same page.

Crensch ago

Was the connection to the Clintons actually made there? I mean, shit like that can happen without being directly linked to the podesta emails and those elites.

Millennial_Falcon ago

A number of people

Uh huh.

Crensch ago

I didn't see anything directly linking to the clintons, or other PG elites though. Which is kinda the point, right?

Not really settled on a side yet or anything, but that is worth noting.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Says me.

Organ harvesting is very much a part of human trafficking, and human trafficking is very much a part of the abuse of children by the elites.
But this does not mean organ harvesting by itself is relevant to the core pizzagate topic.

All of these things are connected, related and observable in the same locations, but using that kind of reasoning is to equate paint huffing to crack cocaine.

You don't get to subjectively make that call.

You don't get to make that call.
All [M] level mods operate with this kind of authority as they are the ones doing the actual work of moderating.
@crensch and myself are 'administrators' not content censors, so @Millennial_Falcon is entirely withing their authority to make this call.
Mistakes are handled in the very process we are currently in.

I judge this post to be an attempt to forum slide via vaguely related information and deleting it is appropriate.
The OP is welcome to post in pizzagatewhatever to discuss the topic an ask for help making more direct links.

srayzie ago

This is about child trafficking. Organ harvesting is only part of it. Why am I being treated like shit for posting about kids?! I haven’t had an issue with any of you guys until today. I don’t deserve this.

Crensch ago

This post explained their opinion of why it was relevant to PG. You don't get to subjectively make that call.

Ehh... most of the shitstirrers pull that stunt on stuff that is definitely not PG. That's not exactly a cut-and-dried thing - you don't get to put your opinion of why it's PG and get a free pass.

Millennial_Falcon ago

It should be 100% clear.

This isn't math. It's irreducibly subjective.

You can't just outlaw a topic if a post meets the requirements.

I haven't done anything of the sort. Again, if OP demonstrates a possible connection to pizzagate, it stays.

Millennial_Falcon ago

My rule of thumb has been to disallow posts about organ trafficking unless there is a strong tie to pizzagate suspects, because we have defined pizzagate as about elite child sex trafficking/abuse. Perhaps this should have been allowed, given the tie to Haiti. I do remember hesitating before removing it.

(By the way, I have repeatedly suggested that those researching possible organ trafficking create a sub devoted to that, but they refuse to do so. You would think that if they really care about that subject, they would have done so long ago. It really makes me suspect the goal (for at least some of them) is to slide /v/pizzagate via mission creep and to create a pretext to rabblerouse against mods.)

VictorSteinerDavion ago

I've replied to all of this here

Your initial hesitations proved correct, and the amount of mentions I've received about this post is absurd, which tells me it's either a legitimate issue, or it's being used to distract the mods.
I've decided it's being used to distract mods

Crensch ago

I'll mull this over a bit. I see both sides here.

To my mind, PG has grown a bit broader where the direct links are concerned. A LOT coming out about Clintions and their connections to Haiti, but I DID look at OP's link, and something seemed not quite right. I'm especially suspicious of his using ESOTERICshade as a support in his whining.

I appreciate your work here, bud. I know it's a thankless job, but you've been a champ this whole time.

Hope things are going well for you and yours,


Millennial_Falcon ago

but I DID look at OP's link, and something seemed not quite right. I'm especially suspicious of his using ESOTERICshade as a support in his whining.

My suspicion is they are shills trying to derail the sub with disinfo and distraction. I try not to let it affect my moderating though.

Crensch ago

Interested in what MF has to say here. Place has been hammered hard for the last couple of weeks from what I understand.

srayzie ago

Thank you. He wouldn’t reply to me.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Usually there should be a reason posted in the deletion comment.

Messaging the mod directly is often ignored due to many, many, many posters pestering the mod about the delete without making any attempt to actually address the reason for deletion.

The post itself has potential but a lot of work is needed to move it from speculation to evident fact

srayzie ago

I never asked for it to be pinned or looked at as fact. I simply made a post and MF deleted it. Kevdude said to repost it so I did.

The only reason I am still saying anything is because Crensch suddenly acts like he’s suspicious of me. I’ve been here daily for over a year and have never even talked to the guy. He thinks I’m a man. Anyone here that knows me even a little bit knows that I’m not a guy. That shows that I’ve never even been on Crensch’ radar.

I would just like crensch and Millenial_Falcon to be professional. I’ve never made complaints or started anything with you guys. The only reason Crensch is trying to trash me now is because this is the first time I stood up to Millenial Falcon.

Shillaxe ago

probably got deleted because, if you're correct, we now have a trail to follow.Find where cholera outbreaks are, find who is gathering the bodies ,viola you have the traffickers. Millions in Yemen are suffering an outbreak now.Great post !

srayzie ago

Thanks! Someone else reposted it here... https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2310029

Shillaxe ago

Yeah thx, thought it deserved some attention, its pizzagate related, the children are certainly abused....

srayzie ago

It was. That's how it goes around here. It sucks.

realityisinsanity ago

Millienial Falcon needs to be put back in his cage.

VoatisCIA ago

He needs to be killed

srayzie ago

Yeah, there was no reason to delete it. Someone else picked it up tho...


2impendingdoom ago

I think there was a cholera outbreak in Hondoras after a hurricane a few years before Haiti. If I have time I'll dig into this - I'm thinking it might correspond in timing to the sacrifice a chicken to moloch email.

srayzie ago

Well Millenial Falcon just deleted it.

ESOTERICshade ago

I told you this place was compromised didn't I? Threads about bullshit are allowed. This thread you just posted is the most relevant pizzagate thread that has been posted in days. And it got deleted? Threads about Q busting George Soros are allowed to stay. But this very relevant thread got deleted. This is why I say, if I keep pointing this shit out, they will ban me. This sub is a place to drown pizzagate in bullshit. This thread getting deleted proves it.

srayzie ago

All Millenial Falcon said was he deleted it because of Rule 1. I asked for an explaination and he didn't reply. I even explained how it related to pizzagate.

ESOTERICshade ago

I asked for an explaination and he didn't reply.

You won't get one.

Vindicator ago

Srayzie, there are dozens of claims here that have no support provided. MF should have cited Rule 2, rather than Rule 1. If you want to post this, you need to track down supporting links for all the major claims that the original author doesn't provide linked support for.

River_Otter ago

I think Yemen is experiencing a massive cholera outbreak.

srayzie ago

That's so sad. 🙁

swordfish69 ago

I don't think we need to 'racialize' the theory, even if it's what the elites believe. Many of the FBIs FOIA releases on Huma and Hillary show regular aid workers and gov observers citing anxiety re: makeshift cholera clinics set up days after the earthquake. It's yet another angle and while the Laura Silsby case is very important, seeing the biowarfare angle is neceassary to understanding how profound human exploitation is in Haiti.

srayzie ago

It's not meant to be a racist theory. When all those girls went missing in DC, people were wondering if that's a trend. Some have wondered if there is something to that.

DomKeyhote ago

He's talking about the source you stupid bitch. Did you even vet it at all?! She's a DINDU! How do you feel about your fellow white women getting raped by blacks to the tune of 35,000 per year? How many whites rape black women a year? Some years it is less than the margin of error -- i.e. STATISTICALLY ZERO!

But don't judge groups, Don! You're a monster, you don't see people as individuals!


"I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers."

-- Mel Gibson, aka "The Man"

srayzie ago

How do you feel about your fellow white women getting raped by blacks to the tune of 35,000 per year? How many whites rape black women a year?

I know what a lot of Muslims do to their women and so do you. But anyways. 🙄 What does any of that have to do with this story?

Nothing. Distraction. Go shower or something. Do something productive.

DankKeyhote ago


A white woman raped every 10 minutes, big fucking shit! Can we please talk about Muslims you goyz?! LOOK, A SQUIRREL!

Why don't you look up the stats on Muslim rape in america? It's only one Google away, but that would be reeeesearch... ugh boring....

We know they rape a lot in Sweden, Cucker Carlson said so....OH NOES THOSE ARE BLACK AFRICAN MUSLIMS SHYIIIIIT

"Srayzie" translates to "the gift that keeps giving" in a dozen languages XDDD

srayzie ago

Distraction. Straight out of your shill hand book 😂

DankKeyhote ago

Yes srayzie has spent many a sleepless night poring over the leaked Shill Handbook honing her skills and now no "tactic" escapes her sharp eye! LOL YOU BARELY HAVE A HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION! LARPcunt

srayzie ago

What makes you think I only have a high school education? I worked in the medical field you stupid faggot.

KeynoteDick ago

Well this is an interesting development...

Blacks are good for something??

srayzie ago

You're such a worthless piece of shit. 🖕🏻

KeynoteDick ago

Jews and women are also only good for one thing each. And both involve ovens.

srayzie ago

I bet most people here don't know that you are part Jew.

DomKeyhote ago

It wouldn't be because I try to hide it obviously...how else would YOU know except I told you? But now you think you're zinging me? LMAO SEE HOW U DONT GET LOGIC?? HOLY SHIT LMAO

srayzie ago

You don't say it often.

I'd like to announce why Donkey will die a bitter old man! He hates Jews, and since he's part Jew, that explains why he hates himself.

DomKeyhote ago

Wouldn't it mean I hate a fraction of myself? Or maybe I'm an adult and accept facts as they are. We hate ORGANIZED JEWRY not individuals per se. This jew I love for example https://s25.postimg.org/4mnd2udf3/Screenshot_2017-09-29-14-59-11.png

srayzie ago

We hate ORGANIZED JEWRY not individuals per se

Who is WE? I can't believe you said this because I've argued with you for months telling you that each person is an individual but you lump everyone into groups. I even said this yesterday. Now you say "Not individuals"? Did I teach you something? 😮 Oh damn. I think you learned something.

DankKeyhote ago

Holy shit woman...on the macro level individuals mean nothing.

Jews should be expelled. Not every Jew is guilty. Sucks for them. Not my problem. Oh wait it is cuz I'd be expelled too possibly. That doesn't change a thing; sucks for me possibly. Luckily the earth is big.

srayzie ago

You should be expelled.