SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @letsdothis3.

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NoraPandora ago

I looked into this pizza places. Did you see this one? CREEPY! Look at the babys in a 'pizza pocket'!!!

mathemagician33 ago

good find. I didn't look into all of them, but I saw a few and you're right - a lot of creepy stuff. Even the names are suspect, one that I remember from the first page was 'bikini pizza'.

NoraPandora ago

mathemagician33 ago

yeah, you can clearly tell something is up just from the photos of the young, clearly troubled children on the front page. was that one of the TEIG domains?

NoraPandora ago

It becomes more and more weird: go to the link embedded on this page top right called 'HOME ( of your inner child...)'. The guys call themselves TNP 'creatively entertaining' and make video, audio and internet productions...!!!!

NoraPandora ago

Yep, go through it.. most of them are deleted. One side asks you for a PASSWORD! A Pizzashop with a password?

mathemagician33 ago

someone actually discovered an entire section of password protected files that appeared to be encrypted video files on a hidden section of comet ping pong/pizza's website of all places (though some people think this is a hoax/disinfo). Can't say I'm surprised personaly.

FireWalkWithPodesta ago

I found password protected TEIG pizza website.

FireWalkWithPodesta ago

Not sure if pizzagate but this TEIG website caught my attention.

PGIsRettarded ago

Tick Tock Mr Brock =)))

carmencita ago

Tried the url security trails. Wow. Quite a list.

mathemagician33 ago

yeah, TEIG is associated with an absurdly high number of domains with the word 'pizza' in them.

carmencita ago

Thanks for posting it. Please see my brand new post. Just posted.

mathemagician33 ago

thanks, just saw it, will take a look.

carmencita ago


mathemagician33 ago

ok, I have been trying to figure out what is going on here since this information is NOT current. I ran a whois on the domain and the only thing correct that was posted was the A record. HOWEVER, I was able to find historical DNS info from (which provides historical DNS info for free): - EVERYTHING stated in the OP is correct as you will see from that link, it's just not current. My guess is that they switched their name servers up when the investigation started.

carmencita ago

Is this for real or not? Never have seen one of these.

mathemagician33 ago

don't know tbh. That twitter account is run by a group that claims to be credible insiders.

carmencita ago

Thanks. Keeping fingers crossed.

mathemagician33 ago

just updated the OP with everything I found. It's not inaccurate, just slightly out of date. I was able to find this by going through historical DNS data.

carmencita ago

Thanks. Will look.

Bern666 ago

Its a transcendental (grid) working in progress (generational slaves). They will work (build) their offspring of an image of self. Strive/hunger/goals and perceived enlightenment, you are free they are not! A mountain of pictures to show their success for you to follow. Remember you are free they are not....they are honey and you are the bees. To break the mirror, you will have to forgive and let them stay in the light. A generation of higher thought than self will break the spell of their suffering and misdeeds. Seth can only be destroyed by love/compassion.......all else is his way. Osiris

carmencita ago

dc central kitchen tie in

YogSoggoth ago

"30 years of eating DCCK." Nothing unusual? Maybe for some, but I would notice.

3141592653 ago

It says "30 years of DCCK". Or am i missing something ?

YogSoggoth ago

Depends on if you ate some, or not, I suppose. Most here have eaten from, or somehow supported the worst companies in the world. I have less guilt that others, but my guilt is greater because I am of noble blood.

carmencita ago

I never thought of that. Disgusting but a good point.

YogSoggoth ago

Sorry. It was just so in my face that I cannot believe someone else here. That is what they do!

carmencita ago

Don’t worry I know what you mean. It’s hard to avoid this stuff. It’s so evil.

PGIsRetarddedd ago

Remember when you nutjobs were spewing out things like: "Tick Tock Mr. Brock", "The entire thing is falling down Alefantis", "I can see the Podestas scurrying into those tunnels now", "we should use that hashtag #pizzapartyisover". "should we expect famous suicides soon?" etc.

Remember how retarded you dumbasses were?

mathemagician33 ago

remember when someone from here got Rob Robinson arrested?

PGIsRetarddedd ago

I remember that a nutjob from here claims that he got Rob Robinson arrested. Bu wtf does that have to do with anything?

Angelis_Solaris ago

This is an evidence-based subform so I suggest you provide some proving the "nutjob" status, your subjective opinion isn't worth very much

noworldorder ago

They're connected how now? They're websites have the same webhost?

mathemagician33 ago

uh no. that is not how DNS records work. You cannot set a domain's nameservers unless you actually own the domain name.

noworldorder ago

What tool was used in that screenshot? Can you link to it?

mathemagician33 ago

don't know, but the screenshot is from the tweet linked in the OP.

Crackrocknigga ago

I applaud your guys endurance I really do, but if nothing was done about podesta's sickening emails or his admitted spirit cooking as well as hundreds of victims that have come forward, I doubt anything will be done without citizens arrest/trial/execution.

Is there a database somewhere of pedophile politicians? I'd love to see it in case SHTF.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Doubt anything will be done? Trump signed an executive order for assets to be confiscated from all known traffickers....Rothschildren got out of the lending biz after that. Goldmans Sachs would go down hard. Kudos.

Crackrocknigga ago

He's been to Epstein's island.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Have read, what would explain the order? Saw Jimmy Carter on video saying he was in the WH for a year when he realized that what he thought made no difference.

YogSoggoth ago

The only credible thing that I have read is that he shared a jet with Trump, where he most likely met. Were Trump on that island, I would imagine he got an eyeful. If you have any further proofs, you had better get in contact with Mueller's investigation pronto Nadler will answer the phone if Bob is unavailable.

fogdryer ago

You don’t know what’s going on behind the scene As citizens we are learning how to identify ......... Help or leave...........

PGIsRetarddedd ago

nothing was done about podesta's sickening emails

The only thing sickening here is the imaginations of conspiracy nutjobs like you

his admitted spirit cooking

Which obviously isn't a crime

as well as hundreds of victims that have come forward


Crackrocknigga ago

Nice 3.8 minute membership. Shareblue/JIDF. Boys, pay attention liberal money is brigading this post. You guys may be onto something.

PGIsRetarddedd ago

Shareblue/JIDF. Boys, pay attention liberal money is brigading this post.


argosciv ago

Well fancy that... |

Emphasis added.

In 2011, Endurance was bought from Accel-KKR by Warburg Pincus and GS Capital Partners, for around $975 million.[3] In September 2013, the company announced plans to raise $400 million in an IPO.[4] The company announced it would list on the NASDAQ under the ticker symbol EIGI.[5] It went public in October 2013 raising $252 million selling shares to the public at $12 each. This was below the company's target goal of $400 million.[6][7]

In August 2018, the firm's CEO and CFO were fined several million dollars for fraud by the SEC related to company subscriber numbers.[19]

GS Capital Partners, ey?

Isn't that the same Goldman Sachs equity fund which had a large investment/stake in Pretty much...

FYI: Goldman Sachs had financial ties to from as early as 2000 | is also tied to Florida Massage Parlor case(inc. Robert Kraft)

It has emerged that a private equity fund run by [Goldman Sachs] had taken a major stake in a secretive company called Village Voice Media.

It owns a classified advertising website – – that is accused of being the biggest forum for illegal sex trafficking of underage girls in America.

Headquarters: Goldman Sachs, which owns GS Capital Partners III, has signed a deal to sell its 16 per cent stake in Village Voice Media, which owns the website, called

GS Capital Partners III said it had agreed to sell its 16 per cent stake in the media company, admitting it had lost much of its investment in the process. Goldman Sachs insisted it had grown ‘uncomfortable with the direction of the company’ and its inability to influence its direction.

However New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, who exposed the connection, said the bank had been ‘mortified’ when he first inquired about its stake last week and ‘began working frantically to unload its shares’.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @letsdothis3.

Posted automatically (#38512) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

YogSoggoth ago

First thing I thought of with the money flowing in was this is a money laundering scheme. Sell the shares, pump their own bad money in, spend it on bad things, let it go bankrupt in the end as a bad investment. If my hunch was right, that would also explain the changing name servers. Could also be a back channel communications involved. One would have to put a bot on it all.

argosciv ago

Psst... @Vindicator, @srayzie...

Look at the twitter handle(and the mash of numbers in the bio)... recognize the 3301 in the handle?

Why did dailycrusader jump on this 4 months ago?

What's PGis doing here?


SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @letsdothis3.

Posted automatically (#38513) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

argosciv ago

Psst... @Vindicator, @srayzie...

Look [in the main post] at the twitter handle(and the mash of numbers in the bio)... recognize the 3301 in the handle?

Why did dailycrusader jump on this 4 months ago?

What's PGis doing here?


LOL! Point out the above curious links/presence, I get brigaded and look what shows up...

21 day account pushing 3301 garbage:

@Crensch @kevdude @Shizy

argosciv ago

@MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall (see parent comment/context) xD

srayzie ago

What Twitter handle?

argosciv ago

In the submission's main post.

derram ago :

ffe3301 on Twitter: "50 U.S. Code §1701. Unusual and extraordinary threat; declaration of national emergency; exercise of Presidential authorities 50 U.S. Code §1702. Presidential authorities (we the pizza dot com) Get the picture?…"

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