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think- ago

I'm not getting the connection between Chelbin and Rachel Chandler, though

Chelbin's photos seem to depict many Eastern European children / teenagers. A possibility would be that she takes pics, and someone in the US decides which of the children depicted will be trafficked.

(mere speculation of course)

Chandler runs a modeling agency = many of her models look like trafficking victims. There are many established lines of trafficking from Eastern Europe to the US, partly via Mexico / South America (remember Epstein).

Vindicator ago

There are many established lines of trafficking from Eastern Europe to the US

Makes me wonder how much Melania knows.

think- ago

You can be sure that she knows a couple of things. Makes me wonder how she felt when they socialized with Epstein.

It was not only obvious that he was into girls, 'many of them are on the younger side', it seems to have been obvious too that he got girls from Eastern countries, and kept them at his NY town house. I recall reading that someone thought it was totally weird that so many girls from Eastern Europe were at this parties (the kind of parties Prince Andrew attended).

Vindicator ago

when they socialized with Epstein

Melania socialized with Epstein? Links?

think- ago

Err....@Vindicator? There are photos of Epstein with Trump and Melania. You have seen them. Melania's phone number is in his little black book (IIRC), together with lots of phone numbers of Trump and the Mar-a-Lago staff. Since he was a Mar-A-Lago member.

Do you want me to do a post with photos of the occasions when Trump and Melania were photographed with Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell?

Vindicator ago

Sure. I've never seen them. I'm assuming that was after it came out that he was trafficking kids?

think- ago

That was during the time when Trump said Epstein was a 'terrific guy' and acknowledged that many of Epstein's women 'are on the younger side'. :-)

Vindicator ago

So, long before the girl's mom went to the police and people found out he was a pedo.

think- ago

and people found out he was a pedo


IIRC, Epstein's mansion is quite close to Mar-a-Lago. The mansion where he got massages from girls every day several times a day, and raped some of them.

Epstein was a member of Mar-A-Lago.

He and Ghislaine Maxwell felt so safe there, they even groomed one of Trump's towel girls.

Trump said many of Epstein's women were 'on the younger side'.

I think he didn't mean Ghislaine Maxwell when he was saying that. /s

Imo, Trump knew perfectly well what Epstein did.

Trump might not be sophisticated, but he isn't an idiot. He would have been a bad club owner and businessman, if he hadn't known about Epstein's activities.

Do you think he never heard about the 'Lolita Express'?

Vindicator ago

How much time did Trump spend glad-handing guests at Mar-a-Lago?

When was the "Lolita Express" first talked about?

think- ago

How much time did Trump spend glad-handing guests at Mar-a-Lago?

Epstein wasn't a guest, he was a member. And Trump has been known for hanging out there a lot.

When was the "Lolita Express" first talked about?

Surely a long time before that lawsuit.

Vindicator ago

"Been known to" and "surely" do not constitute evidence.

think- ago

I don't give a shit what you think it looks like. You started talking about Melania, not me.

But thank you for pointing out that begging to differ with you is now regarded as 'spamming'.

And if you think that I will censor myself when writing comments, you're wrong.

Remember your recent PM when you even asked me that I might want to re-consider the way I write comments on my own threads.


Vindicator ago

I'm not the one claiming the smart, beautiful and gracious First Lady of the United States is party to a pedo ring involving Trump and Epstein with zero evidence, just a bunch of completely illogical generalizations and unsourced assertions. No honorable American male who loves his country and has any balls is going to take that kind of bullshit in silence. Fuck off.

think- ago

is party to a pedo ring involving Trump and Epstein

Where did I say Trump was part of Epstein's pedo ring? Do you have to make things up now in order to attack me?

The only thing I said is that imo Trump knew was Epstein was doing, not that he was a part of it. Or even that Melania was part of it. rolls eyes

No honorable American male who loves his country and has any balls is going to take that kind of bullshit in silence. Fuck off.

LOL. I'm not the one going around and asking people to censor themselves. You can write what you want, whenever you want, whereever you want, and how much you want.

You are kindly welcome to do so on my threads, whenever you feel like it.

And no, I won't fuck off. I have the same right to be here as you have.

This is not your private website, remember?

Vindicator ago

Where did I say Trump was part of Epstein's pedo ring? Do you have to make things up now in order to attack me?

Playing the victim, now, after you deliberately created drama twice in this submission, huh. Okay. Here is what you said:

"You can be sure that she knows a couple of things. Makes me wonder how she felt when they socialized with Epstein.

It was not only obvious that he was into girls, 'many of them are on the younger side', it seems to have been obvious too that he got girls from Eastern countries, and kept them at his NY town house."

That is a clear statement by you that the Trumps were socializing with Epstein with full knowledge he was raping underage girls.

You then went on to implicate Trump because Epstein was a member of his club and Maxwell recruited one of the girls there. You claimed there were multiple photos of them socializing together with Epstein, and they were on such intimate terms that Melania's phone number was in his address book. Furthermore, when asked clarifying questions about when these things occurred in relation to the girl coming forward, you dismissed the idea the Trumps did not know he was trafficking kids when they attended gatherings he also attended.

You don't now get to play stupid and claim I am "making things up". You painted a picture of Melania, a model from Eastern Europe well acquainted with the pitfalls of her industry, as going along with child rape.

I'm not the one going around and asking people to censor themselves.

Where is that happening, exactly?

And no, I won't fuck off. I have the same right to be here as you have.

You misunderstood. I meant fuck you -- for dishonestly defaming my FLOTUS.

If I wanted you gone, I sure as hell wouldn't tell you to shut up. I don't know what crawled up your butt and died, but you are doing a fine job of destroying your reputation and relationships here all on your own. I've had several DMs asking me if your account was hacked. But by all means, keep talking. FFS

think- ago

That is a clear statement by you that the Trumps were socializing with Epstein with full knowledge he was raping underage girls.

You realize it is a big difference between 'being part of a pedo ring', and knowing about pedo activities, but not doing anything against them? Yes?

I'm not playing the victim, you insinuated something I never said.

You claimed there were multiple photos of them socializing together with Epstein, and they were on such intimate terms that Melania's phone number was in his address book.

Yes, they were photographed when socializing together. Yes, Melania's number is in his little black book. It was one of the numbers (with her name attached) on the page were Trump's numbers are also listed.

I'm not the one going around and asking people to censor themselves.

Where is that happening, exactly?

You told me to fuck off. You didn't write 'fuck you', you wrote 'fuck off'.

I've had several DMs asking me if your account was hacked.

No, it wasn't. If I seem like overreacting a bit, it is because I kept my mouth shut while I was a mod. Now I just can't take it anymore. You have a photo in your OP that shows George Nader, it was posted by Q, then you should allow a discussion why a major GOP donor and Trump ally like Erik Prince employs him, and why Q doesn't call him out for that.

But I forgot - you didn't mean to censor me!

Vindicator ago

But I forgot - you didn't mean to censor me!

Where were you ever "censored"? What a load of BS. If you think Prince is an important part of pizzagate, make a submission about it. Don't spam it someone else's unrelated thread like TTT.

You have a photo in your OP that shows George Nader, it was posted by Q, then you should allow a discussion why a major GOP donor and Trump ally like Erik Prince employs him, and why Q doesn't call him out for that.

More bullshit. Wow! That is a total and complete lie. You posted the comment about Prince at 9:08am twelve hours before I updated the OP at 9:06pm and added the picture.

The post was about Chelbin and Mann. So was the discussion. You forced your agenda into the discussion and created a bunch of unnecessary and toxic drama. You then stalked my comment history, and spammed another completely off topic comment in my thread at ProtectVoat and pinged 10 users to the comment instead of making a submission.

Now you're hurling the "mods are censoring me" shill meme for calling you out on it? And your excuse for all this rude, dishonest, defamatory behavior is "it is because I kept my mouth shut while I was a mod"?

So, you were lying that whole time, too?

What else were you playacting about? Was the "shock" about EsotericShade putting your name forward as a mod fake? Was the "reformed" Hillary fan claim fake? What the hell is going on, here?

think- ago

You know what? I will not reply to your insults. I always defended you when you were accused of being a shill, both in PMs and in public, and that's the result? Wow. Just wow. I feel totally disgusted.

But what to expect from someone who attacked me for calling out a satanist.

Vindicator ago

I see. I'm the asshole, here. Instead of defending all these claims you've made, you run away. What a surprise.

I always defended you when you were accused of being a shill

Also, this is more BS. You've spent the last several days painting me as a shill for Trump, claiming I "worship" him and "glorify him" and a bunch of other hogwash when you can't defend your position. You need to take a serious look in the mirror.

But what to expect from someone who attacked me for calling out a satanist.

When did I attack you? I think you'd better go back and read my comment history.

gamepwn ago

@think- and @Vindicator you both want the same thing. The liberation of the children who have been enslaved and used for both MKUltra and Sexual slavery for blackmail and elite depraved sick nutjobs. You both have fought off shill after shill attacks, have moderated the effort when Reddit destroyed the Pizzagate subverse, and both did so much for this community. This fight is so unnecessary, for both of you. Vindicator you are in the wrong to tell think- to fuck off, but think is in the wrong to imply you a satanist all over argociv and Aquino dispute. Sigh I wish you both would simply just actually talk this out instead of just attacking each other. Been through too much for that ya know?

think- ago

think is in the wrong to imply you a satanist over the Aquino dispute

Where did I say @Vindicator is a satanist? I said he attacked me for calling out a satanist, not that he is a satanist himself.

Apart from that, I appreciate your comment, @gamepwn. Thank you.

gamepwn ago

Ah sorry misread that then. I do mean it though, this fight is beneath you guys. I know what you mean about Trump and Vindicator I know think is not trying to disrespect FLOTUS, she is saying we should be weary of of Trump and both sides due to what we know about elites. Nothing is wrong with that. No problem think.