kazza64 ago

nice work

Vindicator ago

We dug up a lot!

think- ago

Posting this here for better visibility, it's an interview with Swedish photographer Hanna Liden, who is connected to Rachel Chandler.

You might want to watch this video about her work first: https://youtu.be/i7frScYmVcQ (NSFW)

Her photos invoke scenarios of ritual abuse.

'Thirty-four-year-old artist Hanna Liden first made her mark on the New York art scene in the mid-2000s with a series of bleak color landscape photographs populated by menacing masked youths.

In a way, these works are nature studies—rugged quarries, placid lakes, overgrown fields, and leafless forests, which give a primal, prehistoric aura. But it was the rough, gangly figures looming under Liden’s overcast skies that made her work feel so urban, delinquent, and hostile.

Liden’s photographs, many of which were shot in the countryside of her native Sweden, were in some ways just as indicative of the fast-paced downtown subculture as the more streetwise art productions of her friends Nate Lowman, Agathe Snow, and the late Dash Snow.

But in the last two years, Liden has refined her vision, producing a new set of images that look simultaneously like pagan rituals and contemporary psychograms.

She’s now taken her photography inside, making her studio the primary setting, and using elaborate or found props in her self-portraits and still lifes. Earlier this year, she presented a series of shots of blackened candles, their silhouettes taking the haunting form of a demolished city skyline.

Liden’s subject matter tends toward the dark side, but she has plenty of people in New York who love her.

This month, she and Nate Lowman are collaborating on an exhibit together at Salon 94 gallery on the Upper East Side, which will not only showcase their varying histories of landscape photography and painting, but will also include more intimate notes, drawings, and paraphernalia of their long friendship.

Here, the two talk at Liden’s Chinatown studio about art, plaster masks, and living above meth labs.

NATE LOWMAN: We both came to New York in the late 1990s. What was your life like before you moved here?

HANNA LIDEN: I grew up in the suburbs in Sweden, and moved into my own apartment in Stockholm at 17. I worked as a photo assistant for a Swedish celebrity photographer, and I also worked in television. But I felt like Stockholm was too provincial, so I moved to London, where I was pretty much a slacker for a year.

I felt paralyzed by the cynical London mentality. During the day, I just watched movies I rented from the video store on Camden High Street, and at night I went to clubs and did Ecstasy. No future in that. So I moved to New York in 1998. I remember being culturally shocked by American optimism. Now I don’t notice it anymore.

LOWMAN: Can you list all of the neighborhoods you’ve lived in in New York?

LIDEN: Lower East Side, Chelsea, Upper West Side, Harlem, Williamsburg, Bushwick, SoHo, Noho . . . Now I live in Chelsea again.

LOWMAN: What’s the craziest thing that’s happened to you in one of those places?

LIDEN: The last time I lived in Chelsea, there was a meth lab in the apartment below mine. There were always fumes in the stairway. I got high from walking up the stairs. Once, the building caught fire.

I was home sleeping and was woken up by the sirens of 10 fire trucks outside my window. My instinct—or mood—told me to pull the sheets over my head and just wait it out. I didn’t feel like getting out of bed at all, but I was forced to when a fireman started knocking really hard on the door of my tiny studio.

As I opened the door, they were already getting ready to kick it down. Five firefighters dressed in smoke gear entered my apartment. They were using some electronic device to search for heat inside the walls. They looked like they were going to knock the walls out. I just left and went to have a drink in the bar downstairs. A week later the lab was back in business.

LOWMAN: What are you working on art-wise now?

LIDEN: I’m working on the show that I’m doing with you in November. That’s mostly about landscapes.

LOWMAN: The show is a pairing of my landscape paintings, which are largely of tombstones, with landscape photographs that you’ve taken in different parts of the world. But you also have a solo show before that, in Zurich.

LIDEN: Yeah, that one is almost like a photo show about painting. I realized that today. I’m building all these sets in my studio—which are still lifes—and a lot of them reference different paintings. I really wasn’t even doing that consciously.

LOWMAN: I’ve visited your studio on and off for years. And even when you were shooting landscapes, you were building tons of elaborate props and masks—combining handmade items with things you’d just come across and bought. Is this studio still-life photography similar to the landscapes for you? Is it basically just bringing that practice indoors?

LIDEN: The still-life series came about when I was working on my show at Rivington Arms in 2006. I decided to shoot some of the props that were intended to be incorporated in the narrative landscapes. That’s how it began. Recently I did a whole still-life series with black candles. To me, those candle photos are really cityscapes, so that is really moving away from nature and bringing the work into the city.

LOWMAN: Yeah, they have that feeling of a skyline to them.

LIDEN: I’ve been feeling compelled to do all of my work from start to finish in the city. I don’t have the urge to leave here as much as I did before. So this is a change in my process. I used to make so many props in my studio and they’d travel back and forth to Europe in my suitcase for shoots. There were lots of masks made from molds of my own face, in plaster, resin, papier-mâché, etc . . .

LOWMAN: What I like about your sets is that you have intensively painted backdrops and candles that you’ve burned down for hours to the exact right length. But you also do things like you suddenly add a crumpled dollar bill shoved into the mouth of a taxidermied crow, or some weird rubber eyeball that came from a 99-cents store in Chinatown.

There is something extremely sculptural about your photography. They never remain in the second dimension for me. They even seem more like portraits than still lifes. You often put yourself in your work, even if it’s just a hand holding a skull.

LIDEN: Yes, I do. Even when I was doing the landscapes, I inserted people who kind of worked as representatives of myself. But lately I’ve been doing self-portraits in my studio. And besides myself, I don’t really shoot people at the moment.

LOWMAN: There is also something quite cinematic about your still lifes. Did film influence you? What films and genres are you drawn to?

LIDEN: When I was 20, I watched Aguirre: The Wrath of God [1972] for several months. And I watched every other [Werner] Herzog film that I could get a hold of. I think he’s been a big spiritual inspiration.

As a teenager, I loved David Lynch. I watched Eraserhead [1976] and The Elephant Man [1980] a lot. Another film that is somehow always with me is Tetsuo: The Iron Man [1989]. It’s incredibly creepy. I liked to watch the same film lots of times for a long period. I remember being very taken by A Nightmare on Elm Street [1984] as a child. It terrified me.

The other big piece of film was Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” [1983]. I loved the scary, campy stuff. I never liked films about dogs and girls and boys and little mermaids and things like that. And, of course, growing up in Sweden, [Ingmar] Bergman was always on the television. I remember Fanny and Alexander [1982] always being on at Christmastime.

LOWMAN: Herzog and MJ should have made a movie together! Do you think that your shift toward working in the studio and away from cinematic tendencies has to do with New York City?

LIDEN: I don’t think I would have ever thought of making those cinematic landscapes in the first place unless I had been in New York City—or at least in America. They were really a crossover between Nordic landscapes, paganism, and American horror cinema. But I’m not really new to the city anymore. I’ve been here for 35 percent of my life.

LOWMAN: Now that most of us have made it through our twenties, who inspires you in your early thirties?

LIDEN: Mostly my close friends—you, Dan Colen, Adam McEwen, Agathe Snow, and my sister Klara Liden. You’re all inspiring in a day-to-day kind of way—how to make the work, how to live, how to make it work.

(my emphasis)


@EricKaliberhall @9217 @swordfish69 @rooting4redpillers - this might interest you.

think- ago

The second photo in the "Family Color" series is a little girl on a couch, naked, with claw marks on her stomach, titled "Dog Scratches." https://archive.fo/z2K05

Reminds me of Balthus' polaroids series.

Vindicator ago

White rabbit, huh? Some of this stuff raises my eyebrows, even now.

new4now ago

You know who she married?

Tom Guiness

Guinness family - Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guinness_family

You have a Anita Patience Guisness married to Amschel Samuel Rothschild

Lady Caroline Blackwood, who's a Guiness, married to Lucian Freud

Get Ready for this....

10 Strange Stories About The Fascinating Guinness Family

In 1929, socialite Diana Mitford married Arthur’s distant descendant, Bryan Guinness. They had two children, Desmond and Jonathan, who would go on to inherit the Guinness empire. Their mother’s story, however, is a pretty baffling one. In the early 1930s, she began an affair with the leader of the British Union of Fascists, Oswald Mosley. Mosley, who was also married, refused to divorce his wife for her but married Diana once she had died—after Diana left her husband.They were married in the drawing room of Joseph Goebbels, with Adolf Hitler himself in attendance. Diana and her sister Unity had a close friendship with Hitler, which Diana would defend until the day she died, once declaring: “The man I knew could not have done all that. Perhaps he went a little mad.” Along with her sons by Bryan Guinness, Diana lived in Germany throughout the 1930s, although they would eventually move back after the war broke out. Her children with Mosley were forced to rely on private tutors, since no British school would accept them as pupils.To make things even more complicated, Diana was also related to Winston Churchill—his wife was her father’s cousin. During the war, Diana and Oswald were briefly imprisoned under a law that allowed the wartime government to jail anyone that they deemed a threat to national security—they were accused of helping to establish pro-Nazi radio stations in Germany. Thanks to their ties with Churchill, the Mosleys didn’t suffer too much—they were allowed a small house, private gardens, and could even recruit other prisoners to be their personal servants.After the war, they lived mostly in France, near their good friends the Duke of Windsor and Wallace Simpson, although they frequently returned to England—especially to help the campaign to prevent non-white immigration into the country.

There's other good stuff in this one


Mitford is Tom's Grandma

Tom Guinness & Rachel Guinness Married, Joint Family Tree & History - FameChain https://www.famechain.com/family-tree/27650/tom-guinness/rachel-guinness

@Vindicator @think @srayzie

kestrel9 ago

Regarding Wallis Simpson... more ties to fascism.

Wallis Simpson aka Duchess of Windsor, American Royalty, Socialites and Fascism

These people are all connected.

Vindicator ago

They were married in the drawing room of Joseph Goebbels, with Adolf Hitler himself in attendance. Diana and her sister Unity had a close friendship with Hitler, which Diana would defend until the day she died, once declaring: “The man I knew could not have done all that. Perhaps he went a little mad.”

Wait, you're saying that Rachel Chandler married the grandson of a woman who was close friends with Hitler and Goebbels? Did I get that right? You are fucking kidding me.

new4now ago

I remember seeing something about sisters and Hitler hmmm

new4now ago

I linked it

Rothschilds and Freud too

Can you believe it?

Hope the links aren't taken down

srayzie ago

That is very interesting!

new4now ago

Sry look at one one who she married

Very very interesting

new4now ago

He's tied with Rothschilds, Freud, Hitler

srayzie ago

Yeah, I was surprised by the Hitler connection!

new4now ago

Did you see both of my comments?

Hanna Linden?

srayzie ago

Yes! I just watched that video too!

new4now ago

I went a different way

In a lot of Rachel's pic was a woman by the name of Hanna Linden

Here is some of her pics, notice what the smoke looks like


Now this bothered me bad

Turn off music, it doesn't help what your looking at


Watch "Hanna Liden - Photography" on YouTube https://youtu.be/i7frScYmVcQ

Maybe needs to be archived

@Vindicator @NOMOCHOMO @think-

Moving on to another name

Saw pic of her with Mary Kate Olsen, but that's not the name

I feel nauseous

Vindicator ago

"These people are sick."

Was that first pic a bunch of naked kids? Demon worship is getting so boring. :-/ They never come up with anything new.

What are you seeing in the smoke? Maybe a baby skull?

new4now ago

Did you see the pentagram in video on road pic, in middle of road?

Vindicator ago

Yep. Corny AF

These people falling over themselves to be edgy...so lame. Old Scratch is laughing his ass off.

new4now ago

I see demons

The one looks something Egyptian with circular necklace

See kinda a skull

Look up Liden first, could be Heeby jeebies

Vindicator ago

Yeah, her bio pic with the black eye shadow like she got beaten with the Ugly Stick. Hard to believe anyone would spend money on that stuff.

think- ago

@new4now, would you consider doing a post about Hanna Liden? And her connection to Rachel Chandler? You might want to include the video you posted above.

@shewhomustbeobeyed might be able to help you with archiving Instagram pics.

You can post to v/pizzagateart first, if you want to get some feedback before posting to the main sub. (You would need to accept the Submitter invite I sent you some time ago, though. ;-)).

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Anytime I can be of assistance, let me know.


Whereinthehellami ago

I have tons of one degree of separation super sketchy IG pics and kind of a flowchart going. A lot of shit in Sweden.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Did you post them?

think- ago

Thanks, that's very kind of you. :-)

new4now ago

Ok, trying to find Rachel's family

Will try later

srayzie ago

That video.... my gosh 😒

new4now ago

Her pictures were telling also, saw them before the video

That's how I found it

This was supposively in the mid 2000

srayzie ago

Such darkness

new4now ago

My thoughts got darker

new4now ago

@Srayzie @shewhomustbeobeyed , to add to your collection :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


new4now ago

Thank You

Busy looking up, didnt want to go looking how to archive

Sorry, :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Anytime you think I might miss something, feel free to ping me.

new4now ago

Got some interesting stuff this dive

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yes indeed.

new4now ago


SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagateart submission by @think-.

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Vindicator ago

Great contributions, everyone! All night I was trying to remember the details of a post a few months ago that these artists reminded me of, and this morning it popped into my head. Having seen these "artists", now read this dig by @kestrel9 into the family sex movement in Germany. It's virtually the EXACT same thing:

Red Freedom Club, Germany, The Sexual Revolution and Children: How the Left Took Things Too Far

@Nomochomo @think- @New4now @srayzie

kestrel9 ago

And the same BS happened with the sadomasochist bisexual freak Alfred Kinsey's 'research' (more fascism and child abuse/rape/murder). Recall the The Story of Moira Greyland (daughter of 'Mists of Avalon' author, Marion Zimmer Bradley) & SciFi loving Pedo, Walter Breen The mother hated her daughter but felt that she had to abuse her sexually 'for her own good'. These sick people teach incest and child molestation and rape. There's a sickness within parts of the letter community that believes it too, especially the gay pedos, and they believe not just that they're 'equal' but that they are superior to heterosexuals. They believe that the world needs to free the children (those lucky enough not to butchered at birth) from "hang ups" and from their parents not sexually fondling them.

Vindicator ago

It's really twisted.


There is a correlation between people who promote "nudism" "free love"/"alternative lifestyle" and people who promote "sex education"

The Child Seducers




I'm working on a post on people included here and the aforementioned nudism/sex ed/psychology/behavioral research within. It's a big wormhole that goes back the German freikoperkultur movement and probable blackmail institutions similar to esalen institute

Vindicator ago

Looking forward to seeing that

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@NOMOCHOMO the ewetoob link doesn't work. Is it just me?


Thank you, fixed


I had been claiming right along that there was an incon- trovertible link between the smut and pornography peddlers and the sex instruction promoters. This tie becomes clearer every day.

For instance, I discovered that the very first nudity group in the nation was an outfit called Nature Friends. They es- tablished the first “skin camps” in America through the au- spices of the Communist Party in the early Thirties. The name of the camp was Midvale and it was located just off the Snake Dew Road, Wanaque, New Jersey.

Midvale is still in existence, with FBI director J. Edgar Hoover announcing that the camp is a “Communist training area.”

The club they referred to was the W.E.B. DuBois Club, a Communist youth group named after a Negro traitor who fled to Africa and died there some years ago.

The camp was a permanent facility maintained by the Com- munist Party and top Party officials who acted as teachers for youth in attendance there.

In 1967 a group of campers was raided by South Carolina mountaineers who had heard all about their nudity, free love and integration in a summer camp in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

A number of those campers fled north to Midvale, where they could be safer.

Nature Friends was, and still is, an international arm of the Communist conspiracy, formed in most countries of the western world, with chapters and camps in scores of cities and states in America.

The purpose of the camps was described in the hearing of the Special Committee on UnAmerican Activities, 75th Congress, Volume One, page 556.

“Nature Friends seem to receive more attention than any other unit. This organization is widely organized throughout the country. It not only maintains outdoor activities, but it also operates an agit-prop (agitation and propaganda) section, music groups, film and photo sections (lewd, nudie films), chess groups, gymnastics, dance groups, scouts, lecture groups and summer camps.”

In the Guide to Subversive Organizations of the United States Congress, “Nature Friends” is called “an international Communist affiliated movement which swept over our nation through its appeal to lovers of outdoors.”

At one time the camps had 170,000 American members who took part in 400 physical activities.

The UnAmerican Activities report ends with, “Whether or not Nature Friends are in any way connected with the nudist fashion is not yet known, but it is common knowledge that nude bathing among mixed sexes is practiced at Communist summer camps.”

Of course, skinny-dipping and what not, is de rigeur these days on college campuses, at hippie festivals and at Sensitivity Training sessions.

Since the Congressional report was issued it has been proven that nudity did prevail at Midvale and the other related camps.

Herman Thomas, an FBI undercover agent, reported to the 84th Congress, “I attended several closed meetings of the Communist Party with Frances (Grabow), but on one of the latest occasions, after the party went underground in 1950 (when Joe McCarthy was hot on their tails before the U.S. government shut him up permanently), I met her and another member friend of the Communist Party at an affair at the Nature Friends Camp near Valley, Pennsylvania. I made ar- rangements there with the other person to pick up Communist Party literature in Philadelphia, inasmuch as they weren’t using the mails ...”

So, what does all this have to do with the public schools and sex instruction?

Well, read on and you’ll find out.

The Los Angeles based Elysium Institute exists for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is to promote free love and nudity.

Ed Lange,* head of the group, publishes a number of maga- zines such as “Ankh,” “Nude Living,” “Sun Disc,” “Nude Lark” and “Nudist Idea.”

He also publishes the official magazine of the American Sunbathing Association called Nudism Today.

Lange is vociferously in favor of school sex instruction and in his magazine was listed a chart of affiliated organizations. Among that assorted group of not-so-odd outfits (if you really know what they are up to) is dear old SIECUS, along with assorted nudie and psycho-political organizations.

For instance, Elysium describes itself as “a non-profit organization whose real purpose is research and dissemination of information in the behavioral sciences relating to nudity and the body taboo neuroses so prevalent in our nation. The Institute promotes self acceptance of others through a whole- some attitude toward the human body and its functions, both physical and emotional, including sexuality.”

Now, if you substitute the word “sexuality” for the word “nudity” you have pretty well found the self description used by SIECUS.

*Lange was arrested in July, 1970 on a variety of charges.

When Dr. Mary Calderone spoke in Santa Monica in 1969, she was approached by Mrs. Lillian Drake, co-producer of an anti-sex instruction film called “Pavlov’s Children.” Mrs. Calderone first attempted to deny that her group’s name appeared in nudie magazines, according to Mrs. Drake, and then, when faced with the magazine as evidence, “flew into a huff and brushed me off.”

Podge512 ago

I recall reading a while back that Michael Stipe of REM fame was an avid collector of Sally Mann's paedophilic "art" (Stipe was also named in a CDAN blind item as having raped a young Jonathan Rhys-Meyers during the filming of Velvet Goldmine, which Stipe co-produced with the Weinstein brothers, no less!)


mrohm ago

I heard a lot of rumors in the 90s that Stipe was a major "pizza" aficionado.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Disturbing? Somewhat, some of it. Is some of this considered pornography though? I would disagree with that. Doesn't really show anything. Pretty strange though.

Vindicator ago

Seems more exploitative than pornographic, if that isn't putting too fine a point on things.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I've thought about it. Now I think it's simply a liberal (weirdo loser) con artist (parasite) "alarm". The people that I've seen in all of these things are acting. EASY to look disturbed if you know how to exploit. These parasite losers think they can play us (taxdollars? donations?) like a fiddle.

gaslight ago

Found this photo by pedophile photographer Chelbin. Could there be a tie to Obama's photo? https://video-images.vice.com/articles/5b69dd026a472e000632efcb/lede/1533667977284-Bogdan-Ukraine-2017.jpeg?resize=720%3A%2A

thebearfromstartrack ago

I have no idea what I'm looking at.

gaslight ago

It's the same as Obama's Presidential portrait - Obama in the chair surrounded by flowers. Obama had a relationship with "Wendy"... a child. This child was photographed often by a pedophile photographer. The photo I attached was taken by a notorious pedophile photographer. Have you ever seen the meme "Where are the children? Obama knows." How odd that this pedophile portrait is so similar to Obama's portrait. Coincidenc?

thebearfromstartrack ago

Oh. I'll look into that I guess. I had no idea ANY of that had happened. Was Wendy AT LEAST a nigger?

think- ago

Crossposting this comment from v/theawakening:

4TheRepublic 2 points (+2|-0) 3.7 hours ago (edited 3.2 hours ago)

Not sure just yet. Still digging. I'll just leave this here...

Inspecting elements on this page: https://pleasurephoto.wordpress.com/tag/michal-chelbin/

Found hidden nodes for Mary Rachel Chandler, Rachel Chandler Guinness, and Dianne Chandler. Not certain yet what this means.


Vindicator ago

So, if Chandler and Chelbin are both handlers for children being trafficked to exclusive Caribbean island resorts frequented by the elite, the "art" photography could basically be a shopping catalog.

Could the "nodes" embedded in the Chelbin site be to help shoppers find other handlers?

think- ago

the "art" photography could basically be a shopping catalog.

Well, in the case of Chandler I'm sure it is. Dianne Chandler seems to have been a former Playboy model, possibly Rachel Chandler's mother (but that's not proven).

Vindicator ago


think- ago

FWIW, Paddle8 auctioned one of Chelbin's photos:

https:// paddle8.com/auction/aperture2014/

letsdothis3 ago

Btw, that post is now linking to a story that has just come out about Adam Lanza's psychiatrist who worked at yale child study center:

Another partner of Heads Together [the charity William,Kate, harry and Sparkles push]:

In conjunction with The Anna Freud Centre (UK) and Yale University Child Study Centre (USA) we have formed a unique collaboration in establishing the International Training School in Infancy and Early Years (ITSIEY). ITSIEY opened its doors to students in January 2012 with modules running in the UK (London) and USA (New Haven) sites.

Here's how..


On December 17, 2012 Connecticut police reached Dr. Fox to interview him about the Adam Lanza case. The psychiatrist had moved to New Zealand after things had gotten a bit hot for him in the Northeast.

Just six months earlier, the 59 year old psychiatrist had been accused of sexual assault of a female patient while practicing as a psychiatrist in Brookfield, Connecticut. The patient in question was 19 years old, and state records show that Fox prescribed her “three to four” psychiatric drugs and also gave her free samples. The girl’s mother stated her daughter “was turning into a zombie.”

Following this accusation, Dr. Fox voluntarily gave up his license to practice in New York and Connecticut and began working as a psychiatrist in New Zealand, almost 9,000 miles away from his former office.

..>..During his time in New Zealand, he treated Nicky Stevens, the son of local politician Dave Macpherson. Nicky died while under psychiatric care.

Dr. Fox was de-registered by the New Zealand Medical Council in February 2014. When Dr. Fox moved back to Maine he discovered his sexual abuse of patients in Connecticut had not been forgotten by the authorities. He was arrested at his home in Peaks Island, Maine on April 20th, 2016 by detectives and Homeland Security Agents and charged with three counts of second-degree sexual assault.

What is Known About Adam Lanza’s Psychiatric Treatment?

Dr. Fox had prescribed the antidepressant Lexapro for Adam. Both Adam and his mother Nancy were reluctant to use the medication. Kathleen Koenig, a nurse specialist in psychiatry at the Yale Child Study Center convinced them to try it.

..Did Adam Lanza, while under the psychiatric care of Dr. Fox or while a patient at Yale Child Study Center, participate in a clinical trial? (In other words, was Lanza receiving experimental treatments?)

Related voat posts re Yale Child Study Center:


But a prescient note from Hillary's law school experience is that one of her teachers at the Yale Child Study Center was Anna Freud.

As part of her ( Hillary's ) focus on children's welfare and the law, she expanded her studies to children's psychology and development at the Yale Child Study Center, where she helped research the book Beyond the Best Interest of the Child, by Anna Freud, Al Solnit, and Sally Provence.

Child Mind Institute board directors, children and Anti-depressants, Big pharma, Clintons, Podesta Group, Yale, ICMEC and Goldman Sachs. It's all here folks.

Podesta's boss is extremely closely connected to Clement Freud's Aunt. We're at two degrees of separation.

Yale Child Study Center partners with Partners in Education (PIE) https://medicine.yale.edu/childstudy/education/practitioner/pie/article.aspx?id=13433 but I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

think- ago

Interesting, thanks.

Otto- ago

Fuckin' aye, you guys are already on it while I'm just reading up. Keep the effort going, before any other distractions throw us off the mark again. The more progress we make in this window, I suspect the more confirmation we get from Q. I'll try look into the Standard Hotel connection, using 7 different search engines if I need. Then I'll reverse-image search some photos, see what other websites or endorsements show up.

We never did finish this Ray Chandler connection, I felt, and evidently so did Q. Maybe one of the "You have more than you know" references. This is amazing the see such coordinated response times and research. I'm humbled to ride with your waves, guys.

Vindicator ago

We never did finish this Ray Chandler connection

Yes. Or "Haiti". It's very frustrating. Folks get burned out. We just have to keep coming back and taking a stab at it again. We are much, much stronger now than we were before. Just on Voat, we've got three times as many people tuned into this as we did a year ago (and that doesn't even count the number of folks who are now active across multiple platforms like 8chan and Twitter).

Back when I wrote this submission and this submission, though, it was mostly just v/pizzagate looking at this stuff here on Voat.

You'll notice every time we did it, a crew of Q bashers flooded the comments with vitriolic attacks.

think- ago

I'm not getting the connection between Chelbin and Rachel Chandler, though

Chelbin's photos seem to depict many Eastern European children / teenagers. A possibility would be that she takes pics, and someone in the US decides which of the children depicted will be trafficked.

(mere speculation of course)

Chandler runs a modeling agency = many of her models look like trafficking victims. There are many established lines of trafficking from Eastern Europe to the US, partly via Mexico / South America (remember Epstein).

kestrel9 ago

Here's info on Chelbins work in the Ukraine (project for last 3 years): Michal Chelbin’s photography is an unusual insight into Ukraine’s military boarding schools

think- ago

Thank you! :-)

kestrel9 ago

Your welcome. It would be interesting to know her connections while working in the Ukraine. Soros country.

Vindicator ago

There are many established lines of trafficking from Eastern Europe to the US

Makes me wonder how much Melania knows.

think- ago

You can be sure that she knows a couple of things. Makes me wonder how she felt when they socialized with Epstein.

It was not only obvious that he was into girls, 'many of them are on the younger side', it seems to have been obvious too that he got girls from Eastern countries, and kept them at his NY town house. I recall reading that someone thought it was totally weird that so many girls from Eastern Europe were at this parties (the kind of parties Prince Andrew attended).

Vindicator ago

when they socialized with Epstein

Melania socialized with Epstein? Links?

think- ago

Err....@Vindicator? There are photos of Epstein with Trump and Melania. You have seen them. Melania's phone number is in his little black book (IIRC), together with lots of phone numbers of Trump and the Mar-a-Lago staff. Since he was a Mar-A-Lago member.

Do you want me to do a post with photos of the occasions when Trump and Melania were photographed with Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell?

Vindicator ago

Sure. I've never seen them. I'm assuming that was after it came out that he was trafficking kids?

think- ago

That was during the time when Trump said Epstein was a 'terrific guy' and acknowledged that many of Epstein's women 'are on the younger side'. :-)

Vindicator ago

So, long before the girl's mom went to the police and people found out he was a pedo.

think- ago

and people found out he was a pedo


IIRC, Epstein's mansion is quite close to Mar-a-Lago. The mansion where he got massages from girls every day several times a day, and raped some of them.

Epstein was a member of Mar-A-Lago.

He and Ghislaine Maxwell felt so safe there, they even groomed one of Trump's towel girls.

Trump said many of Epstein's women were 'on the younger side'.

I think he didn't mean Ghislaine Maxwell when he was saying that. /s

Imo, Trump knew perfectly well what Epstein did.

Trump might not be sophisticated, but he isn't an idiot. He would have been a bad club owner and businessman, if he hadn't known about Epstein's activities.

Do you think he never heard about the 'Lolita Express'?

kestrel9 ago

The father of the girl, a maintenance man at the hotel, felt so safe there that he got his sex trafficked, rape victim daughter a job as a towel girl, so that she could begin to heal, after her captor was indicted.

In Miami, the runaway became a captive of a 65-year-old sex trafficker, Ron Eppinger. For months, she says, she was sexually abused, kept in an apartment and pimped out to pedophiles. After his indictment in 2000 on trafficking charges, Roberts returned to West Palm Beach and tried to heal. That summer, when Roberts was 16, she said her father helped her get a job as a locker room attendant at the spa at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, records show. Her father worked at the resort as a maintenance man.

kestrel9 ago

That's why he kicked Epstein out of Mar a Lago. https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2016/04/jeffrey-epstein-sex-slave-lawyer-donald-trump-accusations/ and yes I'm familiar with the Jane Doe lawsuit scam against Trump that turned out to be funded by a huge Bush supporter.

Wouldn't it be easier to start a 'Trump is a Pedo' sub instead of stomping all over people trying to do research? /s

think- ago

Wouldn't it be easier to start a 'Trump is a Pedo' sub instead of stomping all over people trying to do research? /s

Excuse me, it wasn't me who brought up Melania and what she possibly knew.

think- 3 points (+3|-0) 1.7 days ago (edited 1.7 days ago)

I'm not getting the connection between Chelbin and Rachel Chandler, though

Chelbin's photos seem to depict many Eastern European children / teenagers. A possibility would be that she takes pics, let's say in Russia, and someone in the US decides which of the children depicted will be trafficked.

(mere speculation of course)

Chandler runs a modeling agency = many of her models look like trafficking victims. There are many established lines of trafficking from Eastern Europe to the US, partly via Mexico / South America (remember Epstein).

Further speculation: Chandler might employ a bunch of scouts who take pics of Eastern European children and teenagers.

That was @Vindicator.

[–] Vindicator [S] 1 points (+1|-0) 1.5 days ago

There are many established lines of trafficking from Eastern Europe to the US

Makes me wonder how much Melania knows.

yes I'm familiar with the Jane Doe lawsuit scam against Trump that turned out to be funded by a huge Bush supporter.

I never mentioned that lawsuit here. In fact, I told @Vindicator either in a public comment or in a PM (not sure) that I read the witness statement, and don't believe that the accusations are legit.

Next time you might just want to ask me what I think about specific allegations against Trump.

Wouldn't it be easier to start a 'Trump is a Pedo' sub instead of stomping all over people trying to do research? /s

Nothing I posted on this thread wasn't connected to the OP. The only thing I am sorry about is that I self-censored myself for too long, and didn't dare to write anything that doesn't seem to be regarded as mainstream on this sub. That was clearly a mistake.

But we all learn from mistakes, so that will never happen again. :-)

kestrel9 ago

Why would you censor yourself, unleash it by all means. You think Trump is a complicit part of pedophile Epstein's grooming of young girls, you think Melania is implicit in it and you make snarky remarks about Ivanka having worked for Balazs (which btw, I did find the answer to your question, the truth is not so convicting and presumptive of some kind of guilt as your comment implied) and FWIW, Balazs said he didn't know Trump that well (2017 interview).

There's updates to one of the links you posted, but you're not interested in the real implications you make in light of what logic dictates, so why bother. Summary: In light of the updated info, you're squarely on the same side as Eric Holder, Adam Schiff and Obama. Go figure.

think- ago

you think Melania is implicit in it

No. I said Trump and Melania were socializing with Trump, that's all. I even explained that the reason why Epstein had Melania's phone number in his book was that he was a member of Mar-a-Lago.

which btw, I did find the answer to your question, the truth is not so convicting and presumptive of some kind of guilt as your comment implied

Well, would you have a link where you point that out?

FWIW, Balazs said he didn't know Trump that well (2017 interview).

Yes, I know. Where did I talk about Trump and Balazs?

There's updates to one of the links you posted, but you're not interested in the real implications you make in light of what logic dictates, so why bother.

Well, if you want to hold against me that I didn't post these updates (I'm not aware of), it might be good to post them.

In light of the updated info, you're squarely on the same side as Eric Holder, Adam Schiff and Obama. Go figure.

No, I can't 'figure', because you don't link to the updates.

And if you want to hold against me that I come to the same conclusions as other people about some topics or people or events: I don't care. I'm non-partisan. Sometimes I'm of the same opinon as the writer of a globalist news outlet (I still read The Guardian everyday, sometimes I'm of the same opinion as some ultra-conservatives.

Vindicator ago

How much time did Trump spend glad-handing guests at Mar-a-Lago?

When was the "Lolita Express" first talked about?


How much time did Trump spend glad-handing guests at Mar-a-Lago?

Who knows but we know he "glad-handed" Epstein @ Mar a Lago in 2000. That's the photo @think- is referencing

Donald Trump, Melania Knauss (now Melania Trump), Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell at the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida on February 12, 2000. (Davidoff Studios/Getty Images)


Trump's statement about Epstein's "girls on the younger side" was in 2002


obviously Trump knew about Epstein's proclivities.

Who knows to what extent Trump or Melania knew about the entire pedo ring/brownstone, but I suspect they did.

Vindicator ago

Who knows but we know he "glad-handed" Epstein @ Mar a Lago in 2000. That's the photo @think- is referencing

Thanks for linking that. I hadn't seen that before. That looks like a bunch of people standing around for a large event, not the Trumps "socializing" with Epstein and Maxwell, which implies a deliberate seeking out of each other's company. What event was this?

Trump's statement about Epstein's "girls on the younger side" was in 2002

So Epstein was almost 50 years old at the time. Which means Trump (or any other normal person) could see him with a 22 year old and make that cradle robber jab. The article that quotes him that you linked refers twice to Epstein being a "ladies man", yet it never mentions involvement with young models, teens, or kids. I think it's a pretty big leap to claim Trump "obviously" knew about Epstein's "proclivities."


What event was this?

Not sure it happened on Feb 12, 2000 (still looking though)

So Epstein was almost 50 years old at the time. Which means Trump (or any other normal person) could see him with a 22 year old and make that cradle robber jab.

I disagree. Trump was 66/67 in 2002 when he made that comment. (Older than Epstein)

Also Trump met Melania when he was 52 and she was 25/26. So by that same standard Trump is into "young women"

IMO that isn't what he's referring to. He's saying both are into women, but Jeffrey likes them "on the younger side."

So either Trump knew, or he didn't and made a dig at Epstein for doing the same thing Trump is/was known for (dating young models)

Now even if Trump knew, I don't necessarily think he was involved.

Considering the NY mag interview was in 2002 and Epstein was soliciting at mar a lago a few years later, I could see Epstein interpreting Trump's quote as tacit approval, and beginning to recruit from mar a lago.



Only tagging you because I somewhat agree with you and want your input

(Not trying to create drama or beef, I think this is one of the most important pgate discussions that hasn't been resolved for many people)

think- ago

How much time did Trump spend glad-handing guests at Mar-a-Lago?

Epstein wasn't a guest, he was a member. And Trump has been known for hanging out there a lot.

When was the "Lolita Express" first talked about?

Surely a long time before that lawsuit.

Vindicator ago

"Been known to" and "surely" do not constitute evidence.

think- ago

I don't give a shit what you think it looks like. You started talking about Melania, not me.

But thank you for pointing out that begging to differ with you is now regarded as 'spamming'.

And if you think that I will censor myself when writing comments, you're wrong.

Remember your recent PM when you even asked me that I might want to re-consider the way I write comments on my own threads.


Vindicator ago

I'm not the one claiming the smart, beautiful and gracious First Lady of the United States is party to a pedo ring involving Trump and Epstein with zero evidence, just a bunch of completely illogical generalizations and unsourced assertions. No honorable American male who loves his country and has any balls is going to take that kind of bullshit in silence. Fuck off.

think- ago

is party to a pedo ring involving Trump and Epstein

Where did I say Trump was part of Epstein's pedo ring? Do you have to make things up now in order to attack me?

The only thing I said is that imo Trump knew was Epstein was doing, not that he was a part of it. Or even that Melania was part of it. rolls eyes

No honorable American male who loves his country and has any balls is going to take that kind of bullshit in silence. Fuck off.

LOL. I'm not the one going around and asking people to censor themselves. You can write what you want, whenever you want, whereever you want, and how much you want.

You are kindly welcome to do so on my threads, whenever you feel like it.

And no, I won't fuck off. I have the same right to be here as you have.

This is not your private website, remember?

Vindicator ago

Where did I say Trump was part of Epstein's pedo ring? Do you have to make things up now in order to attack me?

Playing the victim, now, after you deliberately created drama twice in this submission, huh. Okay. Here is what you said:

"You can be sure that she knows a couple of things. Makes me wonder how she felt when they socialized with Epstein.

It was not only obvious that he was into girls, 'many of them are on the younger side', it seems to have been obvious too that he got girls from Eastern countries, and kept them at his NY town house."

That is a clear statement by you that the Trumps were socializing with Epstein with full knowledge he was raping underage girls.

You then went on to implicate Trump because Epstein was a member of his club and Maxwell recruited one of the girls there. You claimed there were multiple photos of them socializing together with Epstein, and they were on such intimate terms that Melania's phone number was in his address book. Furthermore, when asked clarifying questions about when these things occurred in relation to the girl coming forward, you dismissed the idea the Trumps did not know he was trafficking kids when they attended gatherings he also attended.

You don't now get to play stupid and claim I am "making things up". You painted a picture of Melania, a model from Eastern Europe well acquainted with the pitfalls of her industry, as going along with child rape.

I'm not the one going around and asking people to censor themselves.

Where is that happening, exactly?

And no, I won't fuck off. I have the same right to be here as you have.

You misunderstood. I meant fuck you -- for dishonestly defaming my FLOTUS.

If I wanted you gone, I sure as hell wouldn't tell you to shut up. I don't know what crawled up your butt and died, but you are doing a fine job of destroying your reputation and relationships here all on your own. I've had several DMs asking me if your account was hacked. But by all means, keep talking. FFS

think- ago

That is a clear statement by you that the Trumps were socializing with Epstein with full knowledge he was raping underage girls.

You realize it is a big difference between 'being part of a pedo ring', and knowing about pedo activities, but not doing anything against them? Yes?

I'm not playing the victim, you insinuated something I never said.

You claimed there were multiple photos of them socializing together with Epstein, and they were on such intimate terms that Melania's phone number was in his address book.

Yes, they were photographed when socializing together. Yes, Melania's number is in his little black book. It was one of the numbers (with her name attached) on the page were Trump's numbers are also listed.

I'm not the one going around and asking people to censor themselves.

Where is that happening, exactly?


You told me to fuck off. You didn't write 'fuck you', you wrote 'fuck off'.

I've had several DMs asking me if your account was hacked.

No, it wasn't. If I seem like overreacting a bit, it is because I kept my mouth shut while I was a mod. Now I just can't take it anymore. You have a photo in your OP that shows George Nader, it was posted by Q, then you should allow a discussion why a major GOP donor and Trump ally like Erik Prince employs him, and why Q doesn't call him out for that.

But I forgot - you didn't mean to censor me!

Vindicator ago

But I forgot - you didn't mean to censor me!

Where were you ever "censored"? What a load of BS. If you think Prince is an important part of pizzagate, make a submission about it. Don't spam it someone else's unrelated thread like TTT.

You have a photo in your OP that shows George Nader, it was posted by Q, then you should allow a discussion why a major GOP donor and Trump ally like Erik Prince employs him, and why Q doesn't call him out for that.

More bullshit. Wow! That is a total and complete lie. You posted the comment about Prince at 9:08am twelve hours before I updated the OP at 9:06pm and added the picture.

The post was about Chelbin and Mann. So was the discussion. You forced your agenda into the discussion and created a bunch of unnecessary and toxic drama. You then stalked my comment history, and spammed another completely off topic comment in my thread at ProtectVoat and pinged 10 users to the comment instead of making a submission.

Now you're hurling the "mods are censoring me" shill meme for calling you out on it? And your excuse for all this rude, dishonest, defamatory behavior is "it is because I kept my mouth shut while I was a mod"?

So, you were lying that whole time, too?

What else were you playacting about? Was the "shock" about EsotericShade putting your name forward as a mod fake? Was the "reformed" Hillary fan claim fake? What the hell is going on, here?

think- ago

You know what? I will not reply to your insults. I always defended you when you were accused of being a shill, both in PMs and in public, and that's the result? Wow. Just wow. I feel totally disgusted.

But what to expect from someone who attacked me for calling out a satanist.

Vindicator ago

I see. I'm the asshole, here. Instead of defending all these claims you've made, you run away. What a surprise.

I always defended you when you were accused of being a shill

Also, this is more BS. You've spent the last several days painting me as a shill for Trump, claiming I "worship" him and "glorify him" and a bunch of other hogwash when you can't defend your position. You need to take a serious look in the mirror.

But what to expect from someone who attacked me for calling out a satanist.

When did I attack you? I think you'd better go back and read my comment history.

gamepwn ago

@think- and @Vindicator you both want the same thing. The liberation of the children who have been enslaved and used for both MKUltra and Sexual slavery for blackmail and elite depraved sick nutjobs. You both have fought off shill after shill attacks, have moderated the effort when Reddit destroyed the Pizzagate subverse, and both did so much for this community. This fight is so unnecessary, for both of you. Vindicator you are in the wrong to tell think- to fuck off, but think is in the wrong to imply you a satanist all over argociv and Aquino dispute. Sigh I wish you both would simply just actually talk this out instead of just attacking each other. Been through too much for that ya know?

think- ago

think is in the wrong to imply you a satanist over the Aquino dispute

Where did I say @Vindicator is a satanist? I said he attacked me for calling out a satanist, not that he is a satanist himself.

Apart from that, I appreciate your comment, @gamepwn. Thank you.

gamepwn ago

Ah sorry misread that then. I do mean it though, this fight is beneath you guys. I know what you mean about Trump and Vindicator I know think is not trying to disrespect FLOTUS, she is saying we should be weary of of Trump and both sides due to what we know about elites. Nothing is wrong with that. No problem think.

kestrel9 ago

You can be sure that she (Melania) knows a couple of things. Makes me wonder how she felt when they socialized with Epstein.

That was during the time when Trump said Epstein was a 'terrific guy' and acknowledged that many of Epstein's women 'are on the younger side'. :-)

[–] Vindicator [S] 1 points (+1|-0) 5.7 hours ago

So, long before the girl's mom went to the police and people found out he was a pedo.

[–] think- 0 points (+1|-1) 5.1 hours ago


IIRC, Epstein's mansion is quite close to Mar-a-Lago. The mansion where he got massages from girls every day several times a day, and raped some of them. Epstein was a member of Mar-A-Lago.

He and Ghislaine Maxwell felt so safe there, they even groomed one of Trump's towel girls. Trump said many of Epstein's women were 'on the younger side'.

I think he didn't mean Ghislaine Maxwell when he was saying that. /s Imo, Trump knew perfectly well what Epstein did.

Trump might not be sophisticated, but he isn't an idiot. He would have been a bad club owner and businessman, if he hadn't known about Epstein's activities.

Do you think he never heard about the 'Lolita Express'?

Wasn't your real concern in writing about this is that you believe Trump is doing nothing? As in, "he knew then and did nothing, and he's not doing anything now" (In fact you seem to believe much worse than that)

IMO if he wasn't having an influence, then the Epstein case would not be revisited. IMO I believe it's disingenuous to say you weren't implying something more about Melania. But that's the advantage of playing word games, eh?

think- ago

Wasn't your real concern in writing about this is that you believe Trump is doing nothing? As in, "he knew then and did nothing, and he's not doing anything now"

Yes, that's what I think.

(In fact you seem to believe much worse than that)

Where exactly did I write that?

IMO I believe it's disingenuous to say you weren't implying something more about Melania.

Err....excuse me? If I had meant to imply 'something more' about Melania, I would have said so.

I think it's disingenious to allege that I meant something else.

But that's the advantage of playing word games, eh?

Boy, you must really gotten triggered. What 'word games' did I play? I wrote that she and Donald socialized with Epstein. And since Vindicator said he didn't know about it, I mentioned that she was in Epstein's book, since he was a member at Mar-a-Lago.

Sorry, @kestrel9 - it's ok if you disagree with me, and if you reply to stuff I actually wrote. It's not ok to insinuate I meant things I didn't even write.

Like the rape accusations against Trump, or 'implying something more' regarding Melania.

kestrel9 ago

two things regarding the 'much worse than this'. It's one thing to say that he knew Epstein was attracted to women 'on the younger side' (legal age is 'on the younger side', early twenties 'is on the younger side'. We don't know if Trump saw Epstein with underage girls at that time. Epstein claimed to 'own the police department', is that something Trump was supposed to know too?

At any rate, It's something else to make a case that given the proximity of Epstein's estate, that Trump would know what was happening in the privacy of that estate. Or that Trump was eyes on Epstein 24/7 because he was member at the club. How often did he visit the club when he's so busy raping girls at the estate. No rapes happened at Mar a Lago right?

Talking about 'how close it was, multiple rapes day in and day out' and then say they felt so comfortable as to groom a towel girl from the resort. (a victim of previous sex trafficking, likely very vulnerable to someone like Ghislaine approaching her.) Is Trump hanging out in the locker room, watching what the members are doing? Why wouldn't the girls father know about sex rings at the hotel, he was the maintenance man who got his daughter the job there.

All I'm saying is that's your animosity towards Trump and Melania are evident in how you phrase things. So saying you never meant to imply this or that, comes off sounding disingenuous. Like high school level. That's why I called it word games.

think- ago

Or that Trump was eyes on Epstein 24/7 because he was member at the club.

I didn't say so. Epstein had scores of girls coming to his Florida mansion. He even groomed one at the club. What I'm saying is that I don't believe that a shrewd man like Trump wouldn't know about a big operation like this. He was in the same social circles like Epstein.

So saying you never meant to imply this or that, comes off sounding disingenuous. Like high school level.

I'm afraid it is high school level to insinuate I meant things I never wrote, and then attacking me for that.

kestrel9 ago

I didn't insinuate in my last post, I laid out what you sound like to people reading. Why would anyone believe you if you start sounding like you're just saying Dindu nuttin! People are well versed in what guile sounds like around here.

think- ago

I didn't insinuate in my last post, I laid out what you sound like to people reading.

You mean Trump supporters reading. And you sound like someone who lumps in any critic of Trump with all other people who have ever critized Trump.

kestrel9 ago

You mean Trump supporters reading.

No, at the time were contributing to that thread there was at least one (maybe more) non Trump supporter who felt uncomfortable enough to comment about the direction you were going. "Seemingly" Off topic and awkwardly unconducive to the collaborative effort going on at the time.

And you sound like someone who lumps in any critic of Trump with all other people who have ever criticized Trump.

I don't think so. Prove me wrong.

Shizy ago

Saying Epstein is a "terrific guy" was probably meant as sincerely as saying Bruce Ohr's "beautiful wife Nellie"!

kestrel9 ago


think- ago


Speaking of the Standard Hotel, do we already know why Ivanka worked as an intern for its owner, André Balasz?

think- ago

think- ago

Re the pool pic:

One of the guys pictured is George Nader. He is a convicted pedophile. He worked for Bill Clinton, but has been employed by Trump ally Eric Prince as a consultant. = Still is employed as of today.

Yep. That's the same Eric Prince who has called out HRC, and is a Trump ally.

George Nader

George Nader (Arabic: جورج نادر‎, born 1959) is a Lebanese-American businessman, lobbyist, and convicted sex offender.

He has acted as an unofficial liaison between Washington politicians and Middle Eastern officials.

Nader is an adviser to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates and a consultant to Blackwater founder Erik Prince.

Nader was sentenced in the 1990s for transporting child pornography publications, and imprisoned in 2003 for sexually abusing 10 boys in the Czech Republic.

Erik Prince, founder of security firm Blackwater hired Nader to help with contracts with the Iraqi government; in a 2010 deposition Prince identified him as a "business development consultant".

In August 2016, Nader met with Donald Trump Jr. at Trump Tower offering assistance to the his father's presidential campaign.

Nader served as an envoy representing Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince and de facto ruler Mohammad bin Salman and Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The meeting included Blackwater founder Erik Prince again and Joel Zamel, an Israeli specialist in social media manipulation.

Nader attended a December 2016 meeting in New York between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) officials and president-elect Donald Trump's associates Jared Kushner, Michael Flynn, and Steve Bannon.


And then this:

Blackwater informants reveal child prostitution, sex trafficking, wife-swapping, money Laundering, arms dealing, and much more


from 2:48:

'Prince knowingly hired two persons involved in the Kosovo sex trafficking ring to serve relatively high levels in his companies'

also from 05:22 further allegations of Blackwater being involved in underage prostitution.

According to John Doe:

'Mr. Prince failed to stop the ongoing use of prostitutes, including child prostitutes, by his men.'

Sex trafficking? Kosovo? Underage prostitution? Rings a bell?


Dyncorp, the defense contractor Prince teamed up with after Trump got elected, has quite a history of being involved in child trafficking and organ trafficking in Kosovo.

TL;DR: While (rightly) calling out Hillary and her ilk, Prince has knowingly employed pedophiles, and he took one of them, George Nader, to meetings with Kushner and Trump Jr.

@letsdothis3 @ASolo @shewhomustbeobeyed @new4now @SandHog

kestrel9 ago

John Does and MSNBC?

Vindicator ago

What does Eric Prince have to do with the investigation into "art" photographers trafficking children?

think- ago

Please read my first line. Nader is on the photo Chelbin might have taken in the pool with Bill Clinton. You mentioned that in your OP.

=> Therefore I posted excerpts from Nader's bio on Wikipedia.

This is a pic provided by Q, right?

=> Therefore I asked why Q has never called out Erik Prince, who knows that Nader is a pedo, and employs him nevertheless.

=> Therefore I mentioned that Nader even had meetings with Kushner and Trump Jr. = was accepted by them although he is a pedo.

=> I recently said Republican pedos and pedos in the military were laughing their a**es off, since Q only targets Dem pedos.

You didn't seem to understand what I meant. Therefore I delved into Erik Prince, a prime example for a military industrial complex guy whom Q leaves alone.

Although Q now has called out Bill Clinton, shown in a pool with George Nader. The photo which led people here asking whether Chelbin might have been the photographer, and/or in other ways connected to the guys in the pool.

Vindicator ago

The post was not about the picture Q posted. It was about why he posted it. I didn't even add that picture to the OP until a couple of hours ago, because I didn't realize it was related until really late last night after I'd already made the submission.

Blackwater informants reveal child prostitution, sex trafficking, wife-swapping, money Laundering, arms dealing, and much more

The MSNBC video you linked claiming Blackwater is doing these things is based completely on unnamed sources.

Dyncorp, the defense contractor Prince teamed up with after Trump got elected, has quite a history of being involved in child trafficking and organ trafficking in Kosovo.

Are you claiming Prince is part of Dyncorp and therefore associated with their child trafficking? There's no support for that in what you linked. The link quotes an NYT article that says the two companies presented proposals to Mattis about the feasibility of using private contractors in Afghanistan, both of which he declined (and which Trump therefore never implemented). That site reeked of Snopes-tier fake news, though, so I dug in a bit further.

"Task & Purpose," a leftist blog targeting rank and file military families, is clearly very strongly biased against Prince, whom they ridicule as a "Jack Ryan" LARPer and "Noted Asshole" with a "private trigger-pulling company" that did "cowboy shit" that "made everybody else's life harder in Iraq." Their About page is conspicuously blank. The writer and editor, Adam Weinstein (formerly of Village Voice, Gawker and Mother Jones), recently quit in a huff when the site's CEO asked him to take the spin out of a headline because readers were complaining about the biased writing. He also appears to have an uncommon level of butthurt about Prince's religion, calling him a "Christian Crusader".

Their Prince reportage in this piece linked in the one you cited as evidence they are part of Dyncorp child trafficking, is based on the Washington Compost, a CIA propaganda racket that also employs John Podesta, which probably explains why they are pushing the debunked Russian Collusion narrative claiming Manafort was working for Trump and Russia when we now know he was really working for Tony Podesta and Hillary to try to sting Trump.

I wouldn't call these trustworthy sources, by any stretch, and certainly insufficient to know with any confidence what exactly happened with Blackwater. They don't prove anything, other than that Cabal people hate Prince.

All this is not to say that I think Prince is a good guy. He's one of the few people who has publicly confirmed pizzagate is real, and appears to be involved in some pretty heavy spy vs. spy machinations for at least the past decade. Reading his bio, it's safe to say he knows where a lot of bodies are buried. I can certainly see why he would be valuable to Trump.

It's not like there is some spotless group of insiders who have that kind of knowledge that Trump could recruit to help him drain the swamp.

auralsects ago

Lmfao now youll support a literal private mercenary army occupying countries in our name w/ zero oversight, by the reverse-logic that Trump supports it ergo they're good

And if it turns out they're actually just another Zionist tool protecting opium for Jews to sell to whites, well in that case Trump was using them for 5-D underwater backgammon.

You sound like a small child. You people are definitely the biggest laughingstock in Internet history. Even Trump's own base is abandoning him for being a fraud and a Jew.

What a stupid faggot.

Shizy ago

Stupid Jew!

Vindicator ago

now youll support a literal private mercenary army occupying countries in our name w/ zero oversight, by the reverse-logic that Trump supports it

Where's the evidence for either of these statements?

Even Trump's own base is abandoning him for being a fraud and a Jew.

Wrong. His approval numbers are excellent and steady. I'm surprised you're not a fan, Donkey. Black unemployment is the lowest in history thanks to Trump!

Besides, why as an admitted Jew yourself, what makes you think Trump is? Pretty blonde, for a Jew.

SandHog ago

Argh, so many rabbit holes so little time.

think- ago


SandHog ago

Stratfor is probably tied in there somewhere too. I never really did any deep digging on the defense contractor stuff aside from being familiar with the names/entities that were revealed via wikileaks.

think- ago

Well, here we have someone - Erik Prince - who knowingly employs pedos, at least one of them a convicted one, who has a company where men use underage prostitutes, and Prince doesn't give a shit; and on top of all this he teams up with DynCorp, who has a disturbing history of being involved in child trafficking and organ trafficking.

(And I'm not even talking about money laundering etc. which he is obviously also being involved in, or his employees killing civilians in situations where it wasn't justified.)

And, so we have someone who endorses pedophile behaviour, and exactly how many times has Q called him out?

Not. A. Single. Time.

@letsdothis3 @new4now @ASolo @SandHog @EricKaliberhall

SandHog ago

I can't speak as to what Q did or did not do or why. As you know I don't follow that. I will say that the swamp is the swamp precisely because these people keep getting recycled across different administrations. When positions need filled at that level of government they get filled by the most 'qualified' people from a very small pool of those who have the specialized experience, skill set and connections. Which is why these same people keep popping up over and over again. The thing is that most of the qualified people are either mired in this stuff in some capacity or have connections to the ones who are. It's a small world and the players protect and promote one another regardless of which party is in charge. Prince is definitely slimy. Dunno about his sister.

I will also say that I don't believe for one second that Trump is complicit in this if that is what you are implying. If there was real dirt on him they would have used it to take him out in the primaries and served us up the 'choice' of Clinton or Bush and nothing would have changed. I also don't think he understood exactly what he was getting into given the amount of turnover there has been in his administration since he got in.

think- ago

I will say that the swamp is the swamp precisely because these people keep getting recycled across different administrations.


I will also say that I don't believe for one second that Trump is complicit in this if that is what you are implying.

Define 'complicit'. I define it as 'looking the other way', and 'cooperating with people and companies regardless of their shady and criminal activities'.

Sending Kushner and Roger Stone to meet with a convicted pedo as if this would be a normal thing to do is being 'complicit'.

Looking the other way when your buddy, mentor and attorney is (at best) friends with pedos, and is working for pedos, or maybe even running a child rape blackmail racket is being complicit.

Tolerating Epstein in his Mar-a-Lago club is being 'complicit'.

Giving money to dirty military industrial complex companies like DynCorp, who have been known for being involved in child trafficking and organ trafficking is being 'complicit'.

And if we allege Q = Trump's PR department, stating 'Trump is saviour, military is saviour' is frightening.

Last time I checked, Christ was saviour. Pushing the idea of military tribunals like Q does is the first step to facism.

Trump is endorsing, supporting and financing the dirty military industrial complex. Q obviously doesn't indend to call these people out for their pedo activities.

If there was real dirt on him they would have used it to take him out

This is not the way it works. You have dirt on people, and you keep them in check with it. He would not have been able to become POTUS if they hadn't dirt on him. (Although I have no idea what kind of dirt this may be.)

I also don't think he understood exactly what he was getting into given the amount of turnover there has been in his administration since he got in.

He doesn't have the people skills he would need in this position. That's one reason for the turnover.

@letsdothis3 @shewhomustbeobeyed @ASolo @EricKaliberhall

kestrel9 ago

Do you believe he colluded with the Russians to win?

think- ago

No. I think that the whole 'muh Russian collusion' story misses the point, and is a psy-op by the globalists.

I never could wrap my head around why Trump seemed to like Putin so much though when he first came into office.

Then I read about his Trump Tower-in-Moscow-plans, and I thought 'bingo'.

But that's about it. I think he had business interests in Russia, not that there was any big 'Russian collusion' regarding the elections.

The irony of the whole 'muh Russian collusion' story is that, of course, the Dems have always had ties to Russia, which they did not handle in a - ahem - very transparent way.

According to the Daily Mail, Nader gave $ 2,000,000 to an Israeli company specialized in Social Media campaigns after the election. He, Prince and the Israeli company's Psy-Group's CEO allegedly met before the election to discuss a Social Media campaign in order to support Trump.

I think this is likely true, since it is no surprise that the Saudis (> Nader), the military industrial complex (> Prince) and the Israelis (> Social Media company 'Psy-Group') wanted Trump to become POTUS.



SandHog ago

I think you are misreading the situation. That said I really don't want to get into it about Trump. I'm not here for that. Please don't take this personally because this isn't about you at all and I don't want you take it that way. I both like and respect you and I have no issue with your opinions on this topic even though we happen to disagree. This is simply my position and thoughts on the matter in general and they are not going to change barring a betrayal of epic proportion.

Trump is not like them. There is no real evidence he is like them aside form the Epstein stuff but everyone who was anyone has ties to Epstein. That was the whole point. Seek out rich and powerful people and compromise them. I've looked through all of the shit they threw at him from the very beginning of his campaign. You have some idea of how autistically thorough I can be and I have seen nothing that would indicate he is part of 'the club'. Don't just take my word for it. By all means dig as much as you feel the need to. I'll not discourage you from that. I'm just not interested in participating because I came to my own conclusions a long time ago.

Conversely, I will not do the work of the deranged (((progressive))) pieces of shit that are in the process of gleefully destroying what is left of my country culturally, economically and demographically. These same people who are doing their damndest to convince a generation of children that it is perfectly normal for them to choose their own gender. These people who delight in the perversion of every tradition, moral standard and religious belief that was responsible for the very creation my country and the formation of my own values. I cannot adequately express the disdain and disgust I hold for these people. I will not hand them ammunition in the form of information that they will then warp and use as a weapon against me and everything I stand for. I will not do it.

Trump has been attempting to do everything he said he would before he took office. The forces aligned against him are not doing so as part of some elaborate psyop. (((Hollywood))) (((MSM))) (((Social Media))) They absolutely fucking loathe him to the bottom of their black souls. There is a reason the voices of his supporters are silenced and censored across the breadth of the social media landscape. Hell, it's how a lot us found our way here. There is a reason the propaganda level has been cranked up to twelve over the last few years; they even ripped the damn knob off and threw it away. If he is taken down there will be blood in the streets. I'd like to avoid that if at all possible. I'm not entirely sure that it is over the long run to be quite honest. I don't know if one man is even capable of altering a system so vile, corrupt and entrenched. I hope so because the alternative is exceedingly violent and messy and the eventual outcome is far from clear. I remain optimistic because to choose otherwise leads to a descent into nihilism and self-hatred. If he is not the change perhaps he is the agent necessary for that change to occur. Only time will tell.

auralsects ago

LMAO, dumbass, by even using the "swamp" meme you're endorsing Q.

No serious person refers to the likes of Bolton as anything but a Zionist neocon Jew-lover, full stop. Not some vague "swamp creature" lmao.

One jewphemism got you believing there was an actual "swamp" where the corrupt dregs accumulated -- DEFINITELY not an identifiable ethnic group called Jews, oy vey, just a renegade band of GLOBALISTS, whom Trump will vanquish Hollywood style

Vindicator ago

Thanks. It will be very interesting to see what comes out about Prince as we go forward. It's coming out that Manafort was actually working for Hillary, according to the government of Ukraine. Hard to know who is working for Trump and who is working against him. We may find he has hired these dodgy characters to put them in the spotlight to convince his enemies he is weaker than he is and lure the media to go after them. Time will tell!

think- ago

We may find he has hired these dodgy characters to put them in the spotlight to convince his enemies he is weaker than he is and lure the media to go after them.

I don't think so. Trump was connected to Cohn when he was younger, and Cohn was pedo and mob central in NYC, and even beyond. Cohn had good friends who were pedos, like former NY archbishop Spellman, and also Craig Spence, who was involved in blackmail operations. Former NYPD Jim Rothstein, former senator John DeCamp, and one of the ex-wives of L. Rosenstiel (buddy of Cohn, who was connected to Sam Bronfman) all say that Cohn ran child rape blackmail operations.

Trump gave more money than the Obama administration to defense contractors like Dyncorp. He obviously just doesn't give a shit how dodgy the characters are he is doing business with.

He made John Bolton his NSA, who is as much swamp creature as it can get.

You recently pointed out that Goldman Sachs held Backpage.com shares (for those who don't know, backpage.com got sued for allowing sex trafficking ads on its site).

Yep. That's the same Goldman Sachs Steve Mnuchin and others Trump chose were working for.

auralsects ago


Trump intends to appoint Feinberg, the co-founder and co-chief executive officer of Cerberus Capital Management in New York, to chair the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board, which plays a role in overseeing the intelligence community, deriving its influence from direct access to the president and his senior staff.

Among Cerberus’ holdings is the military contractor DynCorp International, which receives the vast majority of its $3 billion in annual revenues from the federal government.

We know Ivanka and Chandler had a mutual friend in Paris Hilton, but why does young (pre-surgery) Ivanka appear in this casual shot on Chandler's Tumblr page? http://rachelchandler.tumblr.com/image/23582825282

Same reason Trump put Ivanka modeling under a known girl-lover (John Casablancas) at age 14 whose son is in a famous rock band and made a label called Cult Records which collaborates with Culkins Pizza Underground project

Cuz Trump is a kikeshill, and Q did not reveal this lead, I did in fact, LOL

new4now ago

I remember Prince as being very dirty

Would have to look back

think- ago

Re the pool pic:

One of the guys pictured is George Nader. He is a convicted pedophile. He worked for Bill Clinton, but has been employed by Eric Braverman as a consultant. = Still is employed as of today.

Yep. That's the same Eric Braverman

George Nader

George Nader (Arabic: جورج نادر‎, born 1959) is a Lebanese-American businessman, lobbyist, and convicted sex offender.

He has acted as an unofficial liaison between Washington politicians and Middle Eastern officials.

Nader is an adviser to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates and a consultant to Blackwater founder Erik Prince.

Nader was sentenced in the 1990s for transporting child pornography publications, and imprisoned in 2003 for sexually abusing 10 boys in the Czech Republic.

Erik Prince, founder of security firm Blackwater hired Nader to help with contracts with the Iraqi government; in a 2010 deposition Prince identified him as a "business development consultant".

In August 2016, Nader met with Donald Trump Jr. at Trump Tower offering assistance to the his father's presidential campaign.

Nader served as an envoy representing Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince and de facto ruler Mohammad bin Salman and Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The meeting included Blackwater founder Erik Prince again and Joel Zamel, an Israeli specialist in social media manipulation.

Nader attended a December 2016 meeting in New York between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) officials and president-elect Donald Trump's associates Jared Kushner, Michael Flynn, and Steve Bannon.


Blackwater informants reveal child prostitution, sex trafficking, wife-swapping, money Laundering, arms dealing, and much more


from 2:48:

'Prince knowingly hired two persons involved in the Kosovo sex trafficking ring to serve relatively high levels in his companies'

also from 05:22 further allegations of Blackwater being involved in underage prostitution.

According to John Doe:

'Mr. Prince failed to stop the ongoing use of prostitutes, including child prostitutes, by his men.'

Sex trafficking? Kosovo? Underage prostitution? Rings a bell?


Dyncorp, the defense contractor Prince teamed up with after Trump got elected, has quite a history of being involved in child trafficking and organ trafficking in Kosovo.

think- ago

@Vindicator, can I link the post to v/pizzagateart?

Vindicator ago


think- ago

think- ago

@Srayzie, didn't you make a post about a shady photographer who basically did 'artsy' cp pics, and is a friend of Rachel Chandler? Is it one of the above?

Vindicator ago

This appears to be a whole industry. Advertising the merch?

think- ago

This appears to be a whole industry.

It is. Personally, I wouldn't trust anyone who runs a model agency or organizes beauty contests.


The history of child beauty pageants is especially sickening and based in eugenics ideology

think- ago

and based in eugenics ideology

How so? Genuinely curious.



Although not everyone embraced the idea of negative eugenics, “positive eugenics,” on the contrary, became part an important part of American popular culture throughout the twentieth century. Positive eugenics promoted the idea that we could improve the human stock by encouraging people with the best genetic material to breed. Many state and local governments, as well as private organizations, endorsed better breeding in a variety of interesting ways. For example, in the 1920s “Fitter Family” and “Better Baby” contests became quite a popular fad within American culture. These contests were often held at state fairs and participants were often judged alongside agricultural produce competitions. Contests sponsored by the American Eugenics Society often included signage like the one below, which mixed messages of positive and negative eugenic ideology.

After the smoke cleared from World War II, and the atrocities of the Holocaust became evident to the world, eugenics, especially negative eugenics, began to fall out of favor. States slowly began to outlaw sterilization practices and many states repealed or weakened their eugenic marriage laws. Some states, like North Carolina, continued to quietly sterilize the “unfit” well into the latter-half of the twentieth century until activists called attention to the barbaric practice. We’ve never really rid ourselves of eugenics, however, as traces of it can still be found in popular culture. Every time I see a show like Toddlers and Tiaras, I can’t help think about how modern-day children’s beauty pageants have their roots in Better Baby Contests of the eugenic age. This thought adds a disturbing element to reality TV (As if it needed any more disturbing elements).


I found this old pizzagate post tenuously connecting Mann to Michael Stipe and Michael Stipe to Alefantis


new4now ago

The Urban Dictionary has Rem...

-A perverted person,usually a pedophile. a.-Something that is perverted. v.-A sexual act, usually against a defenseless young boy, but can refer to any sexual act. Reference to the character Rem from the AMRP series, who sexually assaulted a young boy.


Vindicator ago

Thanks Nomo


https://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/04/19/magazine/the-disturbing-photography-of-sally-mann.html .

This lady and family fetishises child abuse and poverty

"The family portraits began in 1984, when Jessie came home from a neighbor’s, her face swollen with gnat bites. Mann put her against a wall, took a dead-on picture and called it “Damaged Child.” “That picture made me aware of the potential right under my nose,” she says. The next day, with Jessie’s face still lumpy, she arranged props around her and took more pictures. From its inception, the family series has played around with these two antagonistic elements: factual documentary and contrived fiction.

For some time, Mann had been PHOTOGRAPHING YOUNG GIRLS in and around Lexington, several of whose parents had been delivered into the world by her father, for the book published in 1988 as “At Twelve.” She wanted to catch the tension in their bodies, eyes and gestures as they passed into the confused state when girls become women. The PICTURES DRAMATIZE BURGEONING SEXUALITY, while implying the more forbidden topics of INCEST and CHILD ABUSE. Mann’s laconic captions lend a parental concern, honed with a feminist edge. Some of the poses seem casual; others, carefully directed.

In her pictures of her own family — like "DAMAGED CHILDREN,” with its IMPLICATION OF BATTERING, and “Flour Paste,” in which Jessie’s legs resemble a burn victim’s — Mann punches the buttons of her viewers. Upon discovering that she has stage-managed a scene, some people feel cheated, as if their emotions have been trifled with. “I hope you can get past that,” she argues. “You learn something about yourself and your own fears. Everyone surely has all those fears that I have for my children.”

Mann has been criticized for treating violence with an esthete’s dispassion, for bringing out the subtle texture of blood and bruises without offering a clear political statement along the way. The IMAGERY OF DEATH fascinates her. A picture of Virginia with a BLACK EYE moved her for a long time because “you couldn’t tell if she was living or dead. It looked like one of those Victorian post-mortem photographs.” In 1987, Emmett was struck by a car and thrown 50 feet. Though he escaped critical injury, Mann saw the real thing as a warning not to pretend again. Still, “Immediate Family” includes a picture from 1989 that may be the most gruesome so far: a NUDE VIRGINIA seeming to havE HANGED HERSELF BY A ROPE from a tree."


As she writes in the introduction to “Immediate Family,” Sally Mann inherited the role of provocateur from her father, Robert Munger, a doctor who made house calls in an Aston Martin and delivered hundreds of babies in Lexington. A renowned gardener, with shrubs and trees from around the world, he was also an atheist and an amateur artist whose keen sense of the perverse delighted his two sons and daughter. For a long time he kept a white, snakelike figure on the dining-room table; only slowly did anyone realize it was petrified dog excrement."

"It was he who instilled a shameless attitude toward the flesh in his daughter, photographing her nude as a girl — “terrible art pictures,” says Mann with a groan — and posing himself unclothed for a recumbent sculpture that now occupies a shelf in his wife’s den. Mann’s introduction expresses stronger memories for the black woman, Virginia Carter, who oversaw her upbringing than for her own mother. Elizabeth Munger, a dead ringer for her daughter, says, “Sally may look like me, but inside she’s her father’s child.”

This is the same issue Berger writes about in Ways of Seeing. Art has historically objectified the subjects it depicts. Images of Children and women both are for the male viewing eye.


You know Mann's book which "DRAMATIZE[s] BURGEONING SEXUALITY, while implying the more forbidden topics of INCEST and CHILD ABUSE."?


In one image from the book (shown to the right), Mann says that the young girl was extremely reluctant to stand closer to her mother's boyfriend. Mann said that she thought it was strange because “it was their peculiar familiarity that had provoked this photograph in the first place”.

Mann didn't want to crop out the girl's elbow but the girl refused to move in closer. According to Mann, the girl's mother shot her boyfriend in the face with a .22 several months later. In court the mother “testified that while she worked nights at a local truck stop he was ‘at home partying and harassing my daughter.’” Mann said “the child put it to me somewhat more directly”. Mann says that she now looks at this photograph with “a jaggy chill of realization”.


Mann was introduced to photography by her father, Robert Munger, a physician who photographed her nude as a girl.



I know Michael Stipe of REM is a big Sally Mann fan and has a lot of homoerotic/pedophilia themes in his music videos


Also I recall reading Sally mann's dad was a perv and photographed her naked as a girl. I'm trying to find the article, but this says a bit about him (Robert Munger)

Mann herself didn't develop modesty of any kind until she was 7. Before that she refused to put on clothes, and claims to have been raised mostly by a pack of family dogs. She showed a slide to prove that as well.

She was introduced to photography by her father, Robert Munger, the Lexington town doctor, who had some interesting artistic ideas of his own. He liked to fashion phallic Christmas ornaments and adorned the dining room table with a sculpture that was later revealed to be petrified dog feces.

"He was a bit of an iconoclast, but a very quiet one. He wasn't obnoxious at all," says Mann, who is proud of her artistic heritage. In addition to showing slides of the Christmas ornament and table centerpiece in question, she showed a portrait of her father just after he died of brain cancer.

Cat_anon ago

Artists always get away with everything in the name of art, especially women artists. I wanna see them go down for once.

think- ago

especially women artists

Not especially female artists. We just notice it more, since there are much more female artists now.


Especially female artists

I don't think this is meant to "trigger" or insinuate a male/female divide in likelihood to get away with abuse or abuse children.

But from a societal/cultural perspective, under our current/competing popular ideologies, female provacatuers get away with more than their male cultural counterparts.

Female artists get away with depicting child abuse because of optics. If a Male does it, he can more easily be criticized for objectifying the person/woman/child in the image as subservient/sexual (Ala john Berger's ways of Seeing). But women can dodge these claims more easily as being either feminist,feminine, or motherly and thus use those lenses to justify the naked/abused kids they depict

think- ago

Well, I've been thinking of all the sick stuff male artists have been doing, and getting away with. Even today. I can see where you're coming from, but I don't necessarily agree.

Some of the photos by Sally Mann look exactly like some Balthus did, both have been critized for them, and both get away with it more or less in the end. It's just that I don't see male artists or 'artists' like Jeff Koons get really called out for what they're doing.


You know I'll amend my statement.

Men and women "artists" both depict child abuse, but they must hide beneath a veneer of respectability.

Depending on your gender, race, POV, you can use different guises.

Balthus and other male photographers often use "art" or "fashion" (Terry richardson) as the "respectable" label for their "art"

I guess I think for the particular instance of naked children. Women can get away with it more easily, as nudity is a part of motherhood/raising children.

What's your opinion on the phenomena/culture of "witch craft" being more female than male?

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

"I guess I think for the particular instance of naked children. Women can get away with it more easily, as nudity is a part of motherhood/raising children"

Yep. But I think the world is increasingly waking up to the fact that child abusers can take ANY form.

VanilluhGorilluh ago

I'm wondering if were all supposed to just report them to the fbi for producing child porn, which is visible on their websites. Enough calls warrants a visit by the fbi.

Vindicator ago

That's what happened with Chandler last April. Not sure why we're doing a replay tonight. Possibly Q is playing chicken with the deep state shitheads again. He definitely has a pattern of stirring the anon hornets nest to provoke his enemies into rash behavior.

If you look at all his posts today, he posted the pic of Clinton and bros in the water somewhere tropical at a boat-in only resort and asked if there were kids waiting on the boat. He asked who took the picture. Then he started talking about Chandler, and linked the Chelbin page. I think maybe he is saying Chelbin is a handler like Chandler, and was the one who took the pic.

new4now ago

On one of the pics, I saw 2 other males in the water behind the group

Were these boys?



Blind Item #7 At this point, this witness will do or say anything to get out of the jam he is in. What kind of jam? How about the largest collection of child porn the world has ever seen. This foreign national is one of the richest members of the richest families of the world. For dozens of years he filmed boys as young as 3 having sex with grown men. There were thousands of these boys who worked as slaves during the day and then would be forced to have sex with grown men. All filmed. That slavery practice has ended, but the boys are still imported from other countries and still raped and it is all still filmed. The FBI found out about it and now are using its existence to get him to say whatever they want him to say. Apparently these people are so rich they have their own "cloud" which is highly encrypted where all these videos are stored.

Cdan entry about Nadler from March 2018. Read the comments, there

Vindicator ago

these people are so rich they have their own "cloud" which is highly encrypted where all these videos are stored.

Interesting. That sounds like what Q frequently talks about re: Eric Schmidt's trip to North Korea and the Iridium satellites.


As I recall, Cdan discussed Spencer Kimball (tech entrepreneur (google), mormon prophet descendant, and investor in Dominican Republican orphanages, created a cloud video system



Those sound like jewish names


Cat_anon ago

Lol, are they really?