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MolochHunter ago

i have to say i groaned when Q posted this

that vertical fish is one of the nazi symbols (less common than the swasticker, sure), and 14 is the white supremacist number (they have some 14 word slogan about securing the future of white people), as in '1488' = 14 word slogan plus HH = heil hitler

yes, Podesta seemed to be in NZ, and yes thats ... ahem ... Fishy ... - but I lso think if you are part of a false flag its not like you're going to write on your assault rifle 'John Podesta rly made me do it' now, are you?

think- ago

i have to say i groaned when Q posted this

Agree. This is clearly nazi symbolism, it has nothing to do with Podesta's fish.

So why is Q spreading disinfo?

That's annoying.

@srayzie @Vindicator @Blacksmith21

Vindicator ago

that vertical fish is one of the nazi symbols (less common than the swasticker, sure), and 14 is the white supremacist number

Interesting! Do we have a source for this @MolochHunter?

This is clearly nazi symbolism, it has nothing to do with Podesta's fish. So why is Q spreading disinfo? That's annoying.

Is it "disinfo"? Or is it a hardcore leak of highly classified historical information?

Q has in the past asserted that Nazism is a creation of the globalist Cabal. Check out his drops from March 10, 2017, #928 - #941. In #936 after dropping a pic of German Cardinals giving the Nazi salute with Nazis, he says

"The Nazi order. NWO [N does not refer to “New”]."

In #937, after anons start crapping their pants over the thought the Nazis might have actually won WWII, he says:

GLIMPSE. You cannot possibly imagine the size of this. Trust the plan. Trust there are more good than bad. The WORLD is helping. We are not alone. We are all connected in this fight. PATRIOTS UNITE.

In #938 he clarifies:

"N does not refer to Nazi. The continued Nazi ideology is relevant. Events will clarify. Think subgroup."

Before dismissing the 14 Fish post out of hand, it would be prudent to take a serious look at what Q is saying, in context.

He's been nudging anons to investigate Merkel's family history since the very beginning. In #142 on November 12, 2017 (two weeks after his first drop), he lays the whole cabal structure out and connects it to globalist financial hegemony via central banking. It's a long post. He says,

"What happened during WWII? Was Hitler a puppet? Who was his handler? What was the purpose? What was the real purpose of the war? What age was GS? What is the Soros family history? What has occurred since the fall of N Germany? Who is A. Merkel? What is A. Merkel’s family history? Follow the bloodline. Who died on the Titanic? What year did the Titanic sink? Why is this relevant?"

He has also repeatedly pointed anons to Operation Mockingbird (11 mentions, starting from his very first day) asserting that worldwide mainstream media is controlled by the Cabal. Anyone with knowledge of Operation Paperclip has to wonder if they are using propaganda techniques perfected in Nazi Germany.

The March 10 Merkel drops are interesting from another standpoint, as well. They show Q leaking these clues to directly screw with Merkel. Is he threatening to reveal more information if she doesn't do something? Sure sounds like it:

In #930, he says "POTUS’ recent Tweet relevant here. EU. Enough is enough. She was warned." And in #931 "10 to comply. Choice is yours. Q+"

The tweet referenced is probably* this one:

"The European Union, wonderful countries who treat the U.S. very badly on trade, are complaining about the tariffs on Steel & Aluminum. If they drop their horrific barriers & tariffs on U.S. products going in, we will likewise drop ours. Big Deficit. If not, we Tax Cars etc. FAIR!"

*Note: The tweet noted as associated with this drop by is different and makes no sense, which is curious. ALWAYS check primary sources, in this case, the Trump tweet archive.

Two days prior, he put a big tariff on aluminum imports from the EU due to threats to national security. And tweeted about it.

4.75 hours after Q spelled out the connection between Antifa and the Nazis and Merkel's family history, he noted CNN was airing the JFK assassination footage, implying it was an attempt to trigger MKUltra sleepers to assassinate Trump.

Either he's LARPing here to fool us all, or he's playing a real game of chess with the cabal, using the threat of deploying damaging information to force them to the bargaining table.

How effective would that be, if he were only LARPing? Would the world's most powerful people be afraid of mere confirmation bias among a small fringe group of "conspiratards"?

October 29, Merkel unexpectedly announced she was stepping down in a surprise address.

November 21, the World Trade Organization announced it was "investigating the legality" of Trumps aluminum tariffs, "a decision the U.S. says could undermine the legitimacy of the Geneva-based trade body." Quite a pissing match going on over that, according to Bloomberg, here. Hard to read that and not see worldwide cabal forces armwrestling with Trump. Wikipedia has a good summary about how 100% of the world's economists agreed Trump's trade policy was foolhardy. Sound similar to "scientific consensus" on global warming?

November 23, the New York Times ran an editorial headlined "It's time for Angela Merkel to leave."

As Q is wont to say: "Moves and counter moves."

@srayzie @Blacksmith21

think- ago

Is it "disinfo"? Or is it a hardcore leak of highly classified historical information?

LOL tries not to write anything else

"The Nazi order. NWO [N does not refer to “New”]."

If Q says so. /s

He's been nudging anons to investigate Merkel's family history since the very beginning.

Yes. Which resulted in a flood of disinfo hogwash.

Trust the plan. Trust there are more good than bad. The WORLD is helping. We are not alone. We are all connected in this fight. PATRIOTS UNITE.

Wonderful example of social engineering slogans.

Anyone with knowledge of Operation Paperclip has to wonder if they are using propaganda techniques perfected in Nazi Germany.

You mean team Q or the MSM? Because both are doing it.

October 29, Merkel unexpectedly announced she was stepping down in a surprise address.

It wasn't unexpectedly. Experts had expected it for a long time, and she only stepped down as a party leader. One of her BFFs became her successor. She's still chancellor.

And now - what has the rune and the supramacist code number to do with what you pointed out above?

srayzie ago

I’m not even going there with you @Think-. You’re my friend and we have different opinions. We don’t always know what Q means by something until months later, and then it clicks. I agree with @Vindicator here.

think- ago

I’m not even going there with you @Think-.

Well, you don't have to. I replied to Vindicator, not to you.

I agree with @Vindicator here.

Do whatever you please, but know that I am now completely, totally, utterly fed up with the Q campaign.

I used to find it amusing in a way, and I could relate to it, since I used to believe in a White Knight too (and I'm still embarassed this was HRC blush). So I know we all have our delusions.

I also saw that it gave you guys hope, and I didn't want to take this hope away from you.

But now I will just write what I think.

SearchVoatBot ago

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MolochHunter ago

There are no White Knights

but I will pitch myself in the service of a Grey Knight if the only alternative is Black

Vindicator ago

I used to find it amusing in a way, and I could relate to it, since I used to believe in a White Knight too (and I'm still embarassed this was HRC blush). So I know we all have our delusions.

What an incredibly rude and presumptuous judgement.

No one I know who is a serious follower of QAnon believes he is a white knight who will save them. It's the complete opposite. He is teaching people how to question the official narrative, how to debunk MSM disinfo, how to re-examine history and "education" and see the world in new ways. He is galvanizing people to get involved, speak out, join the public debate on various policies, watchdog public officials, push back against social engineering policies and censorship efforts and join forces with fellow independent thinkers. @srayzie creating this subverse and all of her cool memes and gifs is a perfect example of this. Other anons have created databases tracking resignations, arrests, and human trafficking cases. Millions have been awoken to the rampant sexual depravity and abuse of kids by Hollywood pedos and have stopped patronizing Disney and Nickelodeon.

I take Q seriously because he has proposed an explanation for the inexplicable, rampant fuckery that has plagued the world in ever more extreme ways throughout my whole life. Shit that made no sense. So far, I've seen nothing he has said that has not been supported by factual material discovered by anons at one point or another.

I also saw that it gave you guys hope, and I didn't want to take this hope away from you.

Don't flatter yourself. You don't respect your target audience even enough to open-mindedly consider the evidence they present and cannot speak on the topic without derision. There's not much danger of you blackpilling anyone.

srayzie ago

Also, Q took Pizzagate mainstream. I don’t know a Q follower who doesn’t believe in pizzagate/pedogate.

Vindicator ago

I've just been going back through all Q's pg-related drops, trying to see just how many times he's referenced it. One thing I noticed again and again was how every time the pedos were brought up, multiple people on the boards were dropping pizzagate research links from Voat. It may be one reason he decided to make a board here. It's definitely brought thousands of new eyeballs to our research.

I've also picked up several hundred additional followers on my Twitter account thanks to QAnon (I have a policy of never asking for follows, 'cause I'm a goat).

srayzie ago

You’re very active on there. You go boy.

Vindicator ago

I'd like to start doing some longer threads of my own on there. So much research, so little time!

srayzie ago

That would be great!