yellowoodneepuks ago

!4 & Fish are Skippy Podesta's photographed characters from his palms !-he was there before and during- coincidence? "There are no coincidences" HELLO? ANY BODY HOME?

Blacksmith21 ago

@srayzie - This post drew out a while slew of new shills. Nice bait post ; )

srayzie ago

Yeah, I’m apparently retarded

Dismal_Swamp ago

That is an Othala rune that represents heritage and the 14 words, We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Yuke ago

This is the biggest clanger "Q" has dropped. It's a an odal rune not a fish.

fuspezza ago

I read in a Twitter comment it meant fishing 4teens. Fishing for teens

Don_Tomaso ago

Serious question regardign podesta and what could have been done:

We all know the DS are sick murdergnn fucktards but also scared shitless now. Scared assholes make more mistakes.

Thus, with the intel and mil capabilities of the US right now why dont they simply "grab" that podsta pedo behind the curtains in a plausible-deniability op and then torture the fucker to death in the most insanely grizzly manner possible at some hidden location.

Then make sure the DS find the corpse along a tape showing all that was being done, all of course 100% deniable BUT with a message to the rest of the DS whores that you will now be grabbed one by one and skinned alive and there is nothing you can do about it. Even better if a roths was the first victim.

Imagien the utter fear and panic of these DS cunts when they know "we" are using their tactics right back and nothing can be proved and they know it is only a matter of time before they get grabbed.

The DS would start McStaining themselves in drowes or basically BEG to stand in line in front of the nearest camera in order to "buy" their life by public admissions!

If done right with zero chance of being tracked back and zero chance of being projected then wouldnt this be the best move possible?

Imagine yourself, being an all powerful criminal and all of a sudden your colleagues start ending up in torture chambers and you are the first that (under the table) are allowed to find the location and there is nothing you can do about it?

EyeOfHorus ago

Prove that Podesta was in NZ.

Enaashby ago

As Q has told us many times, their symbolism gives them away. Clearly, a DS manufactured attack.

tjollahei ago

The whole thing reveals itself as a false flag when after the incident people/politics demands what needs to be done so such an incident doesn't happen again. Which always has to do with narrowing down on people's right to freedom of speech and defend themselves with weapons.

'Problem Reaction Solution' is a term refering to the Hegelian Dialectic. Also known in Freemasonry as Ordo Ab Chao, or 'Order out of Chaos.' Create the chaos, and then offer the order out of it.

Thatsthewayitwas ago

Dude that isn't a fish that is a Elder Futhark o-rune, and it has several meanings, none of which you understand. You guys are retarded.

benjitsu ago

You could learn to spell instead

Obrez ago

OP is a retard, that "fish" is a rune( that an SS division used) and the 14 is the same 14 in 14/88, it stands for the 14 words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”

Tarrant was espousing "communism" so he left out the 88 which stands for HH - Heil Hitler.

It wasn't a FF, Tarant was smart and he learned everything he could from Brevik especially the element of attempting to make your manifesto appear "kosher" by not calling out israel or jews but giving away the farm so to speak on Israeli involvement in the oxidental invasions and collapse. and then correcting your position later, the communism he was espousing was essentially strasserism and it's what caused the communist party in germany to collapse and wholly join the NSDAP(NAZIS). he's claimancy of "communism" is a mind virus meant to target antifa and leftists and make them susceptible to national socialist ideology which has swept the youth culture and the under belly of the Web.

You guys need to wake up and realize Q is just a psy op to get you old fucks to stay passive, Q is Mossad or joint Mossad and CIA operation, it's why 5 eyes is pushing to ban the manifesto and video of the raid on the mudshits too, they don't want people to get motivated to do anything They have resigned themselves to being invaded and overthrown by muslims so if you want to save Christianity you guys need to ditch Q and start organizing for real world action, Republicans never had or will have a solution to the problems we face, democrats are traitors it's time to learn some new tricks you old dogs, it's time to learn how to treat this cancer america has and that means a harsh and risky round of chemo, we need an ideology designed to save us not a patchwork designed to pander to broader support from brown people.

Get off your knees.

think- ago

It wasn't a FF

I'd say we still don't know. It surely screams false flag. But you're right regarding your criticism of Q.

Killing Muslims is retarded, and doesn't help anyone. It just gives ammo to the globalists, and makes lives of everybody harder who opposes Islam and mass immigration.

Obrez ago

Do you honestly believe it's not past due that we should be purging these invaders?

I get holding out for peaceful revolution but frankly we have been deluding ourselves if our best hope is electing Trump again and hoping that manifests terror attacks from antifa which we might somehow lead to radical change from.

The goal should be removing all sand niggers, niggers, spics, and Jews from all white countries. Do you honestly think we get our white countries back by holding out for MR. ISRAEL FIRST to save white countries?

Republicans are still cucks, Democrats are traitors, Muslims are pursuing religious conquest through demographic overthrow, niggers are the greatest drain on any civilization in history and are weighing us down, Mexicans are passively pursuing a demographic reconquista, and Jews are pilfering our wealth, hoarding it and uing it to secure power over us through government and media and foolishly helping these other groups to make whites a minority and ultimately breed us out.

At least 2 of those groups have effectively declared war on us, fighting back and taking action is completely warranted and it seems our hope of peaceful revolution has been crushed by censors and cucks.

NewSouthernBelle ago

So no connection with Podesta and his fish/14 pic?

Obrez ago


Thatsthewayitwas ago

You're the only person who has gotten this right, the q-tards are reaching.

Gorillion ago

Q actually getting his nuts back?

iDontShift ago

watch the video. the folks were dead or drugged when he got there. only 2-3 folks got 'live shot' on camera. kiwi farm or piratebay have it.

may be the weirdest thing i've seen.

srayzie ago

We must have watched completely different videos. Mine was like 15 minutes. How long was the one that you saw? Did he shoot a woman in the street and run her over as he drive away?

iDontShift ago

yup. you saw piles on the left and the right in that big room. You saw him run outside and shoot up and down the street for no apparent reason. He was acting like a scripted person.

argosciv ago

Yes, he did and if nothing else that particular kill is indisputably real.

Notice though, that the folks claiming it was all fake conveniently gloss over this one.

Lotta bullshit being spread to discredit Q folks, be wary.

Oglop ago

Shooting seemed real but I think they jail people for sharing images from the vid in NZ, the vid is more or less banned from the internet. The Aussie guy has a weird background, strange places over seas and long year gaps in his life.

iDontShift ago

Mkultra. his actions looked scripted.

satisfyinghump ago

Is this a better prepped mkultra based false flag?

SearchVoatBot ago

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MrShekelstein ago

Pretty much guaranteed that those mossad niggers did it now.

DawnPendraig ago

Unless they are using something from a book or whatever as a username. or read a lot of British authors and mistype.

Don't make assumptions.

NosebergShekelman ago

Well then, good job, Podesta! haha shaloms

srayzie ago

Nobody deserved that.

Wazhappenin1 ago

We had confirmation on Saturday by members on voat who watched the video and they confirmed it was real. With Parkland and Sandyhook and the pulse shooting, no video no evidence.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Not a lot of blood... only “convincing” kill is lady in the street at the end. Where did he start driving from?

Phantom42 ago

Holy shit you fucking imbecile. It's a 5.56 round going mach Jesus at close range which leaves a smaller exit hole than a motherfucking .50, okay? The real world isn't Call of Duty and a 5.56 doesn't make a mess of blood until much later, or if you get a real fucking lucky shot and the bullet hits in such a way that there may be some immediate effects. The woman getting nailed is an example pf this. Hitting people in the chest/torso? You'll see their clothes jerk and they'll drop like a ragdoll. Blood doesn't come around until later. Same goes for shotguns. Depending on the choke, ammunition, etc... It's not going to blow someone's head in half, and may just lodge some BB's in the skin.

Got you Qultist fucks are INSUFFERABLE at times. Claiming there was no blood or it was a fake shooting.... Hope this wakes a lot of people up to the other bullshit you faggots spread, like the SerialBrain fuckhead that's nothing more than a schizo case.

I used to kinda roll with you people, but not anymore. QRV put your true colors on display and I'll have none of it. All lunatics or ignorant fools who need someone else to tell them the "truth", no citation needed.

Just NPC's on the "right". That's all you faggots are.

Wazhappenin1 ago

For fuck sake I really didn't want to watch the movie...but now I will have to. How can there not be a lot of blood, the exit wounds from a high velocity round at close range? Or do they pass through? A head shot should have blood and brains. We're there any head shots? That's a sign of a professional.

Trousersnake1488 ago

You're a retard.

srayzie ago

I saw it. It happened. Planned false flag.

Charlez6 ago

The retardation of you people knows no bounds. You're a fucking embarrassment.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

Came here just to say this. waga waga my dude

Phantom42 ago

If you watched the video it is so easy to see through this Qult lunatic crowd here... They're claiming there's no fucking blood... I saw plenty of blood. Plenty. Actually, about the amount you'd expect from a 5.56 round. This Boomer faggots grew up thinking you shoot something and you see red paste splat all over the walls, no matter the caliber.

RemoteView8 ago

Trump's a boomer, you know - one of our finest.

mf1776 ago

The dude fucking sprayed wildly from the hip and the people on the opposite side of the fucking room fell down playing dead. Give me a fucking break. Muslims are shit actors.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

You’ve obviously never shot anyone. You’re brainwashed by pedowood.

mf1776 ago

Oh, look it's a DNC shill. Timestamp in the video where he even got CLOSE to hitting a single invader in the large room. It isn't until his 2nd or 3rd entry. Stop raping children, sick fuck.

Trousersnake1488 ago

They never stop. Like, to come up with some of the shot they do, is so nuts. The ops stuff is so easily goodgle searched, yet they allow crazy shit to be made up. They truly believe that no whites dislike Muslims enough to kill them.

ThyCultOfQ ago

Hahaha amen to that wagagagaga

srayzie ago

Shy. I thought Markie went upstairs

bopper ago

I first saw this (the gun with symbols) on a Jordan Sather (sp?) tweet hours ago, now Q posted it, neat..

Blacksmith21 ago

Even better, the shooter had a magic gun with brass that evaporated before it hit the ground:


Vindicator ago

Hmm. Links are blanks?

Blacksmith21 ago

I just watched the video again. Those rounds disappeared. Given the contrast against the white column and grey concrete, you would see the shells hit the ground in that video.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm willing to hedge my bet on poor video resolution, but I didn't see anything in the videos which looked obviously like someone just unloaded a couple hundred rounds in a confined space. Esp on the scene on the concrete. What is obviously missing is the clinking sound of brass hitting the ground after the last shot. Usually about 1-1.5 secs for ejected cartridge to hit the sounds.

Again, there are a lot of variables involved, but you would have seen the empty shells bouncing around. Also, ARs eject at 90 degrees. Those shells looked to eject forward at 45 degrees. weird.

think- ago

fyi: Archived page is empty, @Blacksmith21.

SitelessVagrant ago

Watch it again. Look in the upper right. You can see the cartridges rolling around on the ground.

muffalettadiver ago

That is huge. What is going on?! This is some crazy shit.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Your archive is not loading the picture for some reason.

whysosensitive ago

You can see the cartridge hit the pavement in the dark spot. Theres no mystery here.

Fagtardicus ago

so those muslims were shot at by blanks?

Adminstrater ago

It does appear strange, but I think it could be accounted for by the video compression. Once the brass shells get far enough away from the camera, the compression makes it indistinguishable from what is in the majority of the region of the frame being compressed.

Other than that, there is still a probability it could not have been live footage being streamed.

MolochHunter ago

wowee. You should make this its own post

mrfetus ago

The brass behaves correctly, it's hitting the ground by the pillar.

VicariousJambi ago

I see it too

theHare ago

i see it too, they are piling up over by the pillar. could still be blanks i guess.

mrfetus ago

I'd would have been easier for them to just shoot people. Not like they care.

DawnPendraig ago

Wow. Nice catch whoever spotted that.

mrfetus ago


Keneo77 ago

Wow, cgi

srayzie ago

So many things are not making sense about that shooting

Novusod ago

RainDrops ago

There were two different mosques involved in the attack.

Those photos above from inside the second mosque, the Linwood Islamic Centre. There were victims inside and outside on the street.
Body obscured in foreground:

The first mosque, the Al Noor Mosque, is where the gunman went inside and killed the majority of the victims. It has a green carpet with a pattern in it.

Photo of carpet taken prior to the shooting:
Four year old victim:

Blacksmith21 ago

It's another fake flag. Just like watching the Ft. Lauderdale airport shooting. Once you know what to look for, it becomes very obvious.

RainDrops ago

I think you're a bit confused as there is a difference between a false flag attack and a fake attack.

In a false flag attack, there is actually an attack that occurs that is then falsely attributed to an innocent party, group, nation etc. Actual people still die, real devastation occurs.

In a faked attack, the entire event is staged, it never even actually occurs and any so called victims are all part of the drama. No one actually dies but everyone plays a part.

Remember: Problem-Reaction-Solution.
Create a problem, using a false flag terrorist attack, thus engineering an emotional response, such as fear or hatred, from the public. The public then demand that action be taken to solve and/or prevent similar events from occurring in the future. This allows the enactment of the predeterimed solution that was wanted all along.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm not confused at all. False flag = people dying in an event. Fake flag = 100% faked/staged event (hoax). Hope that clears it up for ya.

RainDrops ago

But people actually died at those mosques in NZ making the attack a false flag.

Blacksmith21 ago

How do you know?

RainDrops ago

It's simpler, more economical, and produces more of an emotional response when the event is real. Why pay them and risk that someone will reveal a hoax, when it's much easier to just do the deed.

"Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead."

Blacksmith21 ago

Refer to Sandy Hook.

RainDrops ago

The Sandy Hook hoax theory, promoted by disinformation agent Alex Jones, to discredit and make people look crazy...
Sorry, I'm not buying into that either.

singlebrain1 ago

Anything promoted by AJ is suspect.

RainDrops ago

Exactly what I said. Thank you!

Blacksmith21 ago

Then maybe you should study up on the SCIENCE of Blood Pattern Analysis. This is what happens when you shoot someone with a 5.56 near a wall:

I appreciate your concern trolling.

RainDrops ago

How do you not know?

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm not convinced. There are too many inconsistencies in the videos and photos. If you paid attention to the Ft. Lauderdale airport shooting, you'd see all of the same hallmarks as Christchurch - fake blood, people acting oddly in that type of situation, etc. Then there are forensic inconsistencies - like what appears to be prestaged ammo mags and blood spatter analysis which doesn't jive.

Bottom line -- A room in which 20-30 pp were shot up against the wall with a 5.56 does NOT, I'll repeat DOES NOT, resemble any crime scene blood spatter analysis I've seen.

Why are you stumping so hard for it to be real versus staged versus fake?

That's called confirmation bias. The only thing I'm doing is assembling known details and they are all falling into the staged column.

@kyjane @vindicator @srayzie (read the article/watch the video)

KyJane ago

I don't disagree with you, Blacksmith21. I absolutely do believe this was all staged. The blood spatter is non-existent as far as I can see and the total amount of blood... there should have been MUCH more, and why no bullet holes at all in the walls around those shot? It's all looks way too neat to be real.

srayzie ago

I think it was a false flag. I think people really did die.

That first video I watched that was almost 15 minutes long looked real.

The shorter video, which may be the 2nd location, did not seem real.


Vindicator ago

Thanks for the links, Blacksmith.

Shepperoni ago

What about the headshots at the end? Looked REAL to me.

think- ago

False flag doesn't necessarily mean that nobody was killed.

RainDrops ago

I watched the entire video, it was real. I saw part of her head blow out away from her. There was also blood and brain matter on the street. It was gruesome!

pepefrogjr ago

think about CGI or holographic display. they can make micheal jackson appear and dance on stage using hologram, they can do this too.

its a possibility

Shepperoni ago

Yeah I watched it strictly because the dozens of people saying it was fake. So I wanted to see the fakery. Well I was upset to find quite the opposite. Horrible.

MolochHunter ago

i have to say i groaned when Q posted this

that vertical fish is one of the nazi symbols (less common than the swasticker, sure), and 14 is the white supremacist number (they have some 14 word slogan about securing the future of white people), as in '1488' = 14 word slogan plus HH = heil hitler

yes, Podesta seemed to be in NZ, and yes thats ... ahem ... Fishy ... - but I lso think if you are part of a false flag its not like you're going to write on your assault rifle 'John Podesta rly made me do it' now, are you?

think- ago

i have to say i groaned when Q posted this

Agree. This is clearly nazi symbolism, it has nothing to do with Podesta's fish.

So why is Q spreading disinfo?

That's annoying.

@srayzie @Vindicator @Blacksmith21

Vindicator ago

that vertical fish is one of the nazi symbols (less common than the swasticker, sure), and 14 is the white supremacist number

Interesting! Do we have a source for this @MolochHunter?

This is clearly nazi symbolism, it has nothing to do with Podesta's fish. So why is Q spreading disinfo? That's annoying.

Is it "disinfo"? Or is it a hardcore leak of highly classified historical information?

Q has in the past asserted that Nazism is a creation of the globalist Cabal. Check out his drops from March 10, 2017, #928 - #941. In #936 after dropping a pic of German Cardinals giving the Nazi salute with Nazis, he says

"The Nazi order. NWO [N does not refer to “New”]."

In #937, after anons start crapping their pants over the thought the Nazis might have actually won WWII, he says:

GLIMPSE. You cannot possibly imagine the size of this. Trust the plan. Trust there are more good than bad. The WORLD is helping. We are not alone. We are all connected in this fight. PATRIOTS UNITE.

In #938 he clarifies:

"N does not refer to Nazi. The continued Nazi ideology is relevant. Events will clarify. Think subgroup."

Before dismissing the 14 Fish post out of hand, it would be prudent to take a serious look at what Q is saying, in context.

He's been nudging anons to investigate Merkel's family history since the very beginning. In #142 on November 12, 2017 (two weeks after his first drop), he lays the whole cabal structure out and connects it to globalist financial hegemony via central banking. It's a long post. He says,

"What happened during WWII? Was Hitler a puppet? Who was his handler? What was the purpose? What was the real purpose of the war? What age was GS? What is the Soros family history? What has occurred since the fall of N Germany? Who is A. Merkel? What is A. Merkel’s family history? Follow the bloodline. Who died on the Titanic? What year did the Titanic sink? Why is this relevant?"

He has also repeatedly pointed anons to Operation Mockingbird (11 mentions, starting from his very first day) asserting that worldwide mainstream media is controlled by the Cabal. Anyone with knowledge of Operation Paperclip has to wonder if they are using propaganda techniques perfected in Nazi Germany.

The March 10 Merkel drops are interesting from another standpoint, as well. They show Q leaking these clues to directly screw with Merkel. Is he threatening to reveal more information if she doesn't do something? Sure sounds like it:

In #930, he says "POTUS’ recent Tweet relevant here. EU. Enough is enough. She was warned." And in #931 "10 to comply. Choice is yours. Q+"

The tweet referenced is probably* this one:

"The European Union, wonderful countries who treat the U.S. very badly on trade, are complaining about the tariffs on Steel & Aluminum. If they drop their horrific barriers & tariffs on U.S. products going in, we will likewise drop ours. Big Deficit. If not, we Tax Cars etc. FAIR!"

*Note: The tweet noted as associated with this drop by is different and makes no sense, which is curious. ALWAYS check primary sources, in this case, the Trump tweet archive.

Two days prior, he put a big tariff on aluminum imports from the EU due to threats to national security. And tweeted about it.

4.75 hours after Q spelled out the connection between Antifa and the Nazis and Merkel's family history, he noted CNN was airing the JFK assassination footage, implying it was an attempt to trigger MKUltra sleepers to assassinate Trump.

Either he's LARPing here to fool us all, or he's playing a real game of chess with the cabal, using the threat of deploying damaging information to force them to the bargaining table.

How effective would that be, if he were only LARPing? Would the world's most powerful people be afraid of mere confirmation bias among a small fringe group of "conspiratards"?

October 29, Merkel unexpectedly announced she was stepping down in a surprise address.

November 21, the World Trade Organization announced it was "investigating the legality" of Trumps aluminum tariffs, "a decision the U.S. says could undermine the legitimacy of the Geneva-based trade body." Quite a pissing match going on over that, according to Bloomberg, here. Hard to read that and not see worldwide cabal forces armwrestling with Trump. Wikipedia has a good summary about how 100% of the world's economists agreed Trump's trade policy was foolhardy. Sound similar to "scientific consensus" on global warming?

November 23, the New York Times ran an editorial headlined "It's time for Angela Merkel to leave."

As Q is wont to say: "Moves and counter moves."

@srayzie @Blacksmith21

think- ago

Is it "disinfo"? Or is it a hardcore leak of highly classified historical information?

LOL tries not to write anything else

"The Nazi order. NWO [N does not refer to “New”]."

If Q says so. /s

He's been nudging anons to investigate Merkel's family history since the very beginning.

Yes. Which resulted in a flood of disinfo hogwash.

Trust the plan. Trust there are more good than bad. The WORLD is helping. We are not alone. We are all connected in this fight. PATRIOTS UNITE.

Wonderful example of social engineering slogans.

Anyone with knowledge of Operation Paperclip has to wonder if they are using propaganda techniques perfected in Nazi Germany.

You mean team Q or the MSM? Because both are doing it.

October 29, Merkel unexpectedly announced she was stepping down in a surprise address.

It wasn't unexpectedly. Experts had expected it for a long time, and she only stepped down as a party leader. One of her BFFs became her successor. She's still chancellor.

And now - what has the rune and the supramacist code number to do with what you pointed out above?

Vindicator ago

It wasn't unexpectedly.

Happy to consider evidence to the contrary, but the UK Independent source I linked certainly made it seem so. Exactly when did "experts" start to speculate she would quit?

And now - what has the rune and the supramacist code number to do with what you pointed out above?

Maybe you should reread it. I spelled it out, step by step.

You claimed Q was pushing disinfo because "This is clearly nazi symbolism, it has nothing to do with Podesta's fish."

I proved that Nazi symbolism has been repeatedly discussed by Q as central to the Cabal, of which John Podesta is of course, a key lackey.

Q is pointing to the idea the fish/fish-shaped rune and number 14 may signify adherence to the same fascist cult. I think the fact that Podesta was in NZ warning about cyber attacks right before this guy went off the rails makes this possibility worth considering.

think- ago

Q is pointing to the idea the fish/fish-shaped rune and number 14 may signify adherence to the same fascist cult.

Well, to me it's quite a stretch to see this rune as a fish symbol.

I think the fact that Podesta was in NZ warning about cyber attacks right before this guy went off the rails makes this possibility worth considering.

I'm not convinced. Podesta went to a meeting of the Global Progressives there, that's all.

@SandHog @MolochHunter

Vindicator ago

Well, to me it's quite a stretch to see this rune as a fish symbol.

Perhaps. To that I would reply that Podesta is not idiot enough to draw a white supremacist rune on his hand, despite using p@ssword as his password. Can I see him drawing a fish the same shape for his Satanist buddies and claim it had to do with Ocean sustainability? Sure can...the same way Chelsea and Hillary Clinton both get away with wearing upside down cross pendants claiming they're "Petrine".

There's other evidence these people are white supremacists, as well. The abortion of half the black kids that would have been born over the past several decades is one. Hillary's relationship with Robert Bird is the other.


SandHog ago

Hmm, I dunno. It seems coincidental to me. I think people might be reading too much into this. It's definitely an SS symbol on the rifle: and the 14 is the fourteen words.

I have enough riddles of my own to try and puzzle out without getting involved in any more so I don't follow the Q stuff. I really dislike vagueness for vagueness sake. He could save a lot of people a lot of time if he would just say what he means.

think- ago

Yes, I read it. He was in NZ for a meeting of the Global Progressives.

srayzie ago

I’m not even going there with you @Think-. You’re my friend and we have different opinions. We don’t always know what Q means by something until months later, and then it clicks. I agree with @Vindicator here.

think- ago

Apologies. I saw that I pinged you.

srayzie ago

Thank you

think- ago

I’m not even going there with you @Think-.

Well, you don't have to. I replied to Vindicator, not to you.

I agree with @Vindicator here.

Do whatever you please, but know that I am now completely, totally, utterly fed up with the Q campaign.

I used to find it amusing in a way, and I could relate to it, since I used to believe in a White Knight too (and I'm still embarassed this was HRC blush). So I know we all have our delusions.

I also saw that it gave you guys hope, and I didn't want to take this hope away from you.

But now I will just write what I think.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Vindicator.

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MolochHunter ago

There are no White Knights

but I will pitch myself in the service of a Grey Knight if the only alternative is Black

Vindicator ago

I used to find it amusing in a way, and I could relate to it, since I used to believe in a White Knight too (and I'm still embarassed this was HRC blush). So I know we all have our delusions.

What an incredibly rude and presumptuous judgement.

No one I know who is a serious follower of QAnon believes he is a white knight who will save them. It's the complete opposite. He is teaching people how to question the official narrative, how to debunk MSM disinfo, how to re-examine history and "education" and see the world in new ways. He is galvanizing people to get involved, speak out, join the public debate on various policies, watchdog public officials, push back against social engineering policies and censorship efforts and join forces with fellow independent thinkers. @srayzie creating this subverse and all of her cool memes and gifs is a perfect example of this. Other anons have created databases tracking resignations, arrests, and human trafficking cases. Millions have been awoken to the rampant sexual depravity and abuse of kids by Hollywood pedos and have stopped patronizing Disney and Nickelodeon.

I take Q seriously because he has proposed an explanation for the inexplicable, rampant fuckery that has plagued the world in ever more extreme ways throughout my whole life. Shit that made no sense. So far, I've seen nothing he has said that has not been supported by factual material discovered by anons at one point or another.

I also saw that it gave you guys hope, and I didn't want to take this hope away from you.

Don't flatter yourself. You don't respect your target audience even enough to open-mindedly consider the evidence they present and cannot speak on the topic without derision. There's not much danger of you blackpilling anyone.

srayzie ago

Also, Q took Pizzagate mainstream. I don’t know a Q follower who doesn’t believe in pizzagate/pedogate.

Vindicator ago

I've just been going back through all Q's pg-related drops, trying to see just how many times he's referenced it. One thing I noticed again and again was how every time the pedos were brought up, multiple people on the boards were dropping pizzagate research links from Voat. It may be one reason he decided to make a board here. It's definitely brought thousands of new eyeballs to our research.

I've also picked up several hundred additional followers on my Twitter account thanks to QAnon (I have a policy of never asking for follows, 'cause I'm a goat).

srayzie ago

You’re very active on there. You go boy.

Vindicator ago

I'd like to start doing some longer threads of my own on there. So much research, so little time!

srayzie ago

That would be great!

Paladin_Diver ago

Q is imperfect. I took issue with implying that possibly very normal stock sales were a sign of something.

think- ago

'Imperfect' is a very polite way of putting it.

Paladin_Diver ago

I'm all in on Q, but don't give him messianic status.

think- ago

but don't give him messianic status

Well, kudos to you then.

WhereIsMyMind ago

In what way is securing the existence of your people "supremacist"? Is stopping rhinos from going extinct "Rhino Supremacy"?

Decondition yourself.

MolochHunter ago

i didnt say securing the existence of your people is exclusively supremacist

i stated that it was a slogan and an aspiration that would be adopted by both unradicalised and radicalised white identitarians

whats inaccurate or 'conditioned' about that ?

WhereIsMyMind ago

You said "14 is the white supremacist number."

It is a fundamental non-threatening or supremacist statement that any non self-loathing white person should be able to freely make.

MolochHunter ago


but its also loaded by Association

theres nothing literally wrong with the german phrase 'my struggle'

but only impractical fools run around saying 'Mein Kampf' and expect the world not to think they're supremacist freaks

Phantom42 ago

"Vertical fish"

Are you fucking kidding me right now? It's a motherfucking rune.

EuropeNeedsFixing ago

Maybe that is exactly why they are trying so hard to get the video off the net?

mrfetus ago

Did you have a chance to read the manifesto?

MolochHunter ago

yes. its full of half truths and trolling. how much certainty can be derived from such a document?

mrfetus ago

Im pretty confident.

Trousersnake1488 ago

14 words is in reference to securing a future for white children, calling that white supremacy is lieing

MolochHunter ago

in the fuller nuance of the matter, if we are to be reductionist and divide White Identitarians into two groups, White Survivalists and White Supremacists (defensive and offensive) , both groups may identify with the slogan

but i hardly think it unfair to assert that all of the offensive white identitarians would disavow the slogan

Trousersnake1488 ago

But white supremacy is a claim, and a claim that broad can be refuted. Our existnce is non negotiable, but whether whites are the best or not at any and all things is and can be debated/wrong.

It makes a difference

MolochHunter ago

whether 'supremacy' is a reasonably accurate description of the motivator or ideal for radicalised white identitarians - sure thats up for debate

but for arguments sake we do need some term to delineate between whites who would use violence against civilians to acheive their political aspirations, and those that refrain from such practices

Trousersnake1488 ago

That's fair

Mittermeyer ago

Technically it is an Odal rune, and it's origins are much older than the 1930s and has nothing to do with fish. Also the 88 refers to the 88 precepts which was coined by the same guy who coined the 14 words. Overall good post, the 88 thing is a very common error.

Fagtardicus ago

88 really means hulk hogan tho

DawnPendraig ago

Maybe. But since when do they not have cover stories for all the wierd and creepy things they do?

He is also just an art collector with strange taste.

Reminds me of the bad guy in "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". Creepy sick art upstairs in his posh house and a torture dungeon below. All his free to leave guests just shrugged at his odd tastes and agreed art is a good investment.

amarQ144 ago

Why not? Usually when I go out shooting up mosques I don't live stream it,...and don't generally leave wack manifestos either.

SandHog ago

I completely agree. The 14/fish pic was one of the very early leads in pizzagate that, I believe, was misinterpreted. I think it's one of the very few things Podesta actually addressed about pizzagate allegations. It had something to do with some legislation they got pushed through that had to do with keeping the oceans clean. As big of a pervy scumbag Podesta is I did find that explanation reasonable. He didn't explain much of anything else but that particular allegation was addressed.

I've seen this meme floating around for a couple of days now and I cringed when I first saw it. Even it's solely meant to be used as propaganda this is pretty garbage-tier seeing as it undermines pizzagate and Podesta's role in it by implying he has some sort of ties to a neo-nazi mass murderer and that part is just going to be used to deflect from the rest of it. Shit like this is why I don't pay much attention to Q. Why not make a meme illustrating the curious timing of Podesta's visit and the weird stuff about the shooter instead of recycling garbage like this?

think- ago

I did find that explanation reasonable

Yes, it is a reasonable explanation,


Occultists like Podesta love double meanings. He came up with a totally reasonable explanation, but at the same time the symbols on his hand had an occult meaning too. We had some good, convincing posts about it.

Alchemy / occultism is full of double meanings.

Shit like this is why I don't pay much attention to Q.

Agree. But the Qtists of course would argue 'disinformation is necessary'. /s

Blacksmith21 ago

Just like Charlottesville. "Victim" Heather Heier = HH = 88 = Heil Hitler.

Mittermeyer ago

The 88 actually refers to the 88 precepts, they were coined by the guy who came up with the 14 words.

zepto ago

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

RavenAnon ago

Why not? He told all the lads to subscribe to PewDiePie.

srayzie ago

Thanks for explaining the number 14 and fish. Who knows. If he had therapy and was under MK Ultra, that could be a nice little signature Podesta wanted used to scare others or brag. Who knows? These people are fricken crazy and laugh so openly in our faces.

think- ago

be a nice little signature Podesta wanted used to scare others or brag.

It's not even proven Podesta was involved here. The rune here has a totally different meaning than Podesta's fish.

Had ago

Or he was a semi nihilistic shit poster who was pushed too far.

Mossad is absolutely trying to co-opt this shit so we "stick to the plan". Don't be a boomer on this one grandpa.

GodsAngell ago

When Q is talking about "THE THERAPIST", as he is in post #3100......Q is talking about an MKUltra victim.

Q post 1629, 1633, 1636, 2663

NewSouthernBelle ago

Knew it!

Thanks for confirming.

This hit smelled like spook.

Like MKUltra mind-controlled assassin.

Have you seen this video by hypnotist Derren Brown on how easy it is to create an assassin?

Now imagine you have a team of people and drugs.

MolochHunter ago

ok, thats the THESIS : MK ultra

but how well does this particular piece of evidence SUPPORT that Thesis

the first thing you have to rule out of contention is: Is there another explanation that satisfies Occams Razor test (the most obvious explanation is more likely to be the correct one)

because even if you come up with alternative evidence that is conclusive that this is an MK ultra - this particular piece of evidence in the spotlight now DOES have an alternative explanation that would be plausible to many mnay people.

The upshot is, this piece of evidence IN ISOLATION can never be regarded as conclusive, thus: YOU DONT MAKE A CONCLUSIVE JUDGEMENT on this piece of evidence alone, or else you are simply acting on CONFIRMATION BIAS

Blacksmith21 ago

Deep State has hundreds, probably thousands of headshrinkers who are on their side. They have the manual for how to fuck someone's head up 8 ways to Sunday.

GodsAngell ago

That's what I suspected.

GodsAngell ago

Folks, once again, Q is again confirming what I said days ago....but it immediately got down voted by 9 TROLLS on this website "pretending" to be Patriots, but are not, including: grace8, digital_minuteman321, Hastur77 Just remember to up vote my posts to counter act these Deep State Soros Paid TROLLS. Trolls want to keep you in the dark, they do NOT want the TRUTH to get out. Please remember that when you see their troll comments.

Posted Friday: Q Warned Us Last Night to Prepare for Today's FALSE FLAG ATTACK in New Zealand....

Posted Saturday: Why Was John Podesta REALLY In New Zealand Days Before Mass Shooting? (Answer? Cuz its a False Flag attack by the Deep State)

Hastur77 ago

1) wish i was paid for this

2) only person i troll is you when you say the wacky shit or attack someone else when Q says stay united

Wazhappenin1 ago

I thought you were not supposed to beg for up votes? Kinda puts a chink in your mail. Don't get so worked up by the down votes. It's not a big deal in the slightest.unpopular views are just that.

MolochHunter ago

get over yourself and just discuss the merits of the evidence, willya?

DawnPendraig ago

I 2nd this.

I am so sick of the back and forth bickering between Godsangel and digital What's his face. On every Damn thread either posts on. Complete with copy and paste spam posts.

So, you two think the other is posting garbage. Fine. Let's discuss the merits or lack there of and not who won't answer who or personal attacks.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Beware false prophets

GodsAngell ago

I am just letting fellow Patriots know the battle I am in on the website, just trying to get the Truth out.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Suck it , fsggot.

MolochHunter ago

we've tried telling you how many times. no one doubts your commitment, but your dreadful sense of confirmation bias makes you a target

you bring this on yourself by your style, despite our best and repeated advice

GodsAngell ago

Please explain.

benjitsu ago

I am pretty sure I have told you to stop bolding and capitalizing like a fucking retard.

MolochHunter ago

are you for real?

each of us mods has sent you private messages to try and coach you to make yourself a smaller target and you dont respond to them

have you been completely ignoring your inbox all this time?

GodsAngell ago

Well, it might help if you showed me how in the world to view "private messages".


Fagtardicus ago

i dunno, maybe the envelop in the top corner that lights up bright eyecatching red with a blue number when you receive a message?

DawnPendraig ago

That's not true. I've seen them try and Ive seen you get super defensive which plays right into that "digital what's his race's" hands.

Ignore him. Please.

And be open to constructive criticism. Most mean well when they tell you not to dump it all in your posts at once and what not.

I see your passion. It reminds me of my own when I first got online into forums and email groups. I alienated a lot of people being too in their faces and abrasive, arrogant and going too fast. I am not saying you do are all that just offering some hard earned wisdom. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar - I was often told.

RavenAnon ago

We keep pointing this stuff out. Now Q just backed us on this....

It feels good to get validation once in while!!!!!

Locked_Account ago

We are the news now. You think POTUS DJT ever watches the news?

Fagtardicus ago

he missed out big by not blasting kate perry/justin beiber music while removing kebab

ArcAngel ago

I KNOW what a shotgun does to a body at that range no blood at 0:29.. lots later when he comes back tho...

Phantom42 ago

You obviously don't, or else you'd go along with what the fucking video shows.

ArcAngel ago

ok, moishie. stay safe in moms basement.

benjitsu ago

How long does it take for your juices to empty when you have a couple dinner plate sized holes in your back, do you think?

Notimportant36 ago

Looks like that level of coincidence can be treated as his signature. And hidden in plain sight at that.

Vindicator ago

Couldn't believe that when I saw it. I think the whole thing is a set up to connect the shooter back here to us.

think- ago

Couldn't believe that when I saw it. I think the whole thing is a set up to connect the shooter back here to us.

No. The symbol isn't a fish, it's a rune:

The 14 is a code number white supramacists use.

Both have nothing to do with our Pizzagate research.

@EricKaliberhall @srayzie @MolochHunter

VoatsNewfag ago

Why would the deep state orchestrate a false flag but then put clues for us on the gun?

srayzie ago

Symbolism will be their downfall. They laugh at us.

Mittermeyer ago

The symbol is a Nordic rune with nothing to do with pedosta or fish though, and the 14 clearly is the 14 words.