ChiefMAGA ago

He/she did warn us and I think Anons knew this already. They are taking this overseas because they can't stop it here. As arrests happen, we need to be EVEN more vigilant. They have gotten even more desparate.

721-AQZ ago

(US, UK , FR, IT) <<<Q should have included New Zealand

New Zealand is a commonwealth of the UK.

amarQ144 ago

Until further notice I think I will down vote every post I see posted multiple times, in multiple subs, with links back to posters own posts, in caps,...and in bold,..and with out bothering to read any.

spiffyaintit ago

Sure. But if Q knew, they should have stopped it.

People in my country died because of this asshole shooter.

ChiefMAGA ago

Q didn't know. Your country unfortunately has been a DS hangout for a while. They are knee deep in corruption that needs to be rooted out. That said, condolences and hopefully we take it back from evil. A beautiful place like that should never suffer at the hands of evil.

spiffyaintit ago

Thanks @ChiefMAGA. Hopefully Q and Trump are able to, and soon. Our country needs saving!

MrMysterious ago

Knowing about something in a general sense does not mean you are able to stop it, especially in this scenario (if it was a FF). As far as we know the NZ government is in league with the people that would have done a FF. How exactly was the US/Q supposed to stop something with NZ on the side of the attackers? From what I can see, Q/USA now stops the specific attacks they can... they also can warn us when they hear chatter or believe an attack is coming but Q/US don't know where. Remember the other side does have some competence.

MatildaQ ago

Why do you think President Trump grounded all Boeing 737s?? They might have got info about this very attempt. There is a chip in the planes - assembled in Washington - with parts from around the world - that is suspect. ONE CHIP can bring down a plane. Can you imagine dozens of 737s falling from the sky at the same time? We have been warned time and time again about FF. You can bet things are reaching boiling point and the deep state will do ANYTHING to stop what is coming, including this crime in NZ, shooting up a school or flying planes into buildings.

Drop #259

12-05-2017 16:09:40 AEDT Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:cc0116 No.34917

RED RED 9/11.

Funds raised vs distributed?


7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

Those in the know never sleep. Q

These people are sick. Sick and evil. Q

Kzintrooper2016 ago

DS is throwing out FF attacks where ever they can. I am sure they would like to do them in the US but are getting blocked more and more.

spiffyaintit ago

That's true, and I should be more mindful that knowing something due to chatter without specific detail does not me they can stop everything the DS has planned to do (especially when I think back on all the attacks on US soil over the last 2 years).

I get the sense whatever the purpose of this FF (podesta stripping away access from open source news and information in this country?), it's going to get worse before it gets better.

LeeDoverwood ago

Your country had authority. They KNEW. They were warned. They watch the Chans also. This was a complete psyop to shut down the chans and voat , change the narrative, and target Trump which is exactly how they are using it.

spiffyaintit ago

Most likely they worked with Podesta to make it happen. I didn't mean to sound like I was blaming Q btw, just so angry that someone (my own govt, no doubt you are right about that) allowed it to go ahead.

And, well, it's working, because two ISPs have already blocked Voat, the Chans, etc,.

LeeDoverwood ago

People should still be able to go to

benfranklin1776 ago

who called PM Jacinda first to offer congrats on her baby ... Cuck Trudeau... so we know what club she belongs to

grace8 ago

Q never said/knew where, what or when.

spiffyaintit ago

Hence my if.

derram ago :

In newly released transcript, former FBI lawyer fires back on charges that anti-Trump bias affected Trump and Clinton probes - The Washington Post

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