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SandHog ago


kestrel9 ago

Here's a link where people can read about your feedback.

A quote from @MolochHunter "that vertical fish is one of the nazi symbols (less common than the swasticker, sure), and 14 is the white supremacist number (they have some 14 word slogan about securing the future of white people), as in '1488' = 14 word slogan plus HH = heil hitler"

"yes, Podesta seemed to be in NZ, and yes thats ... ahem ... Fishy ... - but I also think if you are part of a false flag its not like you're going to write on your assault rifle 'John Podesta rly made me do it' now, are you?"

If the 14 and fish symbols on the gun is not anything to do with John Podesta's symbols as per the meme, then perhaps the questions that Q poses are more important regarding the NZ shooter:

  • What does a dog do when he/she has a bone?
  • Did he have a therapist?
  • Who paid for his travel to the Middle East?
  • Q

Is the John Podesta visit a diversion away from what is hidden? (I think that's along the lines of the point you were making on the other thread.

Lansing-Michigan ago

We need to check out Opus symbol big in vatican. Their little pointy hats are in the shape of a fish.

benjitsu ago

"yes, Podesta seemed to be in NZ, and yes thats ... ahem ... Fishy ... - but I also think if you are part of a false flag its not like you're going to write on your assault rifle 'John Podesta rly made me do it' now, are you?" ...You have been here HOW long and you don't know that evil HAS to put this shit out in front of our faces, it is literally one of the rules they operate by.

kestrel9 ago

The conversation was discussing both sides. Your requote of a requote fell a bit flat imho because there are a lot of things to discuss and you didn't address any with specificity.

SandHog ago

Pretty much. I don't have an issue with anything other than that specific meme being broadcast because the 14/fish part can be easily explained and thus used to detract from the legitimate questions that deserve to be asked surrounding the curious timing of Podesta's visit.

kestrel9 ago

I'm glad you commented, I ended up finding out about the other meaning of the symbols and given what I was posting about earlier today regarding the NZ shooters and history within Christchurch/NZ/CIA/FVEY, there's a lot more to think about.

SandHog ago

There's definitely something very 'fishy' going on there but comparing those two images is sending the wrong message as both sets of symbols are unrelated to each other. That doesn't mean that there isn't a deeper connection via Podesta and what he was up to there. It's just going to send people chasing down a false lead only for them to discover that they were being misled when they learn what those symbols mean and that is counter-productive and wastes people's time for no good reason.

kestrel9 ago

We read about what was reported re Podesta's trip

To me it sounds like he's writing FAKE NEWS (seeding the news for the future twists and turns according to script) in the spirit of the Left's 'Russian Collusion' scam.

I posted this earlier today:

fourth link:

Tarrant left the gym in 2011 and his travels, he says, were funded by money he made investing in Bitconnect

Ankara on Friday said it was investigating Tarrant's multiple visits to Turkey

The Bulgarian government has also said it was looking into Tarrant, who apparently visited the country late last year, as well as having earlier travelled to other parts of the Balkans -- including Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

guess I'll add this here: /

the Australian national was arrested along with other suspects . "improvised explosive devices (IEDs) — police initially suggested they had been attached to two vehicles....Bush clarified that there were possibly two devices on a single vehicle."

"police carried out a controlled explosion at Britomart Train Station in Auckland after two abandoned backpacks were found there, the NZ Herald reported."

An investigation and analysis by Disobedient Media indicates that Tarrant and the group he worked with likely have professional military connections, are part of the same cell that perpetrated a February 22nd break in of the North Korean embassy in Spain and potentially have intelligence ties to various agencies that cooperate under the UKUSA Agreement popularly known as Five Eyes (FVEY).

Since Tarrant had at least one New Zealander acting as an accomplice, it is possible that there may have been other New Zealand nationals associated with his group. Outside of their collaboration through the FVEY framework, New Zealand's Special Air Service has been deployed to Afghanistan where they worked directly under the CIA at a base in Bamiyan province according to claims published in 2011.

The Australian also engaged in extensive travel abroad to a number of areas that should have raised red flags with intelligence services. Countries visited by Tarrant included Pakistan, North Korea, Turkey, parts of Africa, Portugal, Spain, France, Afghanistan and Xinjiang, China. The extensive travel and access to military grade firearms should have made detection by law enforcement and intelligence services nearly impossible to avoid.

Many of the countries visited by Tarrant play host to the operations of agencies with connections to FVEY. FVEY members include the US, the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. FVEY also have a number of Tier B nations who participate in "focused cooperation" on computer network exploitation, including Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungry, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.

Outside of the UKUSA Agreement, FVEY members are known to cooperate with Tier B nations on their own. Great Britain has had a deep relationship with Spain since World War II, when Britain bought off the Spanish to remain neutral and then used the country as an escape route for downed Allied airmen. British agency GCHQ also collaborates independently with counterparts in Germany, France, Spain and Sweden. British-Russian double agent Sergei Skripal was also revealed to have been collaborating with Spanish intelligence officers in the years leading up to his poisoning in 2018.

Brenton Tarrant's travels to Turkey, France, Spain and Portugal raise questions about potential connections to intelligence services who collaborate loosely under the FVEY intelligence sharing agreement. Additionally, his time spent in Pakistan, a country with a long history of deep CIA involvement creates an even stronger possibility that Tarrant might have had ties to military or intelligence organizations.

In securing a getaway from the North Korean embassy, the attacking team of approximately ten individuals utilized two luxury vehicles. In the Christchurch attack, the suspects used two vehicles for transport in which live explosive devices were found. The similar number of vehicles used in both incidents points to a common number of participants.

Whether or not one believes that the Christchurch terror attacks have more to them than meets the eye, it is undeniable that the tragedy is now being exploited by various parties for personal gain. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has taken the opportunity to promote increased gun control with a total ban on semi-automatic weapons. Ardern formerly worked as a policy advisor to Tony Blair, who has himself been a willing collaborator with British intelligence services. Ardern has not yet commented on the fact that New Zealand security and emergency services caused the death toll to rise substantially higher than needed due to an incredibly slow response time.

In addition to the debate about gun control, pundits have begun to harass President Donald Trump, accusing him of having some kind of ideological connection to Brenton Tarrant due to the suspect's fascist loyalties. These efforts only serve to intensify efforts to derail the ongoing crisis involving the Korean peace process.

...3/17/2019: This article was updated with new details regarding emerging facts and clarification about police response times. Unfortunately, the New Zealand government has engaged in unprecedented censorship of the event and videos of the incident have all been taken offline.

Of course we could interpret Q posting the meme with JP hands as just something hidden in plain sight in regards to NZ... ISIS

SandHog ago

Whew, this is a rabbit hole, indeed. I'm focused on something else at the moment but it certainly seems like something that's worth digging into. Just don't count on me to do so! I got my hands full already.

kestrel9 ago

I'm in the midst of several myself, this one was a side track honestly and then it looked like a lot more to it (as you noted).

Vindicator ago

Good to see Disobedient Media is still kicking butt. :-)