17531205? ago

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17508158? ago

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17485250? ago

weren't there windows there? I would have taken a chair and thrown it through the glass to jump, crawl and try to survive. Your recap is fantastic !

17474221? ago

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17470461? ago

At 8:09 to 8:14 what is the weird light on the carpet? Could it be some sort of video processing error? It looks strange - it can't be the strobe on the gun.

17470402? ago

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17470037? ago

Brilliant analysis

17469628? ago

A for the effort

17469476? ago

Lol, I made similar notes. Not as detailed as yours but here we go anyway...

The “shooting” was a HOAX. Use critical thinking and watch the video objectively.

1) Why doesn’t he shoot anyone outside the mosque as he enters?

A shill says: “because the mosque was his target!!!”

I say: the strobe gun was loaded with blanks or “simunition” and random passers by didn’t know that. Only those inside the mosque did, and that was the entire purpose of using the strobe on that gun — as a visual confirmation to the actors inside that this gun is the “blanks” gun.

2) Why were there piles of bodies in the corners of the room as soon as he entered? Why did none of those huddled bodies try to escape through the doorways at the same corners of the room?

A shill says: “because they were terrified!!!”

I say: it was a movie set, and this “shooting” was a movie with stage props and lots of fake bodies, or mannequins.

3) Why did he spend so long shooting at nothing outside the mosque? Why did he return to his car to switch weapons?

A shill says: “because he was crazy!!! to reload!!!”

I say: to give the actors a chance to be checked by medical crew, and to allow sufficient time to replace certain actors with mannequins for the “coup de grace” shots for the final scene.

4) Why did he switch weapons?

A shill says: “because he was a crazy white supremacist with too many guns!!!”

I say: the second AR was loaded with actual projectiles to increase “realism” for the final scene. Notice the change in sound, and how much more carefully he aims it.

5) Why did some bodies produce a bloody mist and others did not?

A shill says: “because In real life that’s what happens, I should know, I am an expert!!!”

I say: blood packs were either not installed on every mannequin for budget reasons, or some of them failed to discharge when shot.

6) Why were the lady’s shoes on the sidewalk as he leaves the mosque?

A shill says: “because she was just shot!!!”

I say: this is a CLASSIC hoax marker. Shoes seem to be symbolic to the organisers of these events. Shoes off can be found at almost every “mass shooting” and “terror” event. Look it up!

7) Why did the first couple of shotgun rounds in the car appear to do nothing to the car’s windshield despite shooting straight through it?

A shill says: “because the video is too poor quality to see the damage!!!”

I say: those shotgun shells were also “simunition” or similar stage prop ammunition. Strong enough to sometime damage windows at point blank range (especially weaker side glass), but not all of the time.

8) Why was the video such poor quality?

A shill says: “because he live streamed it!!!!”

I say: to make it harder to analyse after the event.

17467700? ago

Just a note re shoes - shoes are not worn inside a mosque

17469854? ago

Multi colored socks got it.

Kinda makes sense with their multi flag flag

17467451? ago

If I saw a mass shooting like this in a movie, I'd be wanting my ticket money back. Looked pretty fake to me.

17467139? ago

Had a question in my mind while watching, but have only had a chance to watch it one time and not go back and investigate.

How many bullets does the clip hold? How many shots were fired from each clip? How many empty chamber trigger pulls were there? I kept thinking the guy was acting like he was using a new weapon in a video game. One time looking like he wasn't sure about reloading it. I could see that if he was excited, breathing hard, adrenaline and heart pumping, but he just seamed like it was a training walk through.

When he left, I was waiting for the thump thump of running over a body, or a bump from his camera. I wanted to watch it again because I remember thinking, did he miss it???

17466808? ago

And this is why they are trying to pull the video off the net.

17466489? ago

Whether this is real or not, terrorist act or hoax, done by Q or the cabal or just a random organic occurrence, killing people isn't the answer. Unfortunately this is going to spawn a bunch of reactionary attacks from people all over the world. Sad for it to come to this. If Q isn't able to cut down the bad guys it was always going to end badly. White people have a right to exist in their countries but we have to minimize the loss of life. You can't massacre people to get your point across. This is why fascist policy is terrible

17466486? ago

Be warned do not DL this video in au nz or probably UK or you could go to jail

17467757? ago

Why? What crime would be bring committed?

17466157? ago

Another thing I noticed at the beginning as he walks toward the entrance there are 2 people I think talking in the front yard, and someone else walking closer to a house. Why did he not shoot at them? Also they did not run away from the guy with 2 long weapons.

17466340? ago

LOL that is literally my first note.

17465391? ago

Did you look into the somgs that were playing?

Serbia Strong by Razni Ivodjaci

1777 The British Grenadiers March

Fire by Arthur Brown. Listen to the lyrics on this one. This somg starts right as he gets to his vehicle to drive away. Very strange timing...

17464957? ago


8:33 He picks up the pre-placed magazine off the ground and loads it! What a coincidence that the mosque not only has ammunition on the floor of their building, and that it's painted with white paint in the same style as the shooter's weapon, but that it is also the same caliber to fit properly into his weapon! Praise be allah.

8:44 We see that when he hit the runner from 8:10, he also managed to hit someone in blue jeans who stumbled to the side of the hallway and collapsed bloodlessly in the corner.

8:45 That runner from 8:10 went down in the open doorways right next to the first victim. However the runner is actually bleeding! After shooting fifty people, we finally have a bleeder!

8:57 Empties a clip down the sidewalk. People have pointed out that the expended cartidges disappear. I will say that it is grainy video and that small moving objects may get lost into artifacts, but seriously some of those rounds are not moving that fast and they actually disappear in thin air inches from the camera. Most obviously when he turns around and fires three rounds in the other direction.

9:30 He goes to his car and takes his strapped rifle off over his head. Even though he is right next to the car's storage and could put the rifle back into his car, he throws it on the ground for no reason.

9:55 Shooter has walked past the main entrance to a second drive entrance. I didn't mention earlier that there is an orange cone on the street at the main entrance to stop cars from pulling in. This second drive also appears to be blocked, by a square-shaped sign. Maybe it says "lot full" on the other side? Just an interesting detail.

10:04 We also see that the carpark is indeed completely full even up to cars parked in the entrance gate that would block other cars from being able to drive through if they wanted to. Street views also show every single parking spot is taken so if someone wanted to stop by they would have a hell of a time finding parking within a half mile. (The shooter parked in the side alley apparently illegally.)

Honestly with this many cars I think there weren't that many people.

10:32 He re-enters the mosque and passes again the one body that actually bleeds. (How convenient that the bleeder went down at a distance and off camera?)

10:35-42 He walks back in the hallway while pointedly aiming the camera at each dead body for maximum cinematographic effect, even turning around and walking backwards to accomplish this.

10:42 We see the tackler has decided to get out of his left-side hands-on-face position, and reorient to a face-up resting pose.

10:54 The shooter walks toward the right-hand body pile firing bullets into the inanimate pile. The man in blue jeans at the front of the pile is lying on his back, hands resting on his belly, and legs outstretched with his left foot resting on top of his right foot.

If you see it you will know that this is a position in which a person will lie down and rest. You would never fall and die with your legs straight and crossed, feet pointing to the ceiling. There is an apparent pool of blood by this mans head and thats it for the whole cadaver pile.

10:56 As he shoots the body pile, there is a man in grey lying on his left side, with his right arm outstretched towards the camera. The noise/air blast from the rifle startles him and he pulls his right arm down closer to his leg, then re-freezes like he's supposed to.

10:59 A shot to the head blows the man's hat off like in an old western. Mythbusters actually did this myth and no, bullets do not make your hat fly off like that. Especially without splattering your brains all over the wall.

11:00-11:02 The camera pans across an open doorway. The entire mass of people could have run out of that door this whole freakin time! They weren't trapped at all! It's just an entryway without even a door on it to close! Maybe instead of banning guns we can teach moslems how to walk through doors?

11:19 Just after reloading, shooter hits the original main-room casualty (blue shirt guy) in the head and we get a fantastic blood-splatter out the other side -- the first decent effect of this whole movie. However the man's head is still perfectly intact on the near side, somehow the bullet just passed through the hat and skull leaving it intact then blowing a huge amount of blood out of the far side.

Of all the bodies in this room, blue shirt guy is probably the most obviously dead one since he shot him about twenty times already. I guess he just was frustrated that the man's body was still intact and was hoping the twenty-first shot would be the lucky one to create some gore?

11:22 As the shooter walks to the left side of the room, we see a man sitting up against the pillar for the first time. Somehow he is dead even though the shooter never saw him before or knew to shoot at him. Maybe shots flew threw the wall but the walls appear to be perfectly clean and undamaged. The man gets shot and slumps forward a bit but doesn't scream.

11:25 We see the window in that corner that the huddle of people could have broken and escaped out of if they weren't so sleepy that they decided to nap instead. No more blood splatters so I guess it was just the one magical bloody bullet at the top of the magazine. We do see movement from the shots like maybe an air blast or a lightweight projectile that doesn't pierce the skin.

11:48 As he exits the mosque a second time, he fires at some people who are exiting a side-gate of the fence enclosing the grounds. They disappear out of view.

11:50 The orange cone, in the entry, which was still standing the second time he entered the mosque, is now lying down in the opposite direction of traffic. If a passing car accidentally hit it, you would expect it to lie the other way. Of course it could have tumbled. Just an interesting continuity issue.

11:53 He walks out and we see that one of those escapers was hit and is on the ground. (She managed to run about four yards with no blood trail and lie down in a very strategic location, as we will see later.) He finishes her off from distance.

12:01-03 He walks by the side gate which this lady and the others ran out of. It is in a closed position. I don't think the escapers shut it behind them, so it probably has a spring on it to keep it shut?

12:05 The lady is hit and lying on the ground but without any blood, still even after stumbling while shot and then being finished off from distance.

12:06 Now he shoots her and the air from his blast moves her hair, but we get a blood effect on the arm instead. He fires a second shot which sways both her hair and sleeve but doesn't make any more blood. These are windy bullets! The color of the blood is a bit off at it seems almost orange.

Now we see that she managed to bloodlessly flee from the gate to this very strategic spot in front of the alley so the shooter gets an opportunity to callously drive over her body. Beautiful!

12:50-52 Shooter fires two shotgun rounds through his own windscreen! However the ammo are duds since they don't break the screen or make any noise, just blow a little smoke. I guess he accidentally had it loaded with his fake movie ammo. So he reloads.

13:12 Again fires through his windscreen and it cracks this time because he's got real or semi-real ammunition this time.

13:21 He decides that cracking his windscreen further isn't such a great idea so he drives beside the target and shoots out his passenger side window instead. The bystander, like us, doesn't hear much noise coming from this shotgun and hasn't realized he is in danger. He is just standing or walking normally despite having been shot at three times already.

Besides having a silencer this shotgun also is very smoky. I am not an expert on shotguns and it is many years since I shot one but this is not how I remember them.

<police response> For those wondering about the lack of police, it is about six minutes from his first shot at 6:38 to driving off at 12:30. Depending on when the emergency calls get made and where the police are, it can take some time for them to arrive. So I personally don't find it suspicious that they are not on the scene. However by the time he leaves I would expect police and other emergency vehicles to be coming from all directions sirens blaring. In the four and a half minutes of driving to to the end of the video we don't hear any sirens.

17464882? ago

At the character limit; I will continue in the comments.

Nah. We get it.

17464876? ago

My finger smells like poo too

17466221? ago

Why am I not surprised by that?

17486178? ago

I'm not surprised your finger smells like poo either.

17465293? ago

Go see a doctor. They have medicine for that.

17466155? ago

Smell from this will not go away. A bunch of convictions will help. One for the worst film segment ever done.

17469517? ago

Silly how bad they can be at films when they have been doing cgi for like over 2 decades.

They must be running low on resources if it's this shotty of a job.

17466319? ago
