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Wazhappenin1 ago

We had confirmation on Saturday by members on voat who watched the video and they confirmed it was real. With Parkland and Sandyhook and the pulse shooting, no video no evidence.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Not a lot of blood... only “convincing” kill is lady in the street at the end. Where did he start driving from?

Phantom42 ago

Holy shit you fucking imbecile. It's a 5.56 round going mach Jesus at close range which leaves a smaller exit hole than a motherfucking .50, okay? The real world isn't Call of Duty and a 5.56 doesn't make a mess of blood until much later, or if you get a real fucking lucky shot and the bullet hits in such a way that there may be some immediate effects. The woman getting nailed is an example pf this. Hitting people in the chest/torso? You'll see their clothes jerk and they'll drop like a ragdoll. Blood doesn't come around until later. Same goes for shotguns. Depending on the choke, ammunition, etc... It's not going to blow someone's head in half, and may just lodge some BB's in the skin.

Got you Qultist fucks are INSUFFERABLE at times. Claiming there was no blood or it was a fake shooting.... Hope this wakes a lot of people up to the other bullshit you faggots spread, like the SerialBrain fuckhead that's nothing more than a schizo case.

I used to kinda roll with you people, but not anymore. QRV put your true colors on display and I'll have none of it. All lunatics or ignorant fools who need someone else to tell them the "truth", no citation needed.

Just NPC's on the "right". That's all you faggots are.