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LakotaPride ago

Patriots, one video that a Patriot sent me, the people were all playing dead on the floor before he ever entered the main room before firing shots. what a rifle, kills without even having to fire a single shot.

eyerighteye ago

Did you catch the second by second breakdown of everything wrong with that video someone did? Was great.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot I saw two, one was in real time and the other showed the casings just poof disappear, and even when he slowed down for a moment no casings on the ground. npw I hear they are trying to scrub all the videos off line, because they are so busted . LOL

eyerighteye ago

I didn't get a copy saved before they were gone :(

LakotaPride ago

I suspected this would happen as soon as they were being exposed, Patriot. and NZ fully involved in the cover up it appears. this is why Q posted we need to secure things offline.

eyerighteye ago

The only video I was able to see was shorter than the one others are referencing, about 7 minutes in length total, and had no sidewalk shooting or in car footage at all. It was sooooooo unconvincing

LakotaPride ago

I am sorry you did not see the other videos, Patriot. people really need to see it because it exposes itself. and the reason they are pulling it I suspect.