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Vindicator ago

@thewebofslime, thanks for creating a well-written, easy to follow explanation. Unfortunately, I have to flair this for Rule 2 because you have no actual primary souces linked here at all. The pics are great and make it easy to read, but we also need the original source links so that people can vet your thesis for themselves. Please take the time to add that material so that we can leave this up. I will give you the 24 Hours Grace flair. Of course, if you may always post it as is to v/pizzagatewhatever, which does not have evidentiary requirements. Thanks.

thewebofslime ago

All of the business documents are "self-authenticating" in that they are good enough for court and meet the evidentiary requirements for courts within the US.

Voat seemingly has some of the sources banned, so it has become increasingly difficult to write a long post and include a bunch of links, then have the post rejected. Because, frankly, I don't have time to go hunt through every single link, again. I generally do go to the trouble, when writing, to include enough of the names so that anything can be Googled.

The Edible Schoolyard tax returns from 2013, as well as others, are easily Googled.

The Joule Docs email by Erynn Sepp is easily Googled, but the Uranium One money trail is best explored, in detail, in my other posts.

The Troika Laundromat is widely reported on. No news article will mention Joule, Troika Dialog, Ruben Vardanyan, Ian Telfer and the Clinton Foundation all in the same article. It doesn't exist. This is why you have to rely on the primary source documents.

Other than that, judicial notice should be recognized for the Russia reset and it is beyond the scope of a single thread to chase down and link every single donor to the Clinton Foundation who also donated to Skolkovo. The Joule Docs email proves the last picture and Ian Telfer's payment from his NGO to the Clinton Foundation are widely recognized by all MSM, but there is not going to be a single article you can find that also shows he gave to the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Partnership. That is why it is important people do their own research.

I'm not sure what else needs proving or sources. Most of it is pretty obvious and well known and reported upon.

Here are some of the sources, but... again... I can't actually include them in the post because "banned domains." I played around with it, to try to find which was correct, but there is clearly more than one.

think- ago

I generally do go to the trouble, when writing, to include enough of the names so that anything can be Googled.

The Edible Schoolyard tax returns from 2013, as well as others, are easily Googled.

I really appreciate your posts, @thewebofslime. But I'm afraid the rules we have are here for a reason - and that's that posts should be self-explanatory, and backed up with sources.

I really can't wrap my head around why you are able to write brilliant posts, but are not able to adhere to the subverse rules. Sorry for being so blunt.

Maybe reduce the number of posts, and focus on writing the ones you submit in a way that they don't need to be flaired?

thewebofslime ago

I get it, and the deletion, itself, isn't a problem. I haven't complained in the two years /v/Pizzagate has been around. But I am sure that the standards aren't always equally applied.

I'm not going to have people telling me I am lazy and acting like their time is more valuable than mine, though. When I'm insulted, I speak up. I treat pathological narcissists with extreme prejudice, and anyone who thinks their time is more valuable than mine without knowing anything about me, and who doesn't have the intellectual capacity to gauge the quality of my work, fits this description. @Crensch.

I have no problem sourcing stuff, but the application of the rules is widely varied and the rules are specific enough to silence actual debate and progress. The low effort posts take over against high effort posting and the recommendation for great work that needs to be discussed is, "Oh, well go post in the tiniest subverse that everyone ignores."

If everyone who was serious about /v/Pizzagate actually reported pedophiles who were discovered to LEO and reported the nonprofits to the IRS, this problem would have been solved ages ago. As far as I can tell, I am the only one who is actually DOING SOMETHING.

I would suggest that the rules of the sub do not always allow for "conversation" in a productive manner and I can see when good posts are buried, not by downvoting campaigns, but by upvoting campaigns of competing posts.

I have been very interested in measuring how shilling works and the Pizzagate sub has seen every kind. This whole sub, whether the mods intend to, or not, is operating as limited hangout. It is unfocused and lacks a clear direction.

The problem is compounded when searchvoat doesn't work 99% of the time for many people. This is all a systematic way to BURY information. I don't really see people from this sub branching out. QRV is doing way more work, gets way more attention and exposure and more than half their community didn't even believe in Pizzagate.

I've slowly, but surely, been working on a way to have a place for everyone to type in a name and pull up all Pizzagate/Pedogate related material. It's almost done. It will be more focused than a Google search and will help people clearly lay out evidence. But what is the point of letting everyone do that if no one actually reports pedophiles and their money laundering? I'm not convinced that the /v/Pizzagate community is the place to share such a tool.

So, while my post generates a lot of bitching and extra work for me, the truth is that it is a small piece of the puzzle. This is what I was REALLY working on. It is the most comprehensive explanation of Pizzagate that you will find. It surpasses anything anyone has been allowed to post to /v/Pizzagate. The sourcing involves a lot of grainy FOIA documents that is greater than the length of the piece, itself.


Now, as a way to HELP PEOPLE UNDERSTAND, it is great and work like this shouldn't have to be meticulously sourced because that really should be an entirely separate document. Plus, a lot of my methods and writing are my intellectual property and I am doing your community and others a favor by sharing everything I do with zero compensation.

So, my post, while you don't like the sourcing, is providing a way for people to understand the complexity of the monetary finagling behind the scenes of organized crime.

So, I challenge you all to actually think about why this work isn't allowed on your subreddit and reflect on why I see a problem with that. I haven't read any of the other replies, because I have hundreds of messages/replies in multiple inboxes across multiple platforms every single day, where people aren't giving me a hard time about my posts. Even if I wasn't busy, it literally isn't feasible for me to reply to everyone.

@kingkongwaswrong [O] @Crensch [O] @Vindicator [M] @srayzie [M] @ben_matlock [M] @EricKaliberhall [J] @heygeorge [D]



Because I think she might be interested in reading the Google doc before the whole sourced version goes on my website.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm reading the doc. Thank you.

Please try to find a way to comply with the rules. I know they're tough and time consuming, but they are in place for good reasons.

I hope you find a way to resolve this. Please post to /pizzagatewhatever if you don't have the needed links.

I enjoy reading you.

Thank you.

thewebofslime ago

My problem is that it will never fit and I think long giant posts are necessary to explain the entirety of the problem. This last post was merely a piece of a much larger work, which is a chopped down version of a much larger work.

I can use fake AI (markovian chains) to write rough drafts of articles. This is usually what sets my chronology. If I put in all my sources from a spreadsheet, it creates a wonderful rough draft that merely needs to be reworded, because it looks like an idiot wrote it. The outline will usually be pretty good, though. So, when I output a 100,000 character article, it takes me less time and effort than when other people do it. A lot less.

When I generate something, it automatically posts to multiple platforms. I generally don't have time to tailor everything to places with extra rules. So, if it gets deleted, I'm not too worried about it. I get worried when I see artificial manipulation surrounding my post, then get insulted over being lazy and wasting everyone's time, when, in fact, it is my time that is being wasted because everywhere else that wants this type of content welcomes it with open arms. /v/Pizzagate has NEVER been kind to my posting. I mean going all the way back to over two years ago. I would say it has gotten better. But, the subverse will never allow a single, comprehensive article to be written on Pizzagate because you can't cover it in 10,000 characters, nor can you source it in 10,000 characters.

It is the same reason why you will never get to the bottom of anything on Twitter. Everyone is dumbed down to trying to communicate in one sentence. Crimes that are intentionally organized in a layered, complex manner are impossible to explain in this format.

I see it as a serious problem that good posts can get deleted when low effort posts that really contribute nothing are constantly filling the front page. What is everyone really trying to accomplish? I'm left wondering.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You do so much work on these articles, I hate to see them deleted while drivel stays up. Do you post the same submissions in your other sub v/thewebofslime?

If you wish to keep submitting to v/pizzagate and would like me to assist you in any way, please let me know. I could archive articles for you so when you posted them in your submissions they would take up less space, and help you meet this subs rules.

I do not know how other places like reddit are run and I've never had a twitter account. But there are a few people here who have shared there twit links and you are one of the few who I will actually go read once in a while.

What is everyone really trying to accomplish?

I have no tech skills so I use the submissions and articles to help people in my real world to red pill others and spread the word. I make the archives for this purpose, and so the government won't have such an easy time sweeping it under the rug again.

I don't think I could take that.

srayzie ago

We cover pizzagate on v/GreatAwakening too. It’s not as strict. There’s also v/Pizzagatewhatever.

Vindicator ago

I'd love to see a sourced submission on how to report a charity to the IRS, @thewebofslime. I don't think we've ever actually had a post on that. If it was well-made in accord with the rules, I'd even flair and sticky it. What kind of evidence do you need to provide? Can you do it anonymously?

thewebofslime ago

As a citizen, you just have to report what you think is wrong doing. You don't have to actually prove it. That isn't your job. So long as you are operating in good faith, you can fill this out and make 10% on what is recovered.

You can even do it to your local drug dealers. It works.

If you are nervous about your name, you can slap a random person's name on it and mail it.

As for law enforcement, write a letter with evidence without including your name. Always. Call yourself a "discretionary reporter." Don't talk to law enforcement. Just send them a letter.

think- ago

As for law enforcement, write a letter with evidence without including your name. Always. Call yourself a "discretionary reporter." Don't talk to law enforcement. Just send them a letter.

I would love to know in how many cases this has led LE to really investigate? Because from my observation, people have desperately begged LE to investigate pedos, they even had evidence, and nothing happened. (Talking about Britain though).

thewebofslime ago

Personally, I can attest to a number of them.

However, the paper trail is what is important. Hundreds of people reporting the same thing WILL result in an investigation.

think- ago

fyi: Voat will ping only the first five users on your ping list; and @kingkongwaswrong doesn't seem to use their account anymore.

think- ago

I get it, and the deletion, itself, isn't a problem.

Well, to me it is, because I think it has been unnecessary - the post could have been amended, and then the mods would have been able to remove the flair.

I'm not going to have people telling me I am lazy

I don't think you are lazy, @thewebofslime. I just think you don't feel like wanting to comply to rules you don't seem to think have merit.

the application of the rules is widely varied

Mods are only human, @thewebofslime. They might err from time to time (I was a mod, so I know what I'm talking about). But I don't generally see rules applied in an uneven way.

I also don't see any attempts of censorship, of targeting you in any way.

As far as I can tell, I am the only one who is actually DOING SOMETHING.

Not sure how you came to this conclusion. You don't know what users here have been doing in real life. Not everyone is talking about it, for obvious reasons, and I wouldn't recommend talking about it.

I can see when good posts are buried, not by downvoting campaigns, but by upvoting campaigns of competing posts.

Not sure what you mean with 'upvoting campaigns'. We have identified one user who clearly vote brigaded in the past, and other users who helped him. In general, it has been my impression that there is no constant brigading of posts.

What I have observed is that good quality posts often don't get enough upvotes and traction as they would have deserved. I think this is because lower effort posts often are more clickbaity, and are more easy to understand.

That's really a pity, but it has nothing to do with v/pizzagate rules, it's just the way it is when you have a board with allows up- and downvoating imo.

And a TL;DR re the rules: When I was a mod, I was really understand that they made sense. In my own sub, v/pizzagateart, the rules are less strict, but then there are only a coupe of users posting there, and they are die-hard pizzagaters source their stuff anyway.

Everytime I look at the v/pizzagate board, I'm really glad we have these rules; and there is a reason why they hardly changed since @kevdude wrote them at the time, although we had several rule discussions on the board.

This whole sub, whether the mods intend to, or not, is operating as limited hangout.


It is unfocused and lacks a clear direction.

I'd say it is its strength, that it isn't 'focused', but has been crowdsourcing ideas and content.

The problem is compounded when searchvoat doesn't work 99% of the time for many people.

It seems to have had some issues lately, but it works for me 90% of the time. You can always find v/pizzagate content too by typing


and keywords when using google, this works 100% of the time.

I don't really see people from this sub branching out.

Not sure what you mean with 'branching out'? Like creating more sister subs?

I've slowly, but surely, been working on a way to have a place for everyone to type in a name and pull up all Pizzagate/Pedogate related material. It's almost done.

Well, that would be terrific.

But what is the point of letting everyone do that if no one actually reports pedophiles and their money laundering?

I might have missed it, but have you actually told people that they might want to report people to IRS?

I'm not convinced that the /v/Pizzagate community is the place to share such a tool.


So, my post, while you don't like the sourcing, is providing a way for people to understand the complexity of the monetary finagling behind the scenes of organized crime.

I don't doubt it. I still think it should have been sourced in a way that it would have been possible to let it stay.

isn't allowed on your subreddit

Ouch. ;-)

I haven't read any of the other replies, because I have hundreds of messages/replies in multiple inboxes across multiple platforms every single day

May I ask you whether you are one real life person, or whether your 'I' and 'me' is referring to a group of people?

I'm asking, because I wasn't able to wrap my head around how a single person could possibly be doing all this work (even a genius autist); and then I don't even know what you've been doing on other platforms.

Please feel free not to answer my question of course.

@shewhomustbeobeyed @EricKaliberhall @Vindicator @Crensch

thewebofslime ago

Mods are generally polite. Crensch is the one who popped off.

This is the IRS whistleblower form.

Reports to LEO should be sent as letters, where you call yourself a "discretionary reporter." Don't talk to law enforcement. Period. Just send a letter. If you get the jurisdiction wrong, they usually try to get it there, for you. Try to get the jurisdiction right, though. When in doubt, go federal.

A limited hangout is when only a small portion of the information is made available in order to prevent upper echelon accountability.

I can tell when I have been the first one to report something, usually. I know people and, more importantly, I know the system. I know how to get court records.

In order to not get caught in a downvoting campaign, manipulators will upvote everything OTHER than the post they don't like in order to bury it. It is more common on Voat than Reddit and "upvoting competing posts" is on the shill menu at multiple shill servicing sites. It is harder for them to get caught this way and they recommend it for when people buy influence on Voat.

When I say it lacks focus, I mean there is no guided effort to produce any usable work product that can be applied to holding these people accountable. Lists of known pedophiles; list of their nonprofits, etc.

I don't see content from Pizzagate branching out into other platforms.

I have help. But I am generally one person. I am able to expand my presence through automation. If a John Podesta article pops up, it automatically gets posted to all platforms. If I hand pick an article, it automatically gets posted to all platforms. At the end of my Google doc, I provide a bit more of an explanation. Automation is the key to having news served up to you, rather than having to go hunt for it. This is easily accomplished using scripts on RSS feeds within Google Sheets. There are many ways to accomplish this type of automation, though.

Again, I want to reiterate that the rules result in making it impossible to generate a single, comprehensive piece on Pizzagate. Nothing like that will ever be allowed on this subverse under the current rules. It is a huge problem. It is why, whether or not that is the intent, it operates as a limited hangout. You will never see the whole scheme in 10,000 characters. You can't even source it in under 10,000 characters. I've tried.

srayzie ago

I wanted to let you know, that we’re allowed 5 pings per post/comment. No need to ping HeyGeorge. He’s just the designer. You can make more comments if you want to add pings. @Shewhomustbeobeyed probably did not get your ping, but I pinged her for you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you @srayzie

srayzie ago

You’re welcome

SearchVoat ago

The problem is compounded when searchvoat doesn't work 99% of the time for many people

It worries me to hear that. SV failed badly with the NZ shooting traffic spike 3 days ago, but otherwise it's working reasonably well as far as I know. Can you please help me out by explaining your comment?

think- ago

For me, it works fine most of the time.

Crensch ago

Look at his comment again. Just glance over it.

There's a tell that he has. He is not one of us.

Vindicator ago

"Subreddit" was a dead giveaway.

Crensch ago

2 tells.

Vindicator ago


We'll see if he decides to get to know the subverse and collaborate like a civilized human. Time will tell.

Crensch ago

Twos is a lazy shill that is only here to cause problems.

Searchvoat is legendary and works jusrlt fine for me 100% of the time save the NZ spike.

thewebofslime ago

Most of the time, it doesn't show any search results, or on a specific name, it will say something like "includes search words that are too generic." I interpret that to mean "the" "and" etc, but it happens with just a single name.

I've seen many complain before, but the number one problem I encounter is that it returns no search results when I try to find my old posts... which is usually what I have cause to look for.

The most recent attempt was trying to find the Podesta/NXIVM connections, so I just posted a picture to QRV. Someone picked up the slack and was able to hunt down all the posts, but it was not possible for me. This is true for multiple devices from multiple locations. Otherwise, I would tunnel into a place I knew worked from a device I knew that worked.

SearchVoat ago

Please try my new SearchVoat v2 beta preview site and see if it works better for you:

There's a discussion post at for feedback.

SearchVoat ago

Ok thanks - yes it does not index short words (2 letters or less) - which tends to frustrate people searching for "Q". I'm thinking about ways to fix that and improve the service generally.

It would be very useful to me if you could give an example of a search for your old posts which doesn't work.

Vindicator ago

There was a bit of time last week or the week before where I was searching for some stuff and got some of those same errors. As soon as I put the words in quotation marks, it found all kinds of stuff. The same types of searches have worked fine for at least the past week, though. Haven't had to use quotation marks for key word searches, and forgot there was even a problem. I know I had a computer update somewhere in between.

truthdemon ago

Have u come across money laundering connections in India and pakistan.. I know Clintons r connected to Ambani charities.. Most of india is a resource for thirld word sources if opium, children etc... Politicians close to movie celebrities are openly running factories churning out heroin precursor chemicals.. The deep state agent mountbatten set up a war zone in kashmir to eneable drug routes from india tool pakistan of these precursor chemicals and vice versa of heroin into india.. Also there is import of counterfeit currency in cintainers from dubai via pakistan...controlled by dawood ibrahim..whi runs prostitution, child rape rings, money laundering businesses like mobile shopps, and spots betting , mumbai property market, and bollywood.. ISI is an extensionnof mi6 deep state.. .. India was the origin of the deep state via opium smuggling...ita a big piece of the puzzle... Thhe former british opium merchant agents like TAta and Birla...are still in control of the oligarchy...

The solution is simple to end the deep state..reduce debt at the US treasury and turning US into ones debtor...this would end the need of cash and of debt..

One has to understand the basic of money theory..and thats this..THERR IS NO MONEY...everything is a record of a failure to pay...and the individual stands surety to this record..and we run the insurwnce game.. : surety rights It only takes an email and. a handful of dollars to turn the US into ones personal keeprs for the insurance game we run as a system of credit.(failure of payment system)

thewebofslime ago

Yes, the Clintons have been involved in a lot of NGO churn in India. I can think of a few things, off the top of my head... orphanages that were overcharging the government (that Clinton visited), a possible faked death with another orphanage... all in the same manner of Mother Theresa. I've been meaning to compile some stuff on it, but time is always a luxury.

Are you looking for something specific? A lot of the Ambani stuff got scrubbed, already, and even more is not easy to read, as it started in Hindu.

Is it a coincidence Rosatom (recipient of Hillary's Uranium One sweetheart deal) is building new nuclear power plants in India and they are, all of the sudden, able to pay rupees for their oil?

This might be an article you would be interested in because it ties together child trafficking from India to the US:

Neera Tanden is also tied to a lot of India stuff, as well as runs money through Center for American Progress to other fronts.

Off the top of my head, nothing immediately comes to mind in Pakistan, but I could do a search if you were looking for something in particular. I'm sure somebody is doing all this in Pakistan and usually that means they find a way to pay the Clintons for the privilege.

Vindicator ago

All of the business documents are "self-authenticating" in that they are good enough for court and meet the evidentiary requirements for courts within the US.

In court, all evidence is presented to the opposing side for vetting -- the documents themselves -- and there are real consequences for fabricating evidence. We have no such help, here, so we require links to the original material.

As for everything that "can be easily Googled", if you desire to post here, you'll need to do that yourself and include the link in your thread. Otherwise, you can post in v/pizzagatewhatever, our subverse for unsourced submissions. I am not at liberty to give you an exception to the rules that the community decided upon and that everyone else must follow if they want to retain the freedom to participate in this subverse.

As for banned domains...the problem is easily solved by either archiving the link first and using the archive url (a better practice, anyway), or by adding a few spaces in the hyperlink to break it so that Voat doesn't recognize it. You can find the banned domains list in the sidebar at v/reportspammers so you know in advance which links to break.

thewebofslime ago

Unfortunately, the list for banned domains is very incomplete.

I did include the links, they are just in a picture.

My point was, there are only a few documents, of which are well known and people should not have trouble confirming them.

The pictures are illustrative, but well supported by documents which would be too voluminous to include.

However, the links to understand those pictures are included in the links at the bottom.

If you see any particular piece of evidence that needs additional citations, I can provide that. However, the standard is unclear. A screencap of an Instagram post is sufficient in some cases, but do I need to provide the link to the original post? What if it was deleted, or made private? What if that same Instagram post has been posted 1,000 times in this sub and related subs across multiple platforms? How much sourcing are we talking and for what piece?

I can get very specific and provide a great deal of sources, but we are limited to the 10,000 characters on multiple platforms.

So, I'm happy to address any deficiencies, I just don't know what, exactly is deficient.

Perhaps you can indicate which item needs sources? Not trying to be difficult, I just have no idea how to source a picture like this, if what I have up is not sufficient. Ian Telfer and other board members of Uranium One (while it was Canadian, still) paid directly into the Clinton Foundation and other Clinton NGO's using their own slush fund NGO's. It is incredibly common knowledge, easy to search for, and included in the list of links.

As to a document like Edible Schoolyard, it is on their website, in pdf format, is found by Googling "Edible Schoolyard Tax Returns 2013" and is included in the list of links.

The Upvotes.Club menu, in my opinion, speaks for itself, and it is definitely one of the banned domains, which is why I took the time to screenshot the whole page. Besides the screenshot, the link is included in the list of links.

Additionally, everything in my posts can generally be searched for in, using the search function, because every news article I read is automatically posted with no effort on my part. Additionally, every article is archived, screenshotted and, eventually, grabbed by my websites' database at The text of the articles is also grabbed to automatically populate on the site.

Point being, I am happy to source anything, as I have literally everything I encounter saved, but I face restraints in post sizes, banned domains and I am unclear on the level of sourcing I should be providing for what sources.

For that reason, it would be great if I understood which part of this post was post was not sufficiently sourced.


Vindicator ago

Not trying to be difficult, I just have no idea how to source a picture like this

In a case like this, you'd probably want to do a SearchVoat and find a previous, fully sourced submission you could add as support. We definitely don't want to exclude infographics like this, but they are completely useless as evidence without the explanation and links that back them up. They are eyecandy -- great for grabbing attention, but not great for proving pizzagate is real.

If you see any particular piece of evidence that needs additional citations, I can provide that. However, the standard is unclear. A screencap of an Instagram post is sufficient in some cases, but do I need to provide the link to the original post? What if it was deleted, or made private? What if that same Instagram post has been posted 1,000 times in this sub and related subs across multiple platforms? How much sourcing are we talking and for what piece?

Use logic. The objective is to have each submission able to stand up to scrutiny on its own. This sub is dedicated to as much factual material as possible in order to counter the disinfo pushers' constant reliance on confirmation bias to push narratives.

If an instagram is very well known and privatized/deleted, a screencap is fine in limited instances (if it's the central evidence of the submission, not so much). It's always better to include the link as well, though, to demonstrate to noobs that the account has actually been sanitized.

I get the sense that you are interested in automated posting of material. That probably is not going to work well on v/pizzagate, because we do have a somewhat limited focus, fairly stringent submission rules, and we actively enforce them. We have found this is the only way to cull the disinfo we're constantly inundated with. The best way would be for you to become an active part of the community, contribute material to other folks' research threads as well as submitting your own material, and gain a clear sense of how the rules work. If that is not something you have time for, you can always post unencumbered to v/pizzagatewhatever or any subverse you create yourself. Now that there are multiple QAnon subs as well as v/pizzagate focused on globalist pedovore corruption, researchers do search sitewide. You can always crosspost from your own sub to the comments of other folks' related threads -- we appreciate that a lot here.

think- ago

Suggestion: You might want to continue your OPs in the comment section, if you run out of space.

Crensch ago

Unfortunately, the list for banned domains is very incomplete.

Nobody gives a shit.

I did include the links, they are just in a picture.

Then they're not links. Links are clickable. ADDRESSES can be text-only.

My point was, there are only a few documents, of which are well known and people should not have trouble confirming them.

Then you should have no problem providing links to them.

Stop wasting my mods' time with your laziness.

@Vindicator @argosciv

thewebofslime ago

Why be such a condescending asshole about it? Why call me lazy? I am the least lazy person you interact with. In the middle of all of this, I do GIS mapping and reconnaissance for emergency incidents and I have training and certifications as a soldier, firefighter as well as in search and rescue, beyond my work in IT. You are being childish by calling me lazy.

I have been unfairly targeted, repeatedly, in this sub, with claims that my posts are not "pizzagate related" when they damn well are. If I make a good post... it gets buried with crap using vote manipulation. Maybe 1 in 10 posts actually survive, which is why I almost completely stopped posting here. I include my work here AFTER it has been posted in 20 other places. If I include citations in the comments, the post gets deleted. This has been a double standard for a long time.

Your own stickies are usually not as well sourced as my work.

This is why you have never gotten rid of the idea that you guys are compromised.

All I was asking is which item potentially needs more sourcing because your rules about what is cited and what is not varies greatly.

Asking me to spend four extra hours citing something, when I have a job and a family, is asking too much and now you are just wasting my time AND being a derogatory jerk and there is no cause for that.

I keep everything.

What item actually needs sourcing? Do I need to source something like this?

or this

or this

or this


You see the difference, right?

There is no link for some stuff; like many news articles that I have, but, to me, just the screenshot is good enough.

That is why I am asking WHAT NEEDS CITATIONS?

It seems a lot more prudent to just identify what in my post is questionable, because now you are the one wasting everyone's time. I shouldn't even have to provide all of those links I provided, if I was held to the same standard as a lot of other posts that end up at the top; like blatant misinformation every single day that rises to the top.

So, delete it, or tell me what actually needs a source. Your rules aren't clear and they never have been and your application of the rules have never been consistent.

My work speaks for itself. My data collection speaks for itself. The link to my website confirms all of this information, so does free advertising count as a citation? (I don't actually monetize, in any way.) Maybe you would prefer a more attention whore approach, like David Seaman?

By your standards, if applied equally, everything should be fine by just linking to, which contains the text for all of the relevant articles, that attempts to include 2 archive links to each article and a screenshot.

@kingkongwaswrong [O]

@Crensch [O]

@Vindicator [M]

@srayzie [M]

@ben_matlock [M]

@EricKaliberhall [J]

@heygeorge [D]


I have enough accounts on Voat that I can test when I am being targeted and when I'm not. When MillenialFalcon disappeared, a lot of the downvoting campaigns against me stopped, coincidentally. I had hoped that this was the end of it.

If someone, anyone, just gave me something to work with... like a name or a document, where you find the sourcing is lacking, then I can search it up in a matter of seconds.

Otherwise, you are basically asking me to rewrite the whole thing and holding me to a standard that no one else in this sub is held to.

This post does not have the original link and almost acts as way to PREVENT people from seeing what has been posted , most recently:

This post is not Pizzagate related:

This post has not mentioned how it is related to Pizzagate:

This post has nothing to do with Pizzagate:

This post is barely strung together with "Read More", "Read more":

At least a couple of other posts have blatant disinformation about symbols; which have never resulted in proving anything and that is just on your front page RIGHT NOW.

So, Crensch, do what you have to do. I'll continue to do what I have always done.

Crensch ago

Why be such a condescending asshole about it?

Because I choose to.

Why call me lazy?

Because you are.

I am the least lazy person you interact with.

"I'm not like those other girls."

In the middle of all of this, I do GIS mapping and reconnaissance for emergency incidents and I have training and certifications as a soldier, firefighter as well as in search and rescue, beyond my work in IT. You are being childish by calling me lazy.

Cool story, bro.

I don't believe you, nor would I care. Your behaviour here is intellectually lazy, and I don't give a fuck if you're Superman IRL, you're a retard that can't follow the rules, here.

I have been unfairly targeted, repeatedly, in this sub, with claims that my posts are not "pizzagate related" when they damn well are.

I don't believe you. If this was a submission, you'd need to source that claim with a link.

If I make a good post... it gets buried with crap using vote manipulation.

Prove it.

Maybe 1 in 10 posts actually survive, which is why I almost completely stopped posting here.

It would have been the smart move.

I include my work here AFTER it has been posted in 20 other places.

Maybe you should knock some of those places off of your spam route.

If I include citations in the comments, the post gets deleted. This has been a double standard for a long time.

The rules are pretty simple, so not following them means you're either stupid, or lazy.

Your own stickies are usually not as well sourced as my work.

You know, I think you could quite your day job with that one. Keep it up, comedy really works for you!

This is why you have never gotten rid of the idea that you guys are compromised.

It has nothing to do with the groups wanting to compromise this place trying to consensus crack that narrative into the zeitgeist. No sir. Not possible, or even probable. It's because we enforce the rules!

All I was asking is which item potentially needs more sourcing because your rules about what is cited and what is not varies greatly.

If you were capable of comprehending the text in the sidebar, you wouldn't need to ask anything at all.

Asking me to spend four extra hours citing something,

Boo-fuckin'-hoo, puddin'.

when I have a job and a family,

There was a guy I hired once, as a favor to an acquaintance of mine. The kid had just turned 18 and needed a job. He was slow, and more than a little stupid. Thought he could ride out the clock on me, and get me to pay him more for his work.

One day he showed up very late, and I asked him why he was late. He told me, "I was at my GIRLFRIEND'S house," as if that was some kind of valid excuse.

How embarrassing.

I don't care that your job sucks and your family resents you. I don't care that you come here to shit up the place since everyone else shits all over you IRL

is asking too much

I'm not asking anything. Follow the rules, or get your shit removed.

and now you are just wasting my time AND being a derogatory jerk and there is no cause for that.

Your existence is a waste of everyone's time. I can glean that just from your pathetic, beta, bitch-whining about how we don't bend the rules for such a special snowflake.

I bet your mother coddled you well into your adult years.

I bet your father was never once proud of you, if he even stuck around to watch the trainwreck of your life.

https://webofslime .com/

Nobody gives a fuck about your honeypot website.

I keep everything.

Maybe you should keep reading the fucking sidebar until you understand it.

What item actually needs sourcing? Do I need to source something like this?

Don't care, and I'm not doing your homework for you, loser.

You see the difference, right?

How does it feel to waste your time going down this path of attrition that will only result in you losing?

There is no link for some stuff; like many news articles that I have, but, to me, just the screenshot is good enough.

Nobody cares what you think.

That is why I am asking WHAT NEEDS CITATIONS?

Have you ever heard of the RTFM method?

It stands for:




Manual (or sidebar)

It seems a lot more prudent to just identify what in my post is questionable, because now you are the one wasting everyone's time.

You must realize that you're the one wasting everyone's time, because you keep trying to project that fault onto me.

And again, nobody cares about your opinion, or what you think is prudent.

I shouldn't even have to provide all of those links I provided,

Well, maybe you have some useless links of horseshit that didn't need to be there. Like the entirety of this one. You should probably remove that one, for sure.

if I was held to the same standard as a lot of other posts that end up at the top; like blatant misinformation every single day that rises to the top.

The rules aren't about the veracity of claims, retard. The rules are about formatting to make it reasonably feasible to check the veracity of a submission's claims.

So, delete it, or tell me what actually needs a source.

You don't get to make demands, momma's boy.

Your rules aren't clear and they never have been and your application of the rules have never been consistent.

Your reading comprehension issues are not anyone else's problem.

My work speaks for itself.

It sounds like that squeaky fart just before projectile liquid shit comes out.

My data collection speaks for itself.

I can't hear it over the sound of your inability to read the sidebar.

The link to my website confirms all of this information, so does free advertising count as a citation?

Your website counts as precisely dick. It's nothing more than you making a webpage in order to pretend to have some kind of legitimacy here. I could make a webpage that says you're a pedophile and a liar, then link it here. If we let you link to yourself, then we'd have to allow me to do that very same thing.

But you wouldn't know anything about that, because you have a family that hates you and takes all your sidebar-reading time.

(I don't actually monetize, in any way.)

Nobody cares about you, either way.

Maybe you would prefer a more attention whore approach, like David Seaman?

Did writing this line make you feel like more of a man?

By your standards, if applied equally, everything should be fine by just linking to, which contains the text for all of the relevant articles, that attempts to include 2 archive links to each article and a screenshot.

Sure, because I can then link to and claim you're a pedophile and anti-PG, and the mods would have to allow it. Then I'd make a new article on my TOTALLY AWESOME WEBSITE each day that I'd post... maybe multiple times per day. How would you like that, soyboy?

I have enough accounts on Voat that I can test when I am being targeted and when I'm not.

More of that posing you think makes you sound more masculine, or intimidating, or something? I smell weak all over your words.

When MillenialFalcon disappeared, a lot of the downvoting campaigns against me stopped, coincidentally. I had hoped that this was the end of it.

Nobody gives a shit about you.

If someone, anyone, just gave me something to work with...

like a name or a document, where you find the sourcing is lacking, then I can search it up in a matter of seconds.

Leave it to a spoiled little momma's boy to expect everyone else to do their work for them. How do you even live with yourself?

If I knew tomorrow I'd have to wake up and live life as you, I'd slit my own throat tonight.

Otherwise, you are basically asking me to rewrite the whole thing

Nobody gives a fuck how much effort you put into anything. Nobody.

and holding me to a standard that no one else in this sub is held to.

Lying comes naturally to those raised in single-mother households.

So, Crensch, do what you have to do. I'll continue to do what I have always done.

Waste everyone's time? Yeah, if your dad was worth anything at all, he left you and your useless mother in the dust long ago. How were those child support checks?

@Vindicator @srayzie @shizy @Empress @MadWorld

Vindicator ago

In case you genuinely want to better understand our expectations, WoS, I am going to take the time to respond to the rest of this comment.

This post does not have the original link and almost acts as way to PREVENT people from seeing what has been posted , most recently:

Wrong. The post has the archive link, which contains the original link. Archive links are as good if not better than the original, as I said in my first reply to you.

This post is not Pizzagate related:

Wrong. We have had numerous submissions over the past six months investigating the tranny push as an element of globalist attempts to increase the supply of kids for sex. If children have the right to choose whatever sex they want to be, don't they logically have the right to choose to have sex with whoever they want?

If you spent any time reading our subverse, you'd know this has been a hot topic of conversation here for a while now.

This post has not mentioned how it is related to Pizzagate:

Do you actually need this explained? This IS pg:

The facilitation of Raniere’s sexual relationships with two underage victims: i.e., a 15-year-old girl who was employed by Nancy Salzman and who, ten years later, became one of Raniere’s first-line “slaves” in DOS – and a child whose sexual relationship with Raniere was known to, and facilitated by, members of the Racketeering Enterprise


This post has nothing to do with Pizzagate:

Wrong. Any news about pedophile priests is 100% pizzagate, "the sexual abuse of kids by the global elite" per the definition in the sidebar.

This post is barely strung together with "Read More", "Read more":

Did you actually read any of it? The guy started grilling Sheer about pizzagate and the Clinton Foundation at a town hall meeting:

“The Clinton Foundation is part of child trafficking and child sacrifice if you study it. It is in the Pizzagate,” the town hall attendee said to applause from the crowd. “How do we get that money back?”

Given these completely false claims you've made, I am coming to the conclusion you really aren't serious about helping this investigation. Are you really here to shit-stir and try to push the "Muh...Voat is compromised. Mods are censors!" BS?

argosciv ago

Lol'd at the implication that NXIVM isn't pizzagate related.

Vindicator ago

You see the difference, right?

There is no link for some stuff; like many news articles that I have, but, to me, just the screenshot is good enough.

That is why I am asking WHAT NEEDS CITATIONS?

The only one of those links I would say doesn't require a link is the Stormy Daniels one. All the rest are not well enough known. That's how we avoid fake news like Millenium Report, NeonNettle, YourNewsWire and Veterans Today. I've seen the post screenshots of fake Wikileaks emails which never existed, for example. Or post on a well known story without links, but add tidbits of too-good-to-be-true bullshit so conservatives will share it and look like idiots. Do you want us to be that way?

Our users adamantly voted against allowing that. Sorry, man.

Thank you for your military and first responder service, WoS. That is far more valuable than anything you'll ever post here.

As I said before, spend some time collaborating with others here, and you will quickly get a feel for what folks expect.

think- ago


There is no link for some stuff; like many news articles that I have, but, to me, just the screenshot is good enough.

What item actually needs sourcing? Do I need to source something like this?

Yes. You need to source everything. It's really simple. The rules are simple, really.

I'll continue to do what I have always done.

You know - as everyone who has interacted with me over an extended period of time will confirm, I'm rather stubborn. That's why I often like other people who also have this trait.

But I can tell you that this approach here in this context will lead to nowhere - if you continue to do your posts the way you're doing them, they will continue to get flaired. It's pointless.

It's also pointless to whine about the way you feel you get treated by the mods (after Millenial_Falcon left).

Some time ago, you complained that the mods tried to suppress info about the Edible Schoolyard project by deleting your posts about the topic.

It turned out that you ever only submitted one post about this topic that later got deleted, because you didn't edit it.

You didn't even bother to correct your allegation in your OP, although I asked you to present evidence for it, and you couldn't prove that there were several posts that got deleted.

My point is: Instead of just doing your homework, you go around and complain about the mods, when the only issue is that you don't feel like adhering to the rules.

It's a blatant lie that no one else is 'held to the same standards' as you are.

So please, please, for the sake of this investigation, ditch your stubborness and your self-pity, and just do what everybody else needs to do here: provide adequate sources. It's not that difficult. Really.

think- ago

If I include citations in the comments, the post gets deleted. This has been a double standard for a long time.

Yes. You'd need to include the citations in the OP. If you run out of space, you can continue your OP text in the comment section, but the sources need to be in the OP, not seperately in the comments.

Crensch ago


I think he fucked up here, but I'm not positive. I'm too busy to fully analyze this, but admitting to having that many alts seems pretty suspicious.

Vindicator ago

Yes, it's not good. Also concerning is the laundry list of submissions supposedly in violation of the submission rules that aren't actually in violation of the submission rules. I addressed them individually.

Crensch ago

The veracity of the claims has nothing to do with the rules, fuckbag.

Follow the submitting rules, or get your shit removed. Do it too much and get banned. I don't give a shit.

argosciv ago

Emphasis in quote my own.

Point being, I am happy to source anything, as I have literally everything I encounter saved, but I face restraints in post sizes, banned domains and I am unclear on the level of sourcing I should be providing for what sources.

Your main post is currently less than half the max characters for a post.

Max = 10,000 characters, Your post = 4,977 characters.

You have plenty of room to include your sources as clickable links so as to satisfy @Vindicator's request.

Given that you appear to be quite resourceful, it would be in yours and everyone else's best interest to acquiesce. It will assist readers and prevent the need for your post to be removed per the subverse rules.

Even if you have to break a few links because they're blocked, it still helps readers just that little bit, rather than making them type out the links entirely from a screenshot.

Vindicator is trying to help you make sure your post is something which can stay up.

auralsects ago

what are u new here? U realize youre talking to a guy who thinks Mueller is working for Trump and that theres no Russian collusion? like do u even trust the plan fgt?